A aC » Try the Home P rint Shop Ftrat TWKNTY-SKVKNTH YKAK. THE SPRINGFIELD NEWS HPKINOHKbD. L a NE COUNTY. OREGON Work /« SCHOOL FINANCES S A ta irport rted Thie Week IMPROVE IH (EAR B laze Consumes New G ravel P lant Expenditure of Flying Field Funds for Development of Gains Made in All Departments Municipal Port Started. Over Previoua Years Al­ The expenditure of the airport though Receipts Less Due to fund* recently voted by the taxpayer* Non-Payment of Taxes; New of thia city Wit* started thl* week Wood Bids Called. with the construction of another Marked financial have been ¡ X . V ayatcnt during the peat year, ac aaaollno compnny rcpreaentatlve I* coming to the local airport on Mon lr.' at prepared by W illia m <2. Hughe*, day to make finni plans for the ata- tlon work, and II Is expected to be retiring clerk, which w a i given Io Mtartrd noon. ro -d lu s Io the annual financial atale- tbe mem ber* of the board at tho m onthly meeting hold Monday night It coal 344.693 66 to operate the M boola in th l* city during the past nine m onth* T h l* doe* not tnko Into (onalderntlon the bonded Indebted noea of the district other than the paym ent of Interest on said bond*. T he operating expraaea for the year ending June 30. 1930. are lower than they have been for eith er of the two preceding year*. T he expenditure* More tile was being placed In the 1 low spot on the field to assure good ¡ drainage thia winter and plana are , being made now for the moving of ( the preaetit building* at the port back against the road. The large yellow corner markers have been completed and have been An orgy of thievery and burglary which began Sunday night with th« cracking of the »feel safe In the Rodenbough garage waa still exist- The new plant had been almost completed and 't had been expected President Hoover is no tquirrtf to start filling the bunkers this but he ran climb This unusual snay week The plant consisted of eight shot shows him inspecting tha for bunkers, a rock crusher, and all other ward son turret of the cruiser Sal Lake titty in Hampton Road*. necessary machinery for a modern plant Much of the machinery was melted and warped out of shape by Ihe flames which seemed to start on the floor of one of the bunker* and then crawled up the aides, eating their way through the twelve Inch ' floor and the tlx Inch walls. Ing in thia city yeaterday morning when L. K. Page lost approximately 350 from his pocket* while he was sleeping. C raig M em orial To Be D edicated placed on the rorners of the field A large number of barrel* palmed yellow have been set between the marker* on each end of the field and R- W. Sawyer to Deliver Princi­ Cause of F ir* Unknown for the year ending June 30. 1930, i I” or'’ w«1' be placed along the aides pal Address at Gathering in It la still a mystery how the fire were f4K.ll.3ts and for the year end-I Lerge road machine* have been se- could have started only twenty mln- teg June Sd, 1928. were 346.930 34 cured from the county and work of Cascades on Sunday. Budget Surplua Shown | ‘4’T* " nB M d Brad,n< “ >• «*'<• * ' • ' ufea after the carpentSra had left the Judge Robert W Sawyer, of Bend. and « »«ry taw minute* atart next week A surplua waa ahnwn on the report •“ be the prladpal speaker at the mor*' wake a blaxlng mas* out of the The two planet owned by the fly- for the year over the amount which dedication of the Craig memorial ,ar®* awount of very green lumber had been budgeted. The turn of ln< school were k*pt at Florence from Thursday until Monday noon. Pas n mr the summit of the McKenzie j u,ed ln «he construction. f 44.800 OS waa budgeted for the year ■engar business waa good there, aaya 7 * * , ° n RuBda,r aftarnoon. whe0 mall The loaa la estimated to be In the and only 144.693 64 waa actually ex­ bee Inman, manager of the school ,7 u T ,r l'’u" par«a of «he ' »•«’•»Ity of 312.000 and was aot cover pended. leaving an unelpended bal­ Plana for the air lour scheduled to " * T <* ' h’‘r «» dedicate a ed by Inatrraace. ance amounting to Sfl.*06.34. The bring fifty airplane* of the latest , " 7 . 7 . , P,* red ‘n « " • » « » of j “We did not even have •Bly Item* which ahowetl a greater expenditure than the budgeted ap L X a t w »XX ^ L X e T " ' " « * « «— Ine mat, 7 L . 7 1 on » " declared K R. p ro b a tio n waa ..U rle a . text hooka. ' « •« < — 4 •« a * ’7™ ‘X T ’L T * " miscellaneous In connection with In “ 7 " ° n* ° f ,h" ‘•mrcoke. P a, n t N atom i R ä t« Poetan of her No dues have been discovered aa yet concerning the bold yeggs who blew off the door of the safe In the Rodenbough garage at 8:35 Sunday mornlng. nslng two charges of ex- plosives after the first one had failed to open the door. The only things the officers have to work on la that the tool* used la the safe cracking jab. which netted the robber* 330 in ewr- rency and about 370 |„ checks, were taken from the tool box helnngteg so the 8onthem Pacific railroad, ft la supposed that the burglar* with gloves, as no signs of finger­ prints conld be found by either the sheriff or his deputy, who Investigat­ ed the safe Job a few minute* after It had occurred. Automobile la Stolon One Interesting thing In connection with the safe cracking la that the '» ^ rp o ra to r. of . ® ,h* ,lrp o rt « •» » !« « •« tu communication r™>.„. . * l’eau a r , the Inter-City Sand and Oravel com- communication route* were estab- be held aoon. pany. "Gravel bunkers are not con- atrurtlon. and building and repair* llahed These Item* totaled to >731.18. The I w - a i w i e I o n e ------------ Th. , aldered a very great fire hatard even exercise, at the summit are — after — they have a been built, >e< let aione alone saving* In the other Itema of expen M c ,' E N Z I t U N IQ U E R O A D h The . rgrg-n mini, L I V I NEW SPA FgR IN A LIVS TOW N Rodenbough Garage Safe is Blasted; Automobile Stolen From Garage; Hiway Stand« Looted; Hotel Man’s Clothes Rifled Wednesday Morning. One of the moat stubborn fire* In thia vicinity and perhapa the hardeat to handle entirely destroyed the new bunker*, aome of the machinery and all of the electric wiring and swlichea for the recently organized Inter-City Hand and Oravel company, about three-quarter* of a mile west of thl* city on Saturday evening at 6:00 o’clock. iT I A ACTIVE D H A M S L WEEK Perfect Éotdwr, Inter-City Plant is Deatroyed by Firs of Unknown Origin Early Saturday Evening niffiiway io ihe field for (he nervfre wade In the Springfield public school service elation to l»c constructed A “The Feeptae Paper” FOUR GENERATIONS OF MRS K I N f t ’S R i u i i v W,,H’ Kn|sht automobile belougteg *° **r' ,n d M r* ’ Erne«t Meyera. of California, who bad been vl.iU ng at MRS. KING S FAMILY HOLD LARGE REUNION the h°«»« of Mr. and Mrs w . H. --------- Adrian, waa stolen from the Adrian’« ° f ' h* * " before they had been completed when Four generation* of descendants of private garage some time on Sunday a rd created the unexpended “ “ C,a,'°» ,h* " •'«""«« wet. ’ Mrs Susan King, of Springfield, to- night. It was not missed until lfon- Thia or- Naw Firm Incorporated The warranted Indebtednaaa la now gether with their tam ille*. gathered day afternoon when they went tar --------- , Fanlzatlon authorised the purchase of The incorporators of the new firm nt Yachats Saturday, July fth . for the »heir car. The automobile was re- f 2,411*0 W arranta totaling 141K KO ’ The M cKansle highw ay I* the »he marker and the placing ot _ '« are Mr. Chase. Sig Moe. and Clarence but not presented i * * 1 un«doe highway In America" de «ha highway during th* convention first reunion of the family lu 27 year* covered near Lebanon later that . h aw been called . . w .'i™ -r*. u k_ tar payment, th u . leaving the actual ¡dared M r*. W. L. Lawton, field agent ’ hlch waa held In Eugene l.a t vear I , ’ " They have already started when all of the children were pre- evening after It had been abandoned, warrant Indebtedness ff.M7.40. The for the American Nature association, association ! Th «caring down the charred remain* of sent Several people repreeenXIug I Although It I . possible that tha merlcan Nature warranted Indebtednaaa amounted the road amounted to to I | who who completed completed Inspection Inspection of of the road even event f l* >e i • rr* . n«®d a .v * ”■ »he ” »• original plant and have announc- each generation attended the outing, safe crackers trtole the automobileMt ed that they will begin work at once 111 A H 01 on July 1. l i f t . Of th l. R.tnrday under the direction of th e u w a Those present were Mrs. Susan does not coincide with the fact that Only the King, --------- - earn >2 481 11 had been called on war- state committee for the protection „1 H lg h w .y .-M o d e rn and H I. ■ rebuilding the bunker*. - Bert - - - Hodson. - - Lu«n Anderson — - Springfield; found the tracks of presented, road aide beauty. Nowhere else, so ' X E ^ rlv ’ naT1* 8, * “ “4drem. foundation , nd the holding the , Springfield; Mr rant* but k*d not been and Mr*. Frank «he car and ascertained that the arrants fa r a . , h . h e . . . . m » ... ______ "" & ,rly ’ "«creoorae between bunkers can be used again. It thu* leaving outstanding w warrants far aa she knew, said Mrs. Lawton. , Esstern . „u. . . . — . . will j Hodson, Portland; Mr. and M r*. P. machine had gone south across the and Western Oregon. by «.ke about „ days to complete totaling fk.MZ 6* the , O. Fleming. Portland; Mr. and M m bridge. Tracks left oTThe X m e ^ can you find the long stretch of lava Frank Jenkins, Eugene; a short talk work W a rra n t Indabtadnaa* Reduced and the many snow clad mountain .Cal Barnes and daughter. Bernice. Indicated the kind of tires on the on Service, by D. E. Yoran, poatmas J u *t W arrant* laaued during the year peaks In crossing a great divide. hat effect the burning of the Springfield; Mr. and Mrs. A d rU - an’ ornobHe and the approximate wear c e L c r . i 7 r 'p7r.o,n a'rll‘K n“wtad7elno’f h ^ th ls ^ v M *« ? 7" ' he h” hway »«rk Thomas and sons. Elton and Eugene, which each had ^-eTvTd.’ amounted to 340,046 28, Warrants Oregon has many beautiful high called for payment during the year ways, and In general the roadsides . C’n’ ' ’r h* * n,’, b‘‘en deter- Yachata; Mr. and Mrs. Loys Thorns* O a l< , by Carey Thompson. Safe Crackers Seen 'mined. amounted to >49.452 A*, mus thus riMiuc redite u ,u cleaner thaD In moat atates, she I » -------- The gravel company had | and daughter, Shirley. Bend; Mr. and Three n co n le h , . r d A ’ , , tng the outstanding Indebtedness by I pointed out. However. she finds Th* «narker will be unvleled by hul1« «he new Ptant because they had Mrs. Robert Martin, Portland; Miss which m ined th * explosion 2* 406 41 The outstanding Indebted «"any objectionable bill boards on M r" O eorK* N. McLean, a pioneer ron«r»cts *o furnish more gravel than Aletha Hodson. Portland; Mr. and and Mrs H M * araR'> safe Mr. d It are took care of these SAYS LANDSCAPE EXPERT nual . 7 * P" rt balance.; ARTEC M p I t A , of iu T .I ,, r 7 " ' ’ . A F T E R MOUNTAIN TRIP ° r Rural *■*«««• Carrier*. deficit*. i wom"n- who ncss for the prev‘ous year whs re | curves and near railroad crossings will also read a poem ! ,h" ’r wer«* Able to supply from the Mrs. M. M. Hodson. Bend and Ralph the first hl*«t »7!t 7 * 7 “ Wakened by dured by fR.834 70, according to the where the attention of the motorist w rl««*tt especially for the occasion. P'*nt at Springfield. ¡Thomas. Portland °oked from their E ir e e n iia ' nouse next to the A street service report. should be solely on the road Bill Fire calls were answered by trucks “ •fro m both ‘ ■•»” 1 The ,our Fenerations were repre- »tation without being able to discern The revenue* for the year amount­ hoards, she aaid. were everyw here LODGE INSTALLATION IS sented Mrs. King uvi and her daugh’ until uiini after the second ' ’FH i f _____ngf eld and Eugene, ---------- < by — —w ------ uaunu r i — — er anything *sR ed to 351,308.38 aa compared with Increasing a* the traffic Increases, HELD ON MONDAY NIG HT; *7 E,,Bene ,ruck mlre<* ln the sand Mrs. Fleming; Mrs. Adrian Thomas charjre had been set off. They then and the budget sum of 361.000.00 The and are hacoming n real menace to --------- a not used in fighting the fire, and her son. Elton. saw two men run down the street revenue Inst year was 353.860 82 The •, f * driving, beside* being In moat Officers for both the Rebekah and " " kh J° " ,f an<’ •"«•»«»nta were sue- | Mrs. Fleming. Mrs. Cal Barnes, and and '"«<> a waiting automobile I Odd EVIIow* lodge* were Installed rl7ei "and » 7 7 7 " ’,°" e *° ,be ; a * rt and Prank Hodson are all child- M d dr,Te awaT Prcd Frese. who wag difference between the two Incomes I oa"M unsightly. Mr*, lotwtnn and Mr*. Jen*le at a Joint Installation program held Is explained by the board member* P mplng water from that ren of Mrs. King. making bread In the bakery In the *s being due to the fact that the tax Honeyman, chairman of the state I Monday evening In the lodge hall. aource. Mrs. M artin and Althea Hodson hui,din< heard both explosion«, receipts have been lest thia year i cotnmlttee of the Oregon Garden l Oeorge Findley waa Installed as the are twin daughters of Bert Hodson hut the nols* of the «o'xlng machine than previously, dun to many people 1 club* on rend*lde beauty, were In noble grand of the Odd Fellow*. STEALING FISH IN PONDS and grandchildren of Mrs. King. preren«e<1 him from hearing much of not paying (axes when they were Springfield Tuesday and met with a Their other officer* were Lee N. LATEST ACTIVITY HERE ¡o th e r' grandchildren are Adrian. *h* flr"t «H o e io n . The second on* committee of the (Jon* club. They due This money Is expected to be Putnam, vice grand; Karl Girard, Loya, and Ralph Thomas, and Ber T**7 ctear’ and ’ onn'«w« like • paid Into the district at a later date also Inspected the ntrlp of McKenale treasurer, and Oswald Olson, secret- 9nm» people in this vicinity get gasoline explosion, he stated. Several nice Barnes. highway east of the city where It I* and thus Increase the financial condi­ ary. The latter two office* are filled more enjoyment out of dipping fancy others heard the automobile drive There were three great proposed to fllnnt tree* along the once a year and carried over. Hanry fish out of a private pond with a net tion of the dlatrlcL RTa«>d away after the explosion. road. Aaalatanre on thl* project waa 8. McKIbbon. Coburg, district deputy than they do of catching them law­ children present They were Elton Cash Balance Explained How the thieves gained entrance promised by them. grand master, waa the Installing fully In the river, think* Mr*. Clara and Eugene Thoms* and Shirley The cash account* ahow a -balance , to the building la not known. The Thomas. Mrs. <«,» laiwtnn Ne |W ^ ork officer. nl 8483.33 for the year aa compared h*'. i* Ô from *7 Fawver, who has had aix of her side door left open by the thlevee with 32.598 68 a y .a r ago The dlf ' r,,C,““ ’y b" n prlae fish taken from the pond In Officers for the Rebekah lodge In­ (had been heavily bolted from the In- over 0000 miles of highway In Cali­ her yard at Second and F streets MAN’S LEG IS BROKEN fersnee Ilea In the fact that the bal­ "Me. It la believed that the burglars fornia and Isavss In a few days for stalled at the meeting were Amy within the past six weeks. ance on July 1, 1838, amounted to al- IN HIGHWAY ACCIDENT either were In the building at tha Love, noble graM I; Nellie Pyne, vice Washington to make a survey of The first and moat valued of her moat 38.000 more than It did on July grand; Mrs. Geneveve Louk, record , _ . . ««’" * '« wa" closed for the night or roadside* In that state. B. C. Gay of Goshen, la In the else they had a key for the fie a t fish waa taken about six weeks ago. I. 1880. Interest on warrants laaued ng secretary, and Alice Lorah, trea­ They have been disappearing since Pacific Christian hospital but not paid for lack of funds were with a door. surer. Mrs. Clarlne Putnam w ill hold $*#0 58 this year a* compared with LIBRARY WILL BE CLOSED Unaxplalnabla her office as financial secretary for that time until now there are only broken leg as a result of a collision ten of the original fish left In th* of an automobile driven by Robert ON MONDAYS DURING 31.583.11 for tha previous year. another term. Mr. Page la unable to account for pond. Loomis with the road sweeper which his loss. *He declared t h a T t e aroM TWO QUIETEST MONTHS Ceunty Treasurer hat Surplua Mrs. Fawver la convinced that i u e a d . y ^ ^ n g ' 6a", he C‘ty ° D “ 6 00 ° 'C,OCk ,0 ’ * " * a aad UNION SERVICES TO BE • Receipts In th* hand* of the county The city library will be closed on some people have taken the fish as *' ! then went back to bed. When ha treasurer for the Interest and sink­ Mondays during the months of July AT METHODIST CHURCH she ha* returned to her home on Mr. Loomis, who Is visiting in thia dressed he found that both of tha ing fund amounted to 33.600.60 aa several occasion* to see an automo­ city from California, says that he pocket books which he carries had and August, It was announced this compared wltji 83.838 54 last year. Union church services next Sun­ bile drive away from her place about ran Into the sweeper without seeing been rifled. A tall slender man waa wesk. It w ill remain open afternoons Bond Interest thl* year amounted to and evenings on Wednesday and Sat­ day will he held at the Methodist half a block ahead of her. It. The Impact threw the seat of the seen to leave the hotel shortly after 38.796.80, and a surplus carried over urday. The Uioalug of the library one church, with Rev. Veltle Pruitt occu­ sweeper forward over Mr. Gay’s leg. 3:00 o’clock. from last year leaves a cash balance day each week during the quiet sum­ pying the pulpit. He w ill also fill the TWO SAILORS SPENDING *h 7 X ”K m L° ° “ ? ,ppeared at thB tlnkwown persons entered tha of 3303 26 now In the hands of the mer months has been followed for pulpit at the Christian church the t T l,“ ? 7 ° Ut M BC‘ t,at,er raa,Cb# ’««"“«> locatad h * FURLOUGHS IN CITY county treasurer. following Sunday evening. several years. voteeS i X tataeH th .a“ "“ 6’ •tWPe” EUkenP 8nd Sprl" * f lp' d *» S»«»’ F. B. Flanery and Clayton B arter Rev. Ralph MulhoJIantl will take Two tailors assigned to duty on X no i n ‘ he accident over, day evening and took several c a rto u ware sworn In as director and clerk Hoarding Worthless Treasure as the the U. S. 8. Nevada arrived In Spring- but no announcement has teen made of cigarettes and other Items. N. O. W. ENTERTAINS FOR respectively at the meeting Monday theme for hla sermon Sunday morn­ Held during the past week end and X X S‘ r “ eD “ the Sh erlfr8 ThS d rlnk "tand ,n tb * NEIGHBORING CIRCLES ing at the Baptist church. evening, and It was announced that are spending their furloughs with re­ . same neighborhood was also looted an future meetings of the board will The regular quarterly business latives. They are Lewis Shipley, who Inv The members of Pin,, Circle num­ .aU‘T Obl,e ” "°W “ few dRy" and M**w»rka and be held at the office of Dr. W. H. ber 4fl of the Neighbors of Woodcraft meeting of the Baptist congregation •» on a ten day leave, and Verne Ing repaired at a local garage. The ¡other things were taken Pollard, senior member on the board Berber, son of Mr. and Mrs. H. B. radiator and both fender* on It were 1 ____________ entertained Inst night for the mem I* to be held this evening. and new chairman of the group. Berber, who has a 16 day vacation broken as well as other damage hers of the circle* at Coburg and D O C BITES CHILD’S LIP Several young people from Rev. New Wood Bide to ba Called W altervllle with a program and a Mnlholland’s church are planning to Lewis Is visiting with h l* grand It was also decided to call for new chicken supper. WHILE PLAYING IN YARD Fo to McMinnville Saturday evening « „ 7 wUI “re, r V ” - ? C’ B»rker’ BARBER TRADES FARM bids for 100 cords of slab wood for attend th« w „ , u w ru . 18 " w,lt rpJoln his ship at Belllng- tho aohnot. T H a Following the regular business to to attend the World Wide Guild ’ FOR NEHALEM PROPERTY The five year old son of Mr. and ‘ 7 *7 '" ’ " ProFram consisting of House party to be held there Saturday ham. Gerber will meet hfx ship at teen delivered by a local doaler, , Mre. Cufsforth, of Sacramento, CaB- Port Angeles on July 20. talks by the Guardian Neighbors of evening and Sunday. A deal was completed this week fonila, who are visiting nt the home but who refused to accept th* deci- the throe group«, two vocal duet* by whereby A. A. Andereon trades his of her »later. Mrs. / . D. Horton, m alon of the board. They have there Safety Council Masts the Maaes Edna nnd Elizabeth Paris, 7 7 7 P7 Pt r7 ,M ° <” hen t0 J ®- bitten on the Up Satnrday morning City Council Meet* Monday fore decided to call for new bids. The regular monthly meeting of and n one-act playlet. Thu Reader, Ciuett. of Nehalem, for a confection- j while playing with a dog In the The matter of adding new class the Safety Council tor the southern which was presented by the local ery and service station at that city, ¡ton yard. The dog left a ted cut The regular meeting of the city room* at the Lincoln and Brattaln drill team. division of the Mountain States . 7 ’° ’° ld hls ba»‘be»‘ hnetness R was necessary to hare a local council is to be held next Monday. schools to care for the Increased en­ Ona hundred people attended the No special huslnes* Is expected to power company waa bald at tha In this city to Wayne Clover, who has 1 slclan clean ths wound and drnaa 1L rollment woe dlacu-.eed, but no offi­ power plant Monday evening. A dis­ been working tar him tor noma time. Tha dog la believed to have chicken supper which was served in ( be brought before the body, accord­ c ia l action waa taken. cussion of recant accident« occupied Mr. and Mr*. Andereon th * dining room after the program. ing to Mayor Tyaon. to at the boy aoeMentally while the evening. move to Mehalen vera piarla« alona hi thn Ä