1 Commercial State Bank of Springfield Mote Mechanical Energy in Use Per Worker Than in Factories By C A L B 8 JO HNSO N L et as (huik tor a m inute ot farm - teg in teems of power. Anim at pow er aa well aa mechanical power F arm ia a without power is almoat la- e»;ncel»ahte to the Am erican tnlnJ Yet to Ita ly today there ia only ono n o n e to every five farm workers. A t the b e g ia n a g of the W orld war. w h -o the e re of anim al» on Am erican farm s was at t u peak, we had more than two horses for every man employed In farm labor, U rea t B ritain had less than one horse per'm an. Germ any one horse for earn two farm hands. Prance one hs-xe to three laborers. Power on the farm then, is n othin * new in A m e ric a It ia the secret of Lupe Velex and John Holland in a scene from "H e ll Harbor" cor greelan farm prosperity. And In which cornea Sunday to the Fox McDonald tutrodudag mechanical power on the farm wa are s till leading Europe and torlng out to th eir Jobs every morn­ HELL HARBOR" AT ing. the rest of the w or’d In the form of tractors and other M c D o n ald S a t u r d a y ------ Beyond doubt there w ill be a good power driven a . chinery we had more deal more of that kind of farm ing in T h a t gay lusty madcap of a Mexican two h w te p e w e r per w orker on the future than there la now. and there the farms in 180«, th irty years ago. U In ea ite a bit of it now. Bat It w ill be g irl, Lope Velex, comes to tha Fox m anufacturing industry leas power confined to a few specially favored M cDonald on Sunday for three days, in u se per w orker th an on the areas and a few staple crops. And It w ith Jean Hersholt and John H o l­ farm. w ill come very far from satisfying the land in "H e ll Harbor." the U nited The seme proportion obtained ,’ jw n vast m a jo rity of those who aow live Artists-Insplration conception of what to 192S I t is only ia the past five on th eir farm s, to whom farm ing it is like for a young g irl to match years that w orkers ia industry have ia something more than a means of her w its with s m ercenary fath er and had more mechaateal power per man livelihood, but rather, aa President an avaricious trader. a t th e ir Ciupoeal than workers on the Hoover phrased it, a mode of living, T he story brings one back to those farts.. Now ‘.he average w orker In Ic which appeals to them more strongly glamorous days when pirates re a lly dnstry neee shoot five horeepower than any other mode of living. had cutlasses and black-eyes It winds w hile the average farm w orker has at rlliin g >« ly Perhaps fte r , all. its way ------ « B. the Vwew greatest V«xw rwitswr, value, «11CI a Mil. " th -----------« «•> through m SOI IUB a series h ’« command r ely slightly lean his of her man and the moon shin­ Aad the greatest increase In the use the fa rm e rs fam ily as well as for the ing down upon them. o f power. If the present tendency It a fa rm e r him self, than life on the farm Acted to Ihe h ilt by the cast which fa ir Indication, w ill be on the fare*. used to be. Includes, besides Miss Velex. Jean T he horses and mule« are being re­ H e tsh o lt nnd John H olland, also Gib­ placed by engines much more power MANY INTERESTING son G o u la rd . H a rry A llen. A1 St. fn l t»nn the enim als are. John. Paul Burns and George Book PLACES ARE VISITED A ll of that means th a t the farm out­ A tta . put per person employed in farm work ON VACATION TRIP is etead’ ly glow ing larger. F ew e - I. M. Peterson, city recorder, re­ COUSINS HAVE FIRST men are needed to produce and trans- p ert to m arket the same amount of turned to Springfield Monday evening MEETING ON SATURDAY foodstuffs or o th er agricultural cum follow ing a ten-day vacation which mod ¡ties. was spent in southern Oregon and A fte r having lived In adjoining Mrs. Peterson and her states for several years and now llv This ¡«create in farm productivity C alifo rn ia ha» been going Cn for a hundred years P *’-ents. M r. and M rs. A. Bendler of ing In the same state. Mrs. Fred In 1830 it tco k the labor of three- Hillsboro, and her sister. Eleanor, all Frese met two of her cousins for the q u a iver■ 11 io« people pcvpic of u* the me U un> quarters o f the n t‘ e-1 State« to grow the commodities neces eary to feed and clothe themselves a n ] the rest c f the population. By 1900. through the f.dnltlon to the farm equip ° w om P®nied M r. Peterson, | stoW * d Medford on t - e return trip and " ,l1 «Pend a few days there w ith her brotber before returning to th eir home«. first tim e last Saturday. T hey were M rs. Ralph Davis and 8ol Baumann, both of Salem T hey form erly lived In North Dakota a t the tim e Mr«. Frese lived ,n South Dakota an(J haye m e n t oi more horses and of m ethani- < M any Interesting places were visit- cal power d riven Implements, w e na-1 ed on the trip, according to M r. Pe- -cached a e la te of efficiency which re terson. They firs t drove to M edford quired the w i t of not more thgn 7 j j r and C rater Lake. L a te r tney w ent to te n ic I of (he » h o le population to feed the Sacramento valley where they vis- and clothe us a ll. J bed with relatives. The weather was cently moved to Salem where they ex- pect to make th eir homes. Mrs Davis and M r. Baumann returned to Salem on Sunday a fte r having spent the week-end here They were taken out to the fish T l.ia rear'« census is not complete, ' very warm there. racks near Hendricks bridge on Sun- fcn - sea-, <■-rtaln that It w ill s h e w . From here they visited the Yosem- day and saw many large salmo„ lean that not more than a q uarter of the | Ite national park and Yosemite falls. Ing over the gates entire population of the United States A short visit was made at the home of i is actual1- t „paged in farm w ork; aad M r. Peterson s sister. Mrs _ BARBARA BARNELL GIVES the conlinii n r increase in power Ford, at H „l.i« te r. California, equipm* nt may. and probably w ill, re­ San Francisco and a day was spent ■ - INTERESTING RECITAL duce this proportion to 15 per cent in vis itin g the Golden Gate park. the couise of another ten years. T h a t „ ,uaue r [Qe A capacity crowd filled the audltor- T he -------------w. return trip was ,tre made over the is w hat the statistical experts figure— Redwood highway as fa r as Crescent ,um at ,he M tM o rr»n and Washburne e s shall n a il reach r e a c n such su cn » th a t (v v e e n iu lu a a u ll) y w we a 'C i t y and back through G rants Past g,ore *n Fiigene Saturday night to Stage of agricultural efficiency that where they saw the Oregon Caves h<>ar the publ,c Pf»no recital of Mlsa only 15 per c -n t of the people w ill b e T he Redwood highway was In fine Barbara Barns», daughter of Mr. and required fo grow all of the crop« and | shape in Oregon, according M to J ¡nr. M r. /'e- Pe- MrS' W K - --------- Barne11- only " --------- -'.vviumj • who is V...; livpf- Inch th p s u a n tire til-»* 100 c r f cent p n t terson. te r non. T Th«a omlur construction work y year" e a r s o oW ld Hhp Played nlnvmrl a a in i live» tick '«-k v which the 100 n per h e only Sb« total of 18 o f the people consume. on that section of the highway |g be-1 ■elections, which were arranged In T~e p n u eo t volume of power in use Ing done In California. E lectric lights f ’ T* d ,ff*re n t groups, entirely from j on th» farm s of Am erica ia estim ated h are not been installed in the caves m em ory- Miss Barnell has been tak-1 e t 60 000.800 horsepower. This Is dl- vldec ameng nearly 25.000.000 separate units, of which horses and mules still -------- ----------------------------------- ---- ------ comprise the larger proportion But In addition to some 18.008,00« work anim ,1a there are in use 853.000 farm tractors. 697.300 trucks— the farm Job is in very large part a transportation Job— 2.500,000 atatfonary gas engines 1.000 000 windm ills, .'¡00,000 individual e le c trc plants and 500.000 central sta­ tion electric installations. These fig­ ures do not include nearly 5,000.000 passenger automobiles which are owned by farm ers, as they are not pri­ m arily production machines. T h e re w ill always be plenty o f work fo r human beings to do In farming. F e w machines run themselves; few of the kind th a t can run themselves can do the varied things which must he doen on the farm . So In machine tend­ ing alone there w ill alw ays be the need of human labor, though not so much In proportion to the w ork done as la needed to tak e care of the horses and mules which m echanical electric power Is displacing. T h ere w ill always be farm s on which horses or mules w ll do most of the w ork, farm s where pow er from other sources cannot be used economically. It does not follow, however, that swan small farms cannot bs largely op­ erated more efficiently by tho aid of mechanical power. There Is a great deal of talk about the “farm of the fu­ ture" as a great area operated like a factory, with workers employed by the operating corporation on an eight hoar day schedule, living In town and mo- R E P O R T OF C O N D IT IO N OF T H I The latest I'o tiv n an d -K e lly picture w ill be seen at the kVa McDonald for the 4(b and &th of July, w ith more laughs than tlthrs are Scotch Jokes. • I Springfield. County of laine. State of Oregon, at tbs elee« of business “The Cohens and Kellys In Scot­ June 30th. 1830 land" Is the fourln and funniest of U n iversal’s hilarious series Involving R IS O U R C IS the advenlures of the two beet-loved l-oane and discounts IIS A .888 01 O verdrafts 101 80 and laughed-at film land fstnllles, Bonds, securities, etc 37.341 00 Mrs. t'ohen and Mrs. K elly, of Banking house 814.800 00; furniture and natures 83.167.00 13.067 00 course, add to the d ifficu lties of the Real «stata owned other than twoklag house 10.441 17 Cash, dua from banka and cash Items .. droll partners. 87.387 44 yet. he stated. "The t'oheus and Kellys la Scot I land'' again unites the original t'ohen , and Kelly, George Sidney and Charlie Murray who celebrate their reunion by topping all th e ir previous efforts 1111.336 11 L IA R IL IT IK « Capital stock paid 8 30 000 00 4 000 00 <00 80 187.00100 84.410 01 13,107 80 . 11.000 00 10 00 II Surplus ................... Undivided pro fite- -net Vera Gordon and Kate Price por- th.mand deposits ........ .................. ______ ____ (ray the respective wives E J. Rat T im e certificates Savings deposits .......... , cliffy. W illia m Colvin and Lloyd W h it­ Bills payable and re d is c o u n ts __ lock also have im portant roles. O ther liabilities Additionally, this Fox McDonald 4th ! of July program contain» complete i motion pictures of ihe recent Shar­ key Schmeling world's champlonsblp 'firs t, film ed In sound The entire four ' rounds of the fight. Including the foul blow that cost Sharkey the fight, and gave the world belt to Max. Is also .shown In the film . Friday and Saturday brings Ken M:i< nard back to the Fox Rex for the 4th of Jub «•< lebratlon. this time In his newest talker. "The Song of th * t'arallero ." In It the "west's favorite son" Is said to offer the ultim ate In laughing thrills and western adven tare, replete with romance. Continu­ ous performance w ill be given at both Fox West Coast theatres, from Im m e­ diately a fter the parade, at 11 a m . until midnight. Jnly 4th. Have Daughter— Mr. and Mrs. H ow ­ ard Arledge of WendUng are the par­ ents of a baby daughter born to them at the Eugene hospital on Monday. June 30. 1830. Total _________ 8318,786 13 State of Oregon. County of Ia n s , ss; I. C. 10. Kenyon, cashier o f the abnvwnamed bank, do solemnly a that the above statement Is true to the hast of my knowledge and belief C. B. K E N Y O N . Cashier, Correct—-A tte s t: W elby Stevens, Charles F Eg gi maun- Director«. Subscribed and sworn before me this third day of July, 1880 ( 8 C A I.) I M I ’ R T m tftn N . Notary Publle for Oregon (My eom m lssloa expiree June 1. 1888 I NEW RECORDS Since Violet iU v Ethyl geiuillne cune out new records for mileage are being made. You can make one in your car. too. If you choose Ethyl. Delivers more miles, more power and keeps your engine clean by converting carbon Into on »eg/. Fo- the most satisfaction you should drive with Violet Ethyl. “A” Street Service Station Leonard Refrigerators at a Decided Saving in Price Thrifty houaewivee will be delighted at the Saving« and the largo assortment of different styles to choose from. Models to fit every wo­ man’s purse. Come early before the best values are sold. Priced at E * $14.75, $17.75, $23.75, $26.50, $29.75, $52.50 5 0 0 lbs. ICE FREE W ITH EACH REFRIGERATOR OVER |20.00 ICE will be delivered by Springfield Creamery, maker* of Maid O’ Cream Products In« lessons from Reuben Charlyle Oof- Ifrelere. Madford . People H e r e - M r . and M r. Mrg JBert Gregory and tw o daughters V ir g ln ia and M arjorie, a ll of Medford are guests at ¿he home of M r and Mrs F. Stone T o ta l .... Florence M ay and Irene Ander.on | Wright & Sons served as ushers for the recital and many beautiful baskets of flowers I were presented to the young musician at the conclusion of her recital. C h arter No. 8941 R E P O R T O F C O N D IT IO N O F T H B *M rV# N#’ ” First National Bank ” ’ “ - e Ä SaS- — - » Loans and Discounts O v e rd ra fts .................... ...................................................... ..................................... $ 87.805.75 i>?Jtedu8 ta ‘ e" O o w n m e n t serarlties'ow n ed ............................................... 50.8» 27,195.35 73.292.90 6,400.00 Cash'and’ d ’ b « « " * hOU"e ................ 11,926.00 16.667.91 Cash and due from other banks ............. . • 61,792.61 „ « » w u o . „ . a » ,,b a ~ ~ 312.50 8274,442.77 -= = = 50 GREEN STAMPS FREE For Limited Time Only Act Now! Take Advan­ tage of This Offer LIABILITIES Capital stock paid In Surplus ...................... Undivided profits— net Clrcnlatlng notes outstanding..................................... ......... Cashiers' checks outstanding ........................................... I>emand deposits ****** .................................... . T im e Deposits ..........— ........ .........- ............... T o t a l ........... ................................................... 8 25.000 00 3,250 00 3.133.31 6 250.00 528.26 156,830.77 79.450 43 County of Lane, as • ------------- -- Correct attest: S. M e McPherson ,M 4 , ^ z a know ledge and belief. n z q Z 1 ’ z , H^OHES, President. z B My commission expires Jan 11 1932 With Each Yearly Subscription to The Springfield News we will give 50 Green Trading Stamps