«n o TUVKHDAY. JULY 3. 1930 THK SPRINGFIELD NBW8 TOW N (few»» R . . h l n , l . d AND M r . , N r „ , (. V l( . V IC IN IT Y gp , nt( Q<|y -f PAGE FIVE fWTTHE STUDIOS c lAt£ERLZU«MITM JKl H er. From M abel-L . G Part, of youngoat member of the Dough ! Evidently the chap who named the t‘he »houlder H b n e L l t X o ^ a a ' e n X Mabel was a business vlaltor In • of American Revolution In I G“F l.»*nbnrdo fan». "Panalea" did not talnment "The lig h t of W e s t e r n Bprtngfield on Saturday. n t M« kn< ", ''""h“"’0'' ................ 9 ^ " h“ ‘^ t b , „ o ¿ d •b o p , Saturday—Mrs. W If Lari the convention held 7 L >«r home at shopper In Springfield Portland on Monday afternoon. Tonsila Ramoved—C O. Webber ol Migene bad hla tonsils removed at APPLICATIONS WANTED the office of a local physician on FOR CLERK AND CARRIER Tuesday afternoon. AT LOCAL POSTOFFICE ' T . T “? m '" ”" nnderw<” ’1'’ '>» ">'•«*<’ <*nd M e * York If you thmk Ray O'Hara*« languor- oua tune. an. the height of aomethlng. then you re a "Shamrock." Polk, who tune In on Nell Golden more often than others rre termed "Goldenrods And a “f’au"flower’* la Just another tame for the cohorts of the Inimitable Rainobw Reopt« Here— Mrs. George Announcement of a Civil Service ex­ Bernie Cummins. Williams and Mrs. Perry Williams of It -------- you’re “that ----- way" "”’* “ over ’ ”* the • sappy •w r Ralahow were visitor. In Springfield amination for the purpose of establish- Ing an eligible rou r# no,bln« *>F • "Oeranlum.” Those — , be _ made (o fill vacancies. _ aw ---------- Lown Cemaa Frem Jun«tlen City—Mrs ** “fenr. . In the positions of auty t I (hat adore .he white-hot Bert ------------ Wm. McKercher of Junction City was ■t**'Me clerk or substitute carrier In **loBg to the "Hollyhock a busiaesa visitor la Springfield on ,h* BPrtngfleld itoatofflce has been f““,1,y’ r ï And ' kB° ’ y° « ^ m r . “ P b l-n l." V a - t le e m K I U ,, Spring. - Mr Off,c. Building ¿ . X W aahln« ' r - Mt? VT ’' • ' • • rd,y 1 r “*1 '■'°r»* w s 4th of July Specials are fine end that thia le a beautiful From Cogullle—Mra. O. A. Gray of Oognllle spent the week-end at the Wm Maybe home ln this city. Her knebanJ Is the pastor of the Methodist eBerch In that city and was attending the Astoria conference daring her vis­ it here. Friday— Saturday «»dltlon. It la Inaplrlngly apectacular. filmed ,,n a big. Imposing acale. Zane Grey’a stories are the out- .landing tale, of we.tern life today The novel, have been read by mil ‘ Ilona and. In silent form, such picture. You cannot always ataal wood and I’m Nat tailing get away with It even In thia county where there Is anch an abundance ol the natural fuel. Fred J. Parker of DOC CONTROL BOARD Eugene waa recently tried In Justice | ALLOWS SHEEP CLAIMS court and found guilty of stealing a of wood from ~ Martin Neilson " . I cord ------- --------------------------------- . w — .W W ..W W B B . Plx claims ware allowed farmer» nMr Weetflr. He appealed the deci- : who have lost sheep because of vie- slon t0 lhe rtrc<>it court last week ioua dog» during the past month b y ; wh,<:h anatalned the verdict of the I the county dog control board at It. lower D’lbunal monthly meeting which was held on N ew . Operator Writes Monday. The claims were allowed to (he following In the amount, after Herbert 8. Taylor, lln d yp e opera­ their names. Aden Miller. »15; John tor at (he New» office 1» now at Ban- Stelder. |4 ; W B. 8cott. J5; Grover Mark». Arthur Shove. »7; and Mrt i Z J L i T v M “ gp' n<” ng ,h; ,Mt C. M Foster IS . r * d r f hte *u“ mer »«cation. A ' P<»»t c«rd received from him yester­ day »ay, that he will attend the re- Alvadora Resident Her»—Mra. Thel- F*11« c»cea there on the Fourth and m . Mark, of Alvadnre spent Friday return ,o Springfield on Saturday. He In Springfield vlaltlng friend». ha* b*e n »pending the paat two week» vacationing In California. Vlalta With Slstsi^-Mlaa Margaret , Oorrle la spending a few day» W|th her slater, Mr». David England, at Weatimber. QUITTING Music Business Attend» Bekeel In Beet—Mine Man H n . Lombard left last week for New Turk City where she will attend the Qnlsmbla university summer school Bhe will return late In the summer by ’ of Now Orleans. The COOL Theatre 1 didn't name the yon. Ta Visit Natlerwl Park— Mr. and Mra. Frank Mills of Camp No. Wendllng, left Tuesday for a fifteen day vacation trip during which they will motor through the Yellowstone | National park. Vlelte Sletoe—Profeaaor end Mr», navdd Bldwell of Columbua. Ohio, are HsNIng at the home of hla elater, Mlaa Ana Bldwell. In thle city. They drove by automobile from the eaalern city sad will spend about elx weak« here C O LO N IA L No Parking Problems Here rl. I, having th. r,H,f Of her horn« at , Mr,. ( «rl <)|.u„ m.,i..rw| , o C*,c«n 'he Mouth Santtaiu .««( Of Leoan- Kva La Gallier,ne, who broadcasts Mara Frim Mareóla J J Chapman "ti I p 4 r n d Munday. bar playa over the WABC chain, «f Murruin wan a buatne». vlvltur In Tonalla R im ovn j Mr». O. C. Rug »peaks, reads and writes French. Oer- Hprinarirtd on Monday. "r* bad her tonalla mninved by » |„ man, Ktiaaian and Danish besides poa C b rl.ll.n »»»»Ini a passing knowledge of Span Puich.maa 8upph«a—Mi I.«,». hi . '»I phy.lrlan at u,.. lab. Italian and Greek. Hhe playa the biwpllal on Wednesday. von» w». Saturday ahopper In Spring n. P<«no. guitar, harp and piccolo Her field. U Clama at N.wporl Mr. nnd fencing I. so eirellen t that her In I- Wade spent Bunday a. »Irurior continually urge, her Io glre S m a ll Boy III Arthur. Hi, atnall Mr Wade reports tn.it “P 'he »tage and radio so that he may ».in or Mr. ami Mr». Ilari MrPheraon. clam dinging w i. not go very ‘ world’» champion with I n III at hin huma. make | her (he 'he folia Incidentally, her company Vialta Friend, Mr». f C. trial, of e "’,r M” "*~ Mr ” H Atiben ca ll, her "Suint Eva." Marróla rallad un anvoral ni barí ' Blr"n Iwft for l’nrtlund Saturday Itudy Vallee has been awarded an friend, In Sprlngrivld Saturday i h* *111 enter th« I o . O. F. Jhomr If h . I. «bla to m«et th.. r . athletic teller by the University of •Maine for hla popularisation of the R ic h a rd A rle n In Za n a G ra y ’s The From W allorvllla Mm. Bd lll.nl» • QU'ren'vnte of thaï Inalllutlon L ig h t of W o s te rn S ta rs .” Main Stein Song." At the testlmon of Wnltni vlllo wu. a ahoppor In tbla I _ A P a ra m o u n t P ic tu re . I Oaughtar Born Mr. and Mt». K. K ml dinner f receding (he best'.wing of city on Monday. A t th e C olo nial Keeler of Wendling . r . tho paronia of lhe "M" on the allghl shoulders o f -------------------------------------------_ _ _ _ _ Wendllng Realdmt Her»- Mrs W e baby daughter born to them at the the crooner. It was .aid that the Uni A D V E N T U R E D R A M A S Eugene on Sunday x n l l y of Maine expects a record et. T llohwood of Wendling was a vial Eugene hoapltat CAPTURE PIIR I i r caeis»v June n , lgao. tor In thia city Tuesday. rotlmant in (he coming year due to PUBLIC FANCY publicity It ha. received dutlng the Outdoor action drama» hare cap- Vlalta Hara Monday- Mr. Chassis Parents of Soto- Mr and Mrs Isaac Noel of Wendllng was a Monday via Thorson are the parent, of , h.h v h o . .roadraatln, of the eong. Some say lured the public taste. "The Virgin- Ilor In Springfield. j born to them at their home |„ , h,i that the school will have four t i m e Ian.” Paramount'. flr.t outdoor ro- . . many r.u o en l. In IMO I had in m a n e with dialog, ha, set the country , ? " " y ’ ‘° ° * tt<° r N° W h a . brought Shopping W .d n ..d .y -M r ,„ d Mr. m A mo '’“’ H“'U rd ‘ y ’ J“ n < Î h a l T X foÏ good ole 2 n ‘ * h” done ior* « rt “’ ««<*ond outdoor talking r o Jea. Mlnney of Jasper were shopping In thia city yealerday j Mov, into Naw Moms- Mr and T. mance, "The Light of Western Stars.*' ! The new.» thing to tal e the coun a Zane Grey ,tory with Richard Ar- From Leaburp- Mr and Mr». I^ e h n n , ? ln'" *h",r Z rm ” Ra'11’ G“ rd'"' nf « ary Brian and Harry Green It ! Fountain of !g«*«burK were vl«ltore In , * hM" ^UBt bw"n con>- Springfield yesterday. * T* M"n,,ay Mr •»<> Mr, W Pan. I .. lower, of Rudv V alle, are will .how at th . Colonial theatre ' I | , Barnell have moved Into the bonne being celle. ’Daffydll." by t a l l , cob at.rtlng Sunday for three day. An up. . nil.coralng c t. a great pro Philomath Man Hare—Guy Day of ' fnrnterly occupied by the Taylor fam u m n l .l, 1 h o ,e who place WHI O» Pbltnmalh visited friend. In Spring lly e.rn on the throne are termed ’Weep ductlon. and a .lory that la brimful of _ .. . n Pan» who adort Smith fast melodramatic action IniersneraXi field on Sunday. a n ? 2 i, ’ y V " “ ’ “ "‘-» '« -M r . Fl»en the title , f "Butter, with sure fire comedy, and the whole From Marcola—William McKay ot - - ----- — «•. F aggimann laal" » xiv. rr or of Jan __ roman Egglmann and and M M l.a |‘ ^ “P* Jan Garber’s Garber'» mualc mualc knitted knitted toeethee together wt.h with . a ..e strong WATERMELONS | vr I * PEACHES CHERRIES APRICOTS BERRIES CANTELOUPES BANANAS And many other fresh fruits and vegetables that go to make up picnic dinners as well as every day meals. Phone W. A. TAYLOR Phene 9-WHITE FOONI GROCERY-3 “The Home o f Fine Foods*' >OSSE