« « P A G I FOUR T IW Ü H U M W J I M W S THE SPRINGFIELD NEWS Published Every Thursday at Bprtagfteld, L a d * County, Orvgoa, by T H 1 W IL L A M K T TB PRESS H. B. M AXEY, Bdltor. a t second class matter, February 14, i«« j, at the yoetofflce. 8prtagtivld. Orvgoa. THURSDAY, JULY 3, 1930 F ,IB officers of the law taking the necessary risks of IMHHiIation.^ven^n Chlc^tx Is'prttbabh’is f o w as T? P H E M IU M L ,S T ¡0 L D B R "> 0 E a p p r o a c h e s M ntvrtain aak-ved Qusele BEING DISTRIBUTED ARE DANGEROUS HAZARDS l,r‘■""u,,, ,or "»• K'«1“ AS LEFT BY CONTRACTOR In England or Prance ’ e‘,," h • n" “ «1 « '•» • «•«»«x fa ir Is now That does not dis, aw e . however of the fact that ’"•‘rib**d by M“b«" Chadwick. . ?h* ‘ ^ ere has has developer! developed in In America America a a criminal crlmfoa! e ì e - | Z T £ . J ? ‘ * - ** X - there ward Hie'aiith »rl'n ° St i,‘'{lan1t ,n *1?. att,tu<1‘* to* Horse racial, fir» works aaaoaat f,,rral"« • M r and Mrs Henry Koet enterlata- ed el tlie lr home over Ihs Week end (or a number of Irienda and relatlvva, _---------- ali of whom Ilve In Portland Arnoni ‘"Tr', a '.a* Ihoee bere * e r e Mra. F rank Parker, Mrs M e ille Aeher, J J ,towan. Ix>r- »»rioos haaard. eapee- , r a l “ » H .'h Jvaa Rowan, OHM M A IL S U B S C R IP T IO N R A T E ta Advance......... »1T» Three Months Mo» t h * ----------------------- U SS Stacie Copy ..TSc —Se T H U R S D A Y , J P U Y S. 193« BRIGHT SPOTS ON T ire BUSINESS MAP many ways of evading the pun.shmZnt which to T ? * “ 7 U ‘* due them for their crimes The hash- trouble is „ b »"»»»«■• <“'• xear ar» botag with our courts and with the public sentiment ••J**“*1 ,or » « f lu it a r v i. live which permits travesties on Justice to go un- *t▼«■ nas signee (he bill which pro- Hoover has signer! the bill which p r o - ----------------------- P a oi U \ 1 aliforma, the hottest place on the , vides for a federal system of licensing dealert In ,a f where » often gets HO degree« In ! perishable products. Pick C har rive— M r a rd Mr». 0 H the shade with no shade. Two of the other bright The effect of this law will be to give the gov- l urn,r m<,lor** «° »»»them L ass spots v.ere in Texas, one on the southern tip and emment the power to regulate the business prac- ">“nl> 8und»x »•»«’ picked several another in the Panhandle. Oklahoma and Ark- tices of commission houses and others doing an , " “* ch*rr,M Thr ch"rr* cr"P *» ansas had small bright places, Iowa and Illinois interstate business. , * ,ood ,hl* X*ar ln ,b»f P«ri of shared a tiny spot as did also South Dakota and This may prove to be of as great benefit to the hF C C U“,y• »‘‘«rdlng Io Mr. T u rn e r N eb rask a, / Z f - ' « * • —« ?■»■'»•» HI m e ““ . W a tc h in g » pk u larniers of the United States as any other nieas- thQi l t ? 1 g «the bU8in5St map one ofteu notices ure Intended for farm relief. Every grower of looking aoulh along the riv e r from the the bu8me88 J 8 lpest often the climate is commodities shipper! to distant markets has had approach, but »ome precautionary the most rigorous with the worst soil and where at one time or aim her exprXn™ with dishonest measure should be taken. 2 .? K T “ re “ ,alr v“ma" “ d p r “ ‘“c- « f f . « ¿ t o i f d,“ x ; » u u h u iii "“?s v o r “ ' m ri8h' Th- • * — I’ i.'iiT ? ! “*? “ “ hlmaeIr- People must work harder under adverse conditions and it seems that they overcome great natural obsta­ cles and make prosperity. This is vv., a lesson well learn - — - r. we might . ---- .— ......... here . * in ** Oregon. We ° - ften - U - l vd - tO se ep with our great natural ural resources we will -------- with confidence u v u n c w ill S»u ^ 7n tL Utourre |anm w i w ’eu the W^ ,d? riches poured into our lap. We wake up and find some other enterprising section has invented a substl- sr our products or large investors have nev- X , " ' £ 4 “ rt ° ur CO“", n and A-"« ***** a a a s s a aav. S B » a v V.- IET Oregon f should stnud to ' « and work (or m the w »¿vs w u in iu r t? progressive development of her own resources rather than wait for outside capital. • • • MURDER i n greal disadvantage when. Instead of getting a check for his produce be gets a bill for freight and expenses with the calm explanation that the produce has been s,wiled in transit, or sold on a Slutted market, or that some other cause had ■”>‘ventwj >ts sale at a price sufficient to cover the costs. »»«wnt io lover There hone8t commission houses, of course. Probably the great maJorltv of dealers in produce, live-stock- poultry and dairv nroducts do business as honorably as business is done anv Their risk. ,r,.! large. » „ ? , 2 e r 2 2 % - 1 t T there have'beJn enough'haSlnee.'^COTered"!! Coming to Eugene D r. M e lle n t h in SPECIAL ATTENTION TO INTERNAL MEDICINE DOES NOT OPERATE W ill bv at Oaborn Hotvl On Friday. July IS , From 10 g. m.. to 4 p. m. deception and fraud on the part of commission houses to make such legislation as this necessary ONE DAY O N L Y for the protection not only of shippers but of honest men in the produce business. No Chargv F or Conaultatlon The federal government seems to be the only D r M . l l a n t b ! . * . . . . . . Ten persons, out of every 100,000 are victims . authority which has a chance of cleaning up this — ............. »re g rv a u y r A . of murderers every year in the United States That is an appalling record. .Nothing like that situation. State and local authorities are not In- »PPre<',»tvd and patroniavd. capeciatiy number of murders occurs in any other civilized dined to press the claims of farmers and ship- by tho»« who ar® auff«ring or ailing pers who taxes several » hundred or r in thousand ,r<>ub|F " «» m ivrnai organ«. organ». country. But that fact, . -------- published ---------------- -- ^ everywhere, veyw u ere ----1 pay J M U U IW I o o U s a ilU fr”m ............... .. "■•vrnai ____ _1.1_____ . th„ che•, reh... . . . ____ w . n v a ln o » > gives our own people as well as foreigners an n ’ iles 8 »W-nv again8t their own citizens and . tax- * In " the or »M»«',n; also head. incorrect impression of the life of th? United thThef federal. Kovernment alone can exer- -*r' n“"’ “nd ,hru«' The Doctor ac States anr> or *n American clubs evidently is not conducive to I’atrioti8rn of 'he British sort. Most men end up exactly where they belong The plain fact of the matter is that in almost no matter how they start out.. • V V every case of murder the victim is either a crim­ in a l . an associate of criminals, or engaged in some reckless undertaking which exposes him Denver K ln rald . Aahland. Bert [junpa. St. Helena. L. H. M artin. Moro P O. Pollard. Yreka. Calif. E. F. Sm ith, Heppner Mra. W in. Srhuenlnx. Helix. Lee Oey, North Powder. T. L. Shown. Goldeml 'Ie Em m a T urner. M lkkalo. H enry Trow bridge. John Day. J. H. Wood, Eugene V. P. H arris, Athena. M r« B Dank«. Klam ath Kalla. Mr«. W a lte r Scott. M t. Angel. H enry Schulx. Pendleton. Mr« O N. K im b all. Crabtree Mr« Prank 8lmp«on. Hood R iver. Lee Slurher, 1.» Grande. Note above the exact date and placet Permanent address: 2«s Berrano, I» « Angeles, Calif. Ouasla at l i l t s Metal M ary Colo. O akridge. Mra. L, Thomas of Port­ land, and Kldred J Cavenvy of Baa » a n e la v o w rrv all reglatervd a l (ha K ilt» hotvl laat week-end It’s Summer Give Yourself a Trip To a C alifornia Booatar VACATION N IE O B You may ta w your California And pralar It to th r »by Hut don't try kuocklng Oregon You w ill our pailenro try. T o ile t Requisites Emergency Kits Station» ry Crvam s — Lotions Everyday Romodlo» O uting Incidentals You've told th r world about C rater Lake Claimed Multnomah Kalla, But when you grab our very prunaa. Our generovtty stalls- H era you arc, rig ht In the alddlv ot the vacation pw- rlod H n v a you tnkoa yours yol? Surely you're going to take one. If only for a few days. Bofore you go. drop Into our »tore and e e l v e t everything yon'II need to make thia vacation the moat enjoy­ able one you have ever eg perlenced You may sell your golden aunahlne. W e have our «liver ra in — And we'd much rather have them mixed. Than have the aunahlne plain. — Helen lYldm ore v ia lta at C o rv e lli» - Mlaa M axln r Snod’ r “ M *1 * " * «h» w w k vnd al Cor- vail " " " lh - « » - « o ' M b . M a r l. Jvo. »en. w .,. r” K» ri»rv Sn.tagraaa of s h .d .i 9h S h .d .d d d a . m day p »OD p , Op i l . , c a lle r. », H .r w -M r th, „ llr ) Flanery’i D RUG S T O R E Phene 1« .n .l » r u sL d m « AFLft »..«.(A home in thl» city 1 Here's the Place To Cool O ff weather ta here but Eggimann’g place to always n faW her*' tO° ’ de,,c‘° “ « » I «fink« »nd Ice cream which will aaafHt you in cooling off. Hot L m ' l Uhen you go on a picnic or outing take along one o t our Ice cream containers [«»eked especially for the occaatoo Ice cream to half the picnic. FGGIMANN’S W herv tha Sarvlcv 1« DUTvrvnt" About your Family’s The Electric refrigerator to recog­ nized today as being not a luxury but RELIEF FROM CURSE OF CON8TIPATION, A Battle Creek physician aays, “C tv - ytipaUon la responsible for more »ifaery than any other cause ” But Im m ediate re lie f has been I found. A tablet called Rexall O rder­ lies haa been discovered. Thl« tablet attract« w ater from the ayatem Into , the laay, dry evacuating bowel called the colon. T he w ater loosens the dr» food waste and causa« a gentlq thorough, natural movement without form ing a habit or ever Increasing the dose. Stop suffering from constipation Chew a Rexall O rderlle at n ig h t Next day hrlgjit. Get 24 for 26c today at F la n e ry ’s Rexall Drug Store •n essential health necessity. Ita healthful dry cold . . kept at a temper­ ature of below 50 degrees the year round . . . . offers permanent protec­ tion against food spoilage , . . against the ever-lurklng danger of bacteria. Can you afford particularly If you have children ln your home — to do without this healthful all-year neces­ sity? Investigate today the health and con­ venient features of Electric Refrigerator. the Automatic SEE YOUR» DEALER TODAY — HE WILL BE GLAD TO EXPLAIN TO YOU THE ECONOMICAL COST OF OPER­ ATION AND THE NECESSITY OF CORRECT YOUR HOME. M o untain S tates REFRIGERATION power IN C o m p a n y