«n o jo 'O T H U R S D A Y . JU L Y 3. 1930 T H B » F R IN O r n a L p N E W S PA G E T H R E F T O TRADE— 19 aerea near and and m la Lakeview, ora., for an Unproved la k e v lrw property Phon« asm I Marrlag« Lie*nana far Weak Ourlng tha past weak marrlag» II rena», hare been «ranted by the eoun ty elark to the following: Clarence Flngleion. W altervllla. .nd Angle R.>., ... . r"“r C A M P F IR E P E R M IT S A R E R E Q U IR E D IN F O R E S T S Cnmpi-rs who expert (o build camp­ fire« in the Cascade, Santlam, or Dea­ dline« national forests must first ob­ tain fire permit« from some forest of­ ficial or from their headquarters at ,h" «•»« office building In Eugene ac cording to a statement made th l. week * rxr and Emma Oar man. Illack hut i e ; Ralph « . Issued by C. J Buck.' reJtons'/for Dapper .n d Edith Hod. both of K„ ------ . . g»ne: Oeorge Pels and lx>l. Bal.nl- est officiai of Portland provides that fer, both of Eugene: George Danielson • he permits he carried by campers and Rose Kindi, both of Eugene; An «fier July 1. drew Ragsdale. W estfir, and Alice No permits will he required In the Cowling. Marcóla, Kenneth Mulligan Rluslsw forest unless the fire situs- Springfield, and Gladys Hoblnson Junction c ity ; Robert Burl'elirt.'..... L' " OB b" r '”n'’" ►>■<• enough to warrant Marjorie Perkins both r r * d * " * h * " ° rd* r’ ar,',’rdln< »« ’« 8 Shel .J ^ r k ltm . both of Eugene ly. .upervlaor The deviation , r„m T H IR D IN S T A L L M S N T he held caught his eye and he began I desk. a v . What ■ Has Gene Gafara 10 , *ad- wl,tl Infrequent glances at tne I “W hy*" M f l j “ self o ^ X ^ a ’l t ; * ? r r a £ e u ; : e^ h erL ,d°, 2 ° “ d’ b~ a ““ a‘ " ya «— » TRAiM P-apnapfleJd tota. W ill consider Mug» • h .B « 8b * raBB° ' fm n m b e r her name „ *“ h,Ber he had already lag their ml: * - * " “ - a_R lrar property In sachan«« That girl said staying when ” I m t ' i î ‘A t <’f W‘* ír. ° " .?ba ba?7“ o<^ ' í T “ Bot hto bab,‘ to ' ,h ® carne ~ »Inda t h a t \ he"was only P. O. Box i g f Springfield? — ----------------------- | '■« ker pur” 'o • • « heraelf who • « ° anything by halree. He became ong night. She .tayad three days. W A N T E D —To trade modera House , .J" y•“ who has seen her attentive to the article he was readlne and lot I , Spokane. W u h * '" ' hf l” " 1 - That was all right—the longer the het- 8prln«flel ,b ' « d e Notice ra to u J a b* ? 'by that tha un- t k . s” 0o'!B,P C°u of a. u . ?«aî v i L ? * * . '-vHHir m u rt n or h w . d*nî’. OL ?L :î? -n. , ?r__, -“ a duly a p p o r n e estata of Vina M elgan. d~-La.edf « « ... ranchers who live In the national for and *h who "** and o could not easily comply W" h “ >• “ W " b" ' ,’n” ’ C ,re- * " ” ,h f,re ,be rul,n« will be e i ­ tended to Include them ther have heen Informed m « . ,bt z™™ we h~e been ~ ‘ h’ ^ t h o u g h 1’* ” 1’* 'friend ' 1£ " C«“ ?” " ' « theD i> ' Or ' d " ' “ “ ^ ! P° rt* r the nerve specialist, to call at the hotel. SUMMONS In the County Court of the State of Oragon. for the County of ’ this rule la made In thia foreat because NO TICE- TO CREDITORS i x — **“ j » ^ t h e ' ^ p H n ^ ’id ' ho’ e i'd u rin g ,he 1 aae and Gave tne full Instruo- f though. he added forgivingly, and l»r Carrick talks encouragingly, hut tlons,’- the nurse went on. “It took ended- on another afterthought. "Nice aav. he will send a nurse to »Gy wPh J some time. Otherwise I could have **rt ” n ig ht'"' M1"" 1 ,r "',n- that been here sooner. I suppose she’s In Hamilton put-on the hat he had Now Go On W ith the Story i ber ro° “ ’" ,be "“GGested. "Hadn’t I , b<* n ca rrrln g and descended the ho- W ill you tell me exactly what the betU r r,«•« decided tap, and when ahe ,aked «*>• doorman, who » - 3 ” « T here. Saa ad er e " ________ “ - ' — - r I — come InT" ' . c l - ..« n - W w - u w ,» .« . May dress Miss Parsons gave ber was no response to . . . o c a ... e t . . . . in » ... I A of ’*• what * TcT •• was. He th in k, you . .t h U • tun,ed and * ^ - t i o o . tonight when she left»" Saunders pocketed the dollar and ’ he - c u i o n very hastily. Yor “ * BCa “ ,ba ' « “ >« » * » looked sympathetic. >you a,arted wl’ h "O ln«««ge Tet when ° ° ,B■" h* «B»B»«««e Check of the camp o, desertion Snit,'f W ° B V” . - a* ¿ * J " L ? . and equhnhle. This summon, la ’ 7 ,ra no, nt” much, murB- but ” ut I I hope hope I, It w w ill ill hind n.nn her ner. Ham..,on Hamilton remained remained cloee close to to i ,fid tia l t note FRANK A DePVE. attorney for the the holidays this week end ewreie. hy ---------------« pnbllcatlon me through Anyway, It’s proba -he open door, but he did not look in- nature and he deairerf »» . thereof in Of Sgenerfl|*ld * b ,r * ” ' b* Te *“ th’ worId’ ,OT m7 ,o tb® r,>om be’rond u - Instead he lar— In part at least ” " ____ ____ _____ j 1>-M Jr »-1G1T S U N D A Y SC H O O L CLASS newspaper In part, at least. NOTICG TO C R gD ITO R « ^" *" order -1" theC J u d w o " rlO’ he’ ’,h° W , m n<” r'Cb Tb* y're * h* eled * Bd "‘ “ red b’ rd “ tbe “I got the feelln’. sir.” he said “that H A S P IC N IC ON S U N D A Y the Circuit Court of the State 'good but not gorgeous,'” she -*■* grimly — ! slto «it» wall, »»it telling t-tti» » h k lm t _ .. w there #•----- ---------- - - off because'she didn’i . T want hat Notice le hereby given that E La- .elf were a ; .h , e walked i?aa ~ ,h# " r ond day nf Jun”- 2 7 < “ « ,y ° of f ’f " “ dulr ,,araphra,,®d The annual picnic of th . R oy.l | ^ ”" " . j „ o 7 r e the M c C r „ í í „ " „ ^ *,B tb! |to Kirp addrp” here. If that had«’t v w" appo," ’"d ndmlnlstrator of Scout. Sunday school ■rhArtl d sal.— wav« «G.« . ’ l - l - M _ r*<'°rr P|a,nurf- Rrnldence. '«Joes»" "She would." she confirmed. Alta n in e , atto rn ey for estate Jn 5-1219 2« j'y *? 00 "H won't " He spoke with such con- «nd again he felt his scalp prick. "It won't.” He spoke with such con­ Phillips of Eugene. Carl 8m lth. Bfllls Hamilton's strained nerves snapped. — ________ Jy 3-10 vict!' that she brightened . again. "There’s nothing wrong In the street. Burnett. LaVerne McPherson. Oliver " If I, was so certain that she would Of course, she may be somewhere else why the devil didn’t Carrick want L. H.sbrouck T * NOTICG TO CRGOITORG Adams. Neal and Earl Peterson Frank Estate of Mortlmore __ Deceased“ ’ ' , “ ’ "r" uca' in effect, "and they’re very reason In the hotel.” m t r he broke out. and Immediately Notice la hereby given that the un Anderson, Lloyd Harris Floyd Orecn He his d*t>*gncd has been appointed ad­ Oordon O llie,t. Robert and Richard NOTICE OF FIN A L f t b he n arr k la o v found . . voice. „ , . . «Po ogixed »gain "Come on. we ll go You re perfectly sure she Isn’t In uptown and talk to Carrick. You don^ ministrator with the will annexed of Klchardaon. Ralph Hickman. J , ck *"» !< * «• hereby given that t n l ” “ * 1 * ChaP ‘ ° ’ e" d T<’U “ IOBg b" ,•" N ,,'° " nc M»c'® Jacobsen. Heckley. Oale Roberta. Bert Curry ,u PpoM he ha, d * '“ * talk,nB aG«tn»t time, to keep these room»» he asked^ .by ,n d ord,’r of *h* County l.croy Williams, Harvey Harvey P P rat, Oen.‘ 8ta,e (>"»gon. In and for her panlc at bay “ ,1 ,be nur"e can,e Quite sure. Miss Adams smiled he asked Irritably rx_ t r . , (. Oene it Co" n‘ 7- Oregon, tnndo n ,in T ° UB,y' b’" nnal reP°vt as ad- “Oh, wha, a devilish situation this austerely. " I’ve looked In the closet on the »th day of Jun«. 1*30. All Daniela. Warren Bale. Mr. and Mrs. mor'c Miss Adams expressed her theory ,bt eata,e ° f M o rtl-lls!" She turned back to the window and even under the bed." ir . « T n". claln’ a agslnat said Cole. Mr and Mrs. B O. Smith, and that Doctor Carrick could not hare more , , Hasbrouck. deceased; and • •ta le are hereby noli fled to present Mr. and Mrs. It "May I look 2" s (hat .,..,? " 11 <’ 5 ,tM’k ln •*>• forenoon ot bringing her hands together with an E. Moshler. done anything so inconsiderate It i . s ! ? " i ’. dBl7 »"C fled. at my office "Of course, If you like.” the Bth day of July. 1930 effect of desperation that alarmed • I R31 Miner Building. Eugene. Ore­ t . T ch, more Hke,y’ sh® t tne courtroom thereof |n Eugene him. H er manner nicely combined w ith , gon within six month« from the date • in L h<* PbVSlr'an mi3ht have dropped Bellingham Prop), H a ra - Mr and 1 and’ 2 2 bJ ibe Court ,lj[ed c f thle notice. "Come now." he urged, "keep its professional courtesy an intima- j n Mrs. M.lton Cyres Bellingham. he’.rtltg steady! A whole lot depends op that, tlon that he would be wasting his time, have s^rnbbe* ° n hiB W>'" bom* ’ Dated at Eugene Oregon, thia U th day of June, 1930 as ilngton have been spending sev i »nd for the final settlement report rPP‘lrt The more quietly you take this, the hut he pushed past her even before frjen(,s " **r of bridge with soma E. O. POTTER. of the As « nurse who attended sooner you will get over it. He agrees she could move to one side. Administrator wtth the will an­ eral days visiting at the home of M r . lM ,a l’ of •••»> deceased. » a n y of his patients she knew some­ . . . . L - 0 . H U L IN . nexed of the estate of Nlcollne Marie •nd Mrs. W ilbur Lloyd. They left I that the thing to do ia to sit tight. The room had the look of having thing of his habits. She even knew the Jacobsen, deceased. for a visit to California point, on Sun- ' M o rtl% o ii‘ L ^ a b io u c t o * d s ^ iliZ , ° ' ,U,,, T° U r* d° ln ,‘ * nd l*‘‘ ln'” ,,r,el’ been unoccupied for days. J 1 H 9 M Jy J-lO name of his club and mentioned It. y’_________ A. E. W H E E L E R ’ dec* " l’®d- come from the other end If your fam- "H ere’s the way she left." she said. Continued next week Ily and friends don't know where you . He had noticed another door with a Jn 513-19 2« Jy 3 are, they’ll have started an Investlga ' holt on the Inside. It led from the , NOTICE OF F IN A L ACCOUNT tlon by this time, but they're probably bedroom and he had taken for granted , _______ NO TICE TO CREDITORS doing It very carefully. i tha, It was par, of an adjoining suite j ,n ,he c ®“ "ty Court of the State of Notice to hereby given that tha She stood still and stared Into the 1 and was locked. Now he saw that ' Oragon in and for the County IC o ir t ’ ^ " .'? b„M bP’ B by «»• CO»»«? M R S . W . K. B A R N E L L «f Lana Profrg g g jy. p jano s , , ^ , f i h? S,at» of Oragon for the darkness. Suddenly ahe turned back j the bolt had been shot. The nurse HgmgtJtching I c u t r i / . t “ * ’ d" ly apP° lB‘ ®d • » to the room with a little laugh that held the door ajar, revealing a glimpse ’ *N PROBATE C LA R A T U T T L E F E N T O N ecutrlx of the estate of Edith Caley broke through their seriousness Ilka of a aide corridor past Its threshold. 8 «"d • Canta In re: The estate of Lydia A. H u e i ^ T , *Td' iV* p* raoBa ta rin g claims Gtata Accredited Teacher '•Easiest thing In the world." he : ton. deceased. •ta ln s t aaid estate are hereby aotl- a gush of a fountain. MOVED TO Open to Springfield 8tudents “We may discover that I have run conceded. "She packed, atole out n»d to present the same ,o me Notice Is hereby given that Guard 62 E St.. Monday and Thuraday 8,7 A Street, Springfield at tba “ « away from a husband and six chll- through that door and along that hack Huston, the undersigned Administra­ Each Week « » ..k Ii Pua’ ,ba attoraey for the dren." ahe said lightly, but giving him corridor to a rear staircase, auu proh- tor of the shove entitled estate tag jmtnte. In Springfield. Oregon, on or a definite effect of breathlessness a n l ehly got away without being seen by «led In said Conrt his «nsl account fr° " ,h* da' P ” tension. "My Innocent babes may he sny one. Bnt how about her hotel Piaao Moving 'n said estate; that the Court *■-- Dated thia 3rd day of June, 1930 crying for me this minute.' b ill* Do you think she’d forge, t h a t * ’ .entered an order fixing the time for D R . W . N. D OW B P R IN O F IE 1 D T R A N S F E R M A U D E E. CALBT. W IL L IG BERTGCH. Prag, W hat a ghastly Idea!” he began. Miss Adams looked thoughtful. ¡the hearing of the said final account „ D e n tis t Firat National Bdhk Rulldlag Ereculrlx and stopped abruptly. As If she had "She might. They do all sorts ot at the hour of lo o'clock A M Ang- •fric o t RODBNBOCGH OARAGE FRAN K A. DaPVR. Phone «8 flprlngfltld, Oragon Cornar Firth and A StreaU caught his thought she locked at him queer things when they’re not nor- ust I. 1930; and notice Is hereby gtrea Attorney for the estate. 1 m il.” Ollloe honra. 9 A. M to 8 P. M. ta n g Diatanaa Healing n Bpaetalty that anyone having any objection ___________ Jn 8-11-1 g-2« jy j with sudden Intentncss; but he was on Evenlnga hy Appointment his guard agalc and h‘s disarming He had been staring down unsce- thereto shall file the same In w riting SUMM ONS FOR PUB LICA TIO N smile banished any ausptcion she ingly at a little w riting stand, but now on or before the time for the hearing. j In the Circuit Court of the State of might have had. However, the little he caught a faint suggestion of pencil GUARD HUSTON. D R . N. W . E M E R Y episode seemed to harden some half- Ing on the top envelope of the pile of Oregon, for the County of Lane. Administrator. Frances A. Stone. Plaintiff, vs. Wll- farmed purpose, for she went toward hotel papey. DENTIST H. E. SLA TTE R Y , Attorney for Ad­ Item L. Stone, Defendant. ike Inner door wits an air of resolu- "Here’s something." he cried, and ministrator. Button Bids. Phone GO-J To W illiam L. Stone, defendant- picked up the envelope. Thon his ex- Raaldanoa Fhona ibb - m In the name of the State of Oregon, t.on he recalled later. " If you will excuse me. she said, prosslon changed. It was addressed to you are hereby required to appear Bom In Hollywood— M r and Mrs. tavlwgWeld. Oragon « « ! „ anaw* r, the complaint filed " |'ll make aome preparations for ,h , Doctor Carrick. i.*a ,, l y"u ,n ’ he above entitled nurse. I suppose since she ie coming “Where did you find that?” the A. J. Cowart received a telpgram last 22« Mali, SL Court and cause on or before four Friday telling of t i e birth In that eily Raaldanoa ISS B SL ’»•eke from the date of the first pub­ s ic must be made comfortable. No. , nurse demanded. She had been stand- of a son to their son and daughter in- 8SJ (tonarsi Law Practica please don't go." she add d as he turn- i ‘ “C “, , °