PAOB T W O T H E S P R IN G H E L D N'KWS OREGON STATE NEWS OF GENERAL INTEREST HOW I » YOU PLAY IT W ITH A HOSE 6 0 6 H it : MORE NC THAN A T DEPWtTM itowwgh the Croat af HE'LL K 6IT 6AY MS PHE on the first doer af the ««si« baiWiag ewt tata the street Motor vwhlc*. piarse are nee being to ’ •rd ai ihe rala oí a p p ra i;m a t« ij 1«. •vc a any. A night cree af - h i rk a n ahd typists to bow esnptoyed. membership. A Javeaile grange has besa toed nt Boardman. A to Offered by the U e Juvenile grange having __ aahlhit nt the furthcoming North row Conaty fair. K todxwtlaaa grave correct th a n w « he shoes 35« tesm af tog aah ^ to a Ovldwal grewers who have not traded ;hetr crap W orts, to poahry hare heavy l a sa n to chveks the vctohbeckood. I t _____ r a . that the trantoe a n y be dne ta ***4tog. The d m a m m coaftaad U f»U grown towto U, •totua to infant toad tou m t af aay < * , t o r t M w * “ ar* W Pu lst ma. as shown bv ftgwrws of the bureos of vita »»» THURSTO N • e a s e CELEBRATE THE 4th Oregoah rate to ( T A uhseh . <» ÄD A A N kir 6R C STAHC fA L E C » » «to. »•ehto gs aad aae KEN MAYNARD “THE SONG OF THE CABALLERO a. WMB Mrs. F ia d Loach sad fnm 4y Sunday at the home of M rs Look » parents. M r and M rs Hngh«« at CraewalL N O T 1 C I O F H E A R IN G ON F IN A L ACCOUNT — * * * “ Aio s total fire lews XU T1C E IS H E R E B Y G lE Y N That ta records a f the state flrv the aaderstgwed. as Bxecwtnx of the Stattouca tor May. IM e Loot WU1 and Testament of Joseph to pm cant of the rm. u-p. H Jackeon. deceased has filed her ____ “* • ’ tor the riaal e e ttfe a e a : ot by p r o g r a m ly m , « th o rn d tp '* th* Co« ' f The total ■- — .a - 7 ‘- » Its Coart for Laae Chanty. Oregon and The total tom a the s ta ia 5(77 IP * that S a tu rt.v ; h , 2nd day of kngu«t »as the bea.M st May tom suffered ia •» '* « Coart Room of said CuuH years j «■ «*e Cowaty Court House, in Eagene. Lane County. Oregon, at tea octock to the forenoon, has been fixed vr -------- rape steers. Homer vos Co* — ■ “ Court as the tim e and place fo r Has of Fort Klamath suffered the tom * * a ~ a * _____ " thereto, and f v i «< U v f-a g -r, oa h u right hand .n il« • * ‘ U* * ____ * » t t______ R l H A M A H K JA C K S O N . H e lamoeu a steer ou the W B E x e c a tM of the Last W ill and T ig­ Kackler raach a l F o n .M ain a li li of Joseoh H Jackson ie- nm r L. L. R A T . A ttorney tor Batate the lana: sad the They JM -ld -17 :« 3 1 h **iy that amputa A oaUtBMa het see« M haar aa th« Waptaiiaa cat-of: I by Jack Dudrey IN EUGENE M r and M rs Phelp« and fam ily plan ta speed Jaly « at Roseburg w ith M rs Phelps’ stater **7 " * acvording »urwhai- Show that l^> & ■ T H U R S D A Y . JULY 3, 1930 At Ihe annual high school election M r. W rlgle who bought the George held on Monday. June 33. Bert Beaver place several months ago «old out to Principal Events of the Week Strawberry growers in the Rogue was unanimously elected directo r for Mr. Sm ith * -ie Lava Angeles last of five years. week. He took possession tost Salur Assembled for Information I river district under the Giants Pass a A term ll the members of the eighth day. irrigation district system are alarmed of Our Readers. at the report (hat strawberry yellow grade graduating class of the l*leasani M r and Mrs. Bert W eaver motored has made its appearance In Josephine H ill iMihllc school attended the grad to Cottage Grove last Sunday and vis­ i county. , uatlag exercises held at M cA rthu r ited their uncle. M r. Moor«, who Is The pepulathva of Klamath county Court June 2«. Many parents and 111. j There are 31» more farms In Polk. tnrraasail 3U.S53 in ih« past (an y«ars, friends also attended. T h ere were Mr. and Mrs. W illia m Henson mo­ Yamhill and Tillamk cotMtieo at a gala ot aaarly tiM par eaat. the present tim e than there were 1« four honor students from Pleasant tored to K lam ath Falla where thev The season for vamp H r* permita H ill George Jameson. X 5-S; Robert jrmiw mco . according to annonnconienl spent several days visiting M rs Hen started recently ihroughoui the Crater mad»' by R J. Headricks, census enum Phelps. J3 5-S; Evina Brew. »J 7-S; son's parents. M r. and Mrs. Robert National forest in southern Oregon. How ard Ph.ks. »2 6 S Dw tgtu Brawn. Herrington. They returned home last era tor for that district. L ab ile Perry and Helen S ettle were Tuesday. Approximately so* poreons attended Elmer Hake. Heppner. lighted a fire Ihe other member» o f the graduating the aanaal picnic held by (he Grangers Mrs. Baker from G rants l* a ss and cracker and started to tosa it out of ; class a t Old Culver Bear Redmond. Mrs. Thompson and daughter front a cur window which proved to be M r. and Mrs C K Curts and ch il­ Eugene visited Mrs. John Edmiston The Sith anniversary of the found­ closed The firecracker fell back into dren. Merle. Vadette and W ayne, left Tuesday afternoon ing of the First Congregational church the car against Ivls knee and exploded, last week for eastern Oregon anil Mrs. Ernest Conley la very lit al In Oregon City «as observed recently. causing severe burns and bruises. Idaho to spend the harvest months the I'aclfic C hristian hospital In Ku Appointment of Theodore Rainwater The increase in the price of hop« M r. and Mrs. K B. T in k e r and chil­ gene. of Corvallis as deputy state-forester has put now nr« into the hop iadus dren. M r. Fred Stotth and M r» Verna Mrs M argaret Engine has been In van announced by Lyn F. CroaemiUer, try ia Marion county. Some of the W iley camped at S w ift Creek 3S the hospital In Eugene for several state forester. fields neglected all spring are now be­ miles beyond Oakridge from Saturday days w ith Infection In her foot Crater Labe lodge opened for the ing made ready for a crop. There still until Thursday of last week T hey caused by a c u t la. a large quantity of hops in storage 1M» tourist season June 3(. Thia found fishing very satisfactory and Mrs Baker and niece. Miss Angle I that w ill come in on the new prices. yanrY opening fa the earliest la the greatly enjdyed the m ountains See H aw kins «pent the w eeken d In J u n e -, history of the park. Merger of the Corvallis State bask era! deer were seen On the trip . ,tlo n City visiting relative« With the First National bank o f C o r Ixvganberry and cherry picking has A rattlesnake measuring over foar The l-adles Aid met w ith M rs vallis was announced by officers or begun In the Pleasant H ill district feet la length and having nine ra ttle * James H ill Wednesday afternoon. the two Institutions. The merger gives M any farm ers are cutting hay »an killed on the hills northeast of M r and M rs Stanley Baugh from the tostitutloa a combined bank capi­ T he Pleasant H ill A th le tic club de­ Am ity one day last week. Borens spent last Sunday at W a lle r I tal and surplus of 3225 # ** and re feated the W a lk e r d u b at a game of P la tts The Rogwe River hoz factory burn­ sources of about two and one-half miE baseball ast Sunday by a score o f 3( ed to the ground at Grant« Cass at an Hon dollars. M r and Mrs Ray Rennie spent ihe to 1# T he game was played a t W alk estltonied loao o f tSM .M h. The origin week-end on ihe roast. T hey visited A total amount o f 5 l3 3 .frt (« w ill be of the ftra had not been determined. W aldport and Yachats. The members o f the Interm ediate «pent on the county aid market roads Mr. and Mrs H a rry Heersm a from Mayor M cAtee of Pendleton inatract in Klamath this year. O f this amount Endeavor surprised Miss Nancy Bar Minnesota, who are tearin g »he west, «-d potlx-e to order all signs at curbs n u n Friday night tn honor of her the county w ill spend 37*. 11S.5S. with stopped over the week end w ith th e ir ( sad parkings removed. This is being Aboui tw enty- the state co-operating on market road thirteenth birthday. sunt. Miss Heersm a of this place du* * 1“ effort to improve the a p five young folks were present. construction to the extent of matching Mrs Green from Veneta la spend penrenve of streets. A girls scout tronp was organised the county market road appropriation ing some tim e here w ith her parents. • t Pleasant H ill Monday afternoon Voters ot Eugene approved a levy of 3«(.lcd *5. M r and M rs Bob Parrot. to raise 33$.*dd in two years for im- The coat of transporting pupils to June 33 with Miss Erm a Laird ns Mr and M rs Roy Edmiston and pmeement of the Eugene municipal the Bend high school during the year leader and Mrs O. Stats assistant daughter. Leone, and M rs Fred Rus­ - >V0ri. The vote was (S3 for the just ended was slightly more -has 1 T hey held th e ir firs t m eeting Tuee- sell are entering the business college levy and («3 against il cent for each pupil per mile, seven* dny at the home of Mrs. C. E J or and Mtsa Maude Russell to entering * • Howard. Prineville druggist, has tog to Superintendent Ager. C«wt of dan when eight more girls Joined the beauty parlor Io learn the trade ! m aking S3 girls tn a ll T h ree patrols beam exonerated la Justice court on a operating two b uss es, including to Mias Hasel Edmiston le ft Wednes were formed. Officers. Patrol 1. lend tares: on the tovm tm eat and depre­ charge of taking fish to bis hands and day to Join her brother. Loren. In Baughman, scribe. Florence Jordan; ciation. was 53(57 (3. iillto g them with a dub. in violation Oakland. C alifo rn ia She expects to j patrol 3. lender. Lorce Laird, nasiat of the state game town. Cnton conaty lamb poo* a be gone several weeks. ant. « L a d le J Jordan, scribe. Em m ylou ganisaiioa w ith T . B. JoA n.oa of C o t * o n U n . scrib e fcma LeaBe Peterson and mother from j C h rffy harvesting la at Its peak to aa manager, has M .M d lamba Usted w ’1 ^ * ° ‘“ tTOl !«*der. Iris Salem »pent Saturday at Lawrence The Hal lea d is tric t The quality of M altsau. Gossler’s tar shipment (s n a g the s a m a i e r k f r » « Ir ia n t . Annette Mai th* tnaft. particularly la the canning sertho. Bonnie Jeanne T in k e r M rs —_____ _ the first - . two * cars sertbm Johnson reported M orris Brow« |( cutting wood w ith | varieties. to said to he extremely high C. E Jordan has given the g irl scoats •hipped sold t a K Omaha. Nab at hto dreg a . « to r John Edmiaton The b e lt to atoo o t an— «1 .1«. 311 ( • and $ 11M . ro a r <ut of the O rc u tt Court of ihe State of Oreg « . to aad for Laae County, npoa a to­ rre e of forectooure aad order to w lf real property, m the suit of Okie Lygy *ga.ns. Charle« E McLtoaaid aa sto- M iLietrstor of ihe estate af John Mc- ttouaM. deceased C h arle* E Me Boa sM. M an e , M.-DoasM. has bead aad * * < ^ * * H i * a g le W D McDonald, aisgle. K a th en ae H. Joaes A. D Jomea. u lfe i r t hashaad » o r x h y Snyder aad E2mer M bayder. * * * * Single wheeehy I am .rom m . - a . ed tn aeil the real property herexaaf- tor (« e m b e d , which dewreu was • • « e ^ aa the SSth day a f Jane. IS M A*1 »hereby | a » regetred from the W wesda of such sake to pay te the ■ p to iailft the xum o f S571S1. w ith to- I «tonto at the ra te ad S per te a t per aa- I * * * ;r "to date thereof aad the fa rth e r I asm af I ’ i (J caafa. d is k s -lrto s a ti and I — ---------Nw. w ith the 1 Even Robinson Crusoe Advertised When he wras exiled on an island one of hto first arts « a s to advertise for help. Hto adverttse- nient « a s not a newspaper ad but an outdoor form o f publicity. H e hung bis shirt on a pole at the w ater's edge and awaited results Circulation was very poor, but be did not take bis ad out be­ cause results were not immediate. He left the ad'■‘IX ” for a long tim e sod eventually it got re­ sults. A passing ship saw the ad and took Robin­ son Crusoe aboard ship back to civilisation. The gular and consistent ad-m erchant of today by re vertising can also gef results for he has the ad­ vantage of modern newspaper advertising and Rood circulation which guarantees that hto mes­ sage goes into the home« of the community com­ prising hla trade radius id ex ysum a ad I wiL »X Santrday. the t a l (ay of Aagast. IS M . a t aae a ctock in the a f tera ra u at - rance to t] tto« to the highest bidder fa r o •ahyact to redrtoptm a as hy tow 1 *** l i » 1 M »— I il 3 ad C O d e a C O d e ’s Plat « n . U »B V M . «< Lane C otxdy <>*geb I J s i s - i ’ > (-n The Springfield News i only ’ In the World that to Dedicated to the of Springfield People."