The Springfield news. (Springfield, Lane County, Or.) 1916-2006, July 03, 1930, Image 1

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Print Shop Firtt
I H IX G I-’ I K I J ) .
P .o p le ’t Paper"
Union Services t o , Salmon Story Is
Begin On Sunday Branded A s False
Vaiti« Pruit Will Preach Initial Rumsra That Racks Are Being J
T he tw enty-fifth wedding anuiver*
Sarmon at Baptist Church
•wry of M r. and Mr». 1. N. Endicott
Opened Are Denied by Fish
an lu - l .
. .
l w* ’ lb ® occasion for a large annlver-
Sunday In Evening
Fairground« Program, Individ­
Commission Men
All Highway Work to Cease at .a r y dinner which they gave at their
ual Community Celebrations-
Upper River Folks Working on
»•>111« P ru itt. paalor of the Hprlni I
Noon Today Until After July home at M l V street on F riday eve­
.. c . b r ______
hurrh will d -llv e r the
‘ h ,‘
County Grange Picnic. M oun-, . ,,„w
t . i l . » ch
Water Grade Line From Low­
Fourth; Heavy Traffic Ex- ning, June i7. M r. and Mrs. Endicott 1
tains and Seashore All Vie for ..r m n 0 Sunday even tug a t the Hap d ,* ,d“ a U b ara r*<
'«ken aeveral
to Fail Creek Station Are
pacted on All State Highways; were m arried in Eugene on June 27
Public Patronage.
Uat Church for the first union church k -«"
i” " ** “ “
IS M .
Aid in Springfield
K a m i« riv e r at the flab rack* above
Traffic Slows Oiling.
service to be h d d In Springfield this
An Interesting Incident In connec
R. » Knlph I I M u lh o lla n d .
b rM < a - and ,h a t Bnkn®wn
Local people will he able to la t e
Ih e lr rh o ltv In the m anner of vein
hrallng the Fourth of July this year
It la seldom that such a VHrled list of ' h l. congregation w ill provide musical
program s and celeb ration ,
has been nu m ber.
p" rm ,t ,b " ,U h * ° • ° UP *b"
w ill .tart .1
"p"w" ar*
arranged tor In this county and even 8 00 o'clock
thia group of event» which Includes
The three prole.tont . hurrh.■. In
the large celebration at the Lane
-----. . holding
thls c ity hnve | been
union set*
evenly fairgrounds, com m unity pro­
vires every Bunday evening for ihe
gram» al Junction C ity, N oll and oth
past several s e a .o n . The m in is te r, o f ,
e r places, the county Orange plrith ( th e three Churches have charge of th e ,
al lllveralde, and Ihe opening of the m eeting* »ml they uni ally lake turn«
swim m ing season at Swim m ers De about preaching and the meetings al
light, w ill not he enough Io hold a
lern ate from one church to another
large portion of the population from The pastor of the church here where
going Into the muunlalna on camping lh e union ae.vlce la being held usual
and mountain clim bing t r ip .
; ,y h„
otM,n ln i -n d e|)j#
T he
quarterly -------------
Th* " a 1” ” <'hUrcb wl11
Thursday evenlna
evening at , the
hulld f ir e , w ithout cam pflra permits, subject for the »ermo \
““ J “*
Some of the hx-al neonle have an-
“ H"’ " “ h“
bt,* D
Some of tha local people have an annuuncod.
fin an ced th e ir plana for Ihe Fourth.
M r and M rs. Jess Hmltaon have a l­
ready left for Newport
They left
Tuesday m orning when M r. Rmltaon'a
re a lis a tio n as fire rh le f became e f­
The contract for lhe construction of
fective, and w ill »pend several day*
ihe new union high school at Low ell
on the coast.
M r and Mr« I I L. Q llletta w ill go waa « »»rd ed to Oeorge Perkins on
to Halsey where th eir daughter. He» Monday. His bid was I27.42.1M . The
trie s . Is visiting, snd «pend the dgv plan" ,or ,b * building was draw n by
w ith relatives
, H »»«>ck«r. Sm ith and Phillips, Eu
Mr. and M r«
II. T urner, accn m
panted by A T u rn e r, C. W oodruff
___ __
and W a lte r New m an and two dangh
ters, all of Eugene, w ill spend the dnv
cm the Sm ith riv e r In the southwest-
----------- —
* “ b r <,,aron' r n<«‘d peop!e living above
ra<,k* an<1 * bo tb,nk ,b a t ‘ hey
— w
have more salmon to catch If they
only break the obstruction which the
" * * '*
p,a<’*<* ’ b ® " ‘ o secure eggs
w blrh , r a ha“ ’b<'d and later put Into
stream » again
to stock
h.-Id n » >
held n e t,
who are stationed at the
watch" them
R y An„
, hR
ery tim e a few large fish cross the
racks at the dam someone s ta rt* a I
rum or th a , t h . T c k T ^ e h J r ^ o k
'school at 10:00 o'clock
them move fu rth er upwards and ernna * * three days In duration for many
the dam above the power plant. Bv-1 bua,,,eas people In Lane county,
es w ithin driving distance from this »n,.»k im ih„
o ,a,
d l y w ill all be crowded with both Was Told to Fear ' at ih i 1 im
young and old
, te rrie s . They w ill have their Sunday
F o re s te rs to Be Buoy
only un,rup- but •*»
rommlaston of these acts la almost
an Im possibility according to
f|„h ,.om m |„ )oB at Salem. This . . lion I. being taken A M b " r Rob* " a. Mrs. Elsie Davla.
’ ‘d*
the riv e r la five m ile .
P ra tt Holverson. and J B Endicott
' ahort r
‘ h«»
by Ihe highway departm ent so as not
Those who attended the dinner *hr'” , * h
H ill to Springfield.
to hamper any more than Is necee-
A com mittee from the upper riv e r
»ary, the thousands of motorists who M r. and Mrs. J. B Endicott and son
are contem plating motor t r ip , over W ayne. M r. and Mrs. Haymond Wah **U t r ‘ct headed by F rank B lair, Low .
lace, Mrs. Lepley. M r. and M rs **' n,®rchan‘ - l>la »a to attend tb «
for the paat several seasons, staled ' '*
ou r,b of July.
P ra tt Holverson. and daughter. Fave L1° “ a Clob me®‘ ,,,R ln Springfield to-
that while It waa not Impossible to
More than fifty men have been j Mrs. Elsie Davla, M E N orth rope day t0
OiPPort for the project
h a * , com m itted the a c t. which are « ..w o r k in g long h ou r. .In c e Monday I who is v l a i t t o d ^ n ' s . ^ M T ' ^ Z : bere Aa aoon « • “ « » < *« “ backtog
frequently spoken of, however
morning trying to get the olllag of I N orth Dakota. M r. and M rs W avnn *’ bad lbe county court w ill be po-
would be almost an Impossibility.
Ihe n»w
new Sprlngf'.jld
t Ihe e approaches
.DDioai 11.., to
in th>
a nr in^ .is ( lo v e r
daughter, June, R M Ste- t,tloned f®r ,h « road. Supporters o f
bridge completed before the Fourth. vena. Ola Endlcott, Junior Endicott the pl* “ “ 7 th a t
M any Salmon Above Racks
T he ra c k * were not put In as early O fficials In charge of the work there and M r. and i M r*. I. N . E n d ic o tt
rSTer d U tric t to O *k rld » e wtU
thia year a* they usually are. he slat- ata,ed yeeterday that they expected
______ _________
ou through Springfield if the new l ___
"d' and ’ •» *» •> thousand salmon had t0 *“ ’ • tha work completed by noon
waa bD,lt' do" 10 a ,b«>rter dlatoacc.
. . . .
.n . .
fM l ■ V
h ilt
Ia n
B fiz ia i«
km »
km m
run up a the
river » before
the racks were f today'
hut « also
added « that
If e they
T o u rts ti, also, would use this road as
completed on May 14. These salmon
th « r would cease all w ork and
TO BE H ELD ON MONDAY it la more scenic than the west aide
»bteh made their way above Ihe racks I oppn aU roada ,o ‘ he heavy tra ffic
|hi( gM p a r h o|M
jT which la expected to paat up the Me t l o n ^ ‘o m r ,h * c T ' .aBnB‘ , ‘B ,U n a -
Tb‘ rB<Ular »"W r
er and frequently a small school of K ' na,e tor
holldayg. which w ill
ion of o ffic e r, of the Juanita Rebekah L io n , club Is being held at noon today
Springfield msrehun's w ill not close Ing service and special numbers are
th e ir Stores on Saturday Several of provided by the members of bis con-
them » « A l to close th e ir bualneaa gregal Urn.
These service, have been very pop-
places on both F rid a y , and Halurday.
hot the sentiment was g o t unanimous ular during the past and good sudi-
and they have all decided to keep encea are expected again Ihte oeason
ra open.
- p e a . T i n h e a depot
ep oi w
ng i
, p,»
th e ir doors
ill op­
he M eth o
erate on a Sunday schedule w ith > « • d l_. rh llr,.h
church, w ill preach »» ¿ h o _ .u k -
man on duty u n til 4 no o'clock when
JecL "Trustw ortblneaa," at the morn­
It w ill he rioted.
ing »ervice at h l* church. The regu­
Resorts along tha M cK em le high la r Sunday school and Young People’s
•way are anticipating largo crow d* m eeting* will be held
and It I* re rta ln (hat the ocean bearh-
« ¿ H ' - . . w ,„ h e .r Rev Mu.hoHand
Forest o ffic ia l* sre going Io keep
ca refu l ch eck on .11 c .m o e r . In t h e
national fo res t, tom orrow and Ihev
national fo re s t, tom orrow and they
have alreadv warned motorisia not to
u tiv jo 'k * lg h through
v w
i hile
w a y a ^ e r the
F a w C au g h t A b o v * R a c k *
’M‘" P k
" r ‘n ,
tba r , w
,r *
m " ''h °PPo"®d ‘® Ibc racks
“ a™
® b*®“
'* would have the pub-
lie believe, he continued. They know
that thia year, for Inatance. they have
several thousand salmon above the
rack* and they are perm itted to fish
for them two m ile* below the low er
rack- M any have tried to fish fo r
A com m ittee of the Lions club have
been asked by Mrs. Jessie M Honey-
m an, chairm an of Ihe roadside and
billboard com m ittee of the Oregon
Federation of Garden Clubs, to gath­
e r for a spoclal meeting Tneaday a t
noon to meet w ith M r. and Mrs. W L.
Law ton, who are now com pleting a
survey of state highways, and dlscuag
plans for the beam If teat Inn o f tho
roadp In this part of the state.
n to E Z n
" ™
” 7,
MOB<” y ,Dat' ad ot ™ day —
° r ' a n l“ “ OB aDd tom orrow Is the fourth of July
** COD* ", * ° M * 8 ,
W ork Require* Mora Tim a
ld e lev was m
ln f r te la mo"‘ business
w ill be closed
l F i v
h T " * " J "**
B,dw’ " house*
The original plans of the highway
Z ’ . ’ “ A - ’XL‘B,ei
Springfield, a gntduate of the local
« ..u n w wwu &ww u
».» “ an-
' " - ‘ H.twin Which
Is set high school and U n ive rs ity at
• for Ihe oiling of the approaches, and i for
next Monday.
they probably would have completed I i
wl11 b® a k’*®«‘ « t th e m e e tin g o f th e
the work In that time If unusually
he new o,f,cera to be Installed are: club today and w ill make a talk. H e
heavy tra ffic had not started using
” Aray bo,r"' nobl® Frand I M ra 1» now an Instructor a t the U n iversity
the bridge
T h e three approaches, ! 3 * , ?
„ >nd
A rth »’' Roberta, of O hio and is spending h i* vacation
which are being oiled are twenty-four ‘ " IIIe Py"®- »l<«<PSBd; Mrs. Oene- here w ith hla sister. Miss Ann Bldw ell.
f„ , w M ,
Thlg coupIpd w|<h
fa<>t | ’ «®»® Louk. recording secretory; and
David E v a n ,, mem ber of the State
that the vehicle portion of the brldg,
u>rab - treasurer. The position
la no w ider has made ihe oiling of the ?. nanclal secretary which I* held by
east approach more d ifficu lt than or-
r*- - rlne Putnam la for one year,
and Is filled at the beginning of each
d,nary stretches of highw ay oiling,
H ere the shoulders have to be either
A surprise birthday party was held
built up or dressed down and the
follow ing the meeting In honor o f Miss
rttodway Itse lf Is very narrow for
Am y Love who recently had a birth-
®¥®B on® w aT tra ffic which la necea-
®B* ald® ®F the road while
' ,b a other side Is being oiled,
Game Commission, was a guest a t the
m eeting laat F riday and told some-
thing of the w ork which th a t organi-
satlon la carrying on In the state
. •
T h e old sw im m ing hole became ex-
‘ b ®m between the two rack* during The oiling which Ihe crews are
ON SATURDAY MORNINr ceedin<ly popnlar
Monda'- ^ d t
,b ® ‘ l,n® ‘ bey were being constructed Ing now actually amounts to
a soft
. .
, ,
UK DAY MORNING was one of the w arm est days o f the
and f " w have ever caught any of them paving. It consists
of four Inches of .
v. . r
n » „ - i. „»
An automobile accident Involving y
People of nil ages, m other*,
th e re . Likew ise, It I . very seldom three d ifferent sites of crush riv e r
that a person catches a salmon shove gravel which has been mixed with cars being driven by Mrs. H . V. Neher fa ,b e rs - and children, more than W
of Pasadena. California, and Cadgel ln
hled dowB to “ ** eaat F * * • *
a r r blteet». The outside dlmcn- the dam, although there are lots of several heavy coatings of heavy road
Z lo lkski, route 1. Springfield, happen- the ° ld brld<® and ‘•°°l® d off in the
slons of the building are to be ISO by them there. They have been seen go- , oil and rolled and packed down with
ed a t the Intersection of Fourth and al°w ly moving waters o f the W ilia m -
120 feet and It Is (o be com . pletely
,BB o r’ r ,h ® r*cks at the dam.
. .
I steam rollers. A smooth coating of
* ’ , ln ’ ,re<‘" '
«"»»ntoy m orning ette r,T e r'
r" ady for ua® by October 1. accord
V ary D iffic u lt »0 Open Rack*
It Is a very d ifficu lt thing to re ,op <•oa, of 0,1 and ‘ b 'a keeps most of i,? ™ ,
,he 7',’ n‘ ,end*>r o f ,h ® Cab
T h ® rtvPr ha* « T®ry gradual slope
*BF ,0 tb ® term s of the contract
------------ ----------
- ---------
prn. move any of the slats from the ra c k .
ern part of the state.
in the contract pro-
Mlss H elen M cKee w ill go to Salem v id e , that Ihe contractor must use a» »1‘ houl being able to notice the
w ith her relatives to spend the week- 'm uch local labor and local m alarial» change as they have all accumulated a
end w ith friends
us Is possible T he en tire school w ill covering of moss which would have
be built o f wood.
to he broken If one were removed.
tlon with the anniversary dinner was
A ne w county road on a w atar grade
the fact that five of the people who
10 F a ll Creek station Is
" a , a *‘*«h
»<*>0 today and w ill attended the wedding of M r. and Mrs. ,roIn
Endicott were able to attend the din beln* ao“ Bb‘ by people living in the
" w,,rk ,' K“ 1"
_ to orders „ Issued
.u e u nar i 'rldajr evening. They were M rs “ PpPr
* 'tll* m e t te
d istrict.
n’ <’ rn ,n ___________
<- according
8 l? t e ' H ig h w . 7 7 e ^ m e 7 t i
M r^
th e
A " highway repair and construction
.......... ...............
Individual» have at various times In
'«»tor of the Wapliat church
will |>re
side at the service, and m em b er, of h” p“ ‘ f,W w**k" opaB,d ,b ® rarka ' " . J "
° r’”'‘,n
The new school building w ill con-
F'u r,b«i'. ‘ be stale fish commission has
Ith" 0,1
f r ®m sticking Io the tires of i , ¿ i d
aU,on,obi,e ¿ « -o rd ln g to the
' automobiles and being throw n against u
ed ■’ th® r “ ? hall
Mrs. Neher swung her automobile to
,h e fenders.
the rig ht as If to make a right hand
C raw Going To Cottage Grova
' The crew now w orking on the turn and then suddenly turned it to
the le ft to make a reverse turn. T he
bridge approaches w ill be moved to
d riv e r of th e second car In attem p tin g
Cottage Grove next and then w ill be
to pass caught the front tender of the
*®nt back north of Junction City
firs mtachlne w ith the rear bumper
where they were working before they
and bent It
' started here.
tain a study room, a library, three " nian a ,a ‘ lon®d «‘ the racks the en-
recitation rooms, a lecture hall, and tire season and he has a powerful
a science room A kitchen and a man searchlight mounted on the rack
ual tra in in g room w ill also be provid­ which makes It possible to see anyone
e d a t w ill be offices for the teachers molesting the property from the win
Surfacing of the M c K e m le highway
dow of the cabin where the watcher In Ihe east part of the city storting
and the principal.
T he plane also call for a com bina­ stay*.
at Tenth street w ill be sim ilar to the
O. W Peterson Is the warden In work being done at the bridge. I t to
tion gymnasium and auditorium <6 by
M foot In alse T h is w ill also Include chargw of the rack* and he has been to be done by a Reedsport contractor
locker and shower rooms for both on duty there ever since they were | who to now w orking on another cca-
started w ith the exception of a few tract Job n ear Lebanon. T he w ork to
boys and girls.
expected to start here In about one
T he school Imsrd now owns an hours a w eek when he to relieved.
Public Education Needed
| month.
eight acre site to be used for the
W e frequently see people violating
school. On this w ill he constructed a
double tennis court which It expected the state law In one m anner or an- L O C A L nftCTGD U flT rn
other, but It I . usually because they
app¿ « ' B’ a«®’y IL0®0- end an
do not understand It or do not realise
ath letic field
of o«rtaln things. The rack , . . . . . . „ r) „
The Low ell union high school dle- ,h ®
trrlc t was formed by the uniting of i h M b,"‘ n brolt®n. »‘ sled Anderson. :
^ 0,lBrd * • * rh oeen to be
six school d istricts In th a t v lrln ly . The * nd 11 waa Terv
«•« U for many ! P
b* ’ Z u Z d. u
'* * '
school hoard has just been elected and 1
»fterw ard. He ventured that If
1 ,hp M ®thod,a‘ church at the
the first high school Casses In t h e ' ” " ' p« b"c Is told of the purpose of ; “
‘¡OBf®rpnc’ * b‘ch was held at
at th i, point, has a fa irly smooth rocM
bottom, and In only a few instances
does It get too deep for children. The
current is not very sw ift and If one
should be carried down stream he
would be carried to the bank or to
the sand bar near the gravel com-
— — ——
Mrs. Anna Barnard died at her boms
here on route 1. F rid a y evening, Juae
C. Johnson, transient, had a hard * 7- a f‘ ®r « »bort illness. She was 7J
day o f It on Monday. F irst he drove T * * « old and had lived In thia vlclB*
h l* automobile into a telephone pole “ T t ° r ‘ be past six years,
at tha corner of F ifth and K streets ■ Sbe Is survived by her husband. Da«
and then deserted It and proceeded by Tld B arn ard ; three eons. John. Fkzrt-
taxi to an auto camp acroaa the river. Ia n d : H e n ry . Springfield, and Renbea,
M r*. I-aw tnn came to Oregon more
H e r* he w a* arrested by L um Ander- Suplee. Oregon; tw o slaters, Mrs. Em-
than a month ago at (he request of
eon and Deputy S h e riff George Can- ">A R ag lin . P rineville, and M r*. L e t«
the Oregon Club Federation to make
edy on a charge of driving while In- Duley, P o rtland; and eight grand«
a survey of the present scenic feat­
ures of the highways and to make a
Johnson was assessed a fine o f »100
The funeral services were held Moe«
containing recomm endation*
and was sentenced to serve 80 days day m orning from the W alker-Poole
fo r Im provem ent. M r and Mrs. Law-
In Jail when he was tried In Justice chapel a t 10:00 o'clock. Mrs. Vernon,
ton have been spending Ihe past week
court In Eugene on Tuesday.
pastor of the F u ll Gospel Assembly of«
In C entral Oregon w ith Judge Robert dlatrlct w ill bo started this fall
the rarkg ,h ®r »■» "®°n forget th e ir AS ° r “ ,aBt w« *k - aBd * • » - C. J Pike
T he Springfield police chief had ftclated and Interm ent was made la
Rewyer of Bend and have visited all
Ideas that the slate Is spoiling th eir WR" r ® appo,n‘ ®d I*" » o r o f the churcn several bottles of liquor In the c ity the L aurel Oroye cemetery.
of the highways around I ’ sater Lake.
fishing streams and there w ill be no ”
C,‘ 7 by ,he conf®r ®BC®-
vault Tuesday which ne had found in
K lam ath Falls. P rineville, and Hepd. FLYING SCHOOL TO TAKE
fu rth er troublea experienced.
' A ebanxe In the division of the state the wrecked automobile, and which he LOCAL FAMILIES HAVE
SHIPS TO SILTCOO8 LAKE, The rack» have been operated for ln*° four ln a ,ead of five d la trlc t. as It
Saturday and Sunday they w ill go
was keeping a . evidence of possession I
over the M cK enzie highway and will
five years now and very little trouble fornler,y bad waa made by the con- If the arrested man should have been i
T he cabin monoplane, City of E u ­
note possibilities for Im proving the
freed o f the firs t charge.
M r. and M rs. John Henderer. M r.
gene, and the two place trainer ship
scenic features o f the highway.
The quantity of salmon between the . becomes a part o f the Salem district
and M rs F. B. F lanery and fam ily, and
belonging to the I-ee Inm an flyin g
On Monday they w ill v is it the achool w ill he flown to Silteooa lake racks now Is estim ated a t somewhere i wh,ch Includes a ll churches from Orw MANY PEOPLE ATTEND
Dr. and M rs. W N. Dow and fam ily
Booth-Kelly tim b er holdings above
CHURCH NIGHT PROGRAM 8,1 motor®d to ,b® mountains Sunday
W endllng and In the M ohawk roglon. to haul passengers dnrlng the Fourth he m any times that num ber there by ! w l" <'o n ,,n »e to eorve as superlntend-
■ -
and spent the day picnicking on South
M r. and M rs. Law ton w ill go to holidays. Lee Inm an and Jim. M cM an- th e end o f August when they atop j ont of tb l’ dl«trict. but tt Is not car-
A large crowd attended the church for,t of th ® M cK enzie river. They rw
,B,n J"*1 where his headquarters w ill night program presented by the L ir e b01’1 ,b at the road ts not very good
W ashington a fte r they complete the Iman w ill fly the cabin ship and D al­ running upstream
----------------------------- -
I be located. It Is probable th a t he w ill
survey here and make a s im ila r one ton Shinn w ill take the nm aller plane.
W ire high school class of the Christian a *®"S ‘ be South F ork as yet. Land-
for the Garden Clubs of th a t state.
hp moved ,n
®» to be located church In the social rooms on F rid a y al*de" have been cleared off and It to
M rs. Inm an and Mrs. M cM anlm an RUSSIAN EXILE VISITS
IN SPRINGFIELD MONDAY mor*1 ,n tb<' c®n,pr
hls charg®.
plnn on driving to the Inke thia a fte r­
evening. A program consisting of mu- B0W °P®n
I’Tonch Pete's cabin, but
steal numbers and a short play was Pa r 's of the road have been graded
Colonel A lexander Schwartz, form- SCHOOL BOARD TO BE
presented and was followed by re- snd arP Btl11 qblte loose.
c r com mander of tha hody guards of [
freshments consisting of sandwiches.
the late czar of Russia, spent several i
Rev. D. E. Raker, missionary w ork­
cake and coffee served by the women BOWLING ALLEYS ARE
BADLY BURNED BACK hours In Springfield meeting local
A reorganisation of the achool of the church.
e r foy the Baptist church Bunday
business men on Monday. He Is mak hoard to Include members which were
achoola In this part of the slate with
1,00 H a m m e r of Bend, an employee
headqnnrtore In Eugene, delivered of tho Orem lum ber m ill at W altor-
elected at the annual achool election, LIONS CLUBS HAVE JOINT
The Mel Bartlett bowling alleys
the Sunday m orning sermon a t the vllle, suffered a badly bured back laat ing of the conditions In Russia today. and to eelert a new board chairman
PICNIC LAST THURSDAY wh,cb were deatro’red by fire which
He la speaking before the Active to succeed D. J. Beals, who did not
M ethodist church. Rev. B aker told
swept the building this spring have
Thursday evening when he wna caught club In Eugene this noon.
the audience som ething of the work
Sixty people attended the Joint pic- been rebuilt and playing started on
between a donkey atenm pipe and a
The fo rm e r Russian m ilita ry officer
w hich he Is engaged In and then
tree w hile the donkey waa being does not fake a defiant a ttitu d e toward held next M onday evening. Dr. W . ntc of the Springfield and Cottage them Monday. The entire alleys had
preached an Internetlng sermon. He
H . Pollard w ill probably be choaen to Grove Lions dab membera and their to be rebuilt as waU as the ball pita
moved. Ho waa taken to the Pacific
fille d the pulpit during the absence C h ristian hospital In Eugene for tre a t­ the Soviet government which exiled serve as new chairm an, being the sen­ wives which was held at Swimmers and return frame.
New pins aad
him . H e to wntchlng conditions the»e ior man on the board. F. B. Flanery
o f Rev. C. J. Pike, pastor, who was
Delight on last Thursday evening. The some new bells hare been provide*,
m ent. H I* In ju ry waa not serious, hut
v e ry cloaelv and believes th a t many w ill take the place of M r. Beals and
attend ing the annual conference of
m am ben and gneeta .«Joyed a «:S0 The entire front room has haa« pe-
^ ^ Itak® a I®B< t« » 0 for the burn» ¡good reforms w ill eventually come o f
the church a t A storia.
C. F. Barber w ill succeed W m . O. dlneer which was followed hy daae- pend sad painted aad pnsaats •
the new form of gorernmeot.
Hughes aa d a r k .
lag aad other entertehueeet
¡vary eheerfel ap