PAGE NX T H U R S D A Y . J U N E 2H, 1»3Q Greatest Transcontinental Highway Being Constructed T W O S T O N E P IE R S N O W IT 'S S W E E T E R T H A N " S W E E T IE " ! 'M A N Y P E O P L E A T T E N D IN D IC A T E S P O T W H E R E OLD B R ID G E A N N U A L M A S O N IC P IC N IC STO OD One thousand people attended the The old Springfield bridge acroaa third annual lams county Masonic pic. but dusty and pavlns le belns carried T h e O ld £ p a m s h T r a il, F ro m St. the Willamette river, which until thia ale which was held al the Beavey Hop on reptdly. eventually to cover the en­ • prlns waa the only hlshway connect A ugustine to San Diego, Is Island on Sunday. Chenier M Law­ tire atreich From Kl Paso westward Ins . ... link . . . . between Ine , the two citlea or Ku rence, worshipful master of the Mr Nearly Finished * " * * *i*W M',,dCO Art* M,a ** ‘he «*«• aad Sprlnsfleld ,„ n e two s»ne. Two Kensle lodge, was the principal speak California Fine 1« T it mile«. of which i.rr* .ton« »U r. « v la » L ™ -K~a.e k .» t . 1 r f* •<<»• P««r» now Stand on oppo- By CALEB JOHNSON er. Short talks were also mads by about half I. paved, the rest «ravel bank, of the river as mule re- By the end of 1M1 tt will be poaai Mrs. Thomas Bailey of Junction City, over the d re e , and throuxh minder, of the progrea. and change ble for a motorist to start fro « Maine mother of Kdward F Bailey, now can be Rocky mountains By (he end ot which oonMruc and drive to San Antonio. Texas, with­ d id st, for governor on the Dsmocretlc I this year R I, expected that the last . rauch , „ (Wr and , , ron(rvr out ever sett in s off hard road. With­ ticket, and by Hugh Rossnn of Kugena stretch of tha 17S miles acruaa Callfor brldse to take Its place in another (wo or three years the mo- B1> l0 and Elbert Bede of Cottage Grove nta to the Pacific will have been There still remain, p |.„ ,v * toriet can continue hla Journey to Cal- Special musical numbers by a Ku dence of a brldse once spanning the tfornia, over hard roods all the way gene quartet led by William Kidwell This great highway. 2.741 miles river at that point as the steel beams With all of our progress In road were Interspersed through Ihr pro- * building, there is today not a single IO"*' ‘a .1th,‘ U , W t *,n* le ple' p of ar® W «* In groups on either side of gram route across the continent which does bl,ildln* which has ever been the river where they are awaiting Plenty of athletic contests and not involve driving over hundreds of I'on"t ruc‘ed alnc® th® da7a when the shipment to Portland for refahrlcatlon sport events were provided for people miles of roads which nobody could 1 **“ ” connected all of the outlying sod later assembling again to provide of all ages. classify as good and which most mo ^ro’ tnc” of Eur°P® with Imperial a bridge across the same river a few Nancy Carroll Stanley Smith m the l i r e torlsta, accustomed to the paved ’ r°* da’ ’ Ome ° f wW<‘h h,T** ni,,ea of ,h e p»clflc highway at M R . A N D M R S. JA CO BY highw ay, of both coast, and the day “ d are maIn ‘>•"•»*'1 at u p i* l,.h, I*.“rry Gn?en> Skaatii Dullagher. Lillian Roth Great Lakes region, would classify as ** n was in the glider and he several outstanding wrestlers. crosses the Orest Divide at its lowest det,areho Missis­ and It Is expected that they will f!y school band and the Legion Drum and are n necessary, across Bngle corps as well a . a number of sippi river at New Orieanw the other again next Sunday. The accident last Sunday waa the brilliant floata. over Berwick Bay at Morgan City, _____ Laui^iana. All of the other water- first serious one to happen to the lo -1 caorses which the troll crosses have cal gilder, and It happened on (he first C A S C A D E F O R E S T S C H O O L flight of the day. ----------- been bridged. B E IN G -- H — E L D T H IS W E E K The Old Spanish Trail follows the line of the chain of missions and pre­ F A M IL Y M E M B E R S M E E T Sixty prospective forest servlvce sidios which the King of Spain or­ workers, all of whom will be employed H A L F W A Y FO R P IC N IC dered In 1772 to be constructed from In the Cascade national forest during the Golf of Mexico, to the Oulf of Cal The members of the Fraedrlck *be ^'re ,eaaon Ibis summer, began an lfornla. San Antonin was the meeting family enjoyed a novel gathering on lntena,ve four daF training period at plavc of all the trolls connecting the 8unday Hr. and Mrs. E. E E. lol,,porary headquarters near Skin­ Sunday when Mr. 8panl»h settlem ents with each other. 1,'raPfirlck and their son and daugh* ner's Butte on Tuesday. Among these And ln Saa Antonio, a few weeks ago, terlnJaw. Mr. and Mrs. A. T. Frae­ men are nine Instructors and seven the King of Spain, through the Span­ drlck. and their family, all motored visiting fire wardens, as well as Fos- ish ambassador to the Halted 8taten, south as far a« Canyonville where ter Steele, chief fire warden In the presented a royal decoration to Har- they met Mr. and Mrs. E. E. Frae­ Cascade forest, and who has charge of ral Ayers, tha managing director of drlck, jr., of Prospect. California, and the camp. the Old Spanish Trail Association. In »Pent the day along the creek The Tbfl gathering of slashings, setting recognition of his services In preserv sun was shining all day and It was "mal1 flrea and dem°n»'ratlons of -------- a s. w ear la g and perpetuating the old Spanish almost almoflt too »ay»« «• *<«.— i how to put them out and actual prac warm at times a_ to be - com-1 tradition fortable, said Mr. Fraedrlck upon re­ tlce In this work Is being followed Of the first 57# miles of the Trail, turning to Springfield. each day at the camp from S t Augustine to Bay 9t. Louis, Men from the Sluslaw forest who Each party drove more than 125 a ll but a tew miles has been paved’ miles to attend the half-way meeting. were In camp last week did not have and that part. In Misslaslpppl, is hard to se t fires to demonstrate how to pat saad and gravel. Thence across Lou­ THURMAN GAS 8TATI0N them ont for Just when they were isiana to Ul« Texas line, 382 miles, ready for these tests forest fires broke TO SELL NEW GASOLINE out In the national forest near Flor­ osaorete jm vem ent la being laid the satire distance, though tt will be the ence and the men went right to work. A new gasoline pump and storage cad of next year before this is com­ tank la being Installed at the Thur­ peted. The unpaved sections are good Delivers Memorial Address man service station this week. The jpavel reads. Charles Poole special deputy grand new equipment s ill be used In the «Me VYoai th s Texas-Louisiana line to of the Ollmore blue-green gasoline «neater of the I. O. O. F. at Bngnne a«a Antonio, 229 nllea, the Trail Is which win be on.eale In Springfield was the speaker and delivered the M per esnt pared. Thenos, 512 miles for the flrst time the latter part of eulogies at the annual memorial ser­ vice et the Odd Fellows temple In te ■ fta a ,- the grerel read (g I t i l l « ------ Eugene lest night. For Homes that want the BEST M O N T H E N D S P E C IA L WRIGHT & SONS /À X E FU RNITURE For Limited Time Only P A IN T kAct Now! Take Advan> tage of This Offer W ith Each Yearly Subscription to The Springfield New» we will gire SO Green Trading Stamp« i