The Springfield news. (Springfield, Lane County, Or.) 1916-2006, June 26, 1930, Page 5, Image 5

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    THVHHDAY, JUNK 2«, 1930
Mlaa Onata Sm ith, daughter of Mra.
V e ry L a te s t
By M A R Y M A R S H A L L
Tom orrow night w ill be church
night nt the F irst C hristian church
and a social program la being pre­
Hprlngtleld on Friday of la x weak.
Munday fishing on th r M i Kanala river ninny look Id a « ' a t
" i ' o * •Pr,n < ronalata of the one-piece frock j ° ra ln corporation, according to Henry
pared by the com m ittee In charge of
Ib rld e ’a alate and h ih ^ i " " w " #Bd ro ,,c h ln < )»<het. T he silhouette
w Collin», dlatrlct manager. Thera j the arrangements.
R .x d .n t
H ara —
Tran « a rt, Uualneae - H . J Hhamnr
r “ rt h"
M r • « * B»n«ra l affect of thia aort of »««
ba brancha. In Portland, Be-
Claude Ikiw n ln a »f Mohawk waa >i of Ixiaburg waa
The program w ill consist of a com-
raw _________
a bualniuis
* u™ 9 • *
* D etreet thing are precisely thoaa of a suit. * u i® u d Spokane. Mr. Collins stated
_ vis ito r In I
»hopp. r In M pringflrkl on Friday
Hprlngflald on
n Tnoaday
Tueaday afternoon
ot while to aome women the one-piece th“ «bare la about 121,000 acre, of -d y skit, the characters o f which are
Mra. Flossie Phillips. B arbara Adama.
Eugene performed the ceremony and
C ratw all Man H ara
I It H int! of
wheat planted la Um atilla county thia
Spenrta Week-end Here n Maude
! • ’ be wa
waa I given away by her old-
a w m io u
a w w «vanni
and Evelyn H arris. O ther musical and
('raaw vll w|>eut Hnlurdav In
1 ring | rje waa hern from Portland to apend j
brother, I.,
instrum ental numbers are being pre­
Il Sm ith of Cottage
field »tail lug w ith h l, aon.
Joseph I^ a W eaver, 41, of Bator
I thn week-end with her mother, M r*, th ro v e
pared for the evening’s entertainm ent.
prise, died la a hospital from Injuries Refreshm ents w ill be served follow ing
Vlaita F r ie n d .- - II Krlckntn of Mnr ' 1 Oorrl*'
T he bridal p arly anterad tha room
suffered wben he was pinned beneath the program which starts a t 8:04
cola . « I I I . I ... hla m en d a In Spring | T o n a li, R .m o v .d Mra. K W How and stood before the fireplace, which
an overturned aulomoblta oa the road o'clock.
field t>n Halurdny,
I «Ha of W altervlllo had her to n a li, re- had been hanked w ith fe r n , and flow
I between Shaniko and Antelope. Weav­
Social night at the C hristian church
moved on Tueaday
. |o.-tt| phy„ . era, ’ while
n " * the ceremony waa r read
« *d
er’s plight waa dl«covered by a paa»
Purchaeea Hupp, «a— Mra. Ix -n n ,rd ,-lan'e a r r io
I T h " n ,,w « r" were calla liilaa and baa
la sponsored at frequent Intervals so
Ing motorist, who waa unable to lift
Roggi <>r M arcóla was a «hopper In
kata of pink roaea and blue delphln-
th a t the Individual members of the
tha car from the Injured man and ««d
Springfield Saturday afternoon.
P o r tl.n d a r V is itin g H a m — Mlaa Phy lana. Rhododendron, and Canterbury
congregation m ay become better ac­
to return to Antelope for assistance.
W a lta r v llla Resident Hare
F krre ll . Il"" N * " 0» ot Portland la .pending the h e ll, formed the floral d ecoration, for
quainted w ith one another. Friends o f
Orders Issued at tha Oregon state the members are also Invited to a t­
M rQ iilnn of W a lte rv llle waa a visitor .
her« »tailing with her uoualu, the other room , of the house.
ae . . .
boepltal In Salem were to k ill a large tend.
Mlaa Muxlne V alller,
T h e bride waa dressed In a beautiful
In Springfield <>n Saturday.
number of squirrels which have roam­
gown of egg shell lace w ith a net
Com a, From Vaughn— Mra C la ire ]
8 ”* nd Friday at Lowell Mra H ar-
ed the grounds there for several years.
veil to match and carried a large bo
Dr. ft. K Lee Steiner, superintendent,
M cH enry of Vaughn visited frie n d . In »ey Kulon and her daughter, Edith,
quel of sweet peas, tea roaea and cal
apent F riday at the hume o f M ra Ka
aald the squirrels had killed a number
Springfield on Saturday.
la lilies
ton a brother, Cbll W a d , at (» w e ll
of trees and bad caused other damage.
Mrs. Rep W eber of Springfield waa
Seiam Paola Vlaltor»-- M r and Mra
The aqutrrels originally were brought
Visit at Halaay— M r and M ra H. !.. the bridesmaid and M r W eber waa
Sum T y le r of Salem were Sunday via-
to Salem from Pennsylvania by ex-
Itora In Springfield.
Governor O lco tt
j t e l l , motored to Halsey Sunday to dress of pastel green and carried a
A bronte tablet erected over the
M otor te D rain — C, R Hwarta and j vlalt re la tiv e , there
J boquet of yellow rosebuds and y e l­
grave of John Templeton Craig, early
C E Kenyon motored to Drain on Sun
low snap dragona
vis itin g From M o n ta n a -M rs J
r . . .
day mall earner between western and
Nelson and children of R illin g , M o n -L
. ' n ,° rm a> rem ptlon waa held fol
central Oregon, who died In a b illia rd
lana are v is itin e w in . »
low ing the ceremony T h e couple left
Vialta In S p rin w
g fie ld — —
Mra ............
Norton •a n . ....................
ara vto.tlng
w ith uvi
her IHOtf]
m o(h„
la McKenxIe pass In 1877, w ill be ded­
I ’angrs of Garden W ay vlallad w lth Mra. J. H H ickm an on MIR Street
icated during (be state convention of
they w ill m a’:» th e ir home at Dexter 1
her frlenda In Hprlngfleld on Wednea- i
letter carriers at Bend Jane 13 and
A - group
M ajo
r O peration—
M ra Naomi K er
n er-
- of ■ - about
- th
- - irty
• -z i re
- i la
. h tiv
, - e - .
day afternoon.
11. It is announced. The grave la lo­
cher underwent a m ajor operation ai ,,ld rl<“ *’
were present for
cated near Ibe McKenxIe highway on
in i
h n
Vinita a t New port -M r and M r . J a the
C hristian
hospital ln Ku i the
the west slope of the mountains.
Wm Itawaon and aon. Hilly, motored gene last Thursday,
Bouquet Ramee
Owners of cattle running on the
to New port taal Sunday to apend the
day on tha beach
Face Pow der
mals from ticks this spring and tba
: landed the reunion dinner of the 3(1 at
A tte n d .
Píenlo— H elen M cKee at- umhulance corpa which waa held at
remainder ot the stock baa been
The Springfield c ity park across
tnnded the L uther le a g u e picnic at the (»shorn hotel In Kuferne Inal Frl-
rounded np and treated to protect
the railroad tracks from the airport
Swim mers Delight last Htindny a f t e r - ' day evening.
them from the Insecta.
T ha tick»
waa the arene of a fam ily picnic dln-
gather In knots along the backbone
, Go to Canada— M r and M is. 8 C i ner
Sunday. Those partaking In
from the bead back over the sbonlders.
Dentist at Astoria— D r W N Dow W right and M r and Mr«. Jim
Elder j *be event were Dr. and Mra. R P.
cause tem porary paralysis and the
W h ile best known fo r
spent the w eekend at Astoria H e of M ilw aukee are spending the week ' Mortensen, and three children. Mar-
animal falla to the ground helpless.
Ita elnaive and lasting fra ­
U ft Springfield >>n F riday and re- | In V ictoria. B. C. T h e y le fl early 8un
i «•"»« - J°«d. and L o n la a : M r and Mra
I f the ticks are removed the animal
grance, Bouquet Rome«
turned late Tueaday evening
IM A. Pohl, and two children. V irg in ia
' aoon recovers.
also gives perfect satis­
Lee. and M axw ell; and M r and Mrs. .
Laavaa for V irg in ia —J. P. Johnson
faction In regard to cling­
baa allocat-
Daughtar Born— M r and Mra. Ern A. J R chnetikv. oarents of M r . Mor. dr<‘“ “ “
ad’ * n‘ «F«s ° » « r the aep-, , , T he’ federal government
le ft Springfield on Monday evening for eat Korn of thia city are the parents A J Rchneisky, parents of Mra. M or ara te blouse and skirt. Last spring ” I 1“ 0«0 tor the improvement pf tbs
ing and blending qualities.
we would have called this aort of WUJaBett« «»«» between Salem and
M arion. V irg in ia, where he w ill apend of a baby daughter born to them at
The fragrance is a gentle
It was ¿ ra • th
pic thing an ensemble, bat fortunately
th eir home on Tueaday evening. June
" ' e " r J cool
' 00' there for
' or * a P'c
eome tim e visiting.
Ore<° °
«ccording to a telegram
rem inder of rom antic o ri­
M . 1»SO.
nlc. m y tb o a . who attended, bat they this word—alw ays d ifficu lt
ental gardens. Sold only
for an ' rec®,T#d frOD> Senator M cNary. The
Vialta G randm other— Dan Fkiglead
thoroughly enjoyed the afternoon.
a t Rexall Stores.
Am erican Io pronounce— la heard less '
*PP™PrlaOon was IM .000
o f W eatlm ber arriv ed In Springfield
V isits From Oklahoma— Mrs. Alm a I
often nt (he preeent tim e and until j T h * lncre" ed appropriation w ill make
last week fo r an Ind efin ite visit w ith W ells, of Tulsa, Oklahoma. Is visiting
sim ething better la deviaed we must “ poMlble ,OT ,he eovernment to build
hla grandm other. Mra. C. 1 G orrla, Hr In this city w ith her sisters, Mrs. Jea-
content ourselves
ourselves w ith
It r7 7 , ’ ° rT. wo^k■, d,ke“ • “ <* retaining
B p an P B w M ay .« N e w p ^ M r . and j * ' * " ~ b' U * " «
No“ h H ,l‘ ^
walla, and Insure navigation betwea
simply a dress and Jacket
Mrs. John Lloyd and th s lr tw o daugh
ra "
tba two cities daring tha entire year
N ew tra in schedules which became
Phe»» 14
w ith
Membetw ot the old Wasco Coeety
tors, Mra. Pearl Harney and Myrtle
_ affective Sunday b are been aanounc
Bheulder— R. Montgom
brown and green
fig u re ,
la used . Pioneers' «»«
k ^ iuuoo n
Irom all parts of
Wright spent Saaday at NewporL
o f Laaburg Injurod kla shouldsr laot ed as follows at the local Southern
w ith plain shantung for scalloping 1 lbs Pacific northwest
war» la The
Thnrsday wbea ha fell oa a «mmant Pacific depot: Northbound tra in num
Vlnlt at Balam Mr. and Mrs John
the Jacket
Dalles recently for attendance at the
floor. H a waa tokan to Sprtagfleld her I which form erly le ft a t 4.11 w ill
C. Parker motored to Salem oa Ban
annual gathering ef the organisation.
wbera the la jn ry waa givea medical hereafter leave nt 4 :M p m.. s ___
day to spend Ike day visiting with
Despite a number of deaths during
Uto northbound Shasta out of Eugene 8MALL BOY INJURES EYE
tro atm an l.
w ill leave at ( : 3 t Instead of 7:44 p.
WHILE ON OUTING TRIP tba last year, there are still 444 mam
b en oa the association's roll. Mem­
O M B »M I»r Hara— M r. and Mrs. M. m., as form erly.
Gess T s Ashland— f-ee Inm an want
B illy, the small son of M r. and Mrs
bership In lim ited to persons residing
Num ber 7 southbound w ill l e t - e nt
to Ashland Monday noon to bring H o lt of O akrldge wera v|altors tn
la Wasco county prior to 18(8, when
back hla daughter, M arjorie, who has Sprlngfleld on Tueadny whlla enrouta 11:14 Instead of 11:47 as form erly, W illia m Rodenbough la suffering from
been spending a few weeks w ith her to Bngene to atttend the O. A. R. con and »um ber I I w ill leave at 14:11 In ­ an Injured eye which be received Inst the traascoatlneatnl railroad waa cou-
ventlon. M r. H o lt la a veteraa of tha stead o f 14:41. Num ber 11. south­ week w hile on a camping trip w ith
grandfather at th a t eRy.
Civil «rar.
bound Shasta w ill leave Eugene nt hla parents. H e ran a splinter Into
Tha Oregon state fa ir la the first la
T a I n t e r Hay Busines»— Pani B t * I
the eye w hile playing and pulled It
11:41 noon laotead of 11:41.
fha United States to require a dairy
— --------------------------------------------
res Feet— Guy M. Sm ith, am-
left thia week fo r Eastern Inju
■ — ia i— i i ■ M
---- -------
but --- the
--- eye seejan
In ju s ry
j to
111 not 11 heal
abort loo lest for a n im a l, exhibited at
where ha w ill parchase and ehlp car Pt<>F*o of the Fischer Lum ber com-
the fair, according to ancoaacemaat
Hta ’»‘«yMcUn says that
kRn of bay to various parto of tha Pa (P *n y at M arcóla smashed bis foot
n<>t 8U,tAln
perm«Bent In-
made by W. H. Lytle, state veterinar-
elflc N o rth w e s t
j Tueaday whan a tog dropped on IL H a
CONFERENCE AT SEABECK ju ry from the accident
■■■• The requirement becomes effee-
was brought to Sprlngflald for medl
Ibve nt tha 1830 state fair. Dr. Lytle
Has M in er Operation— T h e
smaR 1 ca| care.
H ow ard Hughes ia attending the
«aid that beef animala would not be
•on of M r. and Mra. L. M. POnlson of 1
, conference
ann ual ____
at Rea-
required to have the teat this year
W est Sprlngfleld underw ent a m inor '
Vacation—C ity Recorder and \bech, W ashington, thia week and W A N T E D — To trade modern Hone«
and lot la Spokane, W ash., for as they w ill be Judged In the open as
operation at the office of a local phy- N r». I. M. Peterson, accompanied by '» e x t. H e la one of 1» aludrntn from
Sprlngfleld o r Eugene property
In previous years, and w ill not eome
slelan on Saturday.
-M r. and Mrs. Bender. Mrs. Peterson'« ' the UnlversR y of Oregon to attend
Enquire Newa Office.
n contact with dairy animals.
parents of Hillsboro, loft Sprlngfleld the sessions at the Puget Sound en-
T a lle r H e r e - J . A. Nndvornlck of ' f “ ,' ¿ .'.u id a y 'f ^ ’ ronthern O r o ^ ’ T n d
campment thia Hummer. A fte r the '
E xam pho
i e to l^ S t o ^ lB a n k '^ b u R d ln s Cw M m<ln <L*1,,Ornl"
WhOr* U," T W‘” MM' n<’ ra m l> "** ’»*" >°»»« f" r a visit to East-
camp he w ill loave for a vlaR to East
B a rin g fle ld M ondnv r i a l t l n r w ith hl ' ,h c ,r T* c" ,,o n " T h * y expect to return ern W ashington before returning to
frie n d .
lh U Cl>y by July l -
h " hom8 ln ,h " c,t*
T r a n M e t t B u .in s s e — I vau Hoalay of
Flah Bunday- A. L. W rda. W Knlck-
M arrola was a b iia lM c a visitor In i orbochar, and Frad lloaaartnan apant
t t>
> " '" i
hrhl" *’f I ’**'
A ’ FP»
costume tbat
, t r ° n‘ • " - *
makaa a
Pendleton la''to be northweet head
t h l . ' Quarter. for the F a rm .ra ' National
Face Powder
With an
8th Ave.
Hat & Dress Shop
42 Sth Ano. Wuut
J. C. Penney Co. •»«-
Laavaa fo r Vacation— H. Rchaffen-
berg la now Inking hla vacation from
hla work at the M ountain States Pow- |
• r company. The fam ily le ft Wednes­
day for eastern Oregon where they
w ill spend about two weeks.
N ear H arrisbu rg —
and ]
M rs. G. H. T u rn e r spent Bunday fish
Ing for bass near H arrisbu rg . T hey
brought home a good catch. M r. T u r­
n er’» brother, W . A. T u rn e r, who
engaged |D business a t H a rris b u rg was
w ith them.
Hear» From Mother—Oswald Olson
rocslved » telegram last Saturday
from officials In oommand of th» Eur­
opean tour of Gold Star mothers, of
which his mother, Mra. Emma Olson.
* to a member stating that she had ar­
rived there safely and that she would
ta il that day for England.
F orm er Resident Here— O. W . H ob­
son of Portland spent a few hours In
Sprlngfleld on M onday a ft or noon. H a
was form erly m anager o f the Ables
ranch near Leaburg, but Is now In
Portland. H a stopped here on hla way
to hla home a fte r h a rin g made a trip
ap M ount Hood, over to Bend, and
across the M cK enxIe Pass.
California People Here — Mr. and
Mra. Victor Neher of Pasadena, and
Mrs. Dwight Welch and daughter,
Joan, of Monrovia, California are
■pending the week here at the home
o f Mrs. Neher’s parents, Mr. and Mrs.
A A. Neher. They w ill rialt the Co-
lumbja river highway oa their return
WHERE the biowost picturaa play— where
the finest SOUND and TALKING is to t»
— in—
“Embarrassing Moments“
Ona Thousand Per Cent Talk and Laughs
Nancy Carroll in
Sweater Than “Sweeti«”
'I T O R I
Reiidjastrntmt—New Low Prices
Since last October America has been paaaing
through a period of depression— a condition that
has caused unemployment, retrenchment and down­
ward revision o f prices. To help thia condition, to
stimulate industry and to reduce unemployment
The J. C. Penney Company has
R educed
Radically Revised
Prices Downward
V3 to ^2
throughout the Store
Store-wide, our counters ara packed fu ll o f valosE
truly exceptional whan compared with prioaa whicU
were effective last October or even last January.
O u r No. 4 49 silk hosiery that formerly aold at $ 1 .4 0
b now $1.29. Sheets that were $1.29 are now 9Sek
Oinr Pay D ay Overalls are down from $ 1.2 9 te
$ 1.1 0. Y ou w ill find fa our $19.78 man's suits o f
today man v of tha same fine fabrics that ware uaan
fa making higher priced linee a few montha ago.
LB These new low prices call for quick action. DooTl
delay. V isit our store at once convince yourself
P R IC E S A R E D O W N - B U Y N O W I
on Sale at
100 HATS
on Sale at
Don’t forget wa give S- A H .
Groan Stampa