PAO« FOUR T H E S P R IN G F IE L D N E W S i In picking i FP® kind not to nominate the Republican candidate for gov- ernor the sta te Republican Central com m ittee might well consider the kind of man not to nom ­ inate by taking stock of some of the present state officials. Oregon has many old men and « ripples d eii^ n d ^ l4 ’ e ° ,f,Ce8 where you,h and energy is Publtehad »vary Thursday at Springfield. Lana County, Oregon, by T H E W IL L A M E T T E PRESS H *■ M AXKT. Bdltor. aa aeroad clues mattar. February 14, 1WÎ. at the Poeto««». Springfield, Oregon. M A IL SUBSCRIPTION RATE M Advuaea------- , L f * Thrro Mouths M o,th» ------------------------| 1 M Single Copy -Wc —Sc thu rsim y . junk M. IMO TOM KAY AND THH LAND GRANT COUNTIES r e J e * dFuma aro b'*inK beaten for Tom Kay. state treasurer, m an effort to convince state couimit- teem en that he is the logical selection for the Re­ publican candidate for governor. But Mr Kav m ust look to the counties, which he has lambast'- I f?F nomiuaI‘E’“ and he will be remembered m lb of these counties as the state Who tried to pry hundreds of thousands of dollars of federal 0. & C. land grant money out of the county treasury. Lane county, for instance ould have lost >300.000 from the first navment and about >40.000 a year thereafter, if his manip­ ulations had gone through with. We have every respect for many of these old fellows who may have rendered valiant service to the state In the past but In the Interest of effi­ cient governm ent and progress they should be relieved. They are now living on their reputations - history will give them a greater place if they cease to be a millstone around the sta te 's neck In the prim aries many people vote for a name but the comm itteem en might well Investigate what is back of the name they cause to be printed on the November election ballot. • • • THURSDAY. JUNK 3?6. 1930 —7— ___ ____ ______ <■" _____ ■ state forest men I ¡FRESE DOG THOUGHT »-OREST MEN FORMER SPRINGFIELD ,SSUE NEW SM 0K ,NC BOY WINNER OF >200 TO HAVE BEEN POISONED RULES FOR SEASON FOUNDATION CHECK — i Another dog 1« he 11«red (a have Smoking In the tim ber, brush or grnaa areas or the uatloual foreata of Oregon w ill ba prohibited by a regu­ lation of the Regional Foreatar'a of flc * at Portland comment-lug July 1, and lasting u ntil the clone of the fire season. Almond Read I foni m way, form er .. a Springfield resident who now resides nt Cottage d ro ve , received a cbeoh for »100 last weeh as a gift of the Leo pold Bchepp foundation. T he money, which It given annually to a certain number o f Am erican boys In gtvsn an The regulation laaued Inst weeh a reward for d ea n living, good «-1,1- provides that, "except on paved or senahlp. and Interest In religious surfaced highways, smoking on lands training. or the United Stales w ithin the na­ l-eopold Rchepp, donor of (he foun tional forests of Oregon and W ash­ uatlon funds, was a form er newspa­ ington Is prohibited while travelin g In per boy who was aided by a w ealthy tim ber, brush or grass, from July 1 ntsn tv scqqulro an education and until the dose of the fire season • • eventually accum ulate a fortune, lie declare,! by the Regions, Forester, but m a d . a p l.d .e when . . „ , ‘n , ¿ . p . „ not later than September ,0 ' that If h . ever became w a L tT y h . P01®0“ «* •• o assist other boys who live up to MORE SHEEP ARE KILLED served by careful woodsmen w h o '« certain pledge which they ara re­ IN FRANKLIN DISTRICT smoke and has been adopted almost QUlred to sign T hree »(Minors are ap- unlversally as a standard of conduct imlnted and they serve aa Judges of T w o more claims for slain sheep by smokers during the fire season, the youth's abiding by the rules of have been presented to the county say Cascade fore», officiate. The rules the pledge dog control board during the past are few In number, simple to follow Boy» who receive «Id from the week, according to J B. 4crrla. eo«uk WE CAN T FIGHT CHANGE and easily remembered They merely foundation are also e x p e c t*, , o help ,y dog supervisor. O n var M arch and " ’hen I was a small boy in the country we had rem ind you to no, smoke while travel- slin,e other hoy later In life. A rth u r Shove, both of tha Prank Un Ing In tim ber, bniah or grass land ex a Rood old neighbor named Daniel Roe. who cep, on paved or surfaced h ig h w a y . J £ T h ’ k h'8h district presented claims fo r three owned a cranberry meadow. He brought the w a -!c*pt pnve<’ or ’"''»»<•<•<, highways school here before , ........... T ” to Cottage sheep. T his makes ,» total j f eight ter for flooding his meadow through a dee dih h “ ” >»• « " " • O ro v . 2 k moving I” ‘T“ *** claim s lo be received thle month a «bout a quarter of a nUle away. ** ........ . - g ° Z r Z T h e connty dog control board w ill w riding <»’ homebnek or w ith in a ve " " ' . f,‘o ,h « 11 »’ • » . has been meet next Monday to consider the 1 «HaIf o i uevery sum m er of his life he spent dig h,c,‘> country o r .... «rail» or " f ' h* club “ nd claims before (he board and to make u!«? r'«" ¿h<* diFt and stones which had fallen Into narrow ro*d*' and does no, mean that . ,T ,|U* r,.’ ‘ »«- » « • also taken a lowancea. that ditch I M ° a m o k ia , i . prohibited a, c am p , or ” •** ’ • ,ud ’ “ ‘ ™ e 8 ta * Of Oregon has « ^ a y s gotten dollar the fa c lT th a A w ^ c * tond* the counties despite were often d 'iU d ere eXe,npt and l^ r e The «».»I • . ? a«*nquenvies in tax collection, A C T d ° rCgOn had lo8t ,,othiu« »»y the 0. fea rilv T h e ^ PU° r 9 bU‘ lhV COUnties »“ d n e a rly . The federal governm ent reimbursed the counties and Mr. Kay caused the state to carry a whi supreuie court for a share' to which ,t bad no right, thus incurring a large^eourt ¡ 2 ! c « “. t e h X ‘ w o ? ? w drf '" d tkw ’ « •« ¡¿ m b w u l,,r: b“ i" > >«n.eU1. r6s : g ? ¿ g ' S " u - ' m " " * who foot »» ___ . on Mr. ’l ^ Kav. dtìnZZhÌ tOfoÌetereÌ ^ “ ■ u < ed ■ » — aA »»s x I municipalities’ o w 7Ö run their their finances municipalities i how to run finance« S i . - l , nd county on a cash basis doesn't need a debt ridden state. But Mr Kav can't ? out of other people's b u s Ä S Ä p S S r a is o n the county o. & C. money is more prooi d Z X » d « .« r b Mm s i . , ? “• T * V - " " ':‘" h ‘.........r " ......... -.........* ••" X :™ , he ‘» z s “¿ ’" ¿ - F s c 801,1 air. the tb™'! ing on. m e id iw ’’^ d 1,°' “ “"h dled r- H‘8 Son x r x The Oregon state fire law» prohibit “‘eado* ' a a »d abandoned. My M e father m b e r bought ¿might thro* ln,t d “ it was abandoned. bur" '" « m aterial. th<\ d,tch- »‘ost of which ran through our woods m a ,rh ’ a- ‘•'garettee. cigar«, ei and eyery sum m er we fill a little piece of it un " flr* u nex,in«ui»h.d. and it W‘th JUnk and ^ b a g e and cover it with d S . “ Is felt that thia additional tightening Vb................. -■ >'» - his - way • * through college by x the x prof­ it» from these. Heme n way waa recommended for the foundation fund by Rev W A Klklns. Division M anager Here — M r. and M r* C- C- A r r hlhald of Roseburg ar- st«2?w U?1vler I Wa,kod through the woods and r l* " d Sprlngfi.dd Sunday evening hair h .a t a , e s c bair. Already the ditch Is “ ,,d w',r» «“ «••,• •« the home of M r. la n destroyed. In five years more it will be gone “,nd M r" w K. Barnell. M r Archi- a h . . . bald returned to Roaebura*. Roseburg, w where H a p m hs* he M g ' ' N o S, m 7 e aM a M s ’ l m " ‘ i , d l M c ' ‘ ‘ ' ' ' e ' ° r " < ,,h ' Is division manager id the California- Oregon Power company, ea rly Mon m » N . . York Cub I ,»,k,-„ .U h M * 'D T ° « ^ T E R A N S day morning Mra Archibald rem ain­ v l n i L r ' a f" h° u^*d th at the K,orious days had A recent change In the Unite«, ed here for a few days C re tie i n d T hlS,PZOfeS8iOn The ar<'hite« tR (,f States v e te ra n . Insurance law now j • up of restrictions In the use of fire on n",1,,nal ,o«"" lnn,‘k’‘« <« possible for veterans of the rect opposite of the late Mr. Joseph and his advent rn, ; 7 i i j 1\Od.e r,i archltect ha« no such hope. H e W orld w ar who were entiled ,o ap- * ° UJ d uadoubtedly mean that these 50.000 vot- himself had designed three houses in New York p ' t »or Insurance while in the »er ers would be with an independent candidate. ----- hi nia8nificent that he expected them to carry Tlce- * nd wh° are now in good health Air Kay has seen fit to tell the American Legion h 2 , J " . ** Senerat,on8- All three have «» apply for government life inaur- a t times how to conduct itself and a glance at the in J 1 d D tO make way for a I’a »tment build- " “ re m any m ultiple of moo. but not list of state committeemen shows several ex-ser- i n, Ie” ,han ,100° or mor* ’han ,10.000. vice men the alk! d with with a a clergyman c,erKy»'«n who who had had recently recv..Uy vis- »,«- Prov1 - n success- ’nor’‘ mor*' ,b"’ ,b*" D0.0OO Insurance nt any state—m fact they represent about half of the , “ „ d a 5 C itv ty n parish where he o had labored 8tate- We imagine these men do not (U y th ,rVr -v ears ago. That portion of the city one ,lm* think Mr. Kay won the war. has now become a slum. The old families have Under-this provision, those veter Mr. K ay is well known a b o u t th e «m to 1- r . scattered to the suburbs. The church is closed. ana wbo are ,n «ood >>c»i«h. trre«pcc- toc Well known we opine t 2 a p Sre tae v o t / i o f , ' W’h at is Ieft'' he explained sadly "to show for ‘h’r ,or . . . «V » a majority of A U _ M With the understanding that ertAtiflrP| in, r NeY York »Partm ent house destrov- ons were preached. the amount o f Insurance applied for. ®d, ± 2 ; 2 d,n* ^n ,i fai!ed to nielt the ice in rfle refrigerator. The buHders should "¿nw *5 ln the “Your hearers trained their children in rieht r 1”’ ,h‘’ ,moun' of ln"l,rT’"<* in s s « X S S = ." ■ - ■ ■ 1 X x " .X X i z T Z « a j H stl -. for a two weeka visit. M r M.tntgom- • r y returned Sunday evening Married Woman Fwars G at — Eats Only Baby Food " P f r S year* , a le only baby food, everything else formed gas Now thanks ,0 Adlerlka. I eat anything and enjoy life Mr« M Ounn Jus, O N K spoonful A d lerlka r» llevea a ll Q A8 so you can eat and Sleep better Acts on B O T H upper and low er bowel rem oving poisons von never knew were there, and which roused your stomach trouble No m a tter wha, you have tried for stomach and bowela, A d lerlka w ill surprlae you !— Flsnery'a Orug Store Nothing So Refreshing And Really Cooling as a haaping plat* of ICE CREAM i n i Especially if |fg E g g lm a u s — T akn i j 1 1 ' w • 1 , Change, and It is well that we Fifty-nine per cent of the world's telephones ne^mkn»«}* ‘w be if evervthlng were are in the United States. Europe has onlv h a l f as L r o h n n h » wonderful th at each new gen- m any phones as this country. Communication m in i, ip - i f f 1 1^ / un ot takin8 the world apart and has ever been a dominan factor in our Z i n a " * * F aga‘n The church may be closed, the house torn • • • .down, the ditch filled up. But Mr. Roe and the . . . i architect and the n r e a c h e r e a c h h , . . c a i’i h t ^ i ^ l l i h 'h t o 1 flyiDg aViat° F bUt the 8tOFk mCnt ‘n thC “ Ve8 ° f the 1>COP,e whoni be served’ We can do as m uch; and it is all th at we , nn do fortnmtlon regarding this FG G IM A N N ’S W here tbe Servie» le D ifferent" additional privilege granted to veterans may he " b‘ »m*<> »>» addressing any regional °»»l<,‘‘ ™ 'he central office of the u . 8- a quart home tonight. Veteran » Bnroau ThP" 8r* B O W *np-xim.,e- ’r *50 00# »'""nm rni life inaurance po,lc,ea- »x rre g a tln g over ,3.000.000 000 •■»’•rance ----- You Never How Easy It Is V leltlog From Fortien«, — M is t Ear- Iron Rchlewe of Portland la visiting at I the home of M r. and Mr». Fred Freee, thle wenb. The woman who cooks for the first time on an Autom atic Electric Range «» thrills to her first adventure in scien­ RELIEF FROM CURSE OF CONSTIPATION A B attle Creek physician eaye, "Con­ stipation Is responsible for m isery than any other cause ~ But Im m ediate re lie f has been found. A tablet called Rexall O rder­ lies has been discovered. Thia tablet attract» w ater from the ayatem Into he laxy, dry evacuating bowel called ! the colon. T he w ater lntoseaa the dry food waste and causae a gentlq thorough, natu ral movement without I form ing a habit or ever Increasing the dose. Stop suffering from constipation Chew a Rexall O rderlle at nigh. Next day bright. Get 24 for 25c today a, Flnnerv'a R exall Drug Store tific cookery. The cl«-an oxygen-free ■»•i-.' beat of the electric range, she dis­ covers, . L. • elim inates all the soot, smoke, flames, fumes and discom fort bo long associated with open plate cooking. So refreshingly cool and spotlessly clean . . . a fter cooking, a handker­ chief rubbed over the outside of the pan fails to collect a single speck of the crusty grime th at she used to scour away. G o in to Y o u r D e a le r s T o d a y - S e e th e D is p la y o f Sun and a rtific ia l <-d again«, with I L ite lenses th a t I serve the vision. Automatic Electric Ranges pre mountain S tates power C ompany DR E C MEADE o p t o m e t r i / t _____ r o w r r y g T H A V E 4