THUR8i)AY, JUNB 26, 1930 T U I SnUNCVULD N ÏW I W'ANTICO—To (rad* modero I I u u m Fleee Repaired at tha Lao* and lo» >a SpoktM, W u k , tor Workman vara busy Monday morn­ Springfield or Kuxmo pr o p e r i y Requie» N avi (IBIet y ing repairing tho floor beams under Regleter at Kilt#" Bldred J Cavali* •?■ tton Franrleco, N. V. Kedford, tha display raae Just Inside of the door of tha I» o p recreation parlor. Tha old baama had deteriorated and the floor vaa sagging PAOF TO R E» Second Inetallm eat ' would settle the matter of the name. W H A T HAS OONB BEFORE least," tho guoat suggested. She found beraelf standing on a "She hasn't had any y e t” w ta. W ill consider B or Me-1 « ’’’“ «f !» * strange city; a beaut If nl ». .. exchange | munh ___________________________ woman who did not know ____ her 1 1 d r ,f 1 eo" M mska 0Bt the Kaaata Riva» p r o p e r ty _________ _ _______ F. O. Boa 101, Springfield ! name nor remember anything about ’ BalnB» I'M rather good at reading -----j her past life. A policeman asked her »crawls. Do you mind letting ma look Appendix Removed — Delmar, the It »he were In tronhle. Frightened she at the register?" ala year old eon of M r and Mra A r -1 "a,d "ba wa" “ol- A handsome young „ ., chia Davla of M sbure ha« hi« man who h* d be* n w»’ r b’ng her came Robinson produced tha hook, turn- n e n d lv - - < . . BP upend spoke He said he had noticed . I®« beck two pages with a smile, pendlx removed at tha Pacific Chrla- her having breakfast In the hotel A , . lk„d . ran a r . tian hospital In Eugene on Friday | where he waa also staying Hhe Aa aa talked he ran • finger down —————— _ _ _ _ _ _ _ thought he looked honest, and she was j *“ * short Hat of entries, but hla com- Conductlno Sale—Oeorgn Kennett 1« ,e' r,bl’' »'raid, especially after «he panlon. whose Interest seemed deeper spending the week «i m ? had fOun'' no,hln* ,n h,,r P,,r"e ’ hat now. found the name they wanted, peiramg in« week at Marshfield would even tell her name She con ! b„ ,nra , h„ „ .„ u where he Is conducting a sale for a i aenled to let him escort her to the i men's furnishings store. He rill re. ¡Garland hotel. In the taxicab she "Hare It la," the guest exclaimed, learned for the first time that she' turn to Hprlngfleld next week adding absently. "That's odd,” as he was on Fifth Avenue In New York. studied the wavy line of the last word. SUMMONS BA4 ",OR *1 know a little about sack caaee. and n»y theory la that yoa will ba all right in a day or two. or In a few daya at tha most. I mean te stand hr till you are. But I want to find a -a- show him my own credentials, so that show him my owa credsatale. so that he'll let me act as yoar counselor and friend. I f yoa insist, we w ill wait till morning to send for him. If you eeri- ously object to a doctor, we won't have one. I am not going to risk losing by offlclousaesa. any confidence you have in me. But I've simply got to tell you what I think we ought to do, and then let you make your own de­ cisions You see that, don't you? I wouldn't he worthy of your trust In me If I didn't do it.” Recd.port. Mr. and Mr» J K John aoa. M r and Mrs. J. C. Muore. M r and Mra. R. E. H ìtarloti, all of Mola«. M a­ SUMMONS llo wcre regletered al the Riha bo­ In tha Clroult Court of tha State of tai durine Iba pesi weekend Orason fa r the County of Lana. Honeflt Having« A Ix»an Aaaoclatlon, * corporation. i ’lulnllff. va L N O T IC E T O C R E D IT O N S Clark Aydelott. and Mra. Clark Aydelott, hla wife, defendants. Notice Is hereby given that the un u«*ratxne4 hita by (ha County Court of , T® *" ' l,r l‘ Aydelott and Mrs. L. the B u t» of Ora yon for (xui« County, < lark Aydelott. the above named boon duly appointed oxaeutor of ifca defendants: New Go On W ith the Story ________ . ,.nd In the name of the Btafe of Oregon: a a u ia of Vina Mel-eaa. decimaed. “Can you make out the town?” The "Yes." he told her, thinking It out and and all persona having c'alms a r” hereby required to appear In the County Court of tho Stata of She drew a deep siggh that was half as he spoke. "We can do It like this: clerk was beginning to think there Oragon. fa r tha County o f Lane. against the said estate are hereby " , a0 ,w " r ,h ’ complaint Bled required to present said claims duly “,,a " Mt ?” u ,n ’ he above entitled Nina Olhson. Plaintiff, va. Role Olb I will get out of the cab a block m,ght b* “ or® ,n tbl» th« B appeared a groan. verified as by law required, «( ij,» * ourf and cause on or before the ex- •<>n, iW oiidant. "It's amazingly kind of you to take from the hotel and walk the rest of i on tbe »“ rface. The guest's face took office of Frank A. Ucl*ue, attorney p*ra,lon " f f'”»r weeks from the date for the estgta. In Hprlngfleld, Oregon '•p '1 lIU,,ll<-*tl'>n of this summons, deLna1.^.1* 0,,>aon' tbe above-named ,he way. When you reach the G a r-IOB ,ta n,oat matter-of-fact expression, all this trouble. I wonder If I've aver within six months from tha data oi , h da*r “ f »xplratton la fixed by i ____ land, go _ to _______ the desk __________ In the main _____ h a ll.;“ '1 h® gl* B<* d * ' bis watch as If had an attack like this before. S o w - thia nolle«. order of the above entitled Court as ' n B»m® ®f the State of Oregon. „ . ”k th , rk , hpre . anv mall »bmptly reminded of tha flight of how I feel that I haven't. I know you Dated June 14,1930 June 2«(h, IMO If you fall so to ap- yo” ar® hereby required to appear any are being a Good Samaritan. And " FRED R. L K M I.E T . ,,M r and a«»wer. plaintiff for want aBd. ‘ " ” , r the complaint filed for If ,here *• 11 Dla> f »bPly to the above en- ‘‘®a,Bat ,n ’ he above entitled all the Information you need. Any- differently suggested; "one of these she slowly admitted, “I suppose you Loan. deceased I co"rt f ° r ,ha ra,l''f Pr “ J"*1 for , ““ rt i aua®,on ° r before the 3rd way. It will give you your name. It small towns one never hears ot un­ are right about sending for the spe­ cialist.” FRAN K A DePVE. attorney for the ln h,a plaint, to-wlt; ,lay " ’ July. 1930. said date being , h. „ less one lives In them.” estate. For Judgment against the defend- '” orp ,han four »eeks from the da» b * * aBT mal1' tb ** k “ 7 Mr. R. Stephen Carrick , who The young man strolled away Into J 10-20 Jy 2-10-17 anta for ,he "ura MOI M together ” f flr" ‘ publication of this sum name as he tells you so ’ *" with Interest from and after the »3rd ,noB* herein entered of record and If *B »B-v case, go from the desk to the the writing room. It was empty ex­ dropped in at eight o’clock with the N O T IC E T O C R E D IT O R » «’ ey of May. 1»30. at the rate of 1» per vou /• * * »° »PPear and answer for writing room at the left of the en- cept ----------------------------------------------------------- for the girl, to he wasted no time cas>tal air of one making aa avewt» n u k ? ‘Cm ' \ her' by f ” : B *hBt K L * Z.'"’, '? " ' t’he“ C o ir t ’ for Vh'.'“^ » f*.'" i ” ” * l ° ,raB« '- and down a‘ ° ne of ,he bU‘ W#Dt d,rec“ Jr “ d «-«‘ ed call; was as human as he was dlstl!!- I H ik e , (Ui t h e B«H'ond day <»f J n n .« > 1 0 0 0 . and for the further sum n ’ our’ »or *ne relief In her com ui— u ■ . . . gulsheC He listened patiently to l»30. waa appointed admlnlatrato? of of »|0 ° ®n attorney'a fee« „ad for He p l,,n ‘ •« •In s t you demanded, to-w“ ; doubl* writing table». I will come Into himself In a chair beside hers. Ina J. Finn, deceased costs nnd disbursements herein That ” ,,r * Judgment and decree of divorce t’ he hotel Just behind you. and after I "Good afternoon, Miss Parsons," he Hamilton’s preliminary recital, asking All persons having claims against PUIntlfTs mortgage be decreed to h< dl«»olvlng ihe bonds of matrtmonv I you have left the desk. If T see thai began. a few leading questions, and made a aald estate are hereby notified to • ,,r "‘ mortgage Hen against the real now " nd heretofore existing between V(IU haven't got anything I I I auk Rob I a», a , . v ... thorough examination of his patter' present said claims duty verified as Property theruln described, to wit Bnd 'he plaintiff on the grounds,5 ’ anything, i l l aax worn | 8he drew , qlUck breath. In a manner that was not too lm- by law required, to said ndmlnlatra- I 'nt ’r° llr <«>• B|ock Thirty three fSS) of d’ sertlon and for such other rp , ln,tot>. the day clerk, who you are and "Is that It';" .. . . .. pressi ve. He Ieft Miss Parsons verv U>r a< th«« office of Alia Klnx ln tha ,n Hroaa* Addition to Ruc«*ne. In th* ,o th* Court naav noem m eet' where you’re from He’ll tell me. He’s re 0. at t t ihe U h,e l,f ì X tel ; , ’ hat Court House. Eugene, lain» County. County of lan e, flu te of Oregon; ;,nd equitable. This summons la a nice chap, and we ve talked a lot here Oregon, within r.lx m., nil,« Of - I , f i r s t »hat said mortgage he foreclosed In **,r r "d upon l,v piibllcaflon sin ” Alta King, ctiorncy for estate ______ ___ ub “I I 8 a case one can't safely make __________________ J IJ I U « Jy 3 10 was duly made and entered herein I mad< nnd natored nf record on th*' jrrenen 3nd day of June, 1930. ordering that blotter or something of that sort. We Ag Bjje wa|ted uncomprehendingly an^ Prediction about,” he confessed. on th»» 2>th day of May. ItSO. N O T IC E — H E A R IN G Date of first publication. M ay 29th. ’ b’» summons be publlsned once each can fall Into a low-voiced chat, and he took a card from the deBk rack , " If we knew what had caused the con- F IN A L ACCOUNT 1930. week for four consecutive and sue- I'll tell you what I've learned." wrote a line on It, and laid It before i1.1?*0.11' ,or wbat the patient's previous In the County Court of tbs »tats of Da’ «- of Inst putdlcatlnn, June 20th. 'cesslve weeks In said Springfield life had been, we could do some guess­ Oregon, for Lano County. You think of everything," she a s -, ber. 1930. News and that the date of the first ing; and one man's guess would be In tho matter of the estate of Mary publication shall be with the Issue sured him. with relief; and again there A. E W IIE E I/O C K . Your signature on Ute register Is- lik e, deceased. Attorney for Plaintiff, of June 5tht. 1930. and the date of faint suggestion ol a smile n't very legible." he explained, "and about as good as another's." In the matter of the estate of Mary Address: «22 Corbett Building. Port Inst publication shall be with the I "Her general health seems to he around her mouth. j the hotel people interpreted your land, Oregon. ' Issue of July 3rd. 1930. Ptko. deceased, notloe Is hereby given There waa no trace of a smile ten name as Parsons. But this Is what It good. She's a hlghstrung, tempera- M 2 9 J M 2 -I9 1 « ! FRANK A DePTE. that the undersigned administrator looked like. Does that mean any- meB’»> creature, but ghe has d ig n lt/ has filed his final account In aald Attorney for Plaintiff. Residence ! minule8 la,er- however, when th« j « matter and that June 37th, l»30, at N O T IC E FOR P U B L IC A T IO N and poise, even ¡n this condition. andT' i Hprlngfleld, Oregon. thing?" clerk having greeted her with evident l»:00 o'clock a m. at the Court room Departm ent OT the litte rle r. United Jn «1119-2« Jy 3 I'd wager she's kept herself pretty She shook her head. ______ _________ ; recognition but without mentioning of aald Court In the la n e County States Land Office, Roseburg, Ore- ' — —-------------- well In hand all her life, i m F ,Psatn|? Court House, In Eugene, Oregon, has Fstate . .. ber name, turned from his inspection gon, May 18th, 1030. "Evidently you know French; don't Estate of Mortlmore L. Haabrouck. of the been designated ns Ihe time and place that some big Jolt caused thle some- * mail rack to tell her there were youT' F O R E H T E X C H A N G E Deceased. for hearing of objections to such no lettere. It was a heavy blow, but ing that Just about sent her off her Notice Is hereby given that on May m o t i c f n r e .« .« . 1 think I do. I'm not very sure final account and the aettlem<-nl th. 1930. Fred J. Wells and W E. . O F F ,N * 1- » E T T L E M E N T 10th thereof. Notlce la hereby riven th.7 , / * h,> ,he w ,lb °u’ al«n8 ° f »bout what I know and what I don't head.'' Wells, of Kerry. Oregon, flled appi! HO M ER PIKE. ou O” lbe whole, their talk left the Hulln has ___ filed ______ in tbe , County C o u rt i Thp h°tel was strange to her. know." h o G ta l- ' *•* K L o L ln w k a A a aa« a l l < v w u o t n d » 9a aa • m la a ' ___ a • . . . . ____ Administrator catlon No. 01900« under the act of of t the State of O re g o n , "fn 'and Nothing a she saw suggested that ahe , "Then let me write It more clearly Good Samaritan glad he had shared FRED E S M IT H , Attorney for Ad March 20. 1922. (42 Slat. 4«5) to exchange the N R U Ree 32. T. 15 a-V-l » . m"nr«i«ri“ ” ,y '.»h,A . ------- f,n.a.1 Z * ’ #port aa ad ha<1 s a PVer except the as I Interpret It. Does m this mean ........... ... — ' • • »» '’ • a M R H < 1 ..............a v r» o bepn * I H l C ,hpr<‘ i p i n before, II. iH m e a n r any- i l l V - j hia responsibilities; and later, in Mlsa mlnlatrator, Eugene. Oregon R. u — u i n5 r 8 w '4 MNB'i L ® Z i ' ¿ L u L more I. H a .b ro L X ’ "J’ ™ " i . M ortH H " " u d e of the clerk. He had gone to thing?" He wrote another card and Parson's upstairs sitting room, he M 2» J R-12 t# 2« 17 B . R. 9 W . W. M . Oregon, within that ten o'clock In’ tbe'^forenoon^o't ’ hp ma” raPk * * ' h *hP a88UraBce 01 "be read It in a low voice. gave her a carefully edited report ot the Sluslaw National Forest, for the N O T IC E T O C R E D IT O R » • 'Miss Eve Personne. Nulle part.’ Carrick’s conclusions. timber from approximately 10 acres Saturday, the 6th day of July. 1930 onp who knew exac,|y what he was Notice la hereby given that the un In S H B<4 Bee. R, H W U Sec 9. W tk at the courtroom thereof tn Eugene, looking for. and he had also run over . . . Miss Eve Nobody, Nowhere." she “He thinks as I do,” he robustly deralgned has been appointed ad W lj Bee 1«. E H , NK<4 N W U Sec amIKspiminted<’« th i h " C° " a fiXPd a ,8W le’ ,Pr" ,hat had ,U"t bPP" 8,owl-T fanslated. and looked at him announced, "that it's merely a tem- mlnlatrator with the will annexed of 17 KK4 S *r 20 T ‘*0 R R 4 P W M -t‘M l . a ,,.!be ‘ ,,B® and Pl«c® dropped on his desk On s second with the eatate of Nicotine Marie Jacobsen, within the Cascade National Forest. ’ | for bearing objections to said’ report dropppd on hla de»1' On 8 second with a whitening face. “What does Porary matter. He told you that, him- deceased, by and order of the County Th« purpone of thia notice la t o , an<1 for tile final aettlement of (he iho,,Kht turned back to him. it mean?” self. Your memory may return any Court of T jn e Coanty. Oregon, made allow all persons claiming the lands i M ,a ,e of "ald deceased. "My key, please " | There was a note of actual hysteria minute, or It may not come back fo r on the 8th day of June, 1#SO. All ."ron’. 1’.« ? L bha2 in H bnna fl<*e ° b,PP as „ ( . .L . ° HVUNt Hp ' OCk a kpy fr° m ,bp rack and ,n b e »«•<*. and he quieted her with some time— possibly not for several persons having claims against aald t„ R v ?o fnJ , . “ n .,HPt^ r Mow.m ,r,a' ° i ,he PR,a” of banded It to her. and when she had a quick gesture. days." ' ” eatate are hereby notified to present he optimistically added oh- tunity to file their protests with the ; Mortlmore L. Haabrouck. deceased . . .v ... . . , i 8 the same, duly verified, at my office Rmrl«>..r nV the Unit..a o .e .e . i __e A p u - ii i 'c , c , ' " cv' ’"»wu. found the writing room and sat down | A. E. W H EELER . — . fonnd ,h e writing room and sat down [ "Don’t be tightened." he begged/ »®rving the quick change in her ex- Register of the United States Land at f»3l Miner Building, Eugene, Ore­ Office at Roseburg. Oregon. Any Jn 6-12-19-2« Jy 3 at " ,able ’ be looked at the number "We re getting our explanation, but ipcession. gon. within six montha from the dale such protests or objections must be ----------------------- ... on the brass tag. One hundred and we've got to do some guesswork. It I “x s I expe t I h ' of thia notice. Dated at Eugene Oregon, thia 11th flled In this office within thirty days N O T ir r TC twenty-eight. So the young man with may mean that you were rather des- i w ith you ai m -h .'- Z Wa“ ,S 8 •nur8® from the date of first publication of Not^c t. h ? C7 O ,TO "® the nice face was right that far. She perate when you came here. Perhaps | he wiH sen d . J T WeD' ° “’ "aD<1 day of June. 1830. this notice, which first publication E. O. POTTER, undersigned hn7 bUn b’y the*1 Count* W" ’ " re* ,s,ered ‘ h’» hotel; ¿you were afraid of a nervous break- hour He knows Zf"b. t°»h #a Administrator with the will an­ will he May 29th. 1930. In the Spring Court of the Slate of o?egon for the and ,be ho,el ,hro‘' gh a ’rifle , down and felt It coming; perhaps you I goD r u sUv wj(h J . 5 ’® 1 PeP’ nexed of the estate of Nicotine Marie field News, at Hprlngfleld, Oregon. H A M IL L A. CANADAT, Jacobsen, deceased. County of latne, duly appointed ex P»»»»- reassuring ln appearance , were hiding from some one; anyway, ghe is ’ * S° e comp8 Register. d IciL ,« \a >f l i r pa,at* of. Ed,’ b Caley,land atmosphere. an understanding, tactfal wo­ you certtlnly registered in a way that man. and she realises that she is en­ against .»Id eria7.°n.r a h e r a V l n ” r ’ " ’ h1 delay h"d CaUaed " " ,0 I * are no plup *° who you ar® " gaged simply as a companion." ■ present the name to ■ me pass her new acquaintance ln the lob- ; “Then we’re Just where we were’” fled to When he stopped she ruse and properly verified, at the office ol by and he stepped aside to make way she cried out. "What shall I do?*' Frank A. DePue, the attorney for the for her, raising hie hat with conven- He found his card raae and taking walked to the window of her sitting estate, In Springfield, Oregon, on or tlonal courtesy as he did so. She re- a card from It. laid the bit of peste- room, where she stood for a moment before six months from the date ol sponded with an almost Imperceptible board beside the two already on the with her back to him, staring out at this notice. Bee. Phone 180 Plano Moving the night. He had too much under­ DR. W. N. DOW 1 Dated this 3rd day of June, 1930 negative sign, hut he saw It and ap- desk, before her. SPRINGFIELD TRANSFER standing to speak or even to approach _ D e n t i s t M A PD E E. CALEY, jroached hi» friend Robimon. ' "First of all, remember that this W 1L L I8 BERTBCH. Prop, First National Bank Building "Who Is that girl?” he asked caa- little episode won't last long. Then her. But he could watch her, and ha •fflc w RODHNBOUOH OARAGE FRAN K A. DePTTE, Phone 42 BprtngflhM. Oregon 1 unlly, nodding at the slight retreating remember thnt I'm here to see you did. Corner Fifth and A Streets Attorney for the estate. onice hours, 1 A. M to 6 P. M. R She was very slight and girlish, and _________ Jn 6-12-19-2« Jy 3 figure, ag he lit the match he had through." he said comfortably. “I am Long Dletanee Hauling a Specialty Evening* by Appointaient I asked for and applied It to a cigarette. your friend and brother for the time. in the rather dim room the light from SUM MONS FOR PUBLICATIO N "She site at the table next to mine.” If you will have me." It was hard to a gold-shaded bulb near her gave her Robinson gave him an understand- see that look of terror In her eyes. bobbed bronxe-tinted hair the effect In the Circuit Court of the State of DR. N. W. EMER.Y Ing grin. 1 "Memory may come bark any minute, of a halo around her small head. H er Oregon, for the County of Lane. Frances A. Stone. Plaintiff, vs. Wil­ "Easy to look at, Isn't she? Her you know, as suddenly as It left," he situation moved him profoundly. Life DENTIST liam L. Stone. Defendant. was a queer thing, he told himself aa name la Pareone, I think— Miss Eve again reminded her. Button Bid». Phene M«l To W illiam L. Stone, defendant- solemnly as If the discovery had been Parsons. At least It’s as much like I To steady her he pushed his card In the name of the State of Oregon, Reeldenoe Phene 1BBM you are hereby required to appear that on the register as anything. She i directly under her eyes and went on unique. Last night at this time ha hadn't known that girl was on earth. and answer the complaint flled begins a word with one big clear let- , talking. •prlngfleld. Oregon against you In the above entitled ter and goes on with a wavy line. But j “ ‘Eric Hamilton, The University Tonight she was his biggest Interest, M» Main BL Reeldenoe IES O BL Court and cause on or before four his greatest responsibility. «2J UM week« from the date of the first pub we've called her Mies Parsons ever , Club’." he read aloud, and added the General Lew Practice (C O N T IN U E D N E X T W E E K ) llcatlnn of this summons, and If you since she came and she answers to It,” j penciled word “Chicago" to the ad- fall so to appear and answer, for want he added philosophically, “so I guess dress. She gathered up the three thereof the plaintiff will apply to the It'e all right.” I. M. PETERSON enrde without comment and dropped N O T IC E TO C R E O IT O R 8 Full Auto Equipment Court for the relief demanded ln eald Attor ney-et-Lew "Where's she from?” j them Into her hand-bag. Notice Is hereby given to all per­ Lady Assistant complaint, to-wlt: For a decree ol City Hell Bntldlng The young man lounged against the "Evidently I have a room In this sons whom It may concern that the this Court decreeing that the bond« of matrimony heretofore existing be desk In the manner of a visitor to the hotel,” she said. "Perhaps when I go undersigned. Frank B Hamlin, haa Springfield, Ore. been appointed administrator of the tween the plaintiff and defendant be city, talking without much Interest to It I shall find some paper« or other estate of Cresstda W. Hamlin, de­ iorover dissolved, and plaintiff di­ but to kill time; nnd the clerk good- clues In my luggage.” FRANK A. DE PUE ceased and has duly qualified as such. vorced from the defendant, and fot He looked at his watch and casual­ All persons having claims against ATTORNEY AT LAW ench other and further relief u to humoredly bore with hint, having nothing else to do at the moment. ly added that he had a suggestion to said estate are hereby notified and tho Court may seem equitable. required to present the same with the NOTARY PUBLIC Thia summons Is published once "That's another queer thing," Rob­ make. He had been thinking hard. proper vouchers therefor and verified JEWELER each week for four consecutive weeks inson remembered. "I can't make out “It'e a quarter of alx," he said. "Sup­ In the manner required by law to aald ®u*to’" Bprlngfleto in the Hprlngfleld News, a weekly Repairing a Specialty administrator at the law oftloa of Building newspaper of general circulation her home town, except that It begins pose we dine here together at aeren. I. M. Peterson at 234 Main street Springfield, Oregon published tn Lane County, Oragon with N. I meant to ask her, but I for­ Ton must eat something, yon know, Springfield, Lane County, Oragon, by order of the Honorable C. P. Bar got. Jeklnt, the night clerk, was here to keep up yoor atrsntgh. Then, If within six months from the data o( Guests at Springfield—Among the nard. Judge of the County Coart of when ahe registered three nights ago, you haven’t found any more cine* la the flrat publication of thia noth Lane Comity. Oregon, which order NELSON LEQHORN FARM 'guests registered at the Springfield hears date the 4th day of Jane, 1MB and he didn't pay mach«*ttentloa, be­ yoor room, I shall aak yoa to let me to-wlt; on or before the l»th Eng oC hotel the p u t week wore M. and T. 8. and the date of the first publication cause she eald sha was leaving again look ap the he»t pBTehtotrlat In town December, 1BS0. Lene County’s Oldest Breeders Dated and first pnhllahed tfcte Utkf Randoa of Trail, Oregon, H. Bowles, of thia stimmone la June Bth, 1MB. the next morning. I suppoae the aad hare him cobm hhra thia ere- day or June, 1*20. of B U S IN E S S ] d i r e c t o r y .W ilkir-Poolt Chapel Funeral Directors D. W . Roof • i C. WHITE LBOHORNS SPfllNePIBLO w'wmu ORBOON 4SKV0K1N H. H. Hall, W. A. WTieeler, K. Sims. R. C. Penn, M. Hrynchuch, J. MlUer, of Albany, and Sidney Bovlndon. Phy JAMBS K. KINO. changed her mind, the way women Plaintiff; raeMenoe do,” ke ended With large toléranos. "Anyway, you tea Ihe didn't Bw" O ra r. n : » E Ar > "How eheat h r tottora? FRANK fl. Aa ahe to paoBaot he