The Springfield news. (Springfield, Lane County, Or.) 1916-2006, June 26, 1930, Page 2, Image 2

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    T I I t l K M P A Y , j u n i u i , 1V3U
Principal Events of the Week
Assembled for Information I
of Our Readers.
Flro destroyed tha balldlng formal­
ly occupied by the Sibley MUta Lam
bar company at St Helena.
Donald R Baker. 13. waa Injured fa­
tally when ba tall from a lumbar car
liar at the Ploronco mill, breaking bi.
North Fork ranchers near Floroaca
rnpcrt that tha tent caterpillar haa
destroyed a largo p a rt o f thia years
fruit crop.
Approximately JiO.tXW) damage waa
doce to the Lebanon carafe and It*
contents by fire which started from
an undetermined cause.
According to coaaarvntlva eatlmataa
tha 1M0 p o v and apple crop of tha
Rogue River Talley will total «374
car», of which 4124 will ba pear».
Donald Bell an brock of Mooumaat
fall off of a combine In Heppner and
received a cut eyelid. which required
several stitches to d oes tha wound.
Tha Medford d ty council Toted to
fight tha earwigs thia summer. Elmer
i t t a i t will head tha eradication
warh. which will ba financed by tha
• hick «lad which howled c v « Irosa
* “** broke Cova (ha lines of tha Peo-
»laa West to a st Hydro-Electric com-
iy aad caw ed a broken Baia la
the city watar system.
™* CoT* CTK>»*r* ‘iT* «*•"» <ro»-
are- association has contracted Its 1*3«
crop of Royal Annas to Ubby. McNeil
A Libby for It* cants. It waa announo
ed at La Granda. Tha outlooh (or
a good cherry crop la tha Grande
Ronda Talley is promising
Visitors from many parts of tha
state hare been attracted to West
Linn recently to tea a palm tree In
full bloom nt the homo of Mr. and
Mr». P. J Wtakel Thia unusual spec
Inien la believed to be of the Yucca
variety, and baa reached a height of
over six feet.
Dr. L. F. Griffith. 42. assistant super
tateadent of Oregon State hospital and
a prominent alienist, died at Salem
after an illness of several months Dr.
Griffith had been associated with the
state hospital for >1 years. During
the last 24 year* he had served as
assistant superintendent.
Albany will be advanced to the rank
of first class postoffice Jnly 2. due to
gain la postal receipts daring the
year, aad Myrtle Point steps ap from
third class to second da*» Condon.
Free water, and St. Benedict drop to
third from second, and two other of-
flcwe. Boardman and Wamic, from
third to fourth.
« that the naw c o o p ^ t v .
arwamery to eorve Unto, and Wallowa
const tea would he b x sta l at Union.
Tha Rogue River Valley Traffic aa-
noclattoa haa gone oa rotord In favor
of postponing tha aaanal Jackson
«onaty fair tn October. Tha Septam
bar dates comas at the height of tha
fruit season and works a hardship oa
grower» and shippers.
Tha Farmers Cooperative Creamery
company of Baker, nr hick rocsatly pur­
chased tha Commercial Creamery com
paay plant. Is adding another depart
meat to Its operations, a casein plant,
which la expected to ba la operation
within the next two w eeks
Notice te hereby given Ibai
a a s a a
IHairlcI No. IP, in Springfield, ima«
county. Oregon will pay al the of
Mre. Helen Peterson front ttalem and (Ice of clerk of seul district, all war
her young son. Ihmnld Leslis, have ranis lo and Including lit * , dated
; been moved from the Pacific Chris June 2. 1*10 Interest coaaos after
June 14. 1*2*
tian hospital In Eugene lo the horns
of her sister, Mrs Lawrence Gossler
The high school annual election
wna held Monday afternoon. Itoy Ed
m waa elected director.
Gray was the director whoae lime had
M r and Mrs M r I from Harrisburg
visited their daughter. Mrs Richard
H art, last Sunday
Mr. and Mrs John Price and daoxh
ler, M ildred and Mrs Jennie Edinls
(on motored lo Noll last Sunday lo
visit M r and Mrs. Curtis Price.
E lm er W ells from Teens who for­
m erly resided here was In Thurston
Monday He form erly owned the farm
! where Ray Rennie Uvea
Jumea Brindley. « . clerk at another
Rev. James Cannon. Jr.. Method!»
Burns hotel, lost his life m a fire of
B is h o p o f V irg in ia , whose activities s>
aadetermteed origin which destroyed
a "d ry" lu b b v is l are under sciutiny by
the Grand hotel with a loss of about
church ami Congressional authoritiea
>44.00*. Ten other occupants of the
— —— — —— —
hotel escaped, but ware unable to
52 F A R M E R S B U Y
Mrs. Richard H art motored lo liar
dross or to save any personal belong
9.250 POUNDS CHLORATE ? ',l>ur*
Thu. day
Mr. and M rs Ihiv Morgan and sona
It te feared that tha apple crop la
F ifty-tw
o farm ers purchased 9.2&O
n<* N
W heeler and
end rltll
ifty two
S.2&U | ! “ aI1<*
M f-
r »ml
anil Mrs Wheeler
; the Shedd eectloa will be light next pounds of chlorats weed killers In Ihe <2re»n from Eugene spent Sunday with
foil. Some tree» did not bloom well pool closed last Monday by County j Mr »"«1 Mrs Charles T aylor Junior
and apparently they were Injured by A g e « O 8 Fletcher, and
_ tha
,_ w cheml- ' Morgan and Lola W heeler did tin! re­
the extreme cold weather last winter
cate ware delivered oa Thursday of ' “r" boms with their parenta but re
Soma growers do to t hava enough
thia week Two kinds of chlorates mained lo spend Ihe week at Ihe Tay
apples tn make spraying (hair or-
were purchased. 4.5*0 pounds being lor home
chard, worth while
Misses Ixvrena Wilson and Helen
sodium chlorate and 2.750 pounds at
At a meeting of the North Morrow laclde (calcium chlorals weed killer). • 'handler from Portland wars callers
County Pair board Mrs W. C. leom
Persons who toiled to get their or­ at John Edmlston's Sunday morning
waa elected treasurer and Mr» o. ders In the first pool may send (hem They report Miss Maude Edmlaton.
Covrywl waa re-elected secretary. The to the county agent at any time aa he who
la ---
In -----------
Portland -------
— —
------ —
oil lea of president haa not yet hcan pinna to order the weed killer once a treatment as Improving groally.
filled The fair te held alternately at week until the demand la filled.
Mr" lra N,c'* »!*"« Met Thursday
Irrigon aad Boardman aad will ha held
___________________ I In Springfield with Mrs John Nice
at Boardman this year.
U . S. T O S P E N D $ 5 .0 0 0
M r" Ell,*n Nee<i h“ ,n *»<> •«*- R«r
ou/y a day auay
Y ou r vacation need not ha
lim ned to lust nnr plscr Fn-
Fire that for a time threatened the
Joy the fu ll <««ep of (a ld o e -
Filling silos with oats and Tetch for Ubby. McNeal A Ubby cannery and
aia's »hsrniinx plsygrouada
summer dairy feed was begun recent­
uo a Soulhero Pstihc vacation
ly when Dale Fowler nt Grand Island Miillag company nt Tha Dulles de­
H e rr, candy beaches, lofty
end Clark Noble at Union Tale filled stroyed the smaller of two warehouse*
Tbs C. A. Spaulding Logging com
F O R H O P IN V F « !T ir A T IO fo
‘ be weddlnr »1 her
nuK nisina. famed resorts are
owned by the Utter concern, doing a
F O R H O P I N V E S T IG A T I O N n|e<>1 M|M NeH,e T ,.,.t(.r
Mr ,.,a r.
all < l.n e l. linked by Sooihern
damage estimated by K. O. McCoy. pany. which operates a large mill tn
By a vote of 14 to 1. landowner»
. . . . . o. .
•’t” ’* Peterson last Sunday at Cottage
President of the company, at approxi­ Salam, has announced that their oper
The United States department of q TOV(.
under the Willow river project at a
You» va.stioa starts »(ton
mately >45.000.
»lions would be piacad on a <0 hoar Agriculture will establish a fund o f, **. — a ss. u
you b o n d (he irain In rest
meeting at Brogan agreed to a plan
P*r w»*k basis This 1a neceaaltatad. 25.000 from other appropriations for
ful «onifurt you speed over
The annual convention of teat cater
to secure water bom tha Burnt rlrar
. _____ ___
.. .
Eugene Iasi Sunday and visited M r
the '-pcosiular lA o i e Eeatfe
plllana has beau la progress in the R was said, because of the unaatlafnc- (He department and use t fur a re
u . .i ■ a
. .
,»nd Mrs M arvin Jackson,
— mils aflat m ile uf scenic
Prescott swamp for several day». All tory lumber market and a desire to search and investigation for the con-
____________ ____
■piriujo» Refreshed, you are
A Boy Scout camp to replace the
trol of downy mildew In hop fields
the foliage has been eaten from the beep their present crow employed.
ready lo t play at you.- destin-
M trnaoe License«
one burned last summer on tha Apple-
A fall out of a window at Ashland Announcement of this was made this
gate will be built at Labe of tha swamp willows and cottonwoods. They
I>Ur,n* ,h * pa"‘ w ,*k marriage II-
A ticket tn any new of these
roam the rails of tha narrow trestle almost cost Roblnett Overs by. n small week by Senntor McNary n( Wash
M ooda. officials of tha organisation at
desiiasiiont in c lu d e s sto p ­
censes have been granted by the
connecting Prwacott with the highway girl, her speech. Whnu she fell she lagton
Medford ta re announced.
overs end permits tide trips
Som e of the mildew has been die- 1 ~ " " ,y C',rk ‘° ,he
In restless hordes, and hundred* are struck with her teeth la such manner
to the m any p la c e t y o u 'll
Tillamook will be represented by the sacrificed with the passing of every to almost sever her tongue toward covered In local bopvard. and It 1. I
Ptortl“n<L - nd Hnrol Miller,
«'em to visit.
chamber of commerce la the celebra­
tba buck of her month. Phynlcfonn
tion and pageant that will be staged
be used by the Oregon state agrtcul 8 *"l,h ' b° ‘h ° f
«'«•roece Pe-
Tha clam bake sponsored by tha managed to saw np tho wound and tha
lh the dedication of the opening of the
bo,h of Ito
Lions club of Newport and spread to
Salmon Riser road. Jnly 1».
renn; Lee Crusan. Dexter, and Oneia
tha public at Newport was tha most
That tha farm lands of Lalos conn
____________ _______
Smith. Springfield; Homer McKinley
An Insurance for future salmon largely patronized clam bake ever of
ty a n considered by tka state laag
Jaopar Raoldwet Hero—Mrs. Orlo
o la Rogers, both of Newberg;
rune tha state game commission will ferod oa the Newport beaches, accord
board aa high-grade Iona risks ja in­
conduct a campaign for tha removal lag to Bert Allen, president of the dicated by the fact that oat of a total Jones of Jasper spent M o nd ay visit- PBal 8 l ,ler and Lillis Coleman, both
¡Carl Olson, A<«nt
ot »«gene
of abandoned dams In costal streams, Newport club. A public clam bake la of U.47M 24 t> that has bean loaned bag la Springfield
or provide adequate flab ladders.
one of the rare occasions these days
tba state trrodccible school toad.
Permission haa beau granted by tha »• el*»* are scarce aad tha financing
AgBregutlng >444.24»21 are la
war departmaat for tha construction <* sack occasions Is dlfficalL
tha hands af Union oewaty mad nwn-
of n bridge across Wilson river an tha
Five high-grade Jersey mllah e o » a
Oragoa Coant highway north of Tula belonging to Peter Cue. a farmer liv­
• f U na and Beaten
The bridge will ceaatet eg three ing U the Peavine district
dan. died very suddenly. aad It ta
at Albany that has ever
thought the deaths war» due te
an by tha TwwCoaaty dub.
aenlag. according to Sheriff
of tha
WMh M .xhfbHor.
i or the
Large quantities of parts
G*. aa entry roeords ware hrokan. I
»fonts to bandit
fonad U tha pasture where
••tr y la certified aa abortion
Bogus River valley hero ___ _
ad bean feeding. Where
otherwise a thoroughly
At Medford.
®* from la a mystery
A four-week-old buck dear te
The ground squirrel problem la tha
Orehardlsta in Marlon eowaty bare
led ow a bottle nt McMinnville by Wallowa section has been M e which
4»«l»rod war on tha native hand tall
Game Warden Charles Bratcher, whs has occupied tha attention of many
which la said to ha rawing
plana to turn the fawn over ta tha city farmers to a considerable extant dur
b»»vy loasaa la prune and cherry or-
Park. If the approval of the state wwr- U g the past few week» Since the
•»veroJ orehardlsta hare ob­
den la obtained.
t*rned dry tha rodents have tained permits from tha state game
Because ef the depression la tha
mevteg U te the grain fields la
»•rmlttlng tham to kill
Lays a million eggs, but w« nBvar hsar a
lumber market, the Edward Hines Urge numbers from tha Urge tracts of tha pigeons, which are said ta ha strip­
Western Pine company plant at Burna range land, mack af which U located
ping the fruit trews
word about rt
haa curtailed its output by cutting near tha grate fields U the hill farm
Firs, believed ta hare bean of Iw
down operation« to four days and lag areas
eendlsry origin, destroyed tha Roy |
A Cackling Han lays one and M ia tha
Bights each week.
Tha Lmatllla county court signed
Beebe mill at Leona, with a loss estl-
Election of Lyns Cronemlller as Its part of the co-operative agreement
at around 2354.9O«. Tha firs
state forester to succeed the Ute F. A. betweet the department of agriculture,
threatened the entire town of Loons,
Elliott, who died recently, was an­ the state highway commission and
aa no water waa available Dynamite
nounced by the state board of fores­ Umatilla county relating to work and
was used to destroy the lumber dock
try at a meeting held In the executive appropriation for a section of the
and keep the fire from spreading away
department at Salem.
Pendleton-John Day highway known as
from the buildings.
Oregon forest highway No. 3 and com
A dangerous curve on Pacific high
prising a section running 2.2 miles
» a y a mile north of Cottage Grove
Williams 1a nearing completion. The
often referred to aa Headman's curve south of Ukfoh and one running 5 2
Through tha Advertiaing columns of
structure 1s 4Ai20 f*«t |D dimension.
because of several fatal accidents at miles north of Dale.
The first story te constructed of con­
that point, la being straightened by J By a margin of 4 to 1. the city of
crete. bowing rtoragn. dining room
a state highway crow.
Toledo bonded Itself io the amount of
and kitchen, while the second story.
An airplane dusted with sulphur
of wood construction, will be ( h a __
the M acro clover field of Henry way for the Corvallis-Newport high­ assembly hall, with a large .ta g . room"
Btrlxnesa, located one half mile south way through tha county eeat. This
Tha hall will be dedicated Jnly 4.
of Redmond, They carried 200 pounds right of wny, and a sli-m ils section
Traachetl A Parellw, Portland. Or.,
• f sulphur at a time. Two hundred b*tw«eu the eset side Pioneer moun-
contractors, started work recently on
Poople witnessed the operation.
the |15*,*0* anion station being built
of thia road between tha Pacific and
—------ -
In L a Grande by tha Union Pacific
Roosevelt highway* not Improved with
The firm has 1M days to
straightening and oiling.
Five Oregon counties will he accred­ complete the twowtovy structure,
Wheat—Big Band Mwatam, |1.1B;
which, when completed, will ha tha
•oft white, western whits. »Te; hard ited by the a u ta livestock sanitary
*ar*aat depot between Portland aad
board within tha next few days In
winter, northern spring, western rod
Boise on tha O.-W. R. A N. railroad
connection with tha bovlna tuber co
To John R. Moors, Portland, goes
Hay— Alfnlfn. naw crop, tll.M ; vnL loala campaign. T h es. include Coo.,
tha distinction of owning tha lowest
Wy timothy, >20 40021; .eater» Ora- Heschl tea, Curry. Columbia and Ben
motor vehicle license number la Ore­
ton timothy, 22250022; clover. >1T, Ion. Counties previously accredited
gon, No. 1. and of being the first per­
oat hay, >1«; oats and retch, >11.
are Clatsop. Polk, Tillamook. Joseph
son In tha a u ta to recelra tha 122*-
Ue, Llncola, Yamhill and Hood River.
1*31 license distributed under the new
In accredited counties the testa mutt
Eggs—Ranch. l» O tte .
fiscal year license law. Dannie K.
£*ttI^-8taoro, good, >10.74011.1*.
show that not more than one half of
Koupal. Eugene, will have No. 13,
Hogn—Good to choloa, » . M O I L
1 par cant of tha cattle n r. infected.
much sought despite Its reputation.
ba—Good to ehotea, 1 7 .M 0 I-M
Tha Corvallis municipal paving
Daylight saving time, which started
plant was seriously damaged by fire
Wheat—Soft white, western white
a t L a Grande recently, has proved a
»ban a blag, of unq.tennlned origin
hard wtotar, western rad and n o r th « ,
consumed tha frame building and par­ failure, and bow L a Grande te oper
spring, Me; Big Band blnaatam. 11M . tially destroyed tha atroat fluahar, a
on standard time. The city com
Egan— Ranch. 1*024«.
Jon rescinded Its previous proc
tractor aad throe motors stored u the
•The only N ew p ap er In the World that la Dedicated to the
at tba request of 532 pell
C a t« *—Choice ataero, I10O 1L 5
Interests of Springfield People.’*
The Oregon Dairy sad
Co­ «oners
Hog»—Prime lig h t,» ! 100112«.
Hood Rlrar county Pomona grange, I
operative association hat bean ~-g-~
L am ha Choice. MOO.
la defense of the dairy Industry, has
la*4 by a group of Medford *— — rr
adopted resolutions pledging to buy
“ *■ with euptfol stock of >12.M*. Tha
, «’• » « • -S te e r s , good. M 01AB.
■o substitutes for butter and urging
foetory will ba located at Central Point
Ho®»— Good to choice, >11.
merchants to discontinue tha sain of
•od operations will hagi. g
Blaomsrgsrlna and other butter gah-
a mouth.
The Springfield News