Try tho Homo P rint Shop P in t TWKNTY-BKVKNTH YRAR. THE SPRINGFIELD NEWS HPltlNOFTKLD, l-ANK COUNTY. PREPON- " T M People's Paper" A L I V I N I W IP A P IR IN A L I V I TOW N THURSDAY, JU N E 26, IMO No. 24 People In LINCOLN STUDENTS Local G .A .R . Program LEAD HONOR GROUP GUARD UNIT WINNER of second prize for communication work D a f M a n y P re s e n t F o r SPEND PBBT FUNDS URGES Cin NNIOR Children Program Keventeen national guardsmen and . . . . . Stunts, Soloists, Parade Entries two offirera marching down Main ■'detnodist Sunday School Pre- And State President Spring­ atreet yesterday afternoon V their sente Annual Children Pro­ Twelve Lincoln School Students field's Contribution headquarters over the Mgglman par gram at Church Sunday Win Honor Roll Places for lore marked the close of another year Hlgnsl honor waa srrordrd Mrs Eighth Grade Graduates at Aa audience which almost filled the of the annual encampment for the lo­ Myrtle Egglmann by the Lad lea of the Joint Commencement Tues­ irs I unit. Commenta were heard fre- Meth-diet church waa present Bunday Uruud Army of the Republic. renter- quently on the greater snap and pre- * r *n ’ug for the annunl children’s day day; 55 Get Diplomas. day when they named her to be preal Tyson Would Develop Flying Fiold Now While Many Men Are Idle; New Wind Indicator Tried at Port; Low Passen­ g e r Rates Sunday. ¡clalon of movement which the unit PrnKram of the Bunday achoo* which dent of the Oregon department of the Twelve atíldenla at the Lincoln «roup for the seat yoar. Bhe will be ' displayed In the march from the de- w“" presented at 8:0« o'clock, school. representing M n e county |natalled thia afternoon by National | pot. where the special train which car- The budgeting and expending of The program which was directed at bool district uumber IP. were named the »2,000 made available for the de­ Councillor Caaala Oaborn. of Welaer. rled the W illamette valley guardsmen by Mra. Ida Ganta and Mrs. L. K. on the honor roll for eighth grade discharged Its last unit, than had Page consisted of opening and cloa- velopment of the municipal airport at Idaho. g-aduaies at the rouniy-wlde gradua­ been shown previous to the camp Ing songs by the audience and an ¡the recent election should be uader- Mrs Kgglmunn has been serving as tion exercises which were held at Me , taken at once in the opinion of Mayor training per|od of two weeks. opening prayer by H. !,. Gillette, su- president of the Eugene circle of the Arthur court on the University ram ; Tyson who believes that any work The weather was Ideal and not one perintendent of the Sundry school, organisation during the past year and pus last Tuesday afternoon Thia waa j which can be done by those now un­ of the time was lost on ac Recitations w-rc given hy Coleen has been active In the convention the largest number of namea to be on employed should be started at once work of the group. She will also be count of weather or sickness among Cornell who spoke on “Children's the honor roll from any district la the lo c i men. according t . C. A Da,-," LoU„ a smith. n „ ri| Bertsch. and thus rellevp the financial eondi- a delegate to the national convention the county. i tlon now existing. A special meeting Swarts. first lleuf-nant In command and Ora McKay I.uclle Gerber and of the group which la to be held at Each student must make an aver- , ,, . . . . ,of the city council and the airport Of the unit. -Everything considered , he pr|mBry children presented a recl- age of »0 or above to have h l. or her ‘ '•>" '»'> w... be " W»H 'be best camp we have had." tatlon entitled "Bo W ill We.” Five , committee will probably be held next name placed on the Hat The Spring » a y Bch.l j week for the purpose of organising *' _ * girls. I^-ota Bertesch. Beth 8c h on tai. . . I , . , . . . d8n- ’ be youngest member of the let- field atíldenla whose namea were read _ the work to be done. local unit which la a communj - Fern Cornell. Rose Ogdon, aad Irene dies of the Grand Army. Mise B o tili-I The .. --------------------- ------------- — as honor .In d e n t, by County Hupet- „ Bn „ , — «<>" organisation won second place Gerber gave a Joint recitation Cltlxena at Work Intendent E J Moore, were Eileen -------- Ba­ 1 *"«• of a field of nine entries In the In the meantime a few local citi­ old. and will serve aa one of the con The children of the primary depart­ ker, Rena Boyt, Beatrice Carson. communication conatructlo race which zens are spending some time a t the vent Ion pages Bhe will spend the ment had a Children's day exercise, Robert Mclaigan. Vivian Runts. Eve­ was one of the many features of the airport each evening doing painting week-end In Springfield with Mra and Harold Gillette played a piano lyn Barns. Morgan Chandler. Keith camp. and other volunteer work which needs Egglmann. aolo. Tommy Putman sang a solo, Currie. Melba Ixtwery, Lets Peterson. The commanding officers at the to he done before the city will he M rs. B a rn e ll Bings and Frances Cornell sang two aotoa Helen Swarts and Wayne Kendall. M r. W K Barnell was . .„lolst at L*“ ” L T , W‘lh ” ” V h e « .M r o .7 ^ r ie " n d ”7nd" Pianist To Play 19 Classic Num- comprl"' Forty other Springfield children re­ the opening program o f the Grand Ar fl„ u Ing the air squadron which Is to visit _th" Spr,n* ' "No Child Is Too Little bers From Memory; Also ceived their diplomas for eighth grade field unit, according to the command­ thia city some time In July. A11 other my of the Republic convention which The gtrla of Mra. Bertach's and graduation at the exe-rlaes. A total er of the local unit. Has Other Achievements cltlxena who can »pare a few evening« held Monday evening at the Eu Mra. Hanson's classes presented a of 55 diplomas being presented to chil­ gene armory Bhe waa accompanied ° ‘ ** " w" h a M ,a. Barbara JUrnell. daughter of . 7 d “X 7„ X rose drill, Ruth Pollr.rd sang a solo dren of Springfield. Thirty-seven of by Mrs le.nts Waldorf, violin .,,, and h " * 1- *“ " > • » « * re- j and Fern Cornell gave the goodby to Mr and Mra. W. K. Barnell. 533 D moving of the buildings cannpt be nn- the students earned diplomas when i celved from the salty and warm air at Mlaa Winifred Tyson, pianist Mra. Children's Day. i Htreet. Springfield, will be presented dertaken until the ground alone the they completed the examinations the Camp Clatsop. Barnell also sang a sob» at the me­ The program closed with a few re- la • complete piano recital In the Me- highway has been leveled and* th « latter part of May The others took ' The members of the unit retuened morial service of the laidlea of the the Morran and Washburne auditorium in work Is expected to start ve y "how, * the June examinations to their ukua I bualo««s fields this marks by the aiiperlntendont and Grand Army which wns held W<*dnes- benediction by Rey. Idkc. pastor of Kukene °n Saturday evening. June 28. * Btate Club Leader Speaks moraine. day morning at the chamber of com­ I at 7:30 by her inatructor. Reuben 7 1 ,/™ ’ ^ * ^ " * the church. Thia was the flrut Joint graduation merce In Eugene. Mra. W illis Btnall ! Charlyle Goffreiere of Eugene. ! L 7 “ ’’ 6 ’ erT,ce «xerclae for all secondary schools In I lane chamber to have the county. Four hundred dlplomua i accompanied her at that time. MANY PEOPLE ATTEND CLAM BAKE AT FLORENCE T rio Puts on Stunt were given out dur|ng the afternoon j .*? “» . ’ “ - I ™ “ m BROTHERHOOD PICNIC after a program on which 11. C. Bey- j A atnnt for the Ladles of the Grand musician. For her recital she will play riving now at the oil company', plant The mntter of assessing each mem- mour. now slate <11 club leader was Army was pu, on Mondav a, the arm ON FRIDAY EVENING nineteen original numbers tlc elv fro m m e m n classic e. E u , '*n ,• “ Bd “ <• " « » c t e d th a t th e ory hv Mra Egglmann aa a clog danc *^*r of the Lane county j the principal speaker Mr.' Seymour tH-ely from memory. ntructlon of the er and Fred Buell violinist, and Ben ‘ bsmber Commerce a fee of 15 to station w ill be Almost 100 people attended the an- ' started the Joint ropitncn< cnirut prte create a treasury fund for the county ' nual picnic of the Methodist brother-i **er P*8 “0 P‘»y‘«>S. "he is started shortly. gram Idea almost 8« years ago In this T '" |,,n • • Pianist organisation was the principal bual hood which wa. held at Swim mer, ° “ ‘ , ‘* Ddln« ln other achievement,. A new Idea tn wind Indicators is be- state when he was county school au- Thia morning the d rill team of She plays the xylophone and M . been Ing , rted at the local fleM They h .y^ perintendent of Polk county. He «Prlngfleld W o. w . lodge marched ,r ,n "8<,ed • ’ ‘ he meeting of the Delight on Friday aftemooa and eve entertaining with r ^ it .d o n , .„ d mu- bull, . heavy wind indicator ab^Lt •poke to the gradual as on tha sub- | *“ « * •• < parade. The Ladiaa of , * r" UP " , “nc’ 0“ C ,,[ l,B' we* k 11 ot U ,t week C*™ w* r® provtd Jert. “ Preparing for T.tfe’s W ork " 1 'he Orand Army float was built here " P° " " ,h ,t ,h® or«snlsatlon. ed * t 'he church at 8:00 o'clock to •leal readings for which she always 1« feet long and mounted ft on , n np. play, her own accompanimenu. Ska right pipe by me . n, of , £ Miss Melba W illiams, one of tha " nd WP'«*«! ‘ he United Stales. Seated m" m ,»rx of the organisation, fra take the members of the brotherhood e’r e n l ^ ’ O“ ” ° " 8at" rtBy ,he P" * The , h . < ’" "»• ««at |n the center of the affair *’ “ * “ ^ ,ncur8 d" b' 8 which rightfully and their families out to the r i w outstanding clnh members In should be paid by tae croup an a park. ' 8plf *" PPhited with M ark and white county played a group of three piano 1 M r" Rgglmann representing Uncle Baseball game., horseshoe pitching. She la also interested lD painting ehecks, and a heaw barrel a h m - t o . aoloa and several other musical num- , 8,,n ,nd on d lb e r end representing h X 'to fo V 1 Wh‘rh h‘ * beC" and ha. created .„m e pastel draw- «and and painted . ^ g h t ^ w ! the North and the Routh sections of • e o ore. and swimming formed tho chief rec- Vers were presented. Inga which one would hardly believe hangs on the front to balance the de­ «■^rence ha. Invited the Chamber re.tlon for the afternoon and eve- Arnold Collier, laine county club the United Btatea were the two Gott possible for such a young person. Bhe Gee. These three colors all greatly 7",“ 8 ,V A P»e»«c dinner w a, en- twins. Ethel and Badle. ■worker, assisted Mr Moore In pre­ urd.y July 1» Earl Hill, president of j,,,- ^ by < ;j 0 has been on the honor roll at acho I aid the visibility of the Indicator from senting the diplomas which were giv­ the Sluslaw chamber of commerce. , „ erer since she started attending, and tha air. It is easily risible for a dl,- en ou, by districts The diplomas for MRS. CARL STEEN GUEST promise. . large cl.m bake on the * P ’ ' h* has won a certificate for never having tance of 1« miles on a clear day. ac- those students who did no, attend the AT SHOWER LAST NIGHT member, h”8‘ h at of that time and Invite, ° f ‘ he gumn,er tor ,h« brotherhood , b. m rlo u . group, fo r.“ A held been tardy or absent daring a school cording to Mr. Inman. commencement program Tuesday are year. She la also a blue ribbon health _ pow at the Bprlngftcld bakery and may “ Wh' n ’ ° rk for lhe COB,n8 child. Corner M arkers Completed Mrs. A. B. Van Valaah and Mrs N. Ing the county chamber to attend. be obtained there. ' year will be outlined. H .r k . « F*"'r <'op" 8r "” >zker, have been MB« W. Emery entertained a , a tnlscellan Her program to be presented Bat- structed and andj ” . which ,he pab,,c w í.r ¿ a' ^ eons shower las, night at the home BAPTIST MEN TO HAVE DAVIS SELLS INTEREST of the latter In honor of Mrs. Carl N E G R O M l l < - i r P D C iC D a as SPRINGFIELD CREAMERY is invited Is as follows: Steen, formerly. Jule Pollard, who ! PROGRAM In each comer of the field and a large IN LOCAL GARAGE TO TO TAKE MONTGOMERY waa married two weeks ago Studies from Op. 100...... Bcrgmuller nnmh* r nt veHow painted barrel w ill The men of the Baptist church will MECHANIC IN SHOP he placed around the edge of the DAIRY ROUTE IN CITY (a) Ballade No. 15 Member, of the Methodist choir and have charge of the.evening service at field. ,b ) La Styrlenne No. l< The Springfield creamery will take The Archie Davla Interest In the other members of the congregation ’ be church next Sunday. They will Meditation MARRIED AT LOS ANGELES devote hla entire time to hla radio na. and Theo. Fred Buell. Doris My­ Hugh Jotlff waa appointed Ore chief ' Katydid ______ ______ W alter Jones ers. Villa McKay. Dr. and Mrs. W. H. •ales work. this week by Mayor W . P. Tyson. He A Planologus DAVID EVANS TO SPEAK Lenabelle Harper aad Hugh Cowart, M r. Davla la now employed at tha j Pollard aad Ruth and Robert Pollard. will assume hta antics on Tuesday, (Played and recited hy Miss Barnell) Dc and Mra. Emery, and Mrs. A. B. both of this city were married on F ri­ Gray's Feed store. TO LIONS T OMORROW July 1, when the resignation of Jess The Bell -------------------------- ---- W right Van Valaah. day. June IS. at the Methodist Epis­ Smltson becomes effective. The ap­ Dance of the Marionettes ...... Tartar Some phase of the game commission copal church parsonage In Loa An­ CALIFORNIANS HONORED pointment is only a temporary one. ° <* * tta* ................... ........... - Hoertei work in th|g p , r| of the gUt# w geles, according to word received here states the mayor, some changes are AT PARTY ON THURSDAY SPRINGFIELD GIRLS TO this week by parents of the couple. : discussed tomorrow nt the Lions SPEND S UMMER AT LODGE Mrs. Cowart Is the daughter of Mr. expected to be made tn the operation MRS. C. STANLEY GUEST club luncheon by David Evans, Eu- Dr. and Mra. N. W. Emery enter- of the city fire department within the and Mrs. Bert Harper of Douglas Gar­ AT SHOWER ON FRIDAY B®n® »“ »■'«’•y. who was recently np- talaed at a parly at their home last Three girls from Springfield, one next two months. ■ pointed a member of the state game Thursday evening for Mr. and Mrs. from Oakridge, and two from Eugene, dens. and Mr. Cowart Is the son of Mrs. Clive Stanley was entertainea commission hy Governor Norblad to Oeorge Emery and two daughters, left late Sunday night for Crater M r and Mrs. J. A. Cowart of this city. EUGENE PASTOR TO FILL Several showers and social fetes at a miscellaneous shower given hy succeed M. F. Corrigan of McMinn- ('arm s Etta and Geraldine, all of Lodge at Crater Lake where they will M. E. PULPIT ON SUNDAY Miss Maxine Snodgrass at her home villa. Fresno, California, who have been spend the summer months doing var­ were held for Mrs. Cowart shortly be­ on Friday evening. Friends of the r e - ! The Lions clnb has Interested Itself fore she left for Los Angeles. their house guests for the past two ious tasks at the popular tourist re­ Rev. D. E. Baker of Eugene will cent bride both from Bprtngfteld and In game matters, particularly planting Weeks. They left for their home on sort during the season which Is Just preach at the Methodist church Bun­ Eugene were Invited and the evening fish and releasing pheasants in thia PRUITT TAKES LARGE Friday morning. opening. day morning on the subject. ’The waa spent with games and converse- part of Oregon. Last year places ware The evening waa spent with con­ REDSIDE FROM McKENZIE The Springfield girls who are at Three Welle" In the absence of Rev. tlon after which the hostess served found to plant trout in both the Mo- versation and light refreshments were the lodge are Elisabeth Hughes. Kensle and W illamette and also • Veltle Pruitt, pastor of the First C. J. Pike, pastor, who la attending refreshments. served by the hostess. Gladys Collins, snd Iowa Carlton. Those Invited were Mrs. Oeorge number of farms were spotted to ra- Present for the gathering were the These three girls hare each been em­ Christian church brought In a beauti­ the regular conference of hla church The regular Sunday Stanley, Mrs. Dawey Campball, Alta le88« pheasants on. gi’.est,. Mr. and Mrs. John Rossman, ployed at the lodge for the past three ful redalde trout last Thursday eve­ at Astoria. school hour will be held at 8:<6 and Cole, and Marlon Richardson, nil of ning. It measured seventeen and one- - 1» 1 Mr. and Mrs. Charles Paddock ana seasons. Miss Elsie W alker Is the half Inches, and was caught Just be­ the young people wbl iheet at 7:00 Eugene, and Esther McPherson. Lu- LIONS CHOOSE KETELS daughter, Bertha. Mr. and Mrs. Wade Oakkrldge girl at the lodge. low Deerhorn. Fishermen who have p. m. There will be no evening ser­ Paddock. Mr. and Mrs. John Henderer, CONVENTION DELEGATE been making freqaont trips up the vices thia Sunday. Mra. W illiam Lightfoot, and two chil­ METHODIST DELEQATE8 river have not been very successful In Mro ? ho ' !RM r' “ d M 7 J ' i * « 67’ John Kete” ' , r " WM "rlocted by the dren, W illiam and Mavis, P. H. Em- ? , t a / B w % ^ neer Md ,° C‘ I L ,° n’ ClUb “ ' helr >*•» ATTENDINO CONFERENCE bringing In large catches during the DEFENDANTS WIN 8U IT ary. and the host and hostess. last few weeks. A few are still catch­ 7 __________ ,0 r(' pr” ®nt ‘ be organisation nt tha IN ACCIDENT TRIAL RJ bv . C. J. Pike, pastor of the Moth- ing salmon. LIONS CLUB8 WILL HAVE i r a i i o i - n z « . . . national Lions club convention Which diet ohnrch and Dr. W. H. Pollard A verdict favoring John Manley and FALLS FROM LADDER; ,1s to be held at Denver, Colorado, an JOINT PICNIC THURSDAY w ill both spend the week-end nt As­ OHRISTIAN CHURCH WILL his daughter, Evelyn, as defendants ln BOTH ARMS BROKEN ,nly 15> 1C> ud 18 * * tateraattag toria where they w ill attend the an­ the snft brought hy J. L. Brink waa HAVE BENEFIT FOOD SALE —— — (trip i t anticipated by Mr. Ratals. The Lions clnbs of Springfield and nual conference of tha church pas­ returned by the Jury In the district Plchlng cherries Is n Gottaga Grove are planning * Joint tors and laymen. Dr. Pollard, who la The W illing Workers club of tha conrt on Tuesday afternoon. cnpntlon. Una 8chlueaaler. U Baptist Girls Meat Mooting at Swimmers Delight on the representing the laymen of the local Chrlalan church will hold a cooked Brink was struck and Injured by old daughter of M r. and M n . Albert W lllnm etta nlvar thia evening. The church, left for the conference city Tha Good W ill chapter of the i food sale Saturday In the rooms for­ the Manley automobile, driven by hta Bchueealer of route S, fell ibers of tha two dabs and their yeatorday. girls of tha Baptist church the layman meetings merly occupied by the Gray's grocery daughter last fall. He sued for dam­ from a ladder while picking talaed nt tha. home of Mrs. B. JL •pa*ad -»add yi-M av. Plke left thlg *tora -VllA tA A a VHBkl. ages and tha defendants declared that Tueeday and broke the henea In both la r a píenle dtnnar m a r WBleh a n y morning and expected to he back lets on West Eleventh atm el M ad to tha Chriatkd cfturOh Mt he was responsible for tha aocldant e f lA f a r ia e above the • m enjoy dancing and varions other Bunday evening or early Tueeday evening n t d:BR A Monday >Mn- Ooorgg Nettleton aad M n . J. and that he had walked across the Ve n ■ H i IU m . oodal tt a e wna enjoyed hy I _ H. Moraloek are tn eharga of tha sals. etraat In tha middle of the Mooh. B arbara B arnell9a R ecital Saturday ------f- £ f —4- J