PAOM SIX rH K SP R IN O FIR I.n NKWH THURSDAY. JUNK 19, 19J An Indiana County Has Found Itself How Wise Leadership and Use ' ' rn:er “ w' U8k becsus.* he find» ! Of Federal Credit Have Made “ pro," abl’ * * “*« nrat time In many year* An Indiana Community Throughout Steuben County at the Prosperous present time there are indications of widespread activity. One senses By CALUU JO H N S O N This « the story ot a county ,h et '“h A" ,O!“ ‘S ‘~ d touud i f l f . and of « man who pom. I “ f ' .t" '“ *"1, ~ “ ty ’**' ,nd ed the way center of the activities that have A cou n t, that in the brief apace of ' i’’ “**1, Wbo,e county ,o * nrm iron, the slouch of agricultural des ‘L . have .h a n d in the gen pair to a coinmun.iy that remains ' Pr,'MrerUy’ 50 “ » 100 P*r ‘ «0« bus, and prosperous even ia ftn e ° f ' °' T ’ " b•, ’ *, wide decisions ° recorded in some Instances. To A country when, boys who have .X ’ '• .T,’* ? ,n<* °f quit its farms for the c itie. are r e - 1 ‘ h’" ” " * P* rk.ln* turning to till the soil of their fath- ' J o.. ' ,,arn» are S°’»K era and am happy because they have I of fa rm ^ h a i ° n J ,,Uk”‘ ' made such decisions. i Z ” '*’ o f '-‘rms baTP mod a county % rt,a_ta. where w business w < ern > stanchions and »ther equipment A men and v«. . ___ ' w ousm ess men ana jn [wo years * » farmers are working together har . ins have s„ „ . a . ... . been built In nractinAiiv . T hborh^ br,« h'- — uiey paint ,en(la a f .Jni„ur , 0 homesteads and barns which, almost without ex- A country where prosperity is re- ceptkm. are In splendid state of re- fleeted to the many new buildings, pair. New fences are the rule and modern homes and conveniences, scores of recently 1 mit henhouses barns and silos, and where trim and testify to the fact that the farmers’ w eiikept premises bear mute testl- wlvee likewise are realising on the mon.v of prit^ful ownership and county S prosperity. a rundown ,en ‘ ncy farmstead !n Steuben Count, is a A county w here' banks "resources rar“ spectacle indeed and inquiry is are mounting steadily, where "collec­ tions (one of the prime barometers o w n ^ h a s ,e. progress re , h,m by of business) are reported ' good and ?r. , "h " 7 ™ ° ° <1 aad T “ " ’ * ’° rae ,M f‘ X e n ^ s x ot - - x r who 9 he modem kitchen has a telephone When the cofTee pot la about to boil over, the steak about to scorch, or the cake juat ready to be frog ted, how convenient it is to be able to answer a ringing telephone right in the kitchen I It saves countless steps. It costs but a few cents a day. Ble ± ^ í ‘* í “®1MAU.R1CECt,EVAL,EK « " ’ * « « plciure. ’ The f th he e F o x " h,‘ h °P«>« ■ ’ hr.‘e flay run at toTK Interest, is all but unknown. , ! B aptist Folk Stage RurH pollard appears S u p r i s e V i s it s ______ IN ^ c . tal next week Miss Ituth Pollard, daughter of Dr. at i , . and Mrs. Pollut'd of Springfield, will Ne. T y* bot * re Visited Saturday be presented by Keuben Charlyle Oof- Ann,v«r»a'-y frlere in a group piano recital on Uates Also Remembered Thursday evening, June 2«'h. at 7 IS 8 a '“" ‘ay «“ «•“ *» SpHngfieid was o'clock, in the ballroom of the Eu­ s7v gene hotel. eral ni» rr'‘“ couple, who are mem Mr » « r r l.r e recently Mr. « Ooffrelere recently present* presented x ° f B - ti8t ........ ......................................................................... The value of the emcrtlaed loan date. ° Simply call our Business Office. T hb P acific T blefhoni {A J a n d T blbomafh C ompa °" "““ j recital with seventeen other "nid^nt? A county where the vision, Initia- ' p!in farmers who want to build It all started with a large ch arl-' Mb.., Barbara Barbell and Miss Mur tU e and courage of one man have ,arm “ ®«t® in a minimum of vari for Mr. and Mrs. Jerry Adams «are‘ Jarrett, both of Springfield, will nerved to build up and inspire a com- ,lm e wa’ Pictured by Baker. “Sup. who had been married last week and *>a, h *** Presented In Eugene in a com munity leadership that now boasts pose that * farmer twn.. five cows.” who had Just returned from their hon- ’ ple,e n»*mory recital in the m ar fu- the loyal support of every worth- I he s a d - "and » " it* buy five more eymoon trip. They are staying at ture A‘ «•«*» recital, nineteen origin while interest in the county. COWJ and nW Impair ary emergency the home of Mrs Kila Walker, grand al cla33lc compositions will be played Small wonder, then, that Steuben re9erv« he may have. The opera mother of the bride, preparatory to entlro,y from memory. County, Indiana, is alive and alert to -' t,on Is Tery simple. The cattle loan moving to Eugene where they will — ........... day with a progressive cltiaenry that i company receives his application and make their home so several members GRADES ARE AVAILABLE looks forward with utmost corfHdence i the ,onn ,s » P P io w l the money of the Baptist church decided that a a t uuas to even greater things, a larger meas- bet’ 1" '’ a»«U»ble at once through surprise visit was In order A good H UG HES' OFFICE are of prosperity than it knows today. r<,* co"n‘ at “ >« •iK’-rn.edlate Cred- time was had by all until it was dis- All of >b. . r. . T T .u When Amos Baker came to Steuben ‘‘ and the farmer covered that this date was also the ! grade examun.l'.ms and’ ln “t'h ’t '* '11’ County to launch a J250.0W) conden ’ h. ’ B,On*y alli’ h,a towa He has twelfth wedding anniversary for Mr rapliy tests which w. r wlv * ser, enterprise the community was h’ “ h*8 “ llk * " Norton Pengra. The c e .e ? same , tm7 aTe now n t t h e n e o^ Keep the Pests O ut! OUR SCREENS •t.ll feeling the effecu of postwar d e - \ h7 . ‘ a,hT. mOn,.h * appI!pd on , brators then decided that it would Wm G Hughes Io the First Nation nation. Farmers were thoroughly ' h\ The other ha if he receive, ire appropr ate for Mr " ‘ - - - - u«np*’ First N .ilM a l Pedgra to Bank building and may be obtained ted. Commodity him self and that amount of cou rse,! treat the crowd to Ice dls< ouraged. Commodity prices prices were were 1, cream so they fluring banking hours. There were f.R I at low ebb Money was tight and bor 1S af much as he receiv- receiv- escorted ’‘w otted him him dowi down town while he in d e n ts in this city who look the ex , rowings few and far between because ? "L’T.. b‘ ught ,he «’ddltlona! made the purchase. Win Htand up againnf time. Made of the finest quality am inations and of this number there was no assurance that the farm n /L ^ L ,'°T S F* ’ r’roducers Feeling that a good thing should | were given honorn'blJ ineiillon for the screening (galvanized or copper wire) -b est hardware ob­ er could market his crops at a profit , . °®n’ "lany cases’ ls am b*‘ catTled to a succee.ful conclusion high gre-iea which the, obtained and failing falling this this it it meant meant he he would I*” 8 ba818 m‘“ lb^ <* ‘he group remem , Those with b l n a tainable— expert carpentry. and would be plunged even more deeply ,n-o , " S th"pp‘>‘ P^lod bored that Mr and Mrs R o y Carleton P e T ~ M e . b T u " " o '■*’ * be f debt. k “’ - - «" Thus in -ess were also obeervlng their wedding W, Z K a n debt. Our screens are made to give you lasting service. H e - -------------- --------- 8aid Baker i ’ ' tlme the fa,m er ha” “« “ »»ernary on Saturday A trip w j lii.vd K" '’a "Here was a situation ea,d Baker ,K.pp en„b|e H ob,r‘ Mt- "that called for real farm relief. Theo­ lar kind „f assets and ids opportun- they were roused from T he" c o m ^ m T / s "’ n R“ nt\ EVB‘ Vn K“ " ' S‘ Besides, you’ll find we are reasonable ln price. ry wouldn’t do. And real farm relief. ity for expanding bis business Is cency. P Morgan handler, and Keith Currie as 1 conceived It. meant helping the , , ' "i >'a,“nnK ‘ "Mness is farmer to to help help himself. himself imited only by his Industry or his farmer BAPTIST SUNDAY SCHOOL “H e was advised to ,- n aden the failure to take advantage of aid that BRAKEMAN LOSES LIFE •cope of his activities; not to depend ,eromP3 3 for asking. PICNIC HELD TUESDAY « .. BETW EEN ROLLING LOGS All Sizes nnd Styles Making It easy for farmers to add _____ on wTieat. c of hi" f'.w ln g prosperity.” ’■‘»ters, Mrs. L. R Burch of Washing- rela’iveiy unimportant thing to to determine determine is C., and Mrs. Percy DeBell of thing is whether she ; There are scores of cases of small ,on’ navs you you a a nrofit. If »he she doesn't, doesn’t stop ston ‘a ,mers who have incurred indebted- ■ Toncalla. pays profit, if boarding her and buy a real producer. ness of him »1,500 to »3,000 for the Tbe *“ n«ral will be held this after- Your market for milk will be con purpose of Investing In cows and noon at 2 °0 o'clock from the Stearns •taut, regardless o f the season, and then havp found •• possible to wipe chaP«l Yoncalla and Interment will we will buy every pound that you ° Ut tbe debt ln a 8UrPrlsingly short "h* made In a Yoncalla cemetery. orod e” I time. ’ That,” says Baker, “Is real ---------- -— ------------ - prod c ce." man m,w ho That Bakei/s advice was heeded ■ farm relief, — if you teaeh „ a man may bo guessed from the fact that L° put a,’3e‘8 on b,s ‘•tm you are a— __ . . nFlnfnr him fa ui_ — 4 g carloads of culls have been helping him to help himself. . shipied out of R euben County and ' hlm 3 sub’ ,dv and you Place a pre- diaposeq of as cutters during the 1 n' lllD1 0,1 laziness. You haven't last three years. 1 him and !♦ in almost certain The next step was the financing ' hat hp wil1 hate you » “ erwards no of the farmer who wanted to estab- ; ma,ter how &°od your Intentions No Ush dairy herds or add to existing i T"® h3* yet d,8covered a substitute herds. Local banks, of course were *ndustry ‘n ‘he proper manage- New, Snappy. Printed. Faat Colore willlng to extend a portion of the ment ° f 3 farm " M EN ’S A T H L E T IC VOILES, D IM IT IE S . SA TISTES 46 carloads of culls have been ' Alld ,he ^ y ” ar® coming back to UNIONS But Baker real- the farn” In S.euben County. More necessary credit. Sizes 14 to 48 lxed that he would need more help, ' than 100 of them who had gone * k2rt’ ’ t i , r « brim’ ’ #M hM ’ jabot», bell sleevelets much more to finance the undertak­ gone away to the cities in the last caP«s and cape effects. Lots of style and lots of dress have .^.um returned. clr- for the money. $3.50 values. ing. Hence, he immediately launch- j few years — - — eu. That m a t cir- ed the Interstate Cattle Loan Com- cumi'‘ance, he regards, as most slg- BOYS' CORDS — — — -- pany, put — his problem up to tbe Fed nlflcant. B liss B-17, Slightly Damaged There Is no organized “back to the eral Intermediate Credit Bank at Louisville and got the help he need­ farm” or “stay on the farm" propa­ ed. How well hla plan has worked ganda. Our boys return home be­ may be Judged from the statement of cause they want to. And hundreds of DRESS GOODS Skin troubles are fre- Federal Land Bank officials that on them remain at home for the same M EN ’S SCOUT SHOES quen t l y c a u s e d by Crepe de Chine, Values up to $1.75 April 1, 1930, there wag not a single reason. The explanation for this Parcord Soles clogged pores. Clean them to the very bottom overdue loan or delinquent Interest “ “•J Ukely, |S to be found In the each night with Clara Item charged against any borrower attitude of a majority of the coun­ Nome Cold Cream and t s farmers who are making farm In all of Steuben County! you’ll be proud of the He so attractive for their sons that In four years’ time the number of fresh transparency of WOOL DRESS GOODS your skin. N o , longer dairy cows ln the county had been they have no desire to go away. CREPE BACK SATIN FLAT CREPE 54 Inch Wide, »4-50 Values will you be bothered by Increased from 3,000 to 12.000. Credit black heads, enlarged $3.50 Values— $1.39 extended to farmers at times reached Funds Pledged to Missions pores and other blemish­ CREPE DE CHINES. $2.50 Values-SOc a total of almost »300,000 and much es. Cara Nome Cold The sum of »36 has been pledged to Cream Is sold only at of this pape: represented rediscounts ward, mission work by the members RAYONS,$1.00 Values—-47c Rexall Stores. handled through the Intermediate La"'lre l° S creen D oors adVan'age ot 1 $ 2 .2 5 $ 2 .7 5 $ 2 .9 0 $ 3 .5 0 Wright & Sons BREIER’S Clean Pores Means a Removal Sale Sell Everything - Move Nothing Clean Skin Cara Nome Cold Cream $1.00 43c $1.89 49c $1.29 $1.39 $1.29 credit bank. Loans were repaid or reduced at regular periods largely ont of m ilk cheeks. Mortgages now are disappearing and real farm as In the form of livestock and I equipment are heartening the of Ihe Mission Society of the Christian church. This was shown last Thurs­ day evening when the organization heard reports at the regular meeting held at the home Of Mrs. C liff Abrams, president. New officers w ill be elecv ed nt the next meeting. JAPANESE PARASOLS Flanery’i DRUG STORK Phons 18 PIECE GOODS In Prints and Ginghams. 3 to 10 Yard Pieces $1.00 10c and 29c GEORGETTES »1.S8 Values at $1.39