The Springfield news. (Springfield, Lane County, Or.) 1916-2006, June 19, 1930, Page 5, Image 5

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    TH U R SD A Y. JUNB I». 1830
O fflc . F lo o r. V .r n ls h .a — T h . flo o r.
t h . offices
Or K ebh.n w . r . »1»
FR^ h " ™ 00^
. a • coat of varnlah this week.
Daughter Bom — Mr. and Mr«. U E.
The young people of the Pleasant I
Lum 's service station owned h r
•p o n d S unday a« M a p lsto n
. T r . „ . . 9ta B u s in ... I» M Hhaw of
“ lu* H1* ' r • « “ »• P ^ n t s
B rim ful of re a ll.m , of action, of m m - HUI <«•’ * • < gathered for a surprise Lum Anderson sow a e tta . se eh,«'
and M rs Prod Louk spani Munday at Cottage ( lr o * r
„ business vial ° f * b“ b)' dau< h ,e r bo,n <»» Wednea
ponee. of romance— w ith I t . scenes p* r,)' on *»»‘ Wednesday aranlng In
l i ,» ", ’
— ----- » .» u iu * »
M apleton visiting with frlenda.
I lo r In Hprlngfleld on Monday a fte r day evening. June It, l»30
l e r of
of Z
io n ! hon°
an T
who waa
P° " c* ---
laid along tha scenic wownder
hon° r r of
o f Lym
T in
in k
k e
e r r who
waa cal-1
™~ e lty - wa* '-
"vu ea
Visits W ith Daughter— Mrs. W . A . N ailonal parl< ■» southwestern Utah ••»rating hla nineteenth birthday a o l laat Saturday a fte r
h aring
A t Blue R iv e r Mr». Mnbel Kiddle
la spending a (uw d a ta a' H lu e H ire r
Portland People H a r a — M
d H em law ay of Cotta«« Orove «pant tha and <aarvslous photography keeping nlvsrsaty. The young people m et nt I closed for a e reral w eeks I t baa been
* ° « k •" d In Hprlncfleld « liltin g with ’’• Ce w lth “ » rapid and delightful th» h ig hsch oo l and then d ro re up to I leased to M att H a rt. My H a rt has
where »lie la «lulling with frlenda. M rs W B. M i'A lee or Portland
« ' ondlna th a » . . . l i
d * f * her d ,u «hter. Kathryn.
«tory— with the peerless W arn er Bax ,he T in k e r home.
___ , , „
R etu'n s Prom Portland Mr» Fred
........... .......... r ”
......... , V,; ' ‘
M r . W . I the T a d h /g
. n g ^ a ^ d '^ X ’ “ X 'm u lf
Fre«c ri'tuined from l*oriland Mun­
day « re n in *
11« Interested in some log tracking.
Shop» in city
Mr« M. t.’raltf o f 1,0 •» driving a new automobile thia
W e n d in g »as a Tin day »hopper In week
He traded lu hl« form er car
this city.
on the new one.
on Munday
western ta lk ie . In Its opening a t the
V la lt a t New port Mr. and Mr«. Ho­ Fox MdOonald theatre y e .te r d .y
mer <
naae spent
Baxter again esaays the alluring
«pent the week-end at New
tt.n d a - Veterans Picnic — Ham i»
the Home
home of frle
H a.
M e a a l« «
L . ley Craft, »on | A --------
.n r visiting
i.iu n g at
ai tne
frla h d . r<’ ** of “ <■>'• reckless bandit who
of M r and M r . B. » tu la of thia city Richmond
attend the Hpanlnh
A m
m e -r-
T hey
<• W o nd atlt-nd
Ht a n ln h A
r. T
h a r le
le f ft t h
a » . Saturday - evening
----- -—
capture, hearts aa he does e re ry th ln g
Is re ry III w llh au attack of meaal a. •''»» Wur retorana picnic which was
elae Those millions who enjoyed him
held at A l.e a on Munday
Spend Day at Junction C ity— Mr. In the screen« first western talkie,
O a . t . r R .a ld a n t Hara— O. M M at I
ano Mrs. M arlon Adams motored to
, . .1
c i.
o a
In Old Arizona." w ill go wild over
th n w . or Dastar w«» a hii.ln«»« r l . l
»* Portland— Dr. and Mr«. Bu Junction ( I t y on Munday to spend the his performance l0 this new and finer
tor In Mprlnafleld on Friday morning ••*> * K ester and Mr«. Clara F aw ver day w ith M r. and Mrs. Charles C a r celluloid chapter of fro ntier days
I u
l r ,n l,e r
motored to Portland Bunday morn­ eon.
Thurston G irl H rra — Misa M argaret ing and «pent the day aa guests of
M aurice Chevalier . U r . In hla third
Russel of Thuralon wan a visitor In M r and Mrs. F. O Järvi«.
F o rm a r Rasldant Hara _ James
ne/ 1 th e ,Fo1
Mprlngflcld on Saturday
Young of Mpoksne. son of Mam Young, “ “ 'B’ a rB
» “ "O ** " « « »•>•» T h e
here “ for
a three g
P o r e h a n F a a d - U R H a ll of Mar-
, T" “
~ « . . . Mon ‘ ° r » T
>r »
da purdM sed feed .uppllca w hile
K e n e d y , of Tnlpha. Texaa. I . »‘»HI»«
In t this
b l. city.
I . fa
r r la
* a »um
ber of new M
«Ma purchaaetl feed .u p p lle . while
T al|,h a. T e x a ., I .
V ls ltln g s at
a t the
Ihm home«
h e m m » of
. . . her
t.m» cousin«. th»
l h e bakery
h a l i e r v bu.lncse
h ilu in ,.» m
Im l i m i l i »
. t r .?
i m y .“
» n r d
c " . hla
X ow
Z n ” p Ir u re
X D h r r e ô a ù ilb
g le
h m
In this city on Maturdav
I »liltin
j Mr«. Francis Zachry and Mrs. C. M
Pow er Man F e re — H a rry Anderson
la w ls of Springfield
of the A.bmty office of the M ountain
»» »
, ,
‘ r U “ Or
T m
T0*” ' ~
rr<’d Yar,tery
and hla son. Joyce, both U real Falls, visito r In Springfield on F riday of
H ara — H . J. Montana, are guests at the home of Is a t w e e k
fcherman of Idw hurg waa a T u e .d a y M r- »»d Mra. W. J. S c o tt M r. Yack
C om t From Colorado— Archie bo rah
vtaltor lu Springfield
a ry Is a brotherdn-lrw of Mrs. Scott.
and Hay Earls both a rrlrw l here F ri
V lalta Frlanda— Mra. J. W. T h u r
man of W a lte rrllle spent Monday via-
King with frie n d . In Mprlngflcld
Chaperone, were M m Andy Olson and WOMEN ,N CHARGE OF
Mr«. J. a . Phelps
iF a in ty 'r r f r e .h ‘ ( BAPTIST PROGRAM SUNDAY
menta consisting of cream puff« filled |
» * “ > Ice cream and covered with hot
T he »«m en w ill be In charge of the
chocolate syrup, together w ith punch "*rv lc e at the Baptist church Munday
» « re served under the direction o f eTenlng » ' ». prorldng the music and
the Mlases Shirley W iley and Laura other »‘ tractive features T h e pastor
H a lt.
J w ill use as his s u b je jrt "A Woman
A n ,, )n , th
Who Talked for the Fam ily
* “ ><»•« present for the eve-
nlng were Miss Shirley W iley from
Tbe *
* p* opte • meeting la held
Salem. Ida Shelly. Nina M cPeek Fm “ 7 p “
M itchell. T helm a
Bible achool a t 1« a. »
M orning
circle. Loree L aird. Veda Daley M r « " M i «
- a c 7 n u
. BÄeldon
«»>>•. >».■ 8 t u t i
»xi_ o n d ^ H U M ^ N B ^ r " * A ^ S M A L L ° H ’ L D C U T S K N E E
X ^ m
e COITlfedv
/■dsn gam
; I bles.
u lt, ---------
ICre- |
comedy and
and rumanpa
romance ■
i vn Raymond H illa , N ila „ H -------
C U u d . tf. Colber,. her,e f French (Lym an £ k ^
*» " *• p,a” tha •-< « •» «
role 1
P atricia, the fo a r year old daugh­
. . . . .
— ■
te r of M r. and Mrs. Henry Tomaeth.
~ Be H < rond ,a b»»ed on an Or-
Chop« Flnosr» w ith A x a __ M r a W ■ ____ ____ _
cut on her k»
bv ' *»■
E. r F i ritts
nearly sc
tw o
o of
of her
h erJ
in ! - - m * a bad
*« ^ while
tU ®
..... .........
—mwm7 , comedy
.'iiu -.jj . . u
’ «ma a Oy
mm nearly
re red tw
I h
a c , t on
Middleton and
and A.
E Thomas
T h o m s , nn<era
fin g er. M
o n d ,. when she struck ’>W
and tt
It was
««orge Middleton
n n* TuaBad‘ Y m
o rn ta* and
▼«Heran American playwrights.
them w ith an axe while choDolnr
Tonsil« Removed— M rs Carleton A.
V laltlng Uncle at Union— ln V e rn e day
F o rl C o ll,n». Colorado, and
’ from ............---------------------------------------------------------
, u.-
1Icr uume. e e re ra l stitebee
W ym an underwent a tonsil operation McPherson, »on of M r. and Mrs Uudd , are
r " guests
“ Alice l-*d y Lies” and "Roadhouse Nights." were required to close the wounds
at the k home
of “ Mrs.
m office
. . local - physician on McPbarBO«. route I . Is spending the Lorah -
at m
of a
waa “ »• director of "T h e Big Pond." and It la expected that they w ill heal how she Injured herself, but H la be­
lieved that she fell on a bit of brok­
Tuesday morning
week v l , , , , . , w lth hl. unc, . John
Back FK)fn v |# H _ UM tne O art(n
Richard Arlen, the loveable young without d lfflcn lty.
en glaen.
( a l r a r t . at Union.
,daho hero of "W ings." “ M anhattan Cock
Vlalta F a th e r M rs J. M Larson
ta ll.” “T h e Man I Love,” seen here re­
l n a t . l l . N ew P u m ^ - A naw g a .„ " ‘’T ? , ” ’:
h * * " V‘, ' “ n< r' laU ” *
and children spent Munday, Father's
cently in "The Virgin ian ," w ill be the
day w ith her father, ('harte« T oft line ppump and aupply tank waa In
8h" ’
h' r mu’
stellar attraction at the Fox Rex thea­
dalil. at Junction City.
. . ‘ . l i e d a t th e S p rin g fie ld garage last
EUB’' n’’ B ' bl’
tre for three days, starting today, ln
Consults F h -
Mra. York !
" ° W • ‘,U ' W” ’d to aa"
Burning Up." M ary Brian Is hla
Tbom iwon of Vida was In Spring I „ »
Vtola.« Kay and the General
A i d a n t - M l . . aweetheart In hla first starrin g picture
Hold Tuesday
to receive medical
| E ‘ h> * • aao*,ne
Mabel Hurd 1« recovering slowly and an able supporting cast. Including
from an accident last week ln which four of the most popular character
Day at Newpont— D r and
»he nearly lost two finger« and bad- actors on the screen, carry the color­
Tonsils Removed
T ue s d a y — Mra.
' Km erj'
an<l th e ir house
ly cut a third one when
an axe ful subordinate parts.
m Davidson of W est Springfield
<nd M ™' ° * o r«® K m rry clipped striking the hand
"Burning Up" Is a fast action-ro­
tmd her to n e ... removed at t h . office J
. *W° da“ « 1’ ' ara
^ ’' aa° . Call-
mance w ith Arlen as a youthful auto­
Teachsr Here— Mlse Audrey Me
o f a local physician on Tuesday ? huX . r B<T
N ' WP° r '
mobile racing demon. Mixed np w ith
M a r B l BK
i Thursday whare they spent tha day l*heraon who has been teaching at
a gang of crooked ra re promoters and
I <ni tha beaches. T fc . Californian«
in lore with M ary Brian whose father
Regletsr a« IHU Hatat — Recent !
* * * n r , t of ,lle weak toT ‘ ba returned to h er home here and w ill la marked aa a victim by the gang. A r
teat, a t the B lits hotel Include M r. Yak1m» country In EMstern Wash leave soon for Rocky Point on the
len defends hla reputation, defeats
and . . Mra.
Floyd H T ay lo r. D rain ; A tagtoa where they w ill speed some coeat where she w ill spend a part ot tha gang, sad wins the g irl In on
her vacation
r» c k . and B. J. UBehans, tu n Fran
o f tha moat th rillin g climaxes aver
Em ery accompanied them as far as
and Christina Coughran, Clo
Vlettere H e re M ias T helm a Hed- seen ln either a silent or talkin g mov
Portland and trill visit frloada in
¿a, Drug««.
berg and her sister. Anna Hedberg. Ing picture.
that city whllo the ofhara a re In
form er residents of Bprtagfteld who
One of Broadway's greatest comedy
Vielt a t Plaranne M r and M rs Rl W aahlagtoa.
are bow living at A storia, have been hits of all tim e comae to the screen
lev Rnodgraaa and M r. and Mra. A. M
Many at FI ere wee M r. and Mrs spending several days here rta ltm « nt o f tha Fog Reg Bunday whan T h a
Bnndgraae of Shedd motored to F lo r
th e ir
three | the home o f M r. and Mrs. Orson Fall Ouy." scintillating talkin g ple-
•noe on F riday where they apeat thr
They h » r . (
been to ture adaptation of the original play
children, and Miss M axlna
wwnh-ood vlaltlng friend«
They re
graae all motored to Florence last RprlngfleM to r tsrefve years.
turned to Springfield on Bunday ave
Saturday and apant the week-end nt
•o h BfaMen Get. F a .M - T h a aub-1 J * "
the home of M r. and Mrs. Tom V al­ station of the M ountain Btatee Power ' U U * * “ ’r t t t * cotlar “ “
Hete* — uer. T hey returned Munday evening. company In Eaat Springfield which h" * >b “ d
Coats - Dresses
those who were registered at
Cetersde Feeple Here— Mrs M yr­
the ttprtngfteld
hotel during th r tle W righ t and bar sletar. M ra. Pearl
w eeken d were M r. and Mrs. W . A Harney and her fam ily all arrived
Bherman o f Dunsm uir, C alifornia. here Bunday evening to spend some
James Brown and W illia m Fsanewa tim e vlaltlng at the home of their
o t Butts, M ontana; M. O. Thrust
parents, M r. and M ra John Lloyd,
(lama« V a lle y ; and Brma F. Hoke of «nd w ith their brother and slster-ln-
Bafas. Oregon.
law. M r. and M r a W ilb u r L lo^d.
was erected last fall le being painted ,r,B<
,b* bo“ *
this week. T he w ork la being done by I H< ta ® * d* * “te " ,n,T” ,or the * “ «
men from the conetructlon departm ent i and “ “ mo* ‘ hu” orou"
‘'om phra
o f the company w ith headquarters in
Leave« fee Lee Angelee—Mias M ary
W hitney left Saturday for Loa Anlelea
where she w ill apend a few days. She
w ill return In tim e to take work at
the summer seeslon at the U n i v e
o f Oregon She has been teaching at
the p ^ X y r a r ” 1^
’ Cfc° <” “
M ulhall « work In T h e F a ll Ouy
; fulfills a ll prediction«. H e Is support-
ed by a notable cant a.'ludlug Mae
Clarke, W ynne Otbeon. Ned Sparks,
‘ Pat O 'M alley, Tom Jackson. Al Roscoe
and Ann Brody.
r s i t y ---------------------------------
The French Shop
E. Broadway
Mirrar Building
Agatha Ix irraln e Beals became the
bride of W illia m A. Z ln lk o r o f Eugene
nt a pretty home wedding which was
solemnized at the home ot the bride's
parents la»' Thursday evening. June
12. w ith only fam ily members and a
few close friends In attendance.
The ceremony was performed by
Rev. V e ltle Pruitt, pastor of the
Doctor Goes ‘ o Eastern Oregon— Springfield Christian church a fter
Dr. Eugene Kester anil George W il­ Paul Frese had sung. "1 Love You
liam s of Rainbow, left Springfield T ru ly."
W in ifred Tyson was the maid of |
G ale Mohday on a four or five day
out Ing which w ill be spent around honor, and the bridesmaids w<
the lakes on the other side of the Janet Osborn and Pauline Ztnlker.
Cascades. They expect to Indulge in l*aul Freae was best man
some fishing w hile on the trip.
T he couple left for the coast on a
Leaves fo r T rip — T V. Ogden left
Springfield Monday on a long trip
which w ill take him to N ew kirk,
Oklahoma. H e w ill stop nt
W o rth. Texas, and Manta Anna, Cal­
ifornia, on his return trip. He ex­
pects to be back In Spr n afield by
August 1.
honeymoon trip and w ill make their
Hare From Independence — Mrs. E.
home In Eugene a fte r they return.
Kullander of Independence wss a
guest over the week end here at the |
home of her daughter and son-ln law. FINE VACATION SPOTS
M r. and Mra. Ernest M cKinney. Mrs.
M cK inney, form erly Mabel Kullander,
M r. and Mrs. G. H. T u rn e r return ­
received her bachelor of music degree
at the U n iversity on Monday and w ill ed Friday from th e ir vacation trip
atudy for her M aster of Arts degree which they spent In the Cascade
mountains south o f the Bisters. They
next year.
repoprt th a t there are a great many
large fish in the sm aller creekks In
th a t part of the state, but th a t tt is
TO BE SERMON TOPIC d ifficu lt to catch them. T hey were
successful, however, In getting all
'The Apostles Teachings" w ill be
they to eat. T he weather waa
the sermon topic a t the 11:00 o'clock
w arm er than It was here and waa very
services at the C hristian church Sun­
dry, they stated. They w ere accom­
day. Sunday school w ill begin at • : « ( ,
panied on the trip by Claude Wood­
and In the evening a special evange­
listic service w ill be held. Special mu­ ru ff of Eugene Mrs. H a tU s Mysrs
sic Is being prepared for both services. took care of the store for them w hile
they were away.
B irth day P a rty Sunday
T he b irthday of Mrs. Doc Jordon
was observed Munday w ith a small
party at the W illia m Berg farm home
east of 8 pring fleld .
Among those
present were M r. and Mrs. J. A. N e l­
son, M r. and Mrs. Philip Rlshop and
three children all of Glendale, Mrs.
Jordan, and M r. and Mrs. Berg.
On Sale a t Sacrifice Prices
Very Seasonable
Specials This Week
$4.50 and $5.00
Bathing Suits
All Wool
25c and 30c
Guaranteed Fast Color
$1.66 Kayser Full Fashioned
Silk Hose
All Shadea
Special $1.25
Men's $1.50
Genuine English Broadcloth
Shirts 98c
Purchases lugens Property
George Perkins has purchased the
Zeta Tau sorority house at the corner
of T w e lfth and M ill streets, Eugene,
and w ill remodel and redecorate It
for a nurses' home for the Pacific
C hristian hospital to whom he has
leased the property.
Fulop’s Department Store
334 Main Street