T U B S fR tN Q F IM U ) NWWM THE SPRINGFIELD NEWS Publtsked Rvery Thursday at Springfield. Lana County, Oregon, by T H E W IL L A M E T T E PRESS H . K. M A X K Y , Editor. THURSDAY, JUNR |fl, ¡930 Eleven people were killed In lam e county In GOLD STAR MOTHER IS 19-9 by automobiles. Let's not try to break this BUD KINT2LEY WINS MRS. J. A. BAINBRIDGE record In 1930. 7 “ K uus PRI..E FOR 20 COUGARS ON WAY TO SON'S GRAVE • • • SURPRISED LAST WEEK. N E W JOBS FOR O LD By killin g a total of io cougar dur- Mra. Em m a Olson. Bpiiugfleld'a Mrs J A Bainbridge waa the hon­ (P o rtlan d Journal of C o m m erce) ",o o ,h * • “ •*">» •’ » » • 1 .1 Gold S ta r mother, left thle d tv early K in ,.le y of M l Creek. »unda> MornlB, for N< „ J or guest at , surprise gathering held at her home last Wednesday la hon­ County wou „ 7 5 oaah offered by f tr .t ,.p of her >,urney ,u ’ h° " lr ° n n,an b* ” > “ >*"• or of her slxty-flfth birthday. H e r ia m a a ta tlo M on the fact that 2.000.000 Jobs were h,»t he .la te game c.>R.m l..l»n and won England to v l.lt the grave e l h. r grandchildren, daughters, friends, and during the l»2O27 period becauee of the robot's advent for him self the title of "champion Kenneth She took the Southern J'u M A IL SUBSCRIPTION RATE neighbor« a ll gathered a block front year In Ad>aacu------- 3 U 2 Three Months “ ,'C ‘l,rOU«h -76c But atatlstlca tell a more hopeful »tory. T w o m illion job* w T a m s ““‘’ rf 1 v0 " ! “ her home at 2 00 o clock and a ll went M oat»a------------- ---------- » I M single Copy _ F r l« -^ if T ilt a * " d T “ ,,y “ n‘‘ ° « d * “ « « • a rriv e In the m ight have been lo e t - b u t 1.500.00 w ere gained during ....5c Io the house together for the sur­ he ..m e period- And the gain was a lm o .t entirely due Krlebach of T itte r each accounted largo eastern city toduy. prise ' Refreshm ent« were served THURSDAY. JUNE 1>, IWO for 17 of (he "big cat«** and are tied u to increased use of machines during the afternoon, each for second and third p rla e , of „ 2 6 h “ WUI •" la the radio tnduatrv. for example, there are 150 000 WHO’LL IMS THE REPUBLICAN NOMINEE’ » ahtp Kooaevell o . Saturday and plana bringing something for the lunch. and „ 1 0 0 respectively. It la probs C#“ par’ d W,th ,6 M 0 to leave England on July 10 for lhe I*reeent for lhe afternoon lu add*- t„ J °,8/ Ph 18 dead and the Republican par- refrigeration, almost unknown In 1M0. now g iv e , employ ble that the game commission w ill ? c ! n l ^ ^ ter 4*e p.r iniar> election w i t h ^ t moot to 40.000 people O il-heating h a . created SO.OOo new give each „ 1 1 5 0 For fourth and return trip which la to be made on llon to tbe honor guest were Mrs. the 8. S. Republic. She w ill return a candidate It now dveolves upon the state cen- jo b s A n d our leading entertainm ent, the motion picture fifth priaes o f „ 0 and 240 four men Io Tacom a whore she w ill spend H e n ry Goddard. Mrs, L W lla p a e r M r. V irgin ia Hawley. M r. I Alts' are tied w ith k i l l , of 12 cougar, * " • C° n° “ k fac,o r ot * * • • « « ‘® 350.000 em' ,™n8totiQ« Of a delegate from each tim e visiting before coming bare, Mrs t'o a k lln and daughter. Ma­ each They are Charles H Erw in of counties to elect a candidate. If these to Springfield. bel, Mrs W. J Culver, Mrs. W. M. ^ ' h r?*nCe l° Jhe regist*‘r*d wish of f0 ra ° “ “ ' “ ow ever. «hat numerous Haglta. Uard Sawyers of Elkton. W II Allen Members of Ibe Am erican Legion Lyons, L illie Goddard. Mrs lU m C larkk of O akridge and H a rry m .Tt J b ?r re®P®cUve counties then they w o rk e r, dtaplaced by machinery, h . v . been unable to M g r B . J. J. fL H. aux ilia ry gathered al ber borne nnw bere iw W e tte l. M r . Bert Low ery, y f IB VOt* 7 Or Governor Norbladd or Harry Hud any place for th e ir abllltlee. Some o f them are un W right of Glide. a fte r Boon for a tu r pria« ***1° bridge, Mrs. John Goddard Mra. S 2 ^ t’.uh?LneXt tW° hlgh men a t Section V h o educated, o th e r, illite ra te . A number have been trained During the contest period a total n Saturday n r f v In he»- u _____ anne Nancy Cham berlain. Mrs. Orace ' (J o * party In her honor u She was present M “ ^ ‘ed sU the counties Mr. Joseph did not save «o do w ork b a . no p art.cu .ar value today of 341 cougar, were accounted for ed with an ever'nating w reath t o i l « dard, and daughter. Vera, and Mrs. one which was carried by Charles Hall F w le r .l Board for V o c .lo u al Education h u c a .e . of this In all sections of the state. Thia ex­ • Ilk Am erican flag both of which she L M A llls te r ad; * ” m’ n t' ’• J“ " ’ < everything po.s.hl.. ceed, by a considerable figure (he B e S j t T E ^ N° ? ’^ carried 18 count‘es and ran . '" J " , 7 a taking w ith her to pla< .• second m five of the counties carried by Mr Jo- to help these m is fit, adapt themselves to chnged con,II- record of any previous year. T here Is grave of her sou who la burled In tiona. C areful planning, trainin g a n d ’ e d u c .tlo n ^ .r V th è SXP h ' HM r ,C o r b e t t carried seven countie^ and ran N O T IC I TO CREDITORS a state bounty of 225 on each cougar England near Ixindnn. second ,n five counties carried by Mr. Joseph and main Ingredients of the proposed remedy. killed In Oregon woods but to in. ■ trred as second class m atter. February 24, i» Oj. at the poeto IB ce, Springfield. Oregon. w iu ? ^ ,’« “** h*" '*ke" away “ ha* tf’“0 b*‘ k » *. Bud dofetonlt u h 7 br- ' lT,B ,ha‘ ,ha u»- In the one carried by Mr. Hall. F spire h u n te r, to Increased activity NEWLYWEDS R E T U R N T n , f o f Or* a n k A DePua. a tto rn i» ■ a. Both Mr. and M ra »teen and ¡la safe to say that several hundred ^ tth fe * 8 «’ r,n a n«l«l. Oregon7 sider someone else. As the m atter stands it seems M r and Mrs. C live Stanley, a ll ol deer were saved A cougar la aald iSa, L ^ 4 l? n ^ Norbladd has lhe in8ide ‘rack as « *•'• ■’* whom eloped last week and were .bla n o t t i “,OBth* frOm ! to account for the k illin g of at least he polled 46,074 votes to Mr. Corbett 33,861 which m arried, returned to Springfield un Dated June 14. 1230. week undoubtedly will have some weight with the sec­ DO PEOPLE FEEL BETTER BECAUSE YOU one deer ***", a * T * throughout ,hr,,u,hou' each Friday and spent the week-end here FRED E. LBM I.B T. PASSED BY" | year- <*» * ™ f X ; i . x . x 8w ¿ T ^ i ’X r a u T ’g i ; tnonth8- On two recent trios w i t h t w n d i r r o e „ „ . _ , “ ow pollcy for « consider- n the I cllard MUtoniohll«* and front headache lx*t Adlerlha giv« Rtomarh W-hile this is the highest tariff this nation has h a d a n interesting opportunity to contrast theii « ? X llX 1er'nV m,me,rt f*"d',r <>n th« car b**ing drlr» n bv ^<,W«I« a R E A L cl«aiitng ana Casteel were both bed! dumnaed n ’’ h"J* J'<’ U »«•»’ - f l a n o r y ' . ever had. mid there has been some threats of re- cond,lct toward their fellow beings . p o w w company to .„ rv ,. Iirtlg otor« taliation by other countries, it is not believed . °,ne of theni has ’»«‘i«’ several million dollars estimafed^ann^i UP°" this will be the result. The average duty to im- ’ !n lhe pa8t f«w year». W henever he enters a din- ,he X „ S ,2 7 ”““’ Und* r porters m der the new bill will be 16 per cent and 1 ng car or a hotel he wanted everybody to under- _ compaBy w111 t r y our as Congressman Hawley expressed it. the United at,and that he is r,ch and important. W aiters dis- ? “'n<,U"' °f ,h" S tates m arket is worth the price. ,ike h,m - even though he tips them liberally I eomtru -ti n T** ,r*”' enu’ for l,n* DELICIOUS REFRESHING , .t c i to - __eDl' h Ti e ,neM b:nC arrie8 a 5 1 ,,° thousand _ ^ i « _______ “ barra88ed ay hi8 - id e a l de- m ands for attention. ' ~ ***” a e * et<’- ,o «ervo new customer» In the board feet duty on dressed lumber and this is ex­ The m anner of the other man is the exact re- toc'lL<”’tr‘Cl*' '* “ HU,”"*n" al pected m aterially to assist the lumber industry verse. You never would guess that he is a power i n ' ' J ”'’’' Or“ ,r now in straightened circum stances. The feat of in world industry. He never gives ordere! b S . tZ X S - aa,r ^BRUC TON- SO D A feared by the House and passed bv a*single"vote do°.s^ eni8 Sl,r,’ri8®d that anybody should want to ^ ’X h ’on^o'w.j'.y'm ’ Step In our store a t any time and try one of our delicious refreshing Ice Cream Sodas. They are different. They'll help to keep you cool' ........ » e e way. But how m any are really considerate? How In the past ten years the Oregon penitentiary Hnw'mTi* ln8t,nctive reaP fft and sym pathy? MR. AND MRS. SCHNETZKY ' I '? " - F ~ ' - — HAVE BIRTHDAY DINNER _ _ _ _ _ aaavkA » _ i r — W T. fI ft f] M T«. A, cent increase in our jyopuTafiom'h app"ars°we are doerno'T sm nkn i ’1* th .8 t d, n'an is go^ hp "”,lr dau«hter- rapidly becoming more lawless fi„ r h u ’ ♦C’ d° eS not ,aki1 a drink> d°es not '•»tertalned at a • • • ' aO„ t a l 8 O r t h a t , ">e Schnctxky J. »*>< ' Il D 2* Z k V / \ Couple o f our M o st Undesirable C itions. / T S ? TncGluntry •S pfc. .etily gorgeou s ! One. ptace,tiu>u^i, they • u j a fierce cleg t and. he chased Henry clear toU tocar. Idontknav why idretec» are permitted to keep suah ferocious, vicious animals. I know where they’re going to h^*e Ote grandesC greerveorn. I’ll iu-st motor hack uieri e a bf - r . / la te r 'W h«rv the Service la Different" R lld Josephine John», birthday d in n er, at horn.- ,,n Sunday af . . I Jnese are negative and unim portant. The real "’’•noon, a »octal time wa» enloved in h l f , IS, h.avi? s trouble with the procedure a,a’'k of a Christian and a gentlem an is w hether follow ing the noon meal » h i. t, wa» m her s. bool election. The county seat is troubled be ‘f™ 18 other Pe°Pl« as he would like to be « "en d ed by M ajo r and .Mr» w n f ° .» ', a n y Pe° P’ e w h o to usurp the treat}ed- H u n tle y, . „ d th e ir daughfer place of lawyers. ha? bethe; Lhey feel better or W0r8e b- aa8e he « ^ 1 , - Leaubow. Dr. and M r , it Mr». nas passed by. Mortenaen, M r. nd M r,. M. A. P. B y Altari T. Reid FGGIMANN’S and th e ir tw o children. M axw ell, a V irg in ia Lee. and Thomas Patrick RELIEF FROM CURSE OF CONSTIPATION A B attle Creek physician ,aya, "Cott patlon 1» re»ponHlble for more! Li.’.iery than any other caune ” But Im m ediate re lie f ha» been! found. A tablet called Rexall Order- He« ha« been dlncovered. This tablet attracts w ater from the ,y » te m Into the lazy, dry evacuating bowel called the colon. The w ater loonen« the dry food waate and cau«eg a gontle thorough, natural movement w ithout form ing a habit or ever lncreanlng the dose. Stop Buffering from conatlpatlon Chew a Rexall Ordorlle nt night. Next day bright. G et 24 for 26c today at Flanery's R exall Drug Store Have You Ever Known a Cook Like This? Have you ever known a cook who never failed to have dinner ready on tim e? Who prepared perfect meulg whole you spent pleasant hours far from the kitchen? Who kept your kitchen always refreshingly cool, Im­ m aculately clean? These things and more you ac­ cept as a m atter of course from the Invisible Cook of the Electric Range. Dials adjusted, dinner In the oven cooking heat and cooking time Just right for perfect flavor . . . out you go for a carefree afternoon. When a I& Ù you return dinner Is ready right on time . . . the kitchen Is cool and d ean • • - there’s not a thing to do but Place a perfectly cooked meal on the table. SEE YOUR DEALER TODAY-LET HIM DEMONSTRATE THIS CAREFREE WAY OF COOKING WITH AN If you cannot read r;- — wl'h comfort and ''2-? 1 Pleasure bavo an eye examination now. AUTOMATIC ELECTRIC RANCE douN T A iN states DR E C MEADE O .T O M tT R I /T __ i a w e r r bth ave  ?JR r P ower company