THURSDAY. JUNE 19. 1930 THÄ SFlUNO rm LD NBWR Classified Ads (BUYING OR SELLING1 get results j PAGE thrjtf i& J lo b p d y front r^SL lUSÁBOtL F IN A L SETTLEM ENT Exactly how and when the ex* Again she became conscious of way. But I ’m oot m istaken. And I ______ perlencs began. Eve could not after* curious glances. Before she had tim e saw you sitting in fro n t of ma last W A N T E D — To trade modern H o u s e . F O R 8 A L B OR T R A D E —Springfield W8rd exPlaln » *« P<»»lble that to pull herself together she heard a night, enjoying The W ild Rose. It's and lot lD Spokane. Wash., for lota W ill consider Bugeae or Me ,h ’-r* had ’ been a blank In te rv a l— of voice, speaking In accents of author- one of the bast of the musical oome- Springfield or Eugene property P d ' b ^ lT#r property ln “ ohaage twenty minutes, perhaps of h alf an ’ Ity. dles. Isn’t t t f ” Enquire News Office. tf ~L.__ L . ***' _____ hour— before she became conscious' “Anything wrong. mlssT* It asked; B k> drew a quick breath Some­ Lasburo Resident H a re - J. J. Cebe, lb Bern- M r and M rs. An that anything was wrong. When the and she found herself looking up into thing fa r down w ith in her had re­ of Leaburg. was a Monday afternoon It the eyes of a big policeman. drew Bromley of Jasper are the par knowledge struck her, however sponded to that, as If a touched cord caller In Springfield H e r heart stood s till. enta of a seven pound baby boy born struck her like a blow. She realized had strongly vibrated. Yet she eould "No, no, of course n o t ” to them at th eir home on Tuesday with a terrify in g certainty not only not remember. She called on her IU M M O N 9 morning. June 17. 1930. that she did not know where she was, “Oh, all right,' be said easily, but courage and it rallied. In the Circuit Court of the State of but that she did not know who she w ith steady ayes on her face. Thought Oregon for the County of Lane. “I'm going to tru st you.” she said, Released From Hospital— Mrs. L. was. Benefit Savings A Ix x n Association, you m ights lost something from that w ith a decision that made her voice a corporation. P la in tiff, vs. L. Sha non was released from the Pa­ H e r eyes took In her imm ediate purse.“ almost harsh. ( lark Aydelott. and Mrs. C lerk cific Christian hospital the first of She had a feeling that she was In surroundings. She was obviously on "Please do.” Again his tone was Aydelott, his wife, defendants the week She hua been a patient a wide street or avenue of a large deadly peril. Another moment and th a t of an older brother, and again , „ To *' Ctork A>’,,'’lott and Mrs L. t lark Aydelolt, the above named there fo r almost two weeks. city for crowd» of men and women he would be leading her away, to be she met the quiet regard of defendants; — ------------— hurried past her. and all around asked question« she could not answer dependable brown eyes. They held no In the name of the State of Oregon: 1 suspicion, no curiosity, not even a too SUM M ONS there were Imposing buildings and | -------she must keep steady. You are hereby required to appear flaunting window dis* ’ C learly, It would not do to linger obtrusive sympathy. and answ er the complaint filed In the County Court of the State of "‘’ "P1*. with Oregon, for ths County of Lane. Plays. The street held nothing that there much longer, and when another «gainst you In the above entitled " If you are rig h t a b o u t-th e hotel.” omnibus had come and gone she she said, "1 can go back thera and Court and cause oh or before Ihe ex- . Ins OJbson. P la in tiff, vs. Rule Olb »he could recognize; yet she had a Plratlon of four weeks from the date son. Defendant To R u le G ib son th e a b o v e n a m e l irwi,l<: ,b * ‘ »he really knew turned “ way. choosing a cross street , look at the register. Then I can get To Rule of first publication of this summons, O c c as io n a lly she on “ n lm Pul»e to get aw ay from the | in touch w ith my fam ily and friend 4, which dale of expiration Is fixed by defendant : order of the above entitled Court as In the name of the B u te of Oregon C,ugb* word’ uttered In the throng, I e’ es ot the officer. j if 1 have any. I suppose I must have June 26th, 1930. If you fall , o to ap­ you are hereby required to appear and tbe8<’ clearly carried th e ir m ean-! 8be walked h alf a block before sh e some, don’t you th in k sot" pear and answer, p la in tiff for want 2 « l n s i nCTur | ,h,h co7lp ,a ln * «'cd Ink to her b rain; but no one «poke dared to Fiance back to see If the j “O f course you h are . But yon m ay thereof w ill apply to the above en titled court for Ihe rell. f prayed f o r ! Court and cause m o r h X . ? h l" i" M’ ’ ’ ! no‘ ’ but 8ome 006 elae had; and « "« “ tow n.” derslgned, Harold J tra to r deceased and arcount w ith the W alla, ad m ln ls- w ith Interest from and EXCHANGE I b a r * a goqd 4« acre farm , IVfc tulles from Yam hill. Oregua. River bottom «oil. to a. In cult. Crop a ll In. F air house, new South Dakota dairy barn. 30x4«. painted B ier . otty w ater On Yam hill river. W ant to trade In for a larger place suitable for dairy W ant £0 to ISO acres with fair bid«« w ill allow a difference of five or alx thousand dollars. Prefer as near Eugene as possible C H ESTER P W ALKER J •• Y am h ill. O regon . N O T IC E TO C R E D IT O R S Notice la hereby given that B La- Duke, » v „ i m en. h . " „<_ P - " ---J “ _Of ,b l" 8Uni « ■ - - » * “ » <1"''« to persons In a situation » » . “ Pardon me. But can I help you ln that 'was almost a smile. “T hank you so much. I'm try in g t-y ked questions any w a y * ’ he asked. She stared at him w ith an oprush ot kepp steady, • but 1 w ant to get to — perhaps sur- rowd Every anger. Must she be bounded by the ,b a t bo,e' “ » »«on as I can, and lo<’< Lane avoid «uch a inqqulsltlve or driven mad by some m>’»elf up. Isn’t It a weird situation '“ day. 31st day of June. 1930. at 10 00 a. p la in tiff m ortgage decreed to b« dissolving the bonds of m atrim ony ' d* T* * ° p,nen*' 8 b *‘ mu#t * * 80 natural street lizard? But the voice was an i #be added, .w ith something th a t was m In the County Court room of said a » first mortgage lien against the real now and heretofore existing between ,B In her actions that others would con- agreeable one, and the face a t which j ba'* a laugh and h alf a strangled sob. County at Eugene, Oregon, has boon property P therein described, to w it you and the td afn tlff on th e _ , tl inue to Ignore her. she looked matched it. It was the i W bere ,s tbe Garland?” set by the Hon. C. P. Barnard. Judge I-». Four (41 Block T hirty-th ree (S3, of d< s e r t î t and fo r such other re’ of said Court, as the tim e and place In Gross Addition Io Eugene. In the lie f as to the Court m may She then became conscious that she 'anned, smooth-shaven face of a He l0,d b er- “r H Fet » cab fo r t M em me t of hearing objections to the Same, County of Imnc 81 . . iAtna, V T h h ls »««ndlng s till on the sidewalk Y °unF man in the m ldd'e twenties, ' he added, County of State ° of r Oregon; ‘ and equitable. equitable i- s u m m o n ^ ta , w and for the final settlem ent of said the ra'anner'pro»"r?bed h r 7 « w ' ' " thereof in1’ »'», To ” . by P»bHcatlon She straightened, and w alking to the w ,,h ,h lck brown hair, good features. A" tbeJ waited together a t the estate. This summons Is served upon you newspaper of m s S * M 1 * * 7 ’.'! " eMtrem* < ’dFe of Jhe curb, looked up “ nd unusually heavy eyebrows. 8 b * ' cuyb asked im pulsively: H A R O L D J W R I.IJ4. r m ■ or. gtreet Bs ¡j g a t i n g for nad seen him near her while she was you ,et me k ° w ith you? I by publication by order of the H o n -! pursuant to a„ order of the < Judge ol an|) (jown A dm inistrator. 1A R LLS A W E L L S , A tto m e y a . ... Rtate of a <’al’ or an omnibus. w aiting for the omnibus. i m ’gbt be of some use But of covs-t whleh h erein I Oregon for e the M 23-29 J 5-13 19 above entitled Court, X r e d County ° ' ' o f y reeorrtano ",r B“ ‘ h"d ,r * r,r* "PardO“ " e r' P<,ated- “ nd «•‘• I “ “ “ ’ ,O " ‘° d e C ,d e ” of Lane „ ’, dulv was duly made und entered Std V y l f ’ J Ä Ä . ' Ä & , “ nd he hat *» b< and on the ?9th day of May. 1930 N O T IC E — H E A R IN G Dale of first publication. May i this summons be puhllgned once each n,bu*e i - “ nd she felt an odd re lie f at ! hand "You 8®em ,o * * ln some kind , h ,i added basd|r : “A » we are and a‘ «PP«« back from 1930 In the m a tter of the estate of M ary of ,be f lr » " middle of the" block. She "read their y ..H for d ln I ? l port ' ®r ,Jun* In the m atter o f ths estate of M ary Address; 633 Corbett Building no help, you m ight let me help you out orn ett w in d in g , t o r t la st p u b lica tio n sh a ll he with the ¡though - - they - “ No, no, get in. please. I ’d ra th e r Notw ithstanding his tact and his lik e , dereased. notice Is hereby given led to a deepening of the land. Oregon. Issue of July 3rd. 1930. have you w ith me.” that the undersigned adm inistrator Casutl tone, the yaung man was ra th e r M 29 J 5-1319 26 frantic sense that she knew all about has filed his final account In said “l'm glad of that.” he said as he ANK Attorney F R for P l . t t W P ’ R esidence ' ’ ’W t ” ly ’ he C° UW r‘' B e ,n ' overwhelmed by the way the g irl’s m atter and that June 37th. 1930, at took his place beside her. "But I think N O T IC E FOR P U B L IC A T IO N w hite face seemed to flash Into flam e Springfield. Oregon aenee, ( ber what she knew. 10 00 o'clock a m at the Court room your troubles w ill goon .be over,” of said Court In the laine County Oapartm snt of ths In te rle r, Unitsd Jn 5-1319-26 Jv 3 •» she heard his words. He had beet! I H e r first Impulse was to take the States Land Office, Roseburg, O re­ Court House. In Eugene. Oregon, has She was becoming more hopeful, right, then. Something was wrong gon. May 1Stb, 1930. been designated as th e tim e and place next « omnibus, to go as is far r as it would p . i . i - “ "»«uus, io FOREST EXCHANG E °D eB .ased^ H a»brourk. take her. and thus gain tim e to pxsll with her. and It was no trifle either. too. She had the feeling of one who, for hearing of objections to auch Notice Is hereby given that on May from the bottom of a black pit Into final aceount and the settlement ,“Oh." she gasped, "you know me?" tOlh. 1930. Fred J W ells and W E. N O T IC E O F F IN A L S E T T L E M E N T h®r,,elf ,o«p»h«r. But she rejected (hereof. which he had fallen, sees a glimpse H e controlled his surprise at the _____ ________ Notice Is hereby given that I. O ' h*S Sh® mlKbt h*r« e lf again, any W ells, of K erry. Oregon, filed appll , H O M E R P IK E . “ ’¡d« ^ ,/b e act of j *,ful,l " ^ b* 8 Hied In the County Court i m ,“ u ,e• and ,ben 8be would be on strangeness of question and manner. of light at Its mouth. Yet . . . gUp- cation No. 019066 _ Administrator, 20. 1922. (42 Stai. 8 ta ta « f Oregon. In and for fam llia r ground ; w here». i r - a - , ___ : ,e ll,n < him self he must ____ 465, _ _to „ | _ ____ gel to the P” 8*1 tbis Food Sam aritan was mls- F R E D E. S M IT H . Attorney for Ad March If 1 8ne she wan , bottom of this exchsngn the N E U See 32. T. 15 County, his final ren o rt* a 1 1 7 a»“ ' 7 7 • whereas. w" ’ r ' a8- 1 The glr? w a s nn ‘ “ ken? m ln lstralor. Eugene, Oregon J l7 b ’ 1 . X : . a ? d M ; ^ a g . , « , . „ m . t h , n , and was ^ t e n - i ^ h ^ G a ^ d ’s a nice „ ld hote,w M 29 J 5-13 19 36__________________ the Rluslaw National Forest, for the ,b » ‘ ’ «Mt o’clock In the forenoon ift a chan<*- ‘ oo, that she had a c o m -!° U ° f h®r W U ' ,, d h m 8ay' w ltb ,be “» H e r - tim ber from approxim ately 10 acres i Saturday, the 5th day of J u| , ,« < , panion who had teniDorarllv lo«t 1 dott ‘ -" he reg retfu lly adm itted. | of rac,ne’ 8 ,h «» was so cheering. "T o Notice Is hereby given that the un 8 W ' 4 8 ®r • ’ ,h ® c?u r,ro o ® thereof |n Eugene sight of Her or who w a s in on r " « « e p t by sight. But I ’ve seen you m y mlnd » '• «“ « of the best hotels derslgned has been appointed ad Sec. 16. E H . NE<4 N W - i Sec. I Oregon, has been by th e C o,.w ° T * ho waa °»e at the table next to mine at the h o te l. ° f it8 •-’ «*- «b* U n d that used to be m ln lstralor with the w ill annexed of 17. E ^ i Sec. 20. T 20 8 . R 4 E W M and appointed as the tim e and place *hose ne* r by shops and had asked her the estate of Nlcollne M arie Jacobsen, dining room these last hree nighs. fa8hionab » "la te of said deceased, He saw that she was not listening. you. Perhaps it gives me the right least. on the 9th day of June. 1930. All selected, o r having bona fide objec L. O. H IJ L IN and he decided to risk a sm all persons having claim« against «aid to offer help. If you need any— ” tlona to auch application, an oppor I A d m inistrator of the e«»at« nv A passing stranger gave her a quick estate are hereby notified to present (un ity to Ole th e ir protests with the M ortlm ore L. Hasbrouck. deeeas'ed ’ He stopped, and for a moment he Pf‘rlrnenL and curious glance. W hy? She the same, duly verified, at my office steadily met what was. he afterw ards ° ° you know what city you're In?" at 531 M iner Rulldlng. Eugene, Ore­ Register of the L nlted States latnd A. E. W H E E L E R quickened her pace till she reached Office at Roseburg. Oregon Any Jn g -lM P -s j . • th e co r n e r iio -d in . i ( *Wd him self, the strangest look he h® asked ber- gon. w ithin six months from the date such protests or objections must be ’ Jy 3 m e corner; standing there, close to had of this notice. “ No. not even th a t.’’ ever seen In a girl's eyes. It ------------ the curb, she looked up and down, as Dated at Eugene Oregon, this 13th filed in this Office w ithin th irty days ’’This Is New Y o rk .” held many things, of which the chief from the date of first publication of N O T IC E TO C R E D IT O R S day of June. 1930 if w aiting for a bus. this notice, which first publication Node i a u v s tu u o R S “Oh was fear, w ith suspicion added, a s ' ”o b ’ . ’ . . ’ New Y o rk! She raised E. O. P O T T E R . w ill he May 29th, 1930. In the Spring undendsnerf h ! f 7®" tha* *he Looking down at her hands, she well as hesitation, and a dawning * “ F*1'«^ f«<* to him. A d m in istrator w ith the w ill an­ field News at Springfield. Oregon Court of ^ e 8 ,".,7 ® ? , v L ~ ® £ ? U" ,y Court of the S ta te 'o f o iejio n for"tJte " “ d d l* covered ,b a * sbe w“ 8 carrying pathetic hope. 'T b at means something nexed of the estate of Nlcollne M arie to you. H A M IL L A. C A N A D A Y . Jacobsen, deceased. County of Lane, duly appointed ex l “ Smal1 bag ln “ ’ 8ure,y’ ,bere would A » H ie fa rth e r down the block a ' do* 8n t » 2 " J 13-19 26 Jy 3 10 M 29 J 5-12 ,9-36 deceasedP X ," ? ” Er *“ ce shadowed again. neceased A ll persons having claims »«me other clue to her Identity. 1 a «mall park whose outstanding fea- ... ...................... ®u* 1 don * know Just w hat I t m eant against said estate are hereby noti­ b h t drew fu rth e r away ------- •------• * ' tures were a fountain, a few trees. ' . -------- from • - the w be,b er “ I ’ye been here, or w hether fied to present the same to me properly verified, at the office of w a itin g group and w ith trem bling and h alf a doxen benches He Indl- I'v e Just read about IL" F ran k A. DePue, the attorney for the lingers opened the bag. L ike most ot cated It w ith a nod. "You were on F ifth Avenue when estate. In Springfield. Oregon, on or the bags women carry, it was divided "W e can’t stand here. L e t’s go Into you waited for tljp bus.” Il— before aix months from the date of Into two compartment«, a center one. that park.’’ he suggested in the tone Baa, Phon* 160 Plano M oving F ifth Avenue." She repeated the this notice. D R . W . N. D O W ; Dated this 3rd day of June, 1930 closed, for bank notes and coins, and of an older brother. “Then you can words, but vaguely. H e went on ta lk ­ S R R IN Q F IE L D T R A N S F E R D e n tis t the rem aining space for miscellaneous tell me what's w rong.” _____ ark« M A U D E E. C A L E Y . ing. pointing out the c ity ’s landm W tL L IR B ER TB C H . Prop. First National Bank Building F R A N K A. D eP U E , Executrix. possessions. She snapped open the 1 He moved forw ard as he spoke.' hop,n* ,b a * nne of ‘ hem would “rin g B fflcat R O D B N B O V O H G A RAG E Phone 43 Springflkld, Oregon ' Corner F ifth and A Streets center com partm ent and saw r reas- aaauming that she would go with h im .1" hel*’ as bo m entally expressed It; Office hour*. 9 A. M. to 6 P. M J A ttorney fo r the estate. Jn 5-12-19-26 Jy j j ,u r,B F display of bank notes and all- and she went ln silence. That much bUt “ Kain 8b® hardly listened. Shq Long Distance H aulin g a Specialty Evening» by Appointment ver. which she old not take tim e to chance, she told herself, she could was foll°w ln g her own reflection«, ----------------------------------------------------------- j S U M M O N S FOR P U B L IC A T IO N examine. She closed It w ith a throb take, and no more. and now he learned what they were. In the C ircu it Court of the State ot of , **ankfuln ’ 8» lb at 8be at least was ; H e walked on w ith strides adapted --------------- - • I have a horror of becoming DR, N. W . E M E R Y " O’ deaUtut#- and P“ Hed out the other to her shorter steps and she kept lR8®’ she 8ald in “ shaking voice 1 i Oregon, for the County of Lane 'n n r p q A u r tin ln u in . . . . H "T a ____ A. Stone. P la in tiff, yg _____ D E N T IS T Is there any way oi learning who I W tl articles in the purse. close beside him. realizing oven in Ham L. Stone. Defendant. T here were only three— a handker- the chaos of the moment that she was am w ithout le ttin g others know w hat Button Bldg. P h *n * (O-J Iri'th e 'n a m ' of ih"” ^ ' d®fp" d an ,: I chIef w ithout initials still In the beginning to trust him . If he had Is wrong?— w ithout really asking a t R **ld *n o * P k * n * in tn e n am e of the State of Oregon , fnid« thu oh nrft hnrnhtf m n n ir o j _____ «olds the laundress had Ironed It, a suddenly left her she would have felt tue desk. I mean?” answer the complaint filed ! sn,a11 P“ ir of nO8e glasses In a silk that her last hope had gone, too— Bprlngflald, Oregon T O BE C O N T IN U E D against you In the above entitled case, marked w ith the name of 22S M ain St. R ealdan** 1M C BL ( a that he had broken her only tie w ith M arcóla Man H ere— John Bloom " 18 u,aa' 1’ a vanity nox. containing I the living w orld around her. She i « •n e r a l Law Practice m irro r, a chamois powder pad. and wag like a lost and terrifie d child to of M arcóla was a visitor in this city 1 f Tuesday morning. 1- M. PETERSON F ull Auto Equipment J Attoruay-at-Law N O T IC E T O C R E D IT O R S Far . .” 7 " ° "h° Ck 8UrPr,8e- 8 h ® 1 ” ” f° U“ d Bea,g on a bencb 80 Lady A u ls ta n t g to-w lt; City Hall Building Notice Is hereby given to a ll per­ .a th at 7 ,ook(>d ‘ b»t. whoever she was. | to the fountain th a t Its fly in g «pray t sons whom It may concern that the . ................. •«’ ■VIUIVIÜ V-AintlllK HP ..............»E» W'' Springfield, Or*. thing came almost to th e ir feet. Any girl, undersigned. F ran k B H am lin , has «TT®" ,b ® P la in tiff nnd defendant be helpful In the hand bag. she told herself, could tru st th a t nice. been appointed adm inistrator o f the forever dlsaolved. and p la in tiff dl F R A N K A. D E P U E H e r pockets? O f course she had J tanned, clean-cut, typ ical American estate of Cresslda W . H am lin , de­ vorced from the defendant, nnd for ceased and has duly qualified as such. attorney at law such other and fu rth er re lie f an to none. T he day was a warm one ln | face. Neverthteless, she hesitated to A1L per8on8 having claims against the Court may seem equitable. early September, and she was wear- ( speak. NOTARY PUBLIC said estate are hereby notified and This summons In puhllnhed once Ing a — - piece reseda green silk one ”W h * t hotel,” she asked a t last. required to present the same w ith the JEWELER each week for four consecutive week« ; gown, w ith no coat. Sutton proper vouchers therefor and verified Bprlngfiain She looked Into “ were you speaking of Just now?” Repairing a Specialty In the Springfield News, n weekiv (E . < , . In the m anner required by law to said Building newspaper of general circulation ,b ® In lrro r “ Fain. I t reflected the face Oregon H e warned him self not to show adm inistrator at the law o ftle * ot Springfield^ Oregon published tn Lane County. Oregon of a F*r l o f about tw enty-tw o or three, surprise a t anytuln g she said. I. M. Peterson a t 234 Main street ROAD TO M IL L O IL E D by order of the Honorable C. P. Bar w ith bronxe-colored hair, bobbed and Springfield, Lane County. Oregon, "W hy, the G arland." he told her. A coating of oil has been spread K w ith in six months from the date of "The hotel where you're stopping. 1 'over Ihe road from the railroad cross­ NELSO N LEG H O R N FARM the firs t publication of this notice, hears date the 4th day of June, 1930 d eye"’ and an »“ “ “ tu ral pallor. Ax happen to be there, too," in g on F ifth .tre e ! Io the entrance to-w lt: on or before the 19th day o f Lan* County'* Oldest Breeder* nnd the dato of the A ral publication she returned the m irro r to the bag "I'm wondering If yon can be mis­ December, 1930. o f the Booth-Kelly lum ber company of this summons la June 5th, USD. of she discovered she was wearing a taken," she faltered. “I don't re­ Dated and firs t published this 19th plant. Thia aids m aterially In keep­ J A M E S K. K IN O . B. C . W H I T E L E G H O R N S day o f June, 1930. wrist-w atch, also of Paris make, on a m em ber seeing you." Attorney for Plaintiff; r*sld«nos ing the dust down and prevent* the F R A N K B H A M L IN , • P R IN C IP IE L O OREGON gold ribbon band. She took It off and “Ton wouldn’t," h* cheerfully ad­ A dm lnlsrator of said dgtata, 'lum ber from becoming covered w ith and post office addr«**. Miner Build Ing, Bugene, Or*g examined I t carefully. I t bore no In­ mitted, answering the Meond Phon* S1-P-14 L M. PETERSON, a thick layer of du«L Jn B-lX-lB-a I t I dividual m arking of any kind. Attorney for eatata, O n t “Toa*v* a*m r N O T IC E TO C R E D IT O R S B U S IN E S S 1M-M D IR E C T O R Y Walksr-Poole Chapel Funeral Directors ; FIM D. W . Roof .« 4«, Jun* 19-M«laly 9-1B-1T. à