THURSDAY. JUNE 19, |yao M r and Mm. Thomas W L ittle cele­ brated the anniversary of thalr 51 year» of married Ufa at their farm bom« near Medford. Principal Events of the Week Assembled for Information of Our Readers. Smoking le taboo at the well which Is being sunk at Pat Elk oil dome lu the Coquille valley. A depth of 1400 feet has ben reached, and It is stated that gas is |nr 1. Itesulls secured In I-ane counly lies desiring leas than a drum should and l«e where Indicate that sodium arrange Io pnrcbaee It w ith or from chlorate and calcium chlorate weed a neighbor. k ille r w ill k ill practically any of the noxious weeds common 'n this conn F A R M E R S T O BE S H O W N years. Sam Baughman who was chair ,-h lo ra l. w„ „ , h llle r , man of the school board this y . a r ; n nxlou. weed, end plants conducted « . re-elected to serve a period ot | Lane v„uuty y ra r „ „ wtdB„ A county unit o t the Orason dlv(- Banks of ths stats of Oregon and three years. Jesse ITielpe was elected j varying result«, according to County Sloa of the National Farmer» union their stockholders affected by the In­ clerk for one year. I t waa voted by Agent II, 8. Fletcher. The county Will be eel up at McM tnavlllu. tangibles end excise taxes w ill pay .hoee present to instruct the school agent states that while no very def- A bill to authorlee J. C. Ten brook, to the state thia year taxes in the boord to put electric lights In the I Inlte conclusions can be drawn from mayor ot Astoria, to bridge the Co­ amount of between »325.000 and *350,- ■ school rooms this coming w inter. last year's work, he feels justlfl* d In 000. and between *300.000 and *350.000 lumbia riv e r at Astoria was signed by T he old tradition that It w ill rain making the follow ing observations next year. President Hoover. for tho IToaaant H ill annual picnic and recommendation*. An Increase of 35729 pounds of m ilk did not hold good tills year It was n Observations on 1929 Demonstrations Sam H. Raker, Grauts Pass, was and 1100.0 pounds of butterfat was beautiful warm day last Saturday and 1. A ll spraying was done with one elected president ot the Oregon State Bankers' association at the 15th an­ made last month by the 40 herds ou people from all over Lane county pound of chlorate to, one gallon of nual convention tn session at Grants test In Yam hill county by the Hairy swarmed to the picnic grave at water. The average amount of spray Many ram lly reun used was three pounds per square Herd Improvement association, accord­ Woodman H a ll Pass. report of Douglas ions were held and many friends who rod. Atlachle dust was used at the O rville Rigby ot Cottage Grove prob- r ing a * / to . 0 the " * monthly "" ably w ill be the winner In the contest " • * * * ‘ “ ler only meet once each year again had rate ot three pounds |>er square rial a good visit. A good program was > 2. With few exceptions, good results ty when used In the right strength st Now ou display In the lobby of the for the largest strawberry. He plckc 1 P R O P E R P O L L IN A T IO N who were obtained on the ro n tro l of both the right time on plants that are In ____ _____ Bank of A m ity Is a piece of bone about given In the morning and those one recently that had a circumference did not bring th e ir lunches purchased Canada thistle* and wild morning proper condition for s pray'nr a foot long having the appearance ot OF C H ER R Y O RCHARDS of six Inches. j Voder most conditions In la n e the front leg of some wild animal that a cafeteria dinner served on the I glory where the ground had not been Henderson Bates. 91. of Grants Pass, A special lou r of selected cherry or Ice cream was served plowed for a year or more before the county spraying w ill he found to be was found embedded In the heart of grounds wag la a dentist's office for the first i t Is apparent cheaper and more effective means of rhards In 1-ane lo u u ly where proper a fir tree. The tree Is believed to be throughout the day. T be mUcelton- «praying was done tim e In SO years. H e came la to get eons stand did a good business. There 'h a t good results can not be obtained eradicating noxious weeds than clean pollination has taken place w ill he about ISO yearn old. the dentist to fix up his ’ until the weed» have attained full crop tn the history of the valley. and vlstta w ill be made to the or­ school gymnasium. T h e n o g . WKa ■ « " h e r two « three times, the sprav. growth. Canada thistles ah„ ul(1 b„ program thia year. should be chard» of M I I Harlow , R A McCoy Reconstruction of the outside plant Fire destroyed the farm home of banked w ith evergreen boughs and ' ‘ fte r th* ,l r "‘ b* ,n« ■W’ " « 1 »» P '« n " »prayed a . late In bloom « poeslble. of the West Coast Telephone company Eighteen students ,h # ' w er* BO‘ fu " ’r " " » ' " I at first r|p„n , nd < U r| hack. E II 9\>aaek, and Robert VIII« Mr. and Mrs. Joe McCoy at Austin. beautiful flowers • t Lakeview w ill start next month. to scatter Morning glory may be In the afternoon th« tour w ill be ex Grant coanty. and turned to death graduated. T i e program w *a as fol- ‘ "d Replacements and additions to the 4 « " • of Him alaya and e v e r apraVM, ||w<( , fc<, p| P la n t. In I Weed, „ r pU n(, tr(,<|r<| < (|h M r Flecher contends that with A pair of valuable black foxes were ing room and could not be reached a f­ tory. Francis Phibbs; vocal rolo. Del S tauta; recitation. Dott^las K ah ler; fu owner. jH u lt ; addrees. President Arnold Ben- 8 F ru ,t ,r ** a In »»'ed patches P R O G R E S S IV E P IA N O recently. W ithin the next few days sprayed once or twice to Insure treat W ith all danger of frost at an end the school w ill be dosed Indefinitely. n ett H a ll; aw arding Torch Honor sprayed heavily In 1928 and 1929 do Ing all plants that were missed at I SC H O O L O PEN S SOON bins by E. E K ilp a tric k ; aw arding not show any effects of the spray first and any new growth that has I and w ith crop c o n d itio n fairly well Fourteen men and women were In Mr«. Clara T u ttle Fenton la plan diplomas by H a rry Sholloy. (N ote — In some cases In eastern O re­ established. Indications are that Hood eluded In the 1920 graduating class. started Not over 70% of Ihe avail I nlng on opening a progressive piano The Missea H a rr ie t Brabham , Em gon fru it trees have been Injured by R iver valley w ill harvest an excellent A special 10-mM tax to be levied able supply of chlorates should be ■ehool for children of a ll grades oa crop o f most tree fruits, especially ap­ against all o f the property in Roseburg ma Olson, Josephine M athew s and chlorate sprays and extrem e caution used at the first treatm ent, the re­ July 3. al 52 E street, opposite from should he used hi spraying In or­ ples and pears. L au ra H u lt received the Torch H on­ Is being considered by the city council mainder being required for follow-up the high school Mr» Fenton wilt chards.) or pin» H a rry W Poole of Klam ath Palls work. to meet a bond Issue of (40.000 due la give all personal Instruction and has « When sodium chlorate and atto- has announced that he w ill accept the T he graduates were M ildred A. September of this year. T he money 9. Sodium chlorate Is cheaper than made arrangem ents so that high appointment os the state game com­ derived from the bonds w«» used *0 W allace, Hugh E. W allace. Emma clde were used aldo by side on the atlaclde, but the fire haiard 1« serious. erbiml credit wnl be granted tor work «ame weed patch under Ideu I lea! eon mission made by Governor N'orblad to yeans ago for the first street paving. M a rie Oison. A lvin W Olaon. Albert Sodium chloride should never be used done during the summer. dirions there was U ttia dffereace In near buildings, wooden fences, bridge« succeed M. P. Corrigan o t McMlaa- The 193« straw berry crop in the R. M athews, Josephine M athew », L e ^ Rev and M rs L. F Fenton and results obtatoed Pouabty there was vUla. removed. or other readily combustible atrac- their Lebanon section nppeaas a t this tim e Ito Alleen Jacobs. A licia C am ille Jo- daughter. Isabelle. ------ -------- w-w-we, Ctorlc« w s«.v >to«tPw **R9, ar« a alight advantage a favor of sodium cob«. N eilto L. L o ren a Francis •evernl farmers of the Summit H ill U irw . W here »odium chloral» !■ u»M rn o rln f (hair raeldaac* from K a m a to bo considerably short Jorate. Damn w are about as af- th» operator» »hotild v a a r rubber 31.77 miles of highway will be rootled. while 17125 mltoo to ctoeu- ifled as naw oiling. below normal this year, «r-4 the peak of the season has already been passed, according to officials ot the Eugene F* nit Growers' association. This range keeps the cook COOL THURSTO N ♦ • ♦ • ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ « ♦ • ♦ ♦ ♦ a returned from Salem where he has attended school the past year. Frank Campbell spent the poet weak a t Signal w ith kto mother. Mrs in more ways than oh© • The Jacksonville Masonic lodge, eno of tbe oldest lodges la ths west, will Lum M a y a M r. and M r a F a rrs ! McQuInn from celebrate Its 75U> birthday with apprw priata ceremonies. W arren lodge was W altervtU e apent Monday m W illia m C. C. Hulet of M yrtle Point eras established to IM S when Ind ia n , »till Eyler'a. T h e re waa a school meeting held at sleeted master of the state grange at roamed the southern Oregon wilder Its meeting la Redmond recently to nest and Jackson rills was tbe metro- the grade school building Monday ef ternoon. Charles TUylor was re-elect­ replace George A. Palm iter, who ru- polles of tbe Rogue river valley. fusod the post a fter have bees named A total of M l companies transact­ ed d irecto r and W illia m Henson re­ master for the eighth year. ing all classifications o f Insurance elected clerk. M r«. H e rb e rt Oray will teach the upper grades for the com­ Plane for the grading Oregon v collected more --------- ------ - - - s rigorous .e v n v u a K iM u m g 0 of 1 1 business ----------------- — In w u p i.t« u m ure dried prunes throughout tbe northwest t*“ B * w -®®®-00« In premiums and fees ing year and Miss Dorothy Travis during “ the year -------- 1929 and . paid and for an advertising campaign to ■---------- . . . loMes from Springfield the lower grades. CHfford W eaver and Mra. M ary M c­ m arket the superior product of north­ and claims of approximately *20,000,- west orchards were laid at a meeting 000. This was set out In a report pre­ E lroy from Salem spent Sunday with of prune growers at . gene recently. pared by Clare A. Lee, state Insurance relatives and friends here. M r. and Mra Ray Baugh and fam ily, commissioner. State prohibition department opera M r andd Mrs. John Edmlston and son. tlves participated in 114 arrests dur I Here's a fellow who could teach Di­ James, C arl F’ latt, Harvey Calvert, Ing May, according to a report by ogenes a lesson. M artin Ramsey, of George Alexander, state prohibition 1 Klam ath Junction, lost »412 on the Miss V irg in ia Christie, and Mrs Jen­ director. Fine« Imposed aggregated Pacific highway near Ashland. E. W. nie Kdmigton, attended the Rickard »9110, with Jail sentences totaling 882 Oilman, Long Beach, Cal., found It. reunion at Benton-Lane park last Sun­ day. T here were about two hundred days. returned to Ashland, deposited the money in a bank to Ramsey’s credit. members prsent. T here were people The Clatsop county court has adopt Ramsey offered Oilman half the sum. In attendance from Bend, Condon, ed a resolution opposing the plans for Springfield, Eugene, Junction C ity, but It was refused. the creation of a highway Improve­ F ra n k lin , Deadwood, Corvallis, Mon- More unemployed persons have been ment district to construct a modern roe and Harrisburg. highway from Vernonia through the arriving in Salem during the past week than during any corresponding period - r H ill» Creek l (number i company ° mPany have Nehalem valley and Ham let to the for many years, according to R. J. coast. THE M ARKET8 Portland W beat BIS Bend bluestem, * H 5 ; •o ft white, western white, »1.02; hard wlntea, northern spring, western red, *1.00. Hay—Alfalfa, new crop, *lt.6O; val­ ley timothy, *20.60 0 21; eastern Ore­ gon timothy, »22.50022; clover, »17; oat hay, *1»; oats and vetch, *1«. Butterfat 28©>31c. Eggs Ranch, l * O l * c . Cattle—Steers, good, *11©11.T|. Hog»—Good to choice, *0.75011.2*. Lambe— Good to choice, ,7.750».7». Seattle W heat-S o ft white, western white, hard winter, western red nod northern aprtog. , 1 0 ,; Big Bend blttoatem, Rggn—Ranch, 1*024«. B M to rtot— *4c. Cattle—Choice eteere, »11011.M. Hog»—Prime light, ,11011.2*. L*mbe— Choice, *80*. -I •pekane C attle— S te e n , good, *1 0 0 1 0 . H. Hog»—Good to choice, * 9 0 U . Lambe—Medium to good, **O(.U. Hendricks, census enumerator for tbe d is tric t Hendricks said most of tbe newcom en were from California and have been attracted to Oregon by the opening of the berry season. A fte r a three-year fight In which thousands of dollars were spent and millions of pounds of poisoned bran mash bait spread, the extermination of the grasshopper peet on the old T ula lake bed Is almost complete. At times during the three year campaign •a high aa ,5.000 pounds of bait waa used daily but this year only 1000 pounds will be used during tbe season on a tew scattered Infected places. . kker, takan yaa aim en jbmm Cue ranpv e ft to “ » r »to to «to - Nm f IMetoto« (Jnmtodsd) 0mm Ao(tom «ltotoaf k d to , «stove « h to u x unt11 a fter , h e ' ° " r' b The Ladles Aid meets w ith M r«. John Price on Thursday afternoon. SPRAY TR EES NOW W ARNS CO UNTY F R U IT O F F IC E R Cherry tree« must be sprayed now to avoid possibility of losing entire crop« of the fru it la te r In the season according io C. E. Stew art, county fru it inspector. W hen an orchard be­ comes Infected with the larva it is only a m a tter of a short while u ntil It hatches and then it Is compulsory that all of the fru it be picked and de­ stroyed In a fire. T his Is the only way In which the peat can be destroy­ ed once In the orchard. Ferris ot La Grande waa named dtotrict governor of the Lions In ter national, and hla city waa selected as The orchards should be sprayed the 19,1 meeting place e f the organ) ration whan the final business session once each week now and also after • f the Oregon Lions was held to Bend each rain in order to be sure that the larva does not hatch. recently. One of the nutata«et»f feature» of the Elks-Americaa Legtou “Day» of ■«*" oetokratlon to Klamath Pall» will be the old-time fiddlers' eontraL rid f 19.30 Estate Gaa Ranges— taO about our vary convenient payment plan. All Appliance« Sold on EASY TER M S Ä Ä Ä - iÄ “ - ' Northwest Cities Gas Co. Springfield, Oregon 1