Try the Home Print Shop firs t THE SPRINGFIELD NEWS TWENTY-SEVENTH YKAH. NEW «1110 CAMP USES J E M CUE HPIUNHEIKLÜ, LANK COUNTY. OHM;<>N Hamlin Talks To South America First South American Phone Conversation in District Modern Auto Camp Under Con­ Heard Here Tuesday struction Near Ovevrhead To F II. Ilamlln, poatmaaler of Crossing South of City; Tour- ist Busmess Continues Good H‘ honor of tar- ryliitf uu (hit firat rudIo telephone Despite Business Inactivity. oontersAtlou between thin city und “ Th« People's Paper** A L IV I NEW SPAPER IN A L IV E T O W N 'I'lH 'ItSH A Y . JU N E 19 1930 Bible Program to Be Given Tonight BARBER ELECTED CLERK IN MONDAY ELECTION FLANERY NEW DIRECTOR AIRPOfil LEW WINS IN TlA/i] Til (INC l/flTC Class in Expression and Dram- T»° hundred and sixty one voters atic. to Present Croup of and elected J f t him school 7 ”'. director at the I / - bones and Dramatizations annual election held on Monday. Clay- Special Tax Passes 164 to 92 at 1 ,,U ,U U”L lUlL r ‘ "i . .. „ .‘ ‘¡r mi' , . ,n ‘er” t,n « aod reallau,. Blbllca. program, ever held in Springfield will be offered by the night at the Methodttt church by the pupils of Mia. Era Dell Murphy, who I‘on Barber won the clerkkshlp from Wm G Hughes by a vote of 185 to 99 No changes hav„ be, „ niade personnel of the board yet. The board met lminPdlllte,y after the eIect|on Monday ran¥M, j Polls on Monday; Funds to Be Used to Extend 100 Foot Crushed Rock Runways at Municipal Flying Field. A n«w .i..l ...m pletely modern auto I Bu’",<’a A,rM- Ar«Bn“ na HU sou. rasip la now under construction about *obn Untullu. who la secretary to h a . been con du cing a Ulble Exprea- --------------------------------Springfield's hoII(, , B w |„ m eet , ar m ilt south of this city on the I ’a- the American legation In tluenos s on and D ranutk c lass of 36 girls ably the first week In July to consider ,BVy carrted almost two one at Mon- lAlres had Just received word of his Elisabeth Jordan, famous rifle highway Oil the left hand side of or i e past two weeks. the annua| report the c|erk and the day's special election. The vote was writer, »how tarts I "Miss the road as on« approaches the over­ mother's death on Hi.turday, May 31. I body of Now hers" will ba The program will consist of songs reorganization of the board. I«« f°r ar>d 92 against. The voting and dealrlUK to know moro details head railroad crosslna Humors which In this paper. with pantomime and playlets which — --------------------------- was fairly heavy both at thia elec- a rr circulating also stale that certain placed the call, the connections for glve the m em bers of the class an o*c SCIENTISTS WILL VISIT ,lon heId ,n the ci,y ball and the latrile» are seriously lonslderlug the which compieteli at about 8.30 Tuos large liquor supply tM.rtun.ty demonstrate whs, they 1 H |C H C A S C A D g R E G IO N S , Th9 building of another i .imp Just arrota '*“» morning h a .e learned «luring the »e U x e ’ nnd Sprinjcf1nld It took ten minuto» 1 * " * ' " Bl<,w » “ ««• B lo w " J»««» Booth■K e ll’, « • » « “ >• ln ‘ bU city trip l° to the the Dew new power power P*ant plant a‘ at prOTe“ ent fnnds The long prevail- be bnllt later back of the first section ,,am lin u“ "r 'he con vermilion, but | ley(ad upon him for violation of the mim«-d and read by Senior girla,• * I A A tr*P l^eaburg will be made on Friday. The *n' Wl"d rUnway. **" “ompK**-! and facing the Wtllamete river which j wus slightly distorted. This he at law. Hut thia s> emtngly didn't end "Emotions With Music.” by the en- state fish hatchery will also be vis- i nd ,O"e ° r Other runway’ w™ flows along the east edge of the ramp t trlb' ted to the rhnnggo from the ra­ 11- troubles, because as soon as Lane ‘*r,! Eroup. , , . i tied on this trip be al’ ° lmPr,’Te«rce there are four vice station will be Installed before T**1" w” ,ha ,,r"‘ l»"E distance *“an b»*1 be«" P leased from the city they hurried over and arrested I p lano Helected_ V(.rlltee m tere.tlng runwav’ ™ ab"“‘ ' - t and the opening of the camp which la ex '* ,r,im •*>•" country to be received ported to take place about the middle 81 ''“ ber the Eugene or local office Drmatizatlon, “The Parable, of the er in the afternoon a group will be nere»»ary for wet weather land- ot ju|y, I Telephone communication between our trips io Hlmon's home which Teu Virgins,' d erid in g the wedding takekn to the Middle Sister and a ° f “** planf“" and for a landing Bathing and Danolng Planned I ,h " ,wo ’’"""'rles was Inaugurated on »perlai attractions for swimming ' Apr" X for ,h '* r,rM ,lm " w,l"n «**• — W' re "*ce* *ce“e “s *“ Blble llme*: by the en cl‘“ b to the »“«nmlt will be made on "r“a f° r ,ran»P°rt P’an«» In summer. ident lloovcr nnd the chlef executlv ■>. **ry *” *ore *-UD1 Anderson and Fred tire group. S nday under dhe leadership of the parties from Hprlngfleld and Eug-nc are being planned at ,he camp T b e lof ‘ hl,e and « '•uguay carried on con ' Hinson. polito officiala could get Patriotic Studies With the Flag members of the Kiwanis club. KATHRYN THOMPSON HAS vernations. The human voice travels Ule‘r lr,P» a ‘ intervals Senior girls. Junior girls assisting. first step In this direction Is the build during the day proved futile ao the BIRTHDAY ON SATURDAY The admission w ill be twenty-five MANY ATTEND MISSION b.g of a modern bath house and the « Da tlon of a second, whereas It tghes U‘‘‘ ,d' d * UI' “ ilBr ‘be fourth cento and tickets are now being sold cleaning of the river edge to make an Mrs. Earl N. Thompson entertained MEETING HERE FRIDAY n rlne days for a letter to reach Hue lFlp *, “d »Hl be dressed ln costumes day evening. The program consisted daJr- of two with a grass boulevard In front . 00 A' M and 2 00 »’ M Pacific w*’re 10 gallons of prune mash representative of the Biblical period J of a review of the Mission book "The I bose invited for the afternoon were of each unit and a double garage for , 1 be rate fr” ni all points on the * b " aH ullno»‘ ready to bottle; The class Is composed of children Mountain of Snow.” by Mr. N. L. Pol- ^ ar°l- Avia Marie, and Crystal Rath each set of eablns. ln this way each J * ',<,c *'"»' ' • tn the prov 1-" bottles of beer, one 15 gallon oakk Dorn each of the three Protestant lard and Mrs. Herbert Moon; a vocal Barrett. Beverly Ann Roberts, Gene- of the units can he filled and then i l,,c* at Buem.a Alree la »48 for t h e , 1“ ’« ot dandelion wine, and a five ( ' hurches in Springfield which are duet by Mrs. Dallas Murphy and Mrs. Tl®re and Bob Palmer. Harold Gillette, there will be no further nolae of cars , flr*' lhree minute» and »1« for each *al,on «1«»» container which had eo-operatlng ln the work. Regular Roland Moeler entitled. “The Dear He»‘«r Jean, and Donald Thompson. running back and forth to disturb tn . additional minute An extra charge two ““d one half gullona of wine In ' I«"» work has been carried on dur- Old Story"; a comic playlet by two RoK«t- and Dorothy Stewart, Shirley tm velers after they have retired ' "f ««* 20 *• ,n“de for calls to the sec- ! *L 'be morning hours only each lay. Eugene _ . women; ____ _________ r___ “When Hack- Beryll and Dale Robertson, Bob- and a reading. Each cabin la h» in< aqnipped with American Bona which In I The «till waa not found until Pri, On W^dneadAy they brought their I Meet Him Face to F k ce/’^by Mrs. bjr Black, Bobbie and Joy Rebhan, hot and cold running water and with ' lodes the remainder of Argentine I day morning when the officers made '“belies and pictures of the children Lum F. Anderson. Nancy Davit, Alice Bates, t wyegee a shower hath nnd a running water B,,d Montevideo. Calin farther south another search of the house They ,n 'belr costum es'w ere taken. They A silver tea was held following the ®ar' and Kathryn Alice Thompson. toilet The outside of the cabins have *“ ‘ bilo and Santiago ate charge an could find nothing until they had ' 811,0 h«ld their dress reheursal at meeting which was attended by the — ________________ opened a trap door In the kitchen ,b "’ ,lm e- I husbands of the members. This n R p o i l A D n T n t T - r r t ir * - the appearance of s log cabin T h ls ial“ ra °« »3 00 which apparently led to a five fool Mtaa MurPby will leave for Seat- served the place of the usual refresh- ' WUUAKL’ ’ V A T T E N D has been obtained by the use of two hy sixes which have been rounded JOINT GRADUATION DAY pool of water, but which upon In- ,le on l^lday morning where she , meats. I CHURCH CONFERENCES vestigatlon proved to be a blind and W’B conduct a similar school. with a special blade, for aiding. POSTPONED TO TUESDAY on a camouflaged ledge waa found a j Dr. W. H. Pollard was chosen dele- Tourlat Business Good LIONS CLUB MEETING H E L D F R ID A Y F V F M IN C ga'P ‘° repre"ent th« l„cal Methodist complete still. It was necessary to j BROTHERHOOD PICNIC The automobile tourlat buatnosa Is The Joint promotion day exercises U t L U M 4IO A Y E V E N IN G church at the annual conference .which one enterprise which Is not seriously , of the latin counlv schools which wai crawl over rotten potatoes and other ! TO BE HELD FRIDAY Members of the Lions club and £ ** heId A8toria beginning feeling the present slump In business haVB bppn he)d hpre M(.Ar, bur equally repu.vnant materials before I their wives were entertained Friday ^ oe’ day' hv ,h ® «-hurch officials nt the contrivance could be removed. activity which la being felt over all court. Eugene. Monday, has been poet Committees are now busy making ¡final plans for the annual Brother J ®veuinA a‘ a dinner served by the ' I* 'll meotln* of th® yaar of the states In the opinion of camp ponnd until Tuesday. June 24. starting i hood picnic of the Methodist church <'ookl|1X cl“b ot the Christian church . * , " ** * ,,e" av evr,nin*- The operator, along the I’aelflc highway 2 j „',-lock. The change was made MARY J. ROBERTS DIES which Is to he held at Swimmers' De- wblch has charge of the preparation ay conference does not begin until south of Springfield Most of the camp necessary hy the fact that Monday, ¡ AT WENDLING ON MONDAY light tomorrow afternoon. A program | ot the weekly noon luncheons of the Friday, but the pastors have a series owners In his vlelnlty report business June 18. was election day In most of m eetings first and Rev. Pike will as being on a par with last season. nebool d istrict., and also that the j M is. Mary J Roberts, former city T "” Pr° V'de en’erU 'n“ e,1‘ m « d J or“ .p8 ’ f ° 7 ° rKe' 8‘a ,e com attend several of these session . ----- .. >. for thp peopie attend| n|t , mander of the American leg io n , was 8' Mr and Mrs. Paul Kdwarria who University eommeneetnent was be- i | librarian and a resident of SDrina operate the Midway camp were not ( |ng h,,|d |„ , hp hulldlng the morning I field since 189! died at th« I t Dr W' H' pol,ard i» chairman of J he Principal speaker at the meeting. Xa.wo AA» nnd ».nw ortmmoniull t . . same . __ I day. I * “ il III1 ()| . the ». eats __ . committee. Other members . fìtHilV» aw. »»« . ______ here last W year and 4 they commented | of a the Other niimKoee numbers r on the a jgram were METHODIST CHURCH PLANS her nnplie* at Wendllng on donday that the early travelers this year were All eighth grade, and high school morning at the age 68 years. r*nmrkantn/1 Kv CHILDREN’S DAY PROGRAM nearly all people looking for employ, graduates will receive their diplomas 1 mew. and II. L. Drury. Ice cream. companled by Winifred Tyson; a read She was born near Junction City meat. and butter will be furnished bv tng by Era Dell Murphy, and a report tnent or for change of location, not at the meeting next Tuesday. The annual children's program of o„ January 28. 1862. and lived there the men who Invite «11 members of of the recent state convention by W. the Methodlgt Sunday gchoo, wiI, being satisfied with their present until .h e moved to Lebanon where the church to bring their lunch has work. Since schools have been closed F. Walkker. Jonn Handered. Henry held ln the rhurcb a,ldltorlum on Sun. CRACKED SIDEWALKS ARE the family home was kept for the kets and come with them. I Adrian, and Clifford Wilson. there has been a great Increase In day evening, according to H. L. Gil­ A committee consisting of Wm. G . ------------------------------ BEING REPAIRED NOW next 20 years until they moved to the amount of tourists. lette. superintendent. Mr Manatt checked the automobiles Springfield .H ughes and L. L. May will provide ' MAN FROM LANE TO HELP The program, which Is being direct- Workmen are busy this week with on the highway about a month ago and While la Springfield. Miss Roberts | transportation to the perk and re­ SELECT NEW CANDIDATE ®d by Mrs. L. K. Page and Mrs. Ida pickaxes breaking up and removing found that only 80 per cent of them served ax city librarian for fifteen . ' “tn. All those who have no way of --------- Gants, will consist of musical selec- Oregon cars gnd that 25 per cent J mu‘ h “« ‘he old sldewawlks on Main years and was very active In civic j getting to the resort are asked to The death of George Joseph, Re- tlons. both instrumental end vocal by were from California and 16 per rent street. The water seeped down thru work. Her health began falling her m««' «• the Methodlat church at 3:00 ppublican candidate elect, will cause the Sunday school, recitations and dla­ were from other states. The percent­ the cracks last winter and when the some time ago. but she did not give i o’clock. Hupper will be sreved at 6:30 the state Republican central commit- logues. age of California r a n has been In­ hard freese came It cracked the walk. up until last July when she re- " " o td ln g to the eats committee, tee to meet soon and select a new _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ New concrete will be poured later In signed her library position and — - _____________ creasing dally now, he states. F IR E C H IE F R E S I 0 N S the week. moved to Wendllng. I E ntertain s at Dlnne The presence of the many Califor­ Miss Evelyn vemher eleclnn. l-aSatle Stewart, of A poor grade of concrete was used nia tourist« la explslned by Mr. Man- She was a member of the Metho- ; W ilber entertained the Misses Mar Cottage Grove, is the newly elected EFFECTIVE ON JULY 1 att aa being due to the large number In these strips at the time ornamental dlst church, of the Bprlngfteld Re- Kar«‘ a“d Kathryn Hemenwav at din­ member from Lane county to the of people who are working for mod­ lights were Installed. This Is now be­ bekah lodge and of the Women of ner Saturday evening at the home of state central committee. j Jea» Smltson resigned as fire chief erate salaries tn offices In th st state ing replaced by the Mountain States Woodcraft of Eugene. her parents. Mr. and Mrs. W. W Not all the 38 counties have organ- of ,h ,s c,tjr on Wednesday and has and who at the same time are given Power company. Surviving her are her two broth­ Walker. Miss Walker left Sunday for lied folowtng the primary. Lane conn- aakp<1 that ,h ® r«8|Kna' 10» become ef- ehort vacations each year. These peo­ ers. Finley Roberta, Wendllng, and Monmouth where she will attend the ty organised only a few days ago. M. ’ fec‘*Te on Ju,y «• He did not give his ple, he says do not etop at the Cali­ LOCAL PEOPLE ZtTTEND the step, but it is under­ Grant S. Roberts of Springfield; and summer sessions of the Oregon Nor­ C. Harris. Eugene, is county ch air ’’««<»«» fornia resorts ax they are too expen- RICKARD FAMILY REUNION one sister, Mrs. Susan E. Nickerson mal 8chool. She will teach at Miner­ man; Clyde Sedgewtck. CresweU. la ’ ,ood that he desires to find some elve, but rather go north to the scenic va. Oregon, this fall. secretary; Mr. Stew art Is state com other which will give him of Chehalis, Washington. spots of Oregon and Washington. mltteeman; and H. E. Maxey, Spring- more ‘,me be at home or with his Mrf and Mrs. Budd McPherson, The funeal service was held Wed- j _ These people, he also believes, will route 1, motored to Benton-Lane nesday from the Walker-Poole chapel S t & r t i n f f T H l C field, congressional committeeman. I fam i,y- The work at the city hall la take their vacallons this year regard­ park on Sunday to attend the annual with Rev. C. J. Pike, pastor of the — j very confining and a person does not ® less of the financial status of the reunion meeting of the Rickard have much chance to be outdodora. Methodist church officiating. Inter­ CLAM BAKE AT NEWPORT country. The fire chief has held his poet for family, which la one of the oldoet ment was made In the Laurel Grove DRAWS LOCAL PEOPLE the last four years and was formerly S cien tists Stop at Camps pioneer fam ilies In this state. cemetery. The Rebekah lodge had One ot the Interesting things at the Several Springfield people took ad- po,lce ° " ,cer before becomln« Mrs. McPherson Is a granddaugh charge of the graveside service. tourist camps right now Is he fact that lor of Casper Rickard, the oldest one vantage of the extrem ely warm day ck*e^- all of them are entertaining many of of the four brothers that crossed the last Sunday and motored to Newport No »»cc«Mor ,0 Mr Smltson has the prominent scientists of the Pacific plains In the early fifties ln a wagon CHRISTIAN CHURCH HAS to participate In the Lions club clam h*60 aPP°’nted by the mayor y e t coast who are meeting In Ensane. train. She la also the daughter of bake which was held In that city. FATHERS’ DAY PROGRAM They declare that they would rather Mrs. Amanda (Rickard) Calvert, who Among those who attended were Mr. PIONEER RESIDENT HURT stay In camps while on their trips was born In a log cabin about five and Mrs. J. c . McMurray, Dr. and IN FALL WHILE FISHING A special Father's day program ■ than In first class hotels. miles north of Monroe on the old ’ «« given at the Christian church Mrs. W. C- Rebhan, Mr. and Mrs. E. ; ------------ C. Stuart, Mr. and Mrs. W. C. Taylor, ( W. W. Walker received word yes- Rickard donation claim. last Sunday during the regular Sun­ Mothers’ Club Meeting Postponed Mr. and Mrs. Frank R o o t Mr. and terday that his daughter, Mrs. L. O. day school hour, it consisted of a The regular meeting of the Moth- Sister Oles In Ohio Mrs. Clifford Wilson, and Mr. and Achterman, o f Tacoma, waa seriously reading. "A Good Word for Dad,” by er’a club which was to have been Mrs. W. R Adrian. Mias Mary Richmond, alatcr of 8am Frank Anderson; a song by Mrs. Dal­ Injured Sunday whan she fell held at the home of Mre. W. N. Dow Richmond, passed sway at her home an sight foot dock to a barge las Murphy nnd the Sunbeam Sunday on Monday evening has been post­ at Thornville, Ohio, on Tuesday of Entertain With Chicken Dinner— fishing naar Shelton. Washington. school class; reading, "The OrlglB of poned until June SO. at which time last weak. Word ot her death was re­ Mr. and Mrs. fra Gray entertained Achtarman haa a position os efvfl «► Fathers' Day" by Lala Peterson; sad the meeting will be held at the home ceived here on Ss urday by her with a chicken dinner »unday for Mr. gtceer for the city of Tooomn. » • * « om . ’’I Am Far From Home," by o f Mrs. Clayton Barber. and Mrs. Howard brother. and Mr. and suffered th e fracture of the Kurahy-Moahlor quartet. On Page 3 « Mia. M. J . la tn «h 1