PACK SIX C H EER Y F R U IT FLIES CAPTUREO. SPRAYING DIR EC TIO N S ARE GIVEN LI C 1 H . O. CiradudtC Il I r> T H R S P R IN O M M J) NKW 8 H ALF M ILE F LIG H T IS TH E » TH U R SD AY, JU N K I g I B30 N E LLIE W R IG H T BECOMES MADE BY EUGENE MAN IN GLIDER ON SUNDAY ClOOCI IxCCOfU R A D I O S T U D IO S (Ihe service Those silandllla Were M BRIDE OF H. HUFFM AN anti Mrs, I, Wiiaht. Gordon Wrlgh: Cherry fruit fniit file» m«» hare The ► Onrt Or»« cherry Miss Nellie XVrlght became the made their as*ecta4 appearance, and br*de of Harry Huffman, of Eugene, H. U Slenerson, of Eugene. Is now ■ps-rimcns « ere caught Friday in one Elma Lansbery Completes 12 a, a beautiful wet,ding ceremony al eligible (or a ihlrd class glider pilot’s Veers of School With Per. of th« experiment station'» ,»< m on the home of (he brlde'a parenla. Mr license as a result of a flight which aht, Mrs L, Wright, on Wednesday a farm flee mile» went of Bun< ” Island flap- «*My at a n , Urne durin, ,h . .h o “. J * h , UPM ,M d ' la* He is sendiac • »arnlny to all far-1 P-nod. tar'1-' *» is <® -v time during tbs, auS r the a ib abort e 'M ’ ^ , L “s » J the hill and ended In (he valley be­ ceremony while Ihe coupl, stood un­ Mers in the county to spray their t>Br,od- '» lb s unusual and rather en low Stenerson Is the only member der an eahorsle archway of ever­ ----- ------ (ape the Cherry e e , *t *« oace. oaco. and all other ,U b l« i*cord of Miss Elma Lan, erry T ees wound each day with a hammer* She of Ihe club who has taken off in the greens and rosea Mias Audrey^ Hmilh trem in close proximity to their bery. daughter of Mr and Mrs. Claude wants to keep the scar fresh, so as glider from ihe summit Moat of the . was ihe bridesmaid and Rorr Huff cherry orchards. In orchards where Lansbery, of this city. The youn« Io he able to brag about It i other member» content themselves man. of Kugens. brother of ihe groom walnuts and other trees hare been lady has school certificates giving That Bert Lown, the CBS Blue with short flights from knolls near ierved as best man. Interpisnted with cherries, every tree her record. which she has pre,erred A wedding breakfast was served hy Ribbon Orchestra director. Is never the foot of the large hill. In the orchard should be uprated a c during those twelve school year». broke because whenever he get» a J * deal has recently been completed Mrs Jack Sherman. Mias Geraldine «•rdtny to the county sgent. Hedges Laat Friday night h«r school work new suit he sew s a penny In the whereby Mr. Strnrrson. Blair Alder- Lonho. of Creswell, and Mias Helen bordering cherry orchards should be ended in the public schools, when lining? I man. Paul Brattain. and Chester Ostrander of Cottage Grove, at the fiv e « the spray application. she received her diploma of high 1 Aldrich have purchased the glider brides home Immediately following That over MOO artlata broadens, school graduation. The spraying directions. whlch"K»ve each month from the New Tork stu- from the Ford Nelson planing mill, been mailed to every farmer in the Miss Lansbery recalls the follow- dloa of the National Broadcasting and will operate the Eugene glider ing teachers who contributed to her comtu'nC coanty, is as follows The first spray club s s a private venture. A hangar for the cherry pest should be applied primary, junior and high school edu- • • haa been built on the hill and Ihe at once The second spray should be cation during l i t period of twelve AMOR H - •hip la stored there when It Is no, applied one week later, and a third p- i being used. rprav should be put on a week after grade. Miss McCann; third grade. . 7 Ml»» McCann; fourth grade Mr» AVDT Amos, »h's done put love . . the second. An extra spray should be hearl ,o *»«* Ah m L0C A L PL*N E S TAKEN appi ed after each rain from the time Male; fifth grade, Mrs. Lombard; °" ‘ ** the first spray is put on until one or »Ixth grade. Mrs. Lombard; Junior , Ur ? know ,r (uk -*• “ «lam e to T O PORTLAND ROSE SHOW ■cham ’•hon°« r*Pb’->’ «hl. mawnln . When two weeks after the time of the last high. Mrs Lombard, Mr Burcham Spray Mrs Walker, Miss James. Miss Nel- »he see de pitchers she git sore an » " •* >'» 'he local rlrpor, In The formula for thte spray is — as son. Mrs. Duncan; high school. Mr. icll de phonographer da! dey didn t i follows Half pound arsenate of Taylor. Miss Veatch. MUs Spaulding' do her Justice. He tell her: "Justice. ,he ®<“><»pl»ne. City of Eugene lead, two quarts of cheap molasses Mr Uiadish. Mr. Buell. Mr. McKinney. lady? Wu, yo want am mercy." Ah m<’rn'®« for Portland. where thev and 10 gallon» o f water. Mrs. Peterson Mrs. Baker. Miss bust ou, laffln and de Queen git will exhibit the ship during the Roi »«re She got no sense of humor. feeglval Mr MarMalnman will re- Lombard. Mr. Swlgart. Amos. Ah's rrgusied! turn tonight by stag* and will ac “ T H E TEXAN ' IS AT T H E Miss Lansbery took part In the * ‘ * 'company Hill Bodley to Portland io high school plays and was active in M c D o n a ld t h e a t r e Jess Crawford, the Poet of the morrow in ihe (raining plane Oapon the girls' league and with a prefer­ Organ, broadcasting over the Colum • Shinn will also leave tomorrow morn- What one of the best beloved of ence for baseball and basketball in bla chain, quit , t3S , WPek J„b m 1 Ing for the Rose show In his small -----------------............................... , athletics. Last but not least, she is q“'' * American authors put Into words Paramonnf. with Gary Cooper in the mode’ “ y Proud of her record foe. „ * *l ° * we* k J“ 6 • plane. There w||| will p, he n„ no fly|Bg flying a, at lhe the local pu, Into a lifelike, lifelike. 8,eadfast attendance, which mani t h - ' ■ ' * emp<>r,um And all because |(1<.a, leading role, has put "wer paid J*’** «ailed for playing IN>rt “n**l Saturday afternoon when talking picture. The Texan which fesUy is not achieved by many stu- , <8" lns,ead of * P'«®»! ' th#’r •»P’,«'t 'o h aw their planes opened a four day run at the Fox dents for the period described. • • • I i back at the Ineel local H..U Held. McDonald theatre last night. Is taken a ' afternoon auu.ence gay. day afternoon. Mrs Eggimann was chestras. '«raw ay or- K. C. S T I A K T H. S. GIRLS ARE HONORED debonair, swaggering, the same Gary presented with a large basket filled Cooper who won hearts in Wolf with Canterbury heim and other Those of you that would like a Job W ITH W AFFLE BREAKFAST Song. Seven Day Leave. Legion of beautiful flowers. Each ---------- - ..o -e r s - ta c n member of ®® a radio announcer that t think h i n k i It'i .- _______ the Condemned, and. more recently ' e circle attending also presented as Miss Jule Pollard I« « a soft snap, had better take * ' M*“ ’’ollard entertained at a, and particularly. The Virginian. in. Here her wRh a , handkerchief, handkerchief. look h el„ i i ' ’” morn,n« """ * ',h " » " »•»« look at at this this sample sample test test tha, that t th - • ' h<’ni* u ’ Fr'd"> -----' — — he makes love to beautiful Fay V Wrav. Ice cream In® ,-e o a r « __ _ ............... Columbia Broadcasing System give, OCli>(U ™ t Wnfflas br’>“kf“"« '® honor of ~ ™ r Z r a“ ", M * SO"',, Am,lri- r , h ' hiW before ^ ‘ " « P A r t ^ tor «o applicants. Try to prTnonnce „ " Wr“ h‘ *"d Ml~ A“d - y o applicants. Try to pronounce can señorita 1 Mtkarland. ------ Miss Wrlgh, their homes late in the afternoon by these sentences correctly; Among ” • ••••I W«R mar t < e s s Mrs. Eggimann. who is their senior the other prominent musical com rled on Wednesday to Harry Huff- One of the most entertaining, be«, guardian, and who is convalescing man. and Miss McFarland w u re diree’ed and beat enacted talking pic­ from Injuries sustained in an auto po»ers you will hear a r e -t b e fiery cently adjudged Ihe most outstanding Russian. Peter Illltch Tschalkovsky. ture« which has yet come from the accident recently. with selections from the Olsleu de girl In the senior class at the high Fov Movietone studios is 8he Step« Feu and Symphony Pathétique The school Among those present on Friday Out. which cornea to th e . Fox Mc- ï N Invited for the breakfast, which afternoon were Margaret Jarrett. troik TO k* . also ahM> will wl,J be heard heard. lppol|,„v Ippoh,„, < W illam ette •jonald for three days, starting Sun­ Thelma Llpe«. Wllm* Llpes, Donna Ir,n ,’r W l11 afford th* delightful com was served at a table beautifully d e | day. Jean Ernest, Francis Jean Lloyd, po’’,tlon- ' h e March of the Sirdar corated with rosebuds were Nelli. | The production was directed bv K,,_ „ . EsseB Donald th,i Cauc®«f»n Sketchea. Modest Wright. Andrey McFarland, Audrey H m i II.™ M rP l*i™ . | „ „ , r k, i | „ „ , B, w “ Adams. Junior r Laxton. “ "“ ' D"“ M „ Baldwin. LaVerne Pugh, Bob Adams. Mo"’ our«i'ky will be selected as Smith. Nellie Sankey. and Ethel r , - , - ’‘" x s i r r " ‘ o®l«"er». with Khovantls- Spence. nick Wright. Mr and Mrs j.,., Sherman and their son and daughi,, Jackie and Hetty Virginia, N .||1( Mankey. Audrey Smith. Roy »lid Mr II li Mason. Marrhfleld. Mr Mrs Getnid Huffman, Dorr Huffman Helen and Gwendolyn Huffman. E„ gene. Helen Ostrander. Collage tlmv« Mrs Hubert l.eabn and her daughter Geraldine, of Creswell The couple left Immediately after 'he breakfast for a abort wedding trip to ihe roast, after which they will make their home la Eugene C A L L FOR W A R R A N T S Is hereby S given « .t Notice r i e , No a n S that X i . S. -h t „ (on aty <»rea.m will p .y a, , hr" flee of clerk of said district. «II . * fonts to and Including lu o . g„* November » . 1(10 In te r ,., Oi/Z? ROUND STEAK r;-.””“ INDEPENDENT ......... MEAT CO . '■ 'V F . P R A T T HOLVBRSON Phone t>3 D e p ’t S T O R E S TOE IS FRACTURED W HEN T, P° Wder Bur" ‘ '"lures Eyes COUNTY D EPOS,TORIES «-f ¿ Z ^ T s u e X R. t Helen McElfresli. the sm all daugh ter of Mr. and Mrs B. F. McElfresh. ; who lives on south Hecond street, reived a badly fractured big her left foot late Saturday- Playing on a teeter totter. Her bro­ ther was sitting on ihe other end and Jumped off suddenly, allowing the Plank to fall on the girl's toe. par- of a ranger who comes to break ° rie«- a»d the past two years each ' Diner: No miss I m , Helen's small brother died last fall up a war between «beep men and bank in the county has been made I. an egg fo „ Z i " ! ‘ i? " ' thW” as a result of Injuries received when cattle men and Incidentally to avenge a county depository. The county been expelled h"*’ he was struck by a motorist on Main the death of a murdered brother.. fund« are deposited ---------- in them ,..CUI in pro. pro- street. he e a r e thrill» a po P ng every ^ rtio n to the capital and surplus of mlB lte. together with plenty of the ea< h com-dy for which H oofs picture, are ,amo” ! ALM A FISH EN TE R TA IN S FOR LANSBERY SISTER S. bJy ’ w ^ ' w U r F ” " ' " Rd'th C H R IS TIA N CHURCH GIVES MISSION PROGRAM FRI. A" ®P«® «nlss.onary meeting A H ^S lIk 12 Mt,,,,;,,« Pon $ 1.00 3 ‘^ y > rd " Ladies new unappy p rin t- vd i fat" Voile«. D im ities. Bat iHieB Sizes H to 4«. Tw enty m o rent F a h ie s $l.g9 7 Boys' P orosknlt sizes 26 to 34, Suit Unions, 35c 13c K haki Blouse« and Middles win hyr‘H heanmemU berh. o", their home a, ¿ b a Z o n " 0" to T"” “ V " M'M,Ob 80C,e‘F 'hat church. ruestc at a g n t h Z g , , t ? ' b " s^l Pr0*ram be'ng Pr"I>ar’‘d and a Mr and Mrs J 1 F l,h r Z a H” . *'*’ ' J R Fl»h, o f Garden oaraen following the program. way. on ».turday evening Misa Alma Members of the Eugene society are Fish was the hostess and she w u M Slit.d by Miss Zelma McKay The going to present a playlet as a part evening was spent playing old time of the program. Mrs Herbert Moon Party game.«, after which refresh­ and Mrs. N. L. Pollard will review a book on foreign missions. Mrs. Dal- ments were served. Those present were Earl and Edith la» Murphy and Mrs. Roland Moshier Bailey^ Wendllng; Barbara Chandler. will sing a duet, and Mrs. Ella Ander-1 Faye Fisher, Alice and Doris Gerber »on will give a readlng. Edgar and Eva Look. Alonxo Man- Mr«, e . E. Morrison Is |n charge *®r'®g. Claude Mathew«. Gilbert of he program and Mrs. c liff Abrams | Fl«b Lena Squires. V em lce Hawke, *111 preside. 1 and to y Leathers, all of Springfield; Harold Drew. Gilbert Parlier, and AN N U AL RICKARD REUNION Charhs Shipley, all of Junction C ity larence Ingram and George Watson’. T ° BF HELD SUNDAY Z r e ' r:/ MaXlne and Ahen l o l a"”'.'a ! re“nlon of 'he Rickard heru. Claire a„d Lois C heshlr^T lord , W” ' be he,d at th8 Benton H»rbert and Don Mullamix «H of ^ m h ““’0 ,P"rl< neXt auDdaF- Soyeral ” , b,er." ° f the c,an »Om the Thurs- S --- --------- ud r • 8plcer' Va"*h n : Ef- »ziw. — ..... " U1U m um - ton vicinity are planning to attend, , .e ° rge Hohne"' Rankin and several members of the T hurs-, Ortm a SboItz' of ’franW'n; Holt Ortmes and Mr. and Mrs E. .1. Cop- on orchestra will pro..,de music for »he occasion, a wpecl.xl program PaU"ne Meek,n’ - t hlrtfo « y; r- and Mr' - J- R Eish. consisting of readings, music and ad­ dresses by the different m em ber, of and Ml8' Alma Fish, 2 * *L°up' *«« be the feature of the •B or Garden W ay. gathering. Sail Everything Move Nothing TEETER TO T T E R DROPS • • • Hoof Gibson will gallop o n ti the The two S p ^ T f d banka, the Z Z b n ’r n r o T h r TU’‘"<,ay screen at the Fox Rex theatre Friday 5® T.-.'gger Trick«, his latest Univer- First National and the Commercial of an accident «„'ll , ”, * T'11’ •al all-talking ««stern picture, cham- State hanks, were both named aB gunpowder Z mec with action dynamite from atari county depositories Saturday by the gered **ndan to finiflh. .C?.U_"ty and ltle tbe uisirict dis'rlct at- at . r B8Urer „.1U T f p„e IS laid ,aid in the the land |an<1 of Qf l<,rneF- torney. The The bank» bank» make make applications' applications ..." e , scene Waltre««- rs. W aitress; figh'ing and romance. Hoot plays »KC®Cll the year lege pudding Z y° U Z° “r Co1’ rwtf nlovn V’Hiir to trt become hpenmo county deposit- j Keep the Pests O u t! OUR SCREENS W ill . l a n d „„ tlm e • c r a n in g (g alv a„ , M d „ M >de o [ th e nnM ( copper w lre )_ b M t hardw are ob tainable— expert carpentry. O ur screens are made to give you lasting service. Besides, y o u 'll find we are reasonable In price. Screen Doors All Sizes and Styles ™~»S2.25 EUGENE removal sale his contribution to the pro- Eliiaheth Path rfton Rex Bell. Charles 2 l5 u " sprinc T eld ba n k s are TH E W E S T $ 2 .7 5 $ 2 .9 0 $ 3 .5 0 Wright & Sons M p i ï ’ b Rayon Vent» regt,- la r 98c 49c « dlti« vaines $1.00 Men's W ork Paracord Shoes, w ith — - $1.69 Men « Black and Tan Ox- io h I k Gooflyp/ir 1,1 lr— $2.89 Men's Pajamas, in ct>at style 89c lin g e r ie WOOL DRESS GOODS Bloomers, Step-Ins, Com­ binations and Vests Values _ _ Wool Rayon French W o r­ sted Flannel», 54 Inches wide, _ value $4,00 M E N ’S SUITS R you are looking fo r B ar­ gains in Shoes, tr y B rie r’«, fo r they have all styles and color» at Real B ar­ gain Prices. ... ......73c Values »»appy to 25.00,. New Btuff..... $16.75 $ | *g9 BOY'S SUITS S hort pants a . Sultg....... 9oc Men's A th le tic Union» reg­ u la r $1.00 RWZV valueg - I all M ens c o lo Shorts. In rs ............ Men s fine values • 79c ■jOx. r«g-v Dress Pants jHvw $3.89 M en’s R iding Pants, regn- .... $2.98 I lo t C hildren's Shoes 49c h ih lro n h W o o l IlroHHPA— • v a lu e « to ____ 93c DRESS GOODS Crepe Back Satin F la t Crepe, plain and figured i S ' C h l« - „ values y ’" " ................... $1.39 Ladle»’ Pure S ilk F ull Fas- J j'iir, * re8Ular v a lu e ........ $1.00 4