T H U R S D A Y , J U N E 12. I »30 t TOWN AND VICINITY T H B B F R IN O F T B L D N D W H PAGE FIVE FIVE GRADUATES AT GOVERNMENT ISSUES OREGON UNIVERSTY NEW BULLETIN ON FROM SPRINGFIELD SPRINGFIELD AIRPORT BETTER CAKES Unlvaralty of Oregon. Juna I I . — Waeblnfton, D. C., June 12— The Penara Man Hara C la ra n .« KU. oft »panda Sunday at Newport Dwtghl I'ragra, wan a Friday vlallor lu thia Kaaaay apent Munday un tha basen IMPECIALI—Thirteen of tha <77 atu- Aeronautica Branch of the Depart­ 'M A D E B E T T E R danta at tha Unlvaralty of Oregon. ment of Commerce baa Juat taau.-d an rlty at Newport. W IT H B U T T E R " I who form tha largaat graduating i airway bulletin describing the Hprlng- Prom W a lte i'v llle lt. I (Ira n í, uf Prom Mohawk -Charlea Mlevena. of class In the hlatory of any luatltutton I field airport. tha (lla lli pialline lililí,Wua a bualnra.i Mohawk, spent Monday visiting bla In the atate, are from Lane county. The airways bulletins, which are v la lto i lu H p rliig liv ld un F rld a y. filanda ln Mprlngfleld Pive ara from Springfield, one from sent on request to pilots, air craft A delicious rich cake Junction City, two from (Cottage i operators and others concerned with Tramante lu im a t i W illiam Itali- Vialta from Crsawsll Mrs. Lyle made with plenty of nar, of M aini ola, tranaucti»! business Scott, of Creswell, was a Monday drove, one from Marcóla, one from air navigation facilities, are published butter and eggs. Creswell, two from Wendllng and one In loose leaf form, punched for blnd- In Spi iifcflald un Frlday aftci uoon. visitor In Mprlngfleld from Dexter. They are: •ng. and are being Issued on all air­ Nicely wrapped to W a lls r t i lle R s .id r n t H e re Mis ports that have been developed to the Transacta Business J L. Whltaell. keep fresh for serv­ Dale O. Phatteplace, Springfield, Lee Hiotulta. n Monduy morning 25c GUARANTEED will receive the degree of bachelor were guests at the Jark I sirs on home of arts. She la a member of Alpha and as such are used extensively by here over the weekend. Here from Santa Clara—Mra. Wal Gamma Delta social soror' , Miss pilots flying cross - country over jasper People In City—-Mra. J. C. ler Smith, of Manta Clara, spent Miller was very active In a, ... es strange terrain and who may be de­ Saturday In Mprlngfleld visiting with sirous of locating suitable landing Bailey mid Mrs W . ft. Wallace, both lieclally In baseball and br.sket hall frlenda. of Jasper, spent Monday afternoon She Is a member of PI Della Phi areas. Air line officials, aircraft op- CROWN JEWEL In Mprlngfleld visiting with friends Leave for California—Mr. and Mrs Hhe majored In romance language de-1 e™,Or’ ' ,n« ‘he fishing states along Dnhl and her daughter, Pauline, ar­ and home th ru the Canadian other. You circle as much o f the give you further details. He w ill the Atlantic seacoast. rived In Mprlngfleld last Friday from Salem, returned to their homes on Rockies or on n o rth e rn U n ite d United States as you like at low be glad to show you how to make It Is hoped that by making a na­ Chicago, and were over night guests Monday after spending several days States lines. summer fares. you travel dollars go farther. tionwide survey of conditions a more In this city as guests at the W. H. at the home of her brother, Hugh or less uniform set of laws can he Jollff. They are now visiting at Cot Adrian homo. Mra. Adrlun Is Mrs. enacted In each of tho states to re­ tage Grove, where they will remnln Adair's niece. S U N S E T C IR C L E GOLDEN STATE CIRCLE O V E R LAN D Cl RC LE gulate those matters which the fed­ until Mr. Dnhl arrives, nt which time eral government cannot control. San Francisco, Los Angeles, the they will establish their home here. San Francisco, Los Angeles, San Return from Motor Trip—Mr. and San Francisco, Lake Tahoe, across Southwest, San Antonio, New O r­ Diego, Hollywood, thru the pictur­ G reat Sait Lake by r a il, O gden, Mrs. Lee Inman returned on Tuesday leans, then by boat to New York esque Southwest, El Paso (O ld Mex­ or continue thru the Old South by Salt Lake City. For a small addi­ In Vegetable Department — Ben from a week end trip to southern California People Here — Mr and ico nearby), to Kansas City.St. Louis, rail to W ashington, P h ilad elp h ia, tion al fare you may rwturn thru Chlndgren Is new In charge of the Oregon, and back by way of Klnmath New Yo rk or mid-west destinations. Chicago and other mid-west points. Mrs. George Emery and their two Yellowstone or continue to Dsaver. vegetable department of the Stanley Falls and Bend. Their daughter. Mar- daughters. Carma Etta nnd Geraldine, ■tor« in thia city. A change In the jorle, will spend the summer months of Fresno, California, arrived here Eugene stores whereby Henry Mor­ with Mr. Inman's father at Ashland. A’ Sunday to be guests al the home ot 4 Mr. and Mrs. Inmnn nnd daughter rison takes over the fruit stand In Dr. and Mrs. N. W. Emery. They will I k the West Broadway store, necessitat­ left Thursday of last week and stop­ spend two weeks visiting In thia ed the moving nf the former manager ped at Medford, Ashland, Klamath vicinity and in Washington before CARL OLSON, Agent Falla and B«nd. here to that atossu returning to their homes. 25c each New Home Bakery a Just Arrived Kiser Sansheen Silk Hose $1.25 Fast Color Prints 19c COTTON BATTS _______ 45c Men’s Straw Hats 98c 1 Fulop’s Department Store Add days in California to any trip East a t Summer Excursion Fares! Southern Pacifie