I PAGB POUR "OLD GLORY" n o tic e of special now have. Saturday, June 14. will be Flag Dav All over . TOWN ck *• m ■“,l »• Eight tor hla product la that II la the field, says Mr Inman. THURSDAY. JUNK It, UMO j «mallesl practicable airplane In the fection of this ideal. Rut we have come closer to ”'TSTS n m, “ Ld **“' . „ it than any other considerable body of human ter Xn»;Xtn1 m Male. tk.mr disease ion ha* arisen PRIMARY AND CONVENTION SYSTEMS Mission Circle to Meet Over the state on the question of (he a . 11.1 *■ i ,n^ 1,48 ever succeded in doing. And In mak- charter amendment At this time every two years when the county ^ ie e^ ort to live up to the ideal for which An Act to aai«nd the charter of 1 «wnarahlp n( the smallest airplane The Mission Circle of the Baptist central comm ittees of the Republican and Demo- i ,d O*°ry stands we have set an example which ,b* T®wn »f Spri»gfi«ld by adding a and a Salem aviator claim» that the church will meet on Friday afternoon Heath monoplane, which ha owus. 1» Cratic parties are organising.T-e hear much about 41111081 411 the rest of the world has been striving "*** cbap,er tb«,'-<>io authorising and al the home of Mr». D C. Ogilvie. All ± “ on,inati.n « 1 to x niulate- . ' ^ . ‘. X T r o V x 'p u " / the smallest which, acrordlug lo Mr members and friends «re Invited to * Inman, 1» true, but Mr. Kyerley, In and many are advocating a return to the old con­ «»landing and aurfadng surfacing run Every governm ent in the world, except ours. poae p'” <’ of or •»’•»«nog attend the afternoon meeting. vention system Even a few county central com­ has undergone radical if not revolutionary 7“'", a,nd *,"lar*ln« improving and discussing thia plane, say» that: m ittees pass resolutions favoring the old conven­ changes since th at 14th of June. 1777. when the th7 to w n 'to f'm d X 'E ' i , ”i “Subatltc'lou of a newly announced 2 Glaaaos Water. Not Too tion system. t ontinental Congress officially adopted the Stars i '** l»»y for the tax year" ¡ mi " power lam of two oppoalng cylln Cold. Holp Constipation '»» y »« »hull be required d e n weighing about 100 pounds, of We do not believe that the old convention and Stripes, designed by Betsy Ross, as the *ucb "«*“ ! the whirlwind type and developing standard of the colonies which had so recently Jud«m,,n( of tha Common system was best, but we ________ do believe _____d that e it H had One glass of water 1» not e n o u g h - ___________ -e d them se.ves free and Independent s t a u i "."i ¡n approximately .tfi horsepower lu Ihe lake I glasses a half hour before some good features, aud in many instances Heath wluld give It real economic breakfast. You get quicker and bet­ actually produced better qualified candidates for • n»L u « m 2 ,°S,th rw e4cePtto“ 8 ,he American ,° f ,b® < i** <-m constitutional office. The prim ary system is breaking down n g J h oWe8t flaF in ,he wor|d today. That is lml,a,lon upo„ thta T ow n » Tax value, and a aafe flying range of SO ter results by adding a little simple or more miles “ office, and it resolves itself into personal instead L i \r as a young nation. Actually, we does ordain as follows of party politics, with the result that so n e dis ° D ° f ,he old*"st nations, so far as our form nt? it enacted by the e ie c gntntled minority faction often n o m in a te s ^ t h e «° and our flag are m n tern ed . field orboon - N party candidate someone whom the rank and tile ! I',4’ions " h ic h were old when we set out upon o«.-,i«» i -r> <• „ of the party would never nom inate if the system P,h nde? ?one b- - b' »»thori.cd " ,n were different. after revolution. Most of them have completely levy ami collect for tha tax vear yu . * altered their governm ental forms. The British 1,30 ,aí••', no* « n * il »200000 . ’** would advocate a party convention thirty Empire has become a commonwealth of nractlc- upon al1 pr”,>t‘r,r- both real and par- days before the primary election, at which time independent nations. Ireland have been an- .T s L i ^ X V ™ .'« ''» 7 r ’h” Town ^ % ^ ^ r rtteeman w o u id c h o o s * detached aKain th° u« h e r e « S fiX .? ;o nr,rf,'b, i,,p : ^ " ,,,o? r: x x a. can dates for th e primary to run for each office St. Patrick, added to the British flag in 1801, still and »«rfacing runways and enlarging in which there are more more than than **0 two candidates candidates rem ains there. France was an absolute monarchy 'mpro»ln*,and «i j '",pro»ln«i»nd/'« d*»®'ei> lo p * 'n« »he Spring filed. Thia convention system would be an elimi­ when we set up our governm ent The royal ban- ? “ unlrlp,,_ * !rpf>rt nation contest th a t would, we believe, make for the strengthening of the prim ary system and floating over the Third Republic since our own j in a separate fund to tw known as keep ~ a — lot of """* self — starters from inflicting them ~ BAlVoa Shaw ” • ss..k 11— , a. « • « n u i u im u c u n g tnem - revolution, with another empire Intervening The ,be tnuniclpal airport fund, and kep« selves on the public by taking advantage of con- itoly of today is quite a different nation as its •TP^^• ,', ,nd ,p ,r ' from o,b” - ' “«“I" dltlo»s „ th . , n „ . „ e . U dUlerem. from t h .l of 1777. S |» („. then .h„.o pret1on».»hen "." k " r ; -*'* - .h .n d n i?H ?h lt" n 3" " " ’ > ,5,:"^,' re neSSanl and T u rk e . ““ •” the m in e , of the candidates two h™ Tl" ' years hence were not known. E l“ UM ? 1 u r*ey has 404nd°ned the green disbursed by the Common Council Ilag Of Mohammed. by warrants drawn upon said fund, This system would elevate the office of pre­ r w a « j a. . *,c h »»rrant to be signed by (he Denmark S flag, dating from the 12th cen- Mayor and Recorder, and said funds cinct com ______________ m itteem an and __ have a stim ultting ef- feet on politics in every"precinct, ' b e c a u ^ ’5 the tu7 r> and Sw itzerland’s, nearly as old, are the J? expended tor no other purpose voters would be s e le c tin g T m a n to X 2 5 ° Dly ' ,agS ny,ng today whlch arp (’ldf*r ^ n our ,h’ n ,ho* / ' ,aort* l ,h" *r' them in choosing party candidates. It a lso ^ rn d d w ™ f l ,T n u ig h « m o J i h “ 8« ^ ° “ «*' greatly strengthen our party government. an (t h e lio f« «f?r r* more than justified the hopes thia tax for airport purposes as speri- ! ana oeuers Of its founders. fled herein, then and In that event For state offices the candidates selected would the surplus shall revert to the general fund of the town to be used for gen- have to be known in most of the counties and be An airport bulletin issued by the federal gov- eral purpo'l‘” acceptable to the people in general, instead of one sectioa. the Springfield port many and “priSU id «hT’J V .H hw a em f d^ m ent riPu has ° n a map of improvements. AftS? ^ ’ r*iy . 7 ^ " . lh 7 There are m any features in this system we or t n e standard list of improvements the answ er taxes provided for in this charter believe would be superior to the free for all con­ none is written. The Springfield port must Am"n