PAGE TT TP ff*’ EXCHANQE I have a coed «a acre farm . 3U milve from Yam hill. O H ire r hw iom anil <0 a. In cult. Crop all In F a ir house, new Mouth ftakota dairy barn. 3»r«»r place nullable for dairy « '/.n t «0 to ISO acrea with fa ir bldgs W ill allow a difference of n » a or » U thousand dollar» l i e f e r aa near Eugene as posalble. CHESTER P W A LK ER J ’• Yam hill. Oregon W A N T E D — T o trade modern House and lol ln Spokane, Wash.. for Springfield or Eugene property Enquire New« Office. if Leaburg Resident Here- J J Cabe, of Leaburg. was a Monday afternoon «aller In Springfield ’ she aald. Ihla strange bride of bis. and G unner have a policeman w aiting Haynes thought H delicate to leave pilot had arrived. He would have on the m ac No, you'll have to take them and Interview the pilot. liked to advance the hour of hie de- him to Elford. W hat's th ls T ' He round the machine w aiting, w ith W A N T E D — T rade aviatio n course for I partnre. but be knew that tor once he He kicked agalnat the ault case light Ford Runabout. See I ahi In must keep faith — Connor was a dan- and she explained, and heard him p a tie n t'**7 "** * h“ **’ *** “ man. sl Airport. pilot, and to the la tte r ha It - j-ti-ut - T-T.ei ■■^■■ueu-s.eww. ifb^dSdtaW dW W gvroue man. and he had no desire to chuckle. gave new In struct Iowa T he o th er a r­ let two enemies grow In the place of “ You must be a thought — f — SUMMONS gument he employed was a very e f. of oae' T hat's the very thing he'll require— In the County Court of the State of feetlv« one. tor the airm an read ily Once or twice, as be loafed about Do> tonight, perhaps, but la Oregon, for the County of Lane. tbs ; agreed to all the conditions. Nina Gibson. P la in tiff, ve. Rule Olb- the less frequented streets of Pim lico, morning We re going to Elford. w „ „ carry cafTy three lnrw, e or Do! “I . can r tea. eon. Defendant he had the Impression that he was | Y®u know where It 1«? I t s three- ' be no d ifficu lty about getting . , 7 m To Rule Olbson, the above-named being shadowed; but when once be ; quarters of an h o u rs run, and If w e re ' done this night trln hanAr.A defendant: walked back In desperate boldness to i taeky we'll reach there before tw o of tim es." * In the name of the S tate of Oregon, Satisfied on this score r . . — . you are hereby required to appear Interview me man who waa following ‘ ke biggest rats that ever climbed and answer the com plaint filed him. he found It wae a perfectly In « “ « of the Tham es m u d .' ’ Haynes went back to the car a n d t against you In the above entitled offensive stranger to C.e n eighbor-' »he leaned out of the window snd 1 terrupted the more than usuailv t court and cause on or before the 3rd ilm ate conversation 7 day of July, 1930. said date being bood who waa trying to find a street «“ »« directions to the chauffeur. I C o u ld n , we drive on to Dover rn d | "Fve a little scrap o f paper to glvg more than four weeks from the day and a number. SUM M ONS In n the C ircu of the „ it Court ---------------------State ef Oregon for the County of Lane. Benefit Having» * Loan Association, a corporation. P la in tiff, vs t, FO R S A I.» OR T R A P » —Springfield Clark Aydelott, and Mrs C lark tote. W ill consider Eugene or Me Aydelotl. hla wife, defendants Kanala R iver property In exchange Io L. C lark Aydelott and Mrs L ’ ’ O Box I t l , Springfield I lark Aydelott, the above named N O T IC S O F F IN A L S E T T L E M E N T defendant» : of the first publication of this sum He bad work to do— vengeful work In the name of the Stata of Oregon: moos herein entered of record and If | » a k----------- «— a , k , . ._ --------- . Notice la hereby given that the tin i S and he completed this In a teaabop derelgned. Harold elle, admlnls Vauxhall Bridge. M aking a or thè estate J, of W Hantórd' Pl'i'mr ynn ,h * e a tllìe d * thè" CtìÌìrt ^tor U m b e lle " in h e r^ c c i" near fra «lor I -------- In wide detour, he reached the central decesseti. bas flled hla (Inai rettori ‘ “ * • nrt ,,n Of before thè ex plalnt agallisi i and account ss su, h O dm talatrator ° f f'»ur wrek» from tbe date F„r „ Judgment’ and rie,-ree of dU orcì *" 0,fle'* k" d hBnded in the tule- • Uh .he C leri, ,,r , h . County Court < * « « < . P ublic.,lou of t a l. summonn. ! dl.solvlng "h e “ e d Ì ^ T - Ì . l Ì L 0^ ¡grsra addressed to Inspector Bird It — I aunty Court of X ” h J : £ 2 b: i ran laute County, Oregon, snd that Hatur day. l i s t day nf June, IMO, at JO OO a order of the above entitled Court as yon and th * p la in tiff on th * ground* The man who waa concerned » lu the County Court room of said June 26th, 1930, If you fall ao to a p of d^a^rtlon and for such other re­ In the T affan y robbery waa Lake County at Eugene? Oregon, has been pear and answer, p la in tiff for want lie f as to the Court may seem meet Maddlaon. He Is attem p tin g to set by the Hun C. P Barnard, Judge thereof w ill apply to the above en­ and equitable T his summons Is of said Court, aa the tim e and plane titled court tor the re lie f prayed for served leave London tonight. H la wife upon you by publlealton of bearing objections to the sama, >n h l" ‘ »’" ’ Plain,. to-wl, thereof In the Springfield News, a and Gunner Haynea are aw are of and for the fin a l settlem ent of said ,P'ir. Jugement ag e,"at the defend newspaper of general circulation the double life he bes been living. ante for the aum o f 1801 35 together estate. pursuant to an order of the Judge of w ith tnterest from and a fter the 33rd the Circuit Court of the State of He signed II w ith bin own name. H A R O L D J W E L lJ t. day of May. 1930. at the rate of 10 par Late as waa the hour, he knew that Adm inistrator. Oregon for the County of la n e duly cent per annum ; for the fu rth er sum made and entered of record on the W K IJ J , A W B L IA t. Attorney« tbe telegram would he delivered. He M 33 3» J 5-13 I t of |IO 00. and for the fu rth er sum 2nd day of Jane. 1930, ordering that went beck to meet hla companion In I of 1100 00 attorney's fees, and for Ita thia summons he pnhllsned once each m isfortune, feeling more cheerful u n v ir s u i i s i u n costs and disbursements herein. T h a t N O T IC E — H E A R IN G p la in tif f, mortgage be decreed to b< week for four consecutive and sue F IN A L A C C O U N T , f|r„ mor,g n « . , he r^ , ceealve weeks In said Springfield than he had felt all day. • • • News and that the date o f tha Hrs, _ publication shall be w ith the It was nearly eleven o'clock th a t t o , 'xrsu ”<&.w , « - w z? .¿‘•jrs I ' ,e t the b" a ' F ’ ’ be asked urgently, you when It's light enough to reeA <> Haynes shook his head. 1 Mrs. M “ ddlson. *■ ' - It concerns the death ’ No, that w on', worh. T he Sparrow 1 of P **" brother— r m »orry to be so la a good fellow , bat be d shop hla ! bn iU I. but I thin k you ought to know own mother. And If, as I believe, M r that the man who ruined him was M orel), or w hatever hla present name Danty, and— “ la. has blown— has told the story of T guessed th a t,- she said. Taffsnny's— every boat w ill be w at­ It waa s till drizzling and the clonds ched. Besides, there Isn't one until were low, but n eith e r o f the «nr»'» daylight th a t we could possibly geL PAssengera evinced the slightest awx- Thare's only one chance, and th a t in »«• » I l k a roar of t h . engines, ---------- ------- *h\ bl< “ '» " P i™ , ewept Into the tor M r. Maddlaon to appear, la Prate, where h le edppoeed to be. I think ' •’ • « '» • •a , np and up. throngh the th a t can worked, unless M r. Daaty “ ,lrt of clouds, until they emerged Novell has got ahead of na." with the moon riding In a elear sky above them and billowing clouds be­ He peered forward again. “Yod*ve got a fur eoat on—that's neath them. t h c BND. good You can lend It to your hus­ band I f U look ra th e r silly, but no­ Choir Has Chlcicae Dinner body will see him ." T he en tire choir o f the B aptist "W hat are . you --------------------- going to do?“ I'm going on an airplane ride to-1 * “ * reh e»Jored a chicken dinner last '« J f H at 0 30 In the church p a rlo r, night, and he’s going with me. As for ng a short entertainm hnt the you, Mrs. Maddtson, your w ork Is very simple. You'll return to London; members o f the choir held th e ir re- you'll lie a little — I hope It w ca't QWlar w eekly reboermG hour. night when M argaret bad the ear County of Lane. 8 ta ts of Oregon; Issue o f July 3rd, IM 0 . brought to the door and Luke's suit that said mortgage be foreclosed In caae deposited. H e r Intention was to the manner proscribed by law F R A ^ K A. DePtTE. Attorney for P la in tiff. Residence. drive the car to the low er p ert ot Thia summons Is served Upon you by publication by order nf the Hon Springfield, Oregon. VIIBera street and send the chauffer orable O. F. Sklpw orth, Judge of the Jn (-1219-23 Jy 3 w ith the suitcase to the cloakroom. hurt you very much— and leave for above entitled Court, which order N O T IC B o f FINAL HEARING She came Into the south end of the waa duly made and entered herein Spain tom orrow, i f I can’t get him A D M IN ISTRA TO R'S SALK OF Rtrand and had some d ifficu lty p N£ w e r ’\ j £ ? 1Z . * iTen th a ' W THen, on the 99th day of May. 1930 there a fte r I ’ve landed him in FYance. REAL PROPERTY Dale of first May 20th. of L ^ Z L À X ' 2 7 tOr? f th’ “ t a f * In making her way through the re­ I'm a Dutchm an." Notice Is hereby' given that by 1930 r u n h i. f l n . r ^ n t d^ ^ >¡“ turning theatre tra ffic , but a fte r a virtue of an order of tbe County T here waa a silence, and then: Dali- »f last m ln la tra to r and the county * long w elt turned down the steep Coart of Lane County. Oregon, daly 1930 “ I know a better way, she said court of mnde and entered of record In the street tow ard the Em bankm ent, nnd A. E W TtEBIXX'K. qdletly. “I can go w ith him ." « ¡ y . iS » Ù m i ’X ' « m atter of the eatato of John W a rin g , A ttorney for P la in tiff. at a signal from M argaret the chauf­ T o her surprise, the G unner did not Address- <32 <33 Corbett Building. Port­ deceased, the undersigned, adm inis­ feu r stopped the machine. tra to r of aa d estate, w ill, on and combat the suggestion. land. Oregon. It waa ralnlag heavily; there were M 30 J (-13-10-20 a fte r the ldth any of June. 1130. offer Perhaps you're wise." was his com­ for gale and sell n t p rivate sale, the th « Z < ? £ A . persona Interested follow ing described property, belong­ few pedestrians in alghL and (hone ment. therein m a y b a beard at said time A D M IN IS T R A T O R ’S SA LS N O T IC C FOR P U B L IC A T IO N were b urring to reach the shelter of ing to said estate, to-w lt; T hey came at last to a d ark and W IL L IA M P LOW ER. Notice |g hereby given that by vlr Departm ent ef the littocler, United _ __ Commencing at tha Northwget C a r ‘ he Underground station. 8e palled humpy road, and h er the car was M ates Land Office, Roseburg, Ore­ AT r v n A dm inistrator. tue and ta pursuance of an order of ner of Donation Land C laim No. 31. a t the catch o f the door to open IL 8. D. a l l e n . atto rn ey tor estate stopped by the Gunner. H e got down gon, M ay 10th, 1090k < UtrlX' Corner F lfllt and A Streetg man pursued, and gripping the handle *ro ,,,n K Ihe aerdrome. and you've a adm inlstiato r. Evenings by Appointment M 15-22 29 J 5-12 , of the door, leaped onto the running snowflake's chance of getting away.' L en e D ieta noe H aulln g a Speelalty Attorney to r the estate. You're being a friend ly fellow and board as the car moved. She thought ____________Jn 5-12-19-26 Jy 3 N O T IC E O F S H E R IF F ’S SA LE at first It was a policeman, bui then helping us, Is that w hat you w ant us ' Notice la hereby glvpn that by v ir­ a passing street lamp revealed the ,0 b«Beve,'' sneered Connor, S U M M O N S FOR P U B L IC A T IO N tue of an execution and order of sale DR. N. W. EM ERY d ark face of G unner Haynes. “ Don't ta lk — w a lk ,” said the Gun­ In the C irc u it Court of the State of ! Issued out of the Circuit Court of the Oregon, fo r the County of Lane. DBNTIBT my best Frances A. Stone, P la in tiff, vs. W il­ "Don't make a fuse," he said, as he ner, sternly. “ I'm not In State of Oregon for Lane County, M sy 9th. 1930. upon and pursuant to blundered In, slamm ing the door be­ tem per tonight. 1 ve p ractically pro­ liam L. Stone, Defendant. Bl< • decree made by ssld Court M sy 8th, hind him . " I ’ve chased your car from mised not to k ill yon. but It won't To W illia m L. Stone, defendant: Renldenee Fhnne 1M-M 1930. In s suit pending therein In In the name of the State of Oregon, take much from e ith e r of you to do which Rant E. Dunsmoor was p la in t­ the H avm arket. Who's this? you are hereby required to appear It. T h e re ’s a silencer on my gun and SjvIngHeld, Oregon He peered forw ard and ahe heard if f and I. D. C o llier and others were and answ er the com plaint filed 2 » M ain BL Residence 1M 0 BL defendants, which execution and or­ him whistle. you’ll hear no more than a plop and against you in the above entitled der of sale was to me directed and •1 J you'll be In hell. So the best fo r you Court Rnd cause on or before four •3M "Is this M r. Maddlson?” commanded m e to sell the real pro­ both Is to beat I t I t won’t take a heli I m ^ 8 date of thp rtt8 t Dub- deaerai Law Prnetlce "Yes, It's me," said Luke, speaking Af A inf fn vrs.w perty h ere in a fte r described to satisfy v neU I ,,catlon thia summons, and If you tor I' e t time. r a lot to make me change m y mind, fail so to appear and answer, tor wa ,t certain liens and charges In »»Id de­ I. PETKR8ON Full Anto Equipment cree specified, I w ill on Saturday, the "A ll rig ht, Gunner, w e'll go,” said 1 thereof the p la in tiff w ill apply to th e Ills voice sounded p lt'ab ly weak. Attornay-at-Lnw Ijtd y Assistant 14th day of June, 1930. at the hour o’ He had been turned o ,t of tbn pollen r>anlY. quaking. Come on, Connor Court for the re lie f demanded In said City Noll Building one o’clock p. m , at the southwest com plaint, to-w it: F o r a decree ot door of the County Court-house In «•tn’ l. it— where he had been detained , The Dunner w ouldn't put us ln ba«,— ” this Court decreeing that the bonds found the letters, D anty,” said of m atrim ony heretofore existing be­ Springfield, Ore Eugene, Lane County, Oregon, o ffer on » charge of vagrancy— In the early tor sale and sell at public auction for part o f the afternoon snd had not 1 softly. “ You know Just how tween the p la in tiff and defendant be FRANK A. DE PUE K, b t a - t? ,,'^ » eto ? H w h » ! tu ta Pa,en 8lnce ,h0 mornlng. Ho made no i near you a r® lo -e te r n a l rest, don'» forever dissolved, and p la in tiff di­ A TTO R N EY A T LAW Vinixi nv lnvr. All or fno tirut , i i TI p . . « ■ *_• « vmi vorced from the defendant, and for nnd Interest of the defendants In said ‘" " m i’t to explni his need, he was , y,!"' such other and fu rth e r re lie f as to NOTARY PUBLIC Danty said nothing. He grabbed suit nnd of all parties claim ing by too tired and w eary to care much. the Court may seem equitable. JEWELER through or under them or any of T he soft luxury of the padded seats the arm of his reluctant friend and This summons Is published once 8utton Springfield them since the 8th day of M ay, 1930. dulled him Into legarth y; ho was nod­ almost dragged ...m to the roadway. each week fo r four consecutive weeks Repairing a Specialty Building Oregon In nr to the follow ing described renl ding almost before tne car reached They walked rapidly back the way In the Springfield New s, a w eekly property, to-w lt: Springfield, Oregon newspaper of general circulation they had come and must have gone published In Lane County. Oregon, Tho east h alf of lot six (6) snd all the E m b a n k m e n t o f lot five (5) In block seven In "All right, don't wake him.” said hundred yards before Connor stopped. by order of the H onorable C. P. Bar­ Visits M other — M ajo r S, L. Van W estm oreland nn addition to Eu­ " I’m not going to stand for this nard, Judge o f the County Court o f Vnlxah, physician of the Fitzsimmons gene, I^tne County. Oregon, as the Gunner Haynes ln a low tone. "He NELSON LEGHORN FARM Lane County, Oregon, which order general hospital at Denver, Colorado, same Is platted and recorded In the was arrested this morning. I've only bird—’’ he began, when a voice be­ bears date the 4th day of Jane, IMS. Lens County's Oldest Breeders spent the week end In this city with office of the County C lerk of Lane Just found o u t One of my— friends hind him sold: W alk. And ho did. and the date o f the first publication •f When he had seen them trail on of this summons Is June 5th, told me. The police are looking for hla mother, Mrs. A. B. Van Valxnh. F ou r y, Oregon. B. 0. WHITE LEGHORNS Dx.od this 12th day of May, 1930. JAM ES K . K IN O . him. Somebody seat a w in to the their trey, the Gunner sped hack to He was en route to Denver from H. L. SOW N, Ptke, deceased la the m atter of tbe estate of M ary Pthe, deceased, notice la hereby given «hat tha undersigned adm inistrator has filed bis final account In said m a ttar and that June »7th, 19M. nt 10:90 o'clock n. m. nt the Court room of said Court In the la n e County Court Houae, In Eugene. Oregon, haa been designated as the tim e and place for hearing o f objections to such fin a l account and the settlement thereof. H O M E R P IK E . Adm inistrator F R E D E S M IT H . Attorney for Ad m ln latrato r, Eugene, Oregon. M » J 0-13 1M< E m D IR E C T O R Y B U S IN E S S 1 Walker-Poole Chapel Funeral Directors M. D . W . R oof SFRINQFIBLD OREGON Fhene 31-F-14 American Lake, Washington, where he hod taken eeverai hospital cases. Attoraey tor Plaintiff: « _ Sheriff of Lane County, 8parrow—I suspect it wan frimd the ear. Lake wo< awake; thogr wore and peat ottlc« address. Minor : talking together ta. law tones, ha aad tag, Bagane, Oregon. M 1H M S J M l Danty. Whnrg am yoa taking ktaar ft H M M f t»