f PAGE TWO TH B 8PRINGPIBLD NEWS OREGON STATE NEWS OF GENERAL INTEREST r u ••« *•♦ *« ***••••• M c D onald Except in cases of extreme emer- gencies and when the distance is rea sonably close, the Eugene fire appara tus hereafter will not be taken out of the city limit«, according to a decision of the city conut-iL I THURSDAY, JUNK 12. 1930 —— — — — — Checks aggregating llt.M 0.14. repre­ • * * « * * ♦ * * * • * • • • « Innings were played. Thoae who play­ Wheeler are In charge of the alhle' senting a seventh dividend of 7.» per THURSTON ♦ ♦ cant, were being mailed by the elate • UPPER WILLAMETTE ♦ ed for Pleasant lllll were Peebles, events • ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ a Man nay. Prentice Wheeler. Sheldon banking department to MO depositors Mrs. Mabel Kiddle, of Springfield, Miss Mary Harden s music pupils Slut», Del S tu d . Delp. Noble Wheeler COYOTES CAUSE OF LARGE of the defunct Bank of Jordan Valley, Malheur county, which closed its doors speut several days last week with gave a aplendld recital Friday night Raymond lllll«, Truman Akers, slid relatives here. SHEEP LOSS IN COUNTY at (he Pleasant Hill high aehool Nila Hult. Principal Events of the Week Janusry 14, IMS, Bruce Christie made a busluesa gymnasium before an appreciative Delbert Harden, who la employed The Winona rabbltry. owned by Mr. trip to Lebanon last Friday. Almost IDO sheep have been k 111*1 audience. The rytbiuall« band com­ at Bend, cam« to Pleasant lllll Iasi Assembled for Information and Mrs. Fred Wourms ot Tualatin, The commencement exercises for In thia county during the past month posed of 37 school children from week and took his wife and sous, who suffered a real loss a few days ago the high school was held at the of Our Readers. by coyotes, according to R J Mores, when their recently acquired goat ate Thurston hall Iasi Friday evening Pleasant Hill. hhtonvats, and Pall have finished school for the year, county dog law enforcement officer. Creek, and the violin aoloa by Mrs. buck to Bend with hlut all the pedigree tickets from the front Twenty sheep were killed Ip the At th» opening of the Lake county ot the rabbit hutches. Valuable data There were ten graduates. l a Source were greatly enjoyed. While working tn the wnoda laet Mrs. William Platt, of Deerhorn. wool market a quarter of a million were consumed by the goat. Mra. l a Source le a violinist of con week above hie mill, Jed Wheeler Coburg and Mohawk region In lh > spent the week end with her son. ponnda was sold tor 1» centa a pound. siderahle talent from lx>s Augeies. I caught tils foot between two logs and last ten days of the month, lie sai l Total resources ot the banks of Ore­ Walter Platt and family. and who has been spending the winter I broke one toe and crushing four. He tine men alone reported the killing o | The Medford Elk» lodge has voted gon Increased from ttt7.0SS,»6S 93 la Miss Helen Kyler. IB company 75 sheep in his flocks, which ale be­ at Fall Creek. 1 will be on crutches for some time to approve the petition of Grants Paas the year 1909 to »34S.911.9M.92 in the with her aunt. Mrs. Hruwn. left a few ing run on lh« High Paas rem -. The Pleasant lllll Christian church residents for a lodge to be granted year IMS, according to the annual days ago for a trip through California Miss Mary Harden aud M rs lot and Endeavor rooms were packed Source left Tuesday for Hama Ids. Dog» are being kept with llie flocks, Grants Pass. report of the state superintendent of Lillis Betty Gray, of Signal. Is last Sunday night for the bacca­ where they have employment In (he but apparently are unable Io »lop i .» W. W. Work of Albany suffered a banks completed recently. The gain visiting her grandparents, Mr. and slaughter laureate service«. Loree laird and Seaside Hotel for the summer. Mrs. Ira Gray. broken arm «hen his automobile be­ since ISOS was »321.333.946.99. Luclle Jordan played a march. Pren­ came unmanagable on the Newport- Mrs Farrell, of Landax. is visiting To demonstrate the possibilities of NOTICE TO CREDITORS tice Wheeler gave a solo and the Albany road and overturned. HUGH ROSSON TO BE dusting orchard« on a commercial her daughter Mrs William Ruth girls' sextet, consisting of l.oree Notice Is hereby given that lh un- Mr and Mrs. Oscar Wrtgle motored Lanndrymen from all sections of scale by airplane the Northwestern derslgned has been appoln •«! ad- talrd. Carroll laird. laura Hult, PLEASANT HILL PICNIC Oregon gathered In Salem recently for Aerodusting company and the Oregon to Yakima, Washington, lust week Thelma Circle, Mildred Swift and mlnlstrator with the will ann •«. I o f SPEAKER ON SATURDAY the estate of Nlcollne Marie J.-.i sen. the annual convention of the State State college extension service will They returned home Friday. Luclle Jordan sang Chancellor Wal deceased by and order of the mty Miss Nellie Mathews has returned dust the prune orchard of H. A. Win Laondrymen's association. ter K Meyers, of (he l> hie University Hugh E. Ronson, prof. -- »r o* law Court of Lane County, Dreg. n home from txts Angeles, where she ston at Winston, Douglas county. gave the address. Rev Clelnd O'Brien at the University, and manager of on the 9th day of June, IB' I Construction work on the Owyhee has been for several months. persona linvlax claim» against I The plant of the Owen-Oregon Lmn I offered prayer. project la progressing rapidly with , the Sunset Trail celebration In Eu­ Miss Norma Mathews motored to «-»tale are hereby notified to present mors than 400 men employed on the her company at Medford will operate The Pleasant Hill Christian church gene last summer, will lie the prin­ the -urme. duly ter'fled. at my office one shift, of nine hours, this summer Washington for her atster. Mrs. Mar­ Endeavor will hold a clean up party cipal speaker at the forty eighth an­ at 631 Miner Building. Eugene. Ore­ dam and tunnel contracts. garet Engles, who has infection in The Pendleton Pioneer club has ded Tha concern will also operate one log­ her foot caused by a cut on It They at the picnic grounds Wednesday nual pioneer picnic to be held at gon. within six months from the date nlght preparatory for the Pleasant Pleasant lllll on Saturday of this of 'his notice leafed a concrete bench In Pioneer ging plant as at present in the Butte arrived home Tuesday evening Ikited at Eugene Oregon, thia 12th rails district. This means the employ Hill picnic, that will be held Satur­ week park to the late Mrs. Aura M. Raley, »v of June. 191b Lloyd Hubbard and sister left for rnent of between 300 and 350 men. day, June 14. A program will be given E O. POTTER. often referred to at the "mother of The picnic will be held In the W an extended trip to Washington last A d m in is tra to r w ith *h will an­ at the picnic In the morning and O. W Grove and Is being sponsored Reports indicate that the prune crop Friday Pendleton.” nexed of the estate of Nlcollne Marie sports tn the afternoon by the Young People's and the Inter­ A warning to merchants and Individ in the Estacada locality will be much Mr. and Mrs Hubert Gray have Jnrobsrn, deceased Mrs Emma Meyer, who visited mediate Christian Endeavor Societies I uals to beware of bringing Infected better than expected some time ago moved Into Mrs Margaret Campbell J 17 IS 2« Jy 3 10 ... , , ... . K t relatives and friends at Pleasant ‘ Growers who thought the crop would Hill of the community, with Miss Haael < hen-ire into Douglas county has been house. and Goshen, returned to Roseburg Wheeler in charge as general chair j NOTICE TO CREDITORS issued by A. C. Allen, horticultural be an entire failure now state they Mrs. John Kdmiston. and daughter Notice Is hereby given that F t«a- last Friday. will have a fair crop. Caterpillar« are man The reunion picnic was started commissioner. Maude motored to Portland to con­ on the second day of June. said to be numerous and causing some Mr and Mrs Delhert Russell are almost fifty years ago and has grown Duke, 1930. was anpoln'ed administrator >f The Oregon-Washington Water Serv- sult a specialist In regard to Miss trouble. the proud parents of a buby girl, to be one of the most Impressive Ina J Finn, deceased. Ica company of Salem spent »5470 In Maude's health, as she has been 111 'll persons hsvlttg claim» against dates lh that community ear*’ sum Thirty-five cents an hour for com­ for two and a helf years. She re­ born June 2. 1930. its unsuccessful campaign against the said estale are hereby notified '•» Pleasant Hill athletic club defeat ' mer. mon labor for forest tire fighting, municipal ownership amendment at mained In Portland for treatment. present said claims dutv verified is ed the Coburg team last Sunday after- j The program will open at in 30 tn by law required, to said admlnlstrt when the labor Is obtained from cen­ the recent election. Perry Price has arrived home noon by a score of 12 to 3 at Coburg the morning, when the various faml’» tor st the office of Alla King In the tral labor markets, is the rate fixed from Idaho. Recent rains have increased the By defeating the Thurston base groups will hold their group picnics Court House, Eugene, laino Cottnlv. by the state forester's office, the var­ Robert Parrott has bought a new prospecte for average yields In all the ball team at Springfield last Friday A cafeteria dinner will also lie se r v d Gregon. within »lx months of the first ious fire-fighting associations and the Chevrolet. major crops ot Baker county. Less t-nhllratlon of th is n n 'lc e D ate of by a score of 31 to 0. the Pleasant to those who do not bring their own first rubllcstlon being the lith dry United States forest service, for such * heat and more barley and oala were Rev. Pa'tcrson. of Eugene, deliver­ Hill high school won the champion­ work during 1930. of June, 1930 The afternoon will be featured by planted thia year than usual. ed the nineteenth hundred anniver­ K I j i D I’KE, Admlnlstrat if. A large brown bear, which attacked sary of Pentecost sermon here last ship of the county league. Mnuney athletic stunt» and a baseball game Alta King, attorney for ■-■tale. The Eastern Oregon Librarian asso­ pitched for Pleasant Hill Only 5 Mra. M E Hayes and Mbs Gladys Herbert Francis Jr.. 13-year-old Bend Sunday morning. J 17 19 ’»I Jv 3 10 ciation has been organised at Baker boy, was chased away by the boy's by librarians from all parts of eastern Albert Heaston is planning to leave stepmother, who hurled stone« across Oregon. Miss Mabel Doty ot La the Deschutes river as the big animal In a few days for his old home in Grande waa elected president. Iowa. approached the lad. The boy. fright­ The Marlon county court has pur­ ened by the bear, dropped to the The whole neighborhood was chased a new concrete mixer and here­ ground. He did not see the animal grieved to learn of the death of little after no small bridge« will be built of until It was 25 feet away. Billie McQulnnon Monday at Walter wood. The old wooden bridges will Fortyfoothlgh sand dunes moving vllle. He was the grandson of William | be replaced with concrete culverts. 25 or 30 feet s year threaten to de­ Byler. Mr and Mrs. McQuinn both I formerly resided here prior to their ! Contracts for the Installation ol stroy central Oregon's "lost forest. ornamental street lighting on Klamath » , four m„ e.^ u sre tract of pine timber marriage. avenue and for the 14th sewer unit in the isolated Interior of Lake county, were awarded by ordinances passed more than 30 miles distant from the V-s«ta fi-om Mircola—Fred Schrtder by Ibe Klamath Falls city council. 1 Paulina mountain timber belt. Some of Marcóla, was a visitor in this city Extensive limestone deposits have of the dunes have reached the out­ on Monday been found In the Black Butte quick­ skirts of the miniature forest. silver mine In southern Lane county. From present Indications, the apple It Is eaid the deposits are sufficient trop in Oregon will be considerably FOX to warrant commercial development larger than last year and may doeely E V. Mathews of Fossil waa killed, approach the good crop of 1923. Pro­ and Dan E. Flory, also of Fossil, was duction in the Hood River valley prom Injured when their automobile crashed lees to be nearly normal this season. Into a Columbia Gorge auto stage near In the Rogue river valley a large apple Warrendale on the Colombia highway. crop Is expected in alternate seasons The Oregon strawberry crop this and this is the year of heavy produc­ year was estimated by the depart tion. went of agriculture at 13.230.000 quarts The Consolidated Oregon Gold on an area of 9450 acres, as agalmtt Mines, Inc., has completed construc­ 14,700,000 quarts on 10.500 acres last tion of a 6u-ton flotation and amalga year. • mation mill at Snow Creek mine, lVx A pledge of cooperation In the ef­ miles west of Granite. The mill was fort to bring the 1931 convention ol immediately put into operation on a the state department of the American one-shift basis. A new boarding bouse Legion to Roseburg has been given and an assay office are being built Umpqua post by the Roseburg cham and new assay equipment is being in stalled. her of commerce. A union high 'school building will be erected at Lowell, near Eugene, at a cost of $35.000. The voters of Lowell. Signal. Eula, Warner. Unity and Fall Creek met and voted by a large ma­ jority in favor of the bonds. The secretary of state apportioned among the various counties In Ore­ gon a total of »56,249 43 for county fair purposes. The tax for county fairs is one-twentieth of a mill, based on ail assessable property in the state. Herbert Beyers, manager of the Douglas County Turkey Growers’ as sociation, was named one of the 32 delegates from the weatern half of the United States selected to appear be­ fore the federal farm board at Sail Lake City, to assist in formulating 1 plaDS for the ,orMatlon <* P™ posed Northwest Turkey Growers' as- ¡ sociation. It will soon be as difficult to get a lunch in Bly, as for the well-known camel to lope through the eye of s needle. Three lunch rooms in that southern Oregon village were ordered | padlocked for a year by United States District Judge McNary for violation of the national prohibition law. No I one shall be in the places during the year, hut the fixtures must remain in the rojma. Th,s Famous Hotpoint Coming SUNDAY This Is your greatest opportunity to get Automatic eUetrlc Cookery In a beautiful all white enamel Hot­ point Range. It Is the newest Hotpoint model manufac­ tur'd and we have been able to obtain It for our stores EXCLUSIVELY. Being the first model we have ever ob­ tained for our customers exclusively, we have priced It at a most astounding low figure during thia campaign. THE MARKETS Portland Wheat—Big Bend bluestem, »1.1«; The Rogue river valley one-crop •oft white, western white, »1.03; strawberry yield has suffered a loss hard w-lnter, northern spring, western of at least 50 per cent, according to red, »1.01. growers, as a result of continued cold Hay Alfalfa, »20 per ton; valley and wet weather. However, the one- timothy. »20.50021; eastern Oregon crop berry in the valley Is planted only timothy. »22.50023; clover. »17; oat for barrelling, while the ever-bearing hay, »16; oats and vetch, »16017. varieties are planted for market, and Butterfat—27 0 30c. with Intensive Irrigation the ever-bear Egga- Ranch. 20©24c. Ing will make a heavy crop until late Cattle—Steers, good, »11011.75. next fall, which will overcome the losa Hogs—Good to choice, »9.50011. to the early crop. Lambs—Good to chod«, »80S. Because of uncertain market condi •cattle W heat- Soft white, western whits, tions Marlon cornty cherry growers are planning to establish a maraschino hard winter, western r*t m x Cattle—Choice steers, »11 O il.to Hog»—Prim« light. »11.K01LM. Lam be— Choice, »80S. Spokane Cattle- Steers, good, 1100154«. Hogs -G ood to choice, »10.75. Lamb«—Medium to good, »8 O lig ■ary tor me protection of their in | te rests. The Jackson County Game Prote« tlve association will oppose the grant Ing of permits for the construction oi any power dams In the Rogue river oi the taking of water for any purpose other than Irrigation, that will reduce the stream flow. — Our Exclusive Model —The Greatest Offer in Our History DOW N FOX REX FRIDAY and SATURDAY H O O T G IB S O N In "TRIGGER TRICKS" To give every customer an opportunity to buy thia new Range we have arranged for the easiest of terro —ONLY »10.00 DOWN AND $7.75 A MONTH WILL PUT THIS RANGE INTO YOUR HOME COMPLETELY IN­ STALLED. Be sure to see our store displays of this Hot­ point Range during this offer. It Is the GREATEST OPPORTUNITY you have ever had to buy an Electric Range at thia GREAT SAVING. As soon as thia m . n .