T ry the H o m t P r in t Shop F trat THE SPRINGFIELD NEWS TWENTY-SEVENTH YEAR. SPRINGFIELD. l-ANE COUNTY. OREGON- Planes Coming School Teachers TABAGCO ADS «01 SO To Municipal Port Vacations Varied SUBJECT 10 LAW Biggest Air Circus Ever As­ sembled in West Will be C ty Attorney Tells Counoilmen Here in July. That Suggested Cigarette Ad­ Fifty airplane* of different type«, vertising Ordinance Has been piloted by many ramou« aviators, »III Held Unconstitutional by the visit Springfield In July under the High Courts. , auspice« , . of thn American Aero- Academic Work and Travel to Fill Vacation Periods for Some Faculty Members THURSDAY, Suicide “The People's Paper" A LIVE NEWSPAPER • N A LIVE TOWN JUN k T x T w T I No. 23 Honesty Urged at Senior Graduation L ELECTIOKSMONDÎÏ Success, to be Worth While, Must be Based on Truth Special Tas Levy of $2,000 to and Sincerity of Purpose be Sought for Development of Progress was the keynote of the commencement sddre*. which Dr. ! F'yi"« Fl* 'd; On,y On# John it Mei, professor of political testant in School Poll at the science at the University of Oregon, City Library. Most of the Springfield school ' teacher* will apend their vacation months traveling or attending sum mer school at various educational | nautical »<>«1.1 y. .«cording to an Institutions. It » . . learned lest week Tobacco advertising on bill board, delivered to n* graduating class of _ __r1"' ' I eareem eui signed by the airport l , f ter . |M)11 had hw>n , , ken . , hp the Springfield h.gh school st the V° le™ * 8pr,n«fle,d be toked cannot he prohibit ted by ordinance, M P eterses told the <,"n,n'" e« K «*'« ">»» 1 N ew . to aac.rtoln jua. how the In- Methodist church on Friday evening. 10 caat the,r ballots at two city city attorney I s . M o n d ay nf«h ? Z T T " ’ P' " n'*" I dM du" g o ing .p e n d Fprlngfleld count "Every member of this graduating p,ect*on’ nest Monday, June 18 The meeting after th class wilt go out Into the world, per- regular school election will be held c men a Washington on an educational lo u r : High school teachers will continue diaruasrd the subject raised by the haps leave their home town, but they at the public library between the for the benefit Of the general public, studying for advanced degree, and sdclphia college girl, le-tt Methr Qne 8cha her vacation period a. her home and sent at the council meeting, and lie airport In a three hour performance. CONDITIONS IN EAST IN into a larger college, the college of Beals, whose term has expired, and at a summer home near McKensh- sa d that hl* company would he glad life of which everyone in all parti for a 8choo, c,crk The airport committee egpect to brldge. .She will work on a problem LETTER TO H. WHITNEY to cooperate with the < ounrll In of the world are members," he con- raise about lin o to defray the expcn.te for her master's thesis. Miss May June 10, the final date on which «llmlnutlng «otlie of the ohjectlotithle W. It. Davis, Springfield's chief of tmued. "The day when we could of the tour here by charging for ilew es will spend the summer In prospective candidates could have copy, but could not consent to an llv? atone bas gone. Modern develop­ polit« , on a leave of absence and who parking spate at the field. It Is Springfield. filed their petitions with the school agreement whereby cigarettes would .Miss Luctle Holman is not derided, al present is ou a barnstorming tour ments have made it imperative that clerk, passed without any new can­ thought that the appearance of so Bn| be advertised Pictures of young we cooperate, work together and many planes will draw thousands but will probably attend summer of eastern stales riding in motor­ didates entering the field. This leave* women smoking cigarettes or sug to Hprlngfield This Is the greatest school M l* Clara Wagner Is also un- cycle race* for the Harley Davidson learn from one another." F. B. Flanery, as the only candidate resting cigarettes wore most objected Urge* Sincerity and Honesty array of airplanes ever assembled In ,1*,l'lectl<»n board wlU sit eastern states. He complains that the purpose. councilman agreed that earn carnival ' University. New York City. here and the polls will be open be- EVERYTHING WAS IN applying for admlaslon In future* Glenn Martin will spend the first fishing Is not so fasduating in their Large Crowd Present tW‘“>n the hour8 of 8:0« »• m- and ROSE SHOW PARADE would he cloaelv scrutinised for ob­ A erowd which taxed the seating S:0° F m ' as Provided by law. part of the summer at his home at lakes as It Is in the rivers here. Davis also comments on the finan­ jectionable features, c p c c ia liy g into- j HELD LAST FRIDAY Creswell. He Is planning a motor capacity of the Methodist church Fund* sought in the special city ling devices. trip to the middle western stales cial condition of the automobile man gathered for the final program of the election are needed at once to corn- Two ht'iidred children and many later in the summer. Ernest McKIn- ufacturlng regions. Wages are much graduating class. Many were forced plete the work on runways, which times as man* roses aud other flo- neY !«$• In Bprlngfield _ _ and ___ will ____ lower than they used to be, and the „ to ____ MRS VINA McLEAN DIES stand in the hallway or sit on the are now under way at the flying wurs held full sway on Main street "Pvnd his vacation working for an | factorle* arp not employing as many stairways. field. The only long runway, which Is AT PORTLAND WEDNES. Hast t men as formerly. Friday afternoon during the an automobile concern In Eugene. Nellie Wright gave the salutatory completed and which has been parti- Mrs. Mary Walker will attend the I ------------------------------ Mrs. Vina McLean, pioneer resl- n u al p a ra d e o f th e Rose show, which address. and Evelyn Buell gave the aI,Y graveled, must be completely ons a t th e University LOCAL COUPLES ELOPE; deni of Springfield, died at Portland ! had b**n ,MM,"“ ,",-d *«"» 'I'ue.d.y «umniiT session* valedictory for her classmates. She rr . c‘ or<**n& hers given on the program, and D. J. viced If the port Is to pay Its way i the day. Richard Flanery wag tho '‘‘•’I'respondence work at the Unlver- eetller* In this vicinity. She I* sur­ ' Beals, chairman of the school board, after It Is developed, and all effort* Following this K,,Y- Miss Edna K Platt will spend vived by her son Fred, and By one ( royal train bearer presented the diplomas, while ushers are now being bent towards the de- royal party were the mem tiers of the I ,l,f' summer In Springfield. Mr$. A. brother. (’, M. Wilier. carrled In large baskets and bouquet* velopment of such facilities. One of health group Prise winners In this ! *-• Robert* will attend the University Mrs Mi lx-»n was a graduate of the of flowers for the members of the the most important steps In thi* de­ University of Oregon and taught group were Joy and Bobby llebhan. 1 Oregon summer sessions and will in ac««- Phetleplace. Frances at Rattlesnake, near Pleasant Hill, Pink roses banked against a green of land lying along the McKenxl* s*ra- Crystal Male will attend sum which has since been abandoned. nell as twins, and Peggy Wright aa Mrsc Steen Is the daughter of Dr. background, hung from the platform highway which are needed for th* n,er school and will visit several Fhe later taught at the old Spring- a butterfly girl. and Mrs W. H. Pollard. She has directly In front of the class during housing of hangars and servte* Ribbons In the doll and buggy Oregon lakes. Mlsa Thelma Sweeney flehl Rchonl, near the alte of the pre­ Just graduated from the local high the program. buildings could be obtained without sent: high achnnl building, and Kt group were awarded lo Dorothy and w111 R,aT' work at the Oregon Normal schoot Mr. Steen is a son of Mr. and ___________________ _ MllV f,na„ci .l outlay bv the city. Joan Ward, lxyls Mae Rodenbough. ■ H<'ho,,l «1 Monmouth next week. rmnna, Goshen and Wendllng. ” : a"d ha> ’ BIBLE DRAMATICS w ° rk is expected to start soon on t h . Glenn B. Wood, principal at the k been S»ie wa* a member of the Methodist Howard Neet and Kenneth Gillette. employed at the local Stanley construction of a first class se rv lc. In the tricycle group awards were 1 Hrattaln school, will spend most of COURSE BEING GIVEN; store. Church, the Neighbor* of Woodcraft station, after which the present summer In Medford and southern of Eugene, and of the Springfield »mi by Uraydon Lewis. Eugene Fulop PROGRAM NEXT FRIDAY buildings will he moved back closer Mrs. Stanley Is the daughter of Mr. ! MI hr Peddlcortl, and Chester Shuey. J GreA°n- He Is also planning a short Rebekah lodge. to the road and the development of and Mrs. Fred Spencer of this city, i Barbara Ketels. Joan McFarland. n’o,or to“v Into Waahlngton He will The funeral will he held tomorrow Clive Stanley is the son of Mr. and ' , ThJ rty ",x <’hlldrf'n have enrolled , he ftp,,, ,8 e]tDe{.,e(J to get under way afternoon at 2:00 o'clock from the Marylln Moon, and Bonnie Murplyy , "P«ner. Irene Harper. Mra. Jim Cooley, Richardson, Buford Holveraon Rob­ mother, Mrs. Ella Walker, who also ring her own lunch basket. The af- ; of many parts of the Bible. rlck, Mrs. Pearl Schantol. and Mrs. Gl.i«lys Cooley, Mrs. A iley Cooley, erta Putman and Vera Pierce won observed the fifty-third anniversary C. O. Wilson will have charge of the fair will be open to the husbands of , Mrs. Daisy Hills, Mrs. Roy Walker, ribbons In the pet division of the of her own wedding on Tuesday. th* members. program, and Mrs. L. L. May and Mrs. D. A. R. WILL DESTROY OLD W s. Clarence Simon, Mrs. A. D. parade. Attending the couple were Ml** A. J. Morgan will have charge of the The secretary was Instructed to Campbell, Mis. N. A. Rowe. Mrs. FLAGS NEXT SATURDAY Uarol Cha*e a* maid of honor, and a Each child In the parade received refreshments. send a vote of thanks to the Kirk­ Vara Root, Mrs. C. B. Howard, Miss an Ice cream cone nt the conclusion ______ brother of Mr. Adam* as best man. A11 former matrons and patrons land Floral company Chase Gardens, Melba Mellon, Mrs.- Dan Stewart, Mra of the parade. The burning of old American flags The bridesmaid* were Misses Gladys now living In this vicinity are Invited Woodruff's nursery, and to the j will be one of the most interesting Walker, Iowa Carlton. Elsie Walker, Wade Palmer, Miss Ruby Palmer, and urged to attend this meeting re­ mice in ih n b°r hP r R,‘ ovontg >n the meeting of the Eugene Elizabeth Hughes, and Margaret Hal- Mrs. Helen Spray, of Cottage Grove. MOTHER'S BIRTHDAY IS gardless of where they served In their ante tn the Rose show held last c h apter of the Daughter* of the sey They Mrs. Everad Chase, Miss Juanita wore gowns of different official capacities. week. The show was a financial suc­ OCCASION FOR MEETING Hoatllng, Miss Bendy Jacobson, Mrs. American Revolution, which is to be pastel shades of chiffon and carried a cess, according to the officers of the William James, of Creswell, Miss held at the home of Mrs. C. O. Wilson bouquet of sweet peas. Little Joyce Miss Margaret Halsey entertained WALTERVILLE YOUTH club. Funds taken In were more than Pearl McMullen nud Mrs. Cowart. on Emerald Heights on Saturday af Stearns was the flower girl. Byron Wednesday evening, June 4, with a * nough to make expenses, so the DIES AT HOME MONDAY ladies have decided to purchase a ternoon at 2:30. This meeting will be Chase and Nancy Ann Chase bore the surprise party for her mother, In th«- final one of the season, according bridal train of white lace and n e t FAVILLE LIONS SPEAKER honor of tho latter’s birthday. The Billie Nell McQutn six year old son 1 p,ece of fnm lture for tholr room at h> Mr8 Wilson and a program Is be- Rev. Ralph Mulholland, pastor at hall. AT FRIDAY- LUNCHEON j evening was spent playing gnmes and of Mr, and Mrs. F F. MeQuln. McQnln. ot ot I ,hp r,,n>n»>nlty " 1111 ,y nal1- | I, ing prepared for the occasion. the Baptist church, performed the _____ I refreshments wore served at a late W alterrllle, died at his home there | A 'lower show featuring glndlolas Anyone having old American flage ceremony and Norton Pengra sang David R. Favillo, dean of the school * hour. on Monday nfter a brief Illness, He is being planned for next fall by the which have outlived their usefulness two solos, one of which was I Love of business administration at the Those attending wore Mrs. Guy Is survived by his parents, a brother, club members. • may bring them to the meeting and You Truly. Wilfred Kirk, Paul University of Oregon, wns the princi­ llalsny, Mrs. Charles Myers, Doris Lloyd, and a grandfather, William Seven new members were taken In | they will be destroyed during the af- Homer Chase and Harry Chase pal speaker at tho weokly luncheon Myers, Mrs. W. J. Scott, JoMl Scott, Eyler, of Thurston. the club at the Tuesday meeting. ternoon. ushers. mooting of the Tdons. which wns held Mrs. E. Walker, Gladys Walker, Mrs. Private funeral services were held They are Mrs. Julius Fulop, Mrs. Earl A reception for the member* Of tha laHt Friday noon. He spoke on com­ Fran*, Mr*. Mod* Catching, Mrs. at the Mt. Vernon cemetery on Tues­ Thompson, Mrs. M. A. Rice, Mrs. Will San Diego People Here — Captain two families wes held at the mercial aviation. S. 8. George, state Neet, Mr*. Noah Heltorhrand, Mrs. day afternoon at 2:00 o'clock with Maybe, Mra. Gerloch, Mrs. W. A. and Mrs. F. O. Crowell, of San D iego,! of Mr*. Kila Walker immediately floV commander of the American Legion, E. E. Fraedrlck, Mrs. Wooley, Miss Rev. Harry Benton officiating. The Taylor and Mrs. Frank Ixtgan. An are visiting In m is city with Mrs. lowing the ceremony after whleh tfea srlll be the sp««*ker at the meeting Edna Platt, Mr*. John Halsey, and Veatch fonerai home had charge of interesting Initiation program was Orowell-a parents, Mr. and Mra. John I eonple M t for a wedding trip tp a* tomorrow. the boat***. the arrangement*. "“, r held. F. Ketela. , t ? r ; """ iinaaaoanoed place,