4 nice Barnes. Wimer Chase. Roscoe MANY STU D EN TS GIVEN Cole. Holland Farnsworth. Gordon p r o c r r T A T - r c a in a a.ese- j Gillette. Floyd Green Florence May. PERFECT ATTENDANCE MANY LOCAL STUDENTS PASS SEVEN TH GRADE C ER TIFIC A TES TUESDAY STATE GEOGRAPHY TEST Margarvt Meek. Stephen Rice. Vila Weight. Geneva Wyvoff, Elisabeth Flora B«rtsch. a pupil In the Ural Nume« of Sprlngflvld stiif P-rfect attendance Monday by K J M oon. county school Attendance ice for Last Grade Attendance—-Roy Crandall. Charles ; ° r *n‘‘r* abd ’ *> « , superintendent. The Hat also contains —.. Oren ~ ---- . Lansberv. . — . ... Period; More Nantes on List Vchytll. Delore» Nice. the same time has been on the honor ! a few names of eighth graders who Than Usual for Final Term. Marjorie Johnson, Wllmlna Spriggs. roll for excellent scholarship for dW not pass the geography examine China Id Kendall. Hazel Stafford. each period of the year which ha» lions last year and who had to take them again this year before they More children have their names on Lloyd Harris. Frances Keeler, How­ Just closed. Lxjulsa Cowden. In the fifth II grade eould graduate. . the honor rolls at the various grade ard Frltta, Jo Lana Putman. Druclle The Springfield pupils who are on schools of the city this six weeks t'gelvle. Jean Louk. Delores Casteel. has the honor of having a perfect at tendance for the year, and of having the list follow Easel Adams. John period, the last of the present school Hasel Nesbitt. been on the honor roll for the entire Dnle Adams. Lorna Chase. Harlan year, than la usually the case for LINCOLN SCHOOL second sem ester Duncan. Ethel lla.i, Olga Hrrnrhok, corresponding periods In previous FIRST GRADE years. Teachers attribute thia to the «vnmirwnie—Minna nancy Other students at the Lincoln Edward Hyatt. Thelma Llpea, Charles Scholarship—Gloria oertscn. Bertsch. Nancy fact that the spring has been cool Davis, Clover Jean Cox. Olive Johan- achool who have attended school Maxwell. Velma IVddlcord. Ruth . ---- -- . Merell. . .. .. or and wet. There have no been so many ---- sen. ’ June Feggy ------- Wright. »iip iiy, without a day's ---- absence ---- — — - — — • any tardi- vwui- Hillard. Viola Robertson. Edna Sever- bright warm days to detract the Gladys Pedersen. Billy Dawson. Sid- nea* during the past year and who son. Dlsque Smith. Ray Smith. Allen children from their school work, ney Want. Betty Virginia Sherman received certificates to that effect on Sneed, lama Stafford. Dale Thomaa, with the result that more of them Lora Thurman Attendance — Juanita Rurnham, * uesday were: Bonney Findlay, Shir- Marlon Thompson. ».era inurman. have their namee on the list for high Flora Bertsch. Betty Marie Ford. •*>' Haack. Dave Smith, Isyl Kseler. Stanley Wilkes. Edwin Miller. Mary scholarship. Peggy Fritts. Lorraine Peddlcord. He,en Putman. Irma Wetxel. Leon Young Franklin Wardlow, Vera lam o m o c.i «eeo> io. me i Betty Virginia Sherman. Fern Sldwell ard Peeocsl, Shirley Seavey. Bessie ho- Ellen Cox. Lucille Davis. Wlnl last period goes to the sixth grade at I peg«y Wright. Sidney Ward. Billy Cox. Dorothy Nice. Harold Gillette. Tred Fran«. Evelyn Gormley, Faye the Brattain. which is taught by G IMwson. Donald Hughes. Fritts Smlt- Carl Stevenson, Dick Wright. Elsie Holverson. Mils Johnson. Margaret B. Wood. There are 1» enrolled In son Beals. Charles Cole. Olga Hrynchuk. J»rrelt. Wilma Llpea, Mildred Mor this class, and the percent of attend : SBCOND GRADE Donovan Montgomery. Evelyn John- *an- I-averne Pugh. Ruth Stratton, a sce as 99.4 per cent. Scholarship—Alberta Keeler. Beryl 80n- Mary Smltson. Edna Severson, Loraine Webb. Joan Seavey, Mar- The lists for the Lincoln and the ! Roberl8on- I»®*8 Evans. Dorothy Jean Adams. Margaret Haack Eve garat llaark. Fay Squires. Woodward .Stew art. Shirley Haack. Bobby Pol- *yn Bacas. w .™ n.,»i, \i... Ware. Hugh Malhany, txiule Tuhy, Brattain schools follow lard. Arthur Prochnow. Frank Stuart. Students at the Brattain schoo. Antone Vchytll. Kenneth Walker. BRATTAIN SCHOOL lie dropped onto the false scaffolding BRIDGE D ISM ANTLING and taken apart. PROGRESSING RAPIDLY A great deal of labor la required In the dismantling of the bridge, says Mr Pierce Each section of the steel bridge when being taken down means the removal of more Ilian <0 holts and pins, most of which have rusted so badly that they can only be remove-1 by cutting them Fully (w othlrds of the old bridge i across the Willamette river lias been taken down and piled about on either side of (he river A few more weeks of good weather will see the complete removal of (he top par! of the bridge, and then the floor will be 1 ?*1 rilm S For Your Camera Sum m er time I n here and ulno the bent time for taking pictures. We have * large anaortment of brand new fltiua and are pre|»ared to offer you good service in DEVELOPING YOUR FILMS and printing your pleturea. expect the beat pictures. If you line our aervice you can FLANERY’S DRUG STORE TH E REXALL STORE William's Self Service Store A tte n d an c e— P earl F le tc h e r, A lber w" n ,b e c e rtific a te s Include I > 1 , W rig h t, W illard X rs lm . C arl I FIRST GRADE ta Keeler. Dorothy Mulligan. Jeanette Barbara Barnell. Bernice Barnes. Stevenson, Irvin Darr. James Gott, Scholarship—June Mulholland Donna Sween* ‘y- Earl Harwood. Lawrence »’’“fence May, Margaret Meek. Floyd Juanita Wilson ■ Attendance—Bob Adams 77 EAST BROADWAY EUGENE Gr',*n. Gene Ernest. Bobbie Bennett Harold Harwood. Har’ ° “d Leona Ware. Ray Daniels. urw“ n' Stephen Rice, Rice. Ila Putman. Hitman --------------------------- n _____ 1 . r-w s. ....... ........................... __ r« I .4 I I _____a . _____ . Conrad Dorothy Flanery Ethel Ruth Bonnle F,ndl'fy Willard House. Merle C1,ftord Hornberger. Helen Lyon., FRIDAY'S RAIN SH R IN K S Fulop. Blllv Haack. George Horton J N ,ce' Arthur P™ hnow . Bobby Pol- » ’ “ fy «’base Roberta Putman. Jack GUARDSMEN'S UNIFORMS SERVE YOURSELF AND SAVE ON T H E FOLLOW ING June Mulholland Mulholland I lard- Bobby Pugh. Dave Smith. Ray » ‘•«'key. Marlon Phalr. Bob Adam*. June Moore. Shirley Haack. Ruth Phalr, and George Horton. Getting their all wool uniforms SECOND GRADE FOURTH A GRADE O. N. T. Sewing Thread, 7 spools soaking wet while returning from the 25c Scholarship—Harold Miller, Chea- Pebeco Tooth Paste, 50c size Scholarabip— Edgar Trotter. Doris H. S. SENIORS HEAR Memorial Day exercises at the Ixturel 31c ter Schiewe. Eugene Fulop. Boyd Hickory Garters. 50c value NECESSITY FOR GOOD Grove cemetery on Friday, came near 37c Johnson. Emma Grace Meakin*. Mae | Collins. Muriel Tyson Colgate's Tooth Paste. 25c value being a tragedy for some of the 18c EtUu Moor. Marion Phair. Irene 1 Attendance — Irma eW tsell. Muriel FOUNDATION IN LIFE I Tyson. Helen Putman. Mary Purcell. Listerine Tooth Paste, 25c value guardsmen when they looked at their 18c Ge: her. Hind's Honey and Almond Cream, 50c value The necessity of laying a good au,,a the day after when they dried 33c Attendance— Emm» Grace Meakins. | ! Rose Ogden. Barbara Nealon. Isyl Ruth Hapner. Frank Bllck foundation tui Men’s 2.20 weight Bib Overalls 89c Sydney Westphal. Delton Horton, ,'Keeler, f — ■ ------ - — for tun future growth and th« Those whose uniforms had been the Pond's Cold Cream Norina Rust. Moon. Dallas 23c »Mirina n tu i. Mae k Etta i u i . m ood , L K&lLas 1 Rob<‘rt K w “, n ' Edgar ” — Trotter. Leon- greater necessity of having this i wettest had shrunk so that the men .4 n i P lir .'e * ! ! fa th a n v J -.1 Knight. Chester Schiewe. Bruce ' ,rd P* rceI1- 8 0 b V Mathany, Donald ............. -------------- .. nwssas® wu »Ul'II IUQU1 Men’s 12-ounce Canvas Gloves, pair get - -----— Into them - A .wvwi local tauvi tailor foundation resting on such funds could ~ not — 11c Genuine Pigskin Faced Gloves, pair Maxey. Bvron Mathany, Marion Phair. ouae’ Bert Currie. Gordon Baldwin, metal principles as are only to be wa* bu»>’ the first part of the week 38c Men's Dress Felt Hats Andrew Gott. Irvin Burnham. . . F1FTH B GRADE found in the Bible was toU to the damP’,nln* the uniforms and stretch $1.98 Regular 10c Shoe Polish THIRD QRADE Scholarship—Louisa Cowden, Ethel graduating class of the Springfield ln< ,hem bark ,o ,b,,|r normal site 5c Jet Oil Shoe Polish Scholarship — Peter Chase. Bobbie ° Ott' Sadle Gott' .n'lth school at their baccalaureate befor« pressing them. 10c Men’s Plaid Cotton Socks, pair 15c Phair. Junior EndlcolL Daniel Me- j Attendance—Alice Bates. June Berg, exercises which were held at the ------------------- ---------- w w cu, ovboic ..u u u .o i cuurvn Ralph COMMENT IS HEARD ON Cornack, Billy Nesbitt. Lawrence — Louisa w Cowden. Bessie v.o», Cox. L.ucuie Lucille « Methodist church wim with ttev. Rev . Infants' Wool Sweater Cape 98c Children's Play Oxfords, pair Val- ' Mulholland, pastor n of t the Springfield ohv'ui. Gerber. Ethel Gott, G o tt. Sadie S a d ie r Gott. .n n Mulholland nuat.vr ___ _________ Thompson. Violet bteele, Phyllis 98c C EM ETERY APPEARANCE Children's Sweaters eria Koch, Shirley Seavey, Maxine Baptist church delivered the address. Westphal. Women's Rayon Hose, pair Attendance — John AvitL Frank VaUier. Elixabeth Wardlow. Edward Many favorable comments have One must have high Ideals to ac­ Children's Cotton Hose, pair Bennett, Louis Biery, Peter Chase. Bllck. LaVerne McPherson. Harold complish great things, said the speak­ been heard the past few days about! Women’s Cotton Hose, pair Jack Heckey. Frank Howes. Norman Gillette. er, who urged his youthful audience the Improver! appearance of the Men’s Work Socks, 3 pair Laurel Grove cemetery this year. Nealon, Billy Nesbitt, Robert Nice, JUNIOR HIGH to set their goals high and to use the Men's Athletic Union Suits Harold Trotter. Dean Wilson, Carl Scholarship — Charles Cole. Lucile Bible as the foundation for their Fred Walker says that no special Women's Rayon Bloomers work has been done lately, but that Blick. AI -e Chase. Margaret Horn Davis, Evelyn Gormley. Margaret future progress. Women's Rayon Princess Slips berger. Ro -erta Putman, B ettie Cur- Jarrett, Wilma Lipes. Hugh Mathany, Rev. C. J. Pike, pastor of the Meth- the clearing of the underbrush on the Men's Work Shirts rfe, Louise Jinnar. Phyllis Westphal. Mildred Morgan. Ruth Stratton. Mar- odist church, offered the Invocation , whl, b *•" Mercerized Shoe Lacos. 2 pairs s e x te t o h lv h school girls in don* "- ‘"upled with thr an Carmel Waddell. raret Haack. Pearl Wills, Faye Strat- and and a a sextet of f high , **“ , . f’ " Men's Khaki Pants, pair FOURTH GRADE Harlan Duncan, Olga Hrynchuk, the sophomore and freshman C asses n,"‘ Women’s House Dresses Scholarship— Wanetta Neet. Henry v?ln,a Peddlcord. Disque Smith, Dale sang two numbers. ° f ,h ’ ,ndl’ ldu»l O'»»*» b«< mad« Small Turkish Towe's J |T U -S V W iuvu tuaiiKi decided change ln the appenranre of Chase. Donna Jean Severson. Darel Tboma». Edna June Severson, Ruth Their selections were Trees and cemetery 22x44 Turkish Towels, 5 for Orr, Patsy Patmore, Tommy Uchytu. 8 °b ar,l. Clair Hadley, Verlln Posey, Teach Me to Pray^ Members of the #Iw. y, y-ry f|n<> Children's Button Waists Attendance — Gayle Chase. Mary Mary Smltson. sextet were Leola Oates. Juma May. tlB e of thH yelir - h„ Boys' Elastic Waist Overalls Attendance—Carl Stevenson. Dick Lansbery. Marjorie McPherson, Wan Dori» Cha«»*, Blanche Bates. Knim i ----- ------------ ______ _ w Boys' Fast Color Blouses ............................... ....... o w w « . »ww»y "'right. Elsie Beals. Charles Cole. W etta Neet. Wvetta Spriggs. Teddy Trlnka, and Lela Squires. NEARLY KILLED BY GAS Boys’ Fast Color Shirts Wright, Edna June Yarnell, Donna . Olga Hrynchuk. Donovan Montgom- ___________________ — DRUGGIST SAVES HER Chinese Hand Embroidered Handkerchiefs, each Jean Se F es Cornell. , erv- H°ro‘by Nice. Evelyn Johnson, M n T W F D « ’ n n o aare-w -c “Gas on my stomach was so 'nd It 1 Black Heel Rayon Hose, pair Helen Ly us I! - r Chase. Harold Mar> Smltson. Edna Severson. EsseM I * LLUH M EETS W IT H M R S W N r n s s i c o n‘‘arl» killed me. My druggist told Bridge Lamps, complete Wl n M K s . W . N . GOSSLER me about Adlerika. The ges 1« gone Foss. Hobart lip: a!»-, gar. Freddie A dams, Margaret Haack, Evelyn Wood Frame Suit Case Baeu< now an'l I feel fine." Mrs. A. Adsmek. Neet. Henry I'rb II Tommie Uchy- Women’s Hat Cases Discussion of the book. Drifting Simple glycerin. bu< IChorn, ¡.¿In«. til, Leroy Wll'lrro- Floyd Cornell. Women's Felt Slippers, pair Homes, by Ernest R. Groves, occu- etc- aa mixed In Adleriku, helps 5A GRADE CHASE GARDENS OFFERS Men’s Leather Romeos Pled the time of the members of the , GAS S on stomach stoniarh In ,n 10 minutes' m inute,' Most j Scholarship — Lillian Butler. Ruth AD D ITIO N A L FAIR PRIZES Mothers club Monday evening when b T i d l e r l U ^ V ^ B O T h ' u ^ r Child's Play Overalls Keeler, Jeau Llovd. Muriel Patmore. -- ,h e>' »«re entertained at the home of and lower bowel, removing poisonous Florence Roberts, Bernice Smith. h .r v dollars in prizes, including a Mrs. W. N. Gossler. Present were w&*te you never knew wa« there W HY PAY MORE TH A N WE ASK? Juan Stratton. ... x „ 8i rer loTin* C“P wil> be given by the Mrs. Clarence Chase. Mr, Laurence Relleve" constipation In 2 hours. It Attendant— 6 , ott W ngh'. Junior Chase Gardens for the best individual Moffitt Mrs. A I LaSalle and Mr. w“ ‘ btienhauer, Neal Pederson. Clifford vegetable displays at the Lsne county Downs, of Eugene? Mr, Clayton Bar- Hornberger. Earl House. Ralph Hick- fair, according to an announcement ber. Mrs. W. N Dow and the hostess DaVe f^reon made 'h‘‘ bV M,“ * ‘ ''had' ' The nex' mee,ln« * '» b« b«ld »» X Ta T " - ' fa'r ,,ecreU ry' Tb*‘ e“P » ‘'I b« , June 16. at the borne of Mrs W N Stratton, Bernice Smith, Florence i given for the best individual collec- Dow Roberts. Un Putman. Ruth Keeler, lion of vegetables. Including acvru seven nr or w “O'-— .uciuu.u^ Marjorie Jolfffe. Jennie Jackson. Lyle more varieties. AH displays taking D ip lo m as R ead y Hyatt, Mary Batts. Louise Cogill, first prize In the potato »nd general The diplomas for the writing class Lillian Butler. vegetable division will be awarded at the Lincoln school have arrived 6 B GRADE additional prizes of the same amount and can be had at the home of Mrs. Scbclarah.p—Barbara Barnell, Rol- a , listed on the premium book The Ella Lombard, corner of C and 9th land Farnsworth, Florence May, Mar , prizes are being offered as an Incen- streets. The diplomas arrived too late garet Meek. Lois Wilson ; five for more and better vegetable for distribution before school ex­ Attendance— Barbara Barnell. Ber- ' displays. pired. according to Mr«. Lombard. FREE ^ For Limited Time Only Act Now! Take Advan­ tage of This Offer gm'P''i’1»' you —Flanery's Drug Leonard Refrigerators at a Decided Saving in Price Thrifty housewives will be delighted at the Savings and the I art» a assortment of different styles to choose from. Models to fit every wo? man s purse. Come early before the best values are sold. Priced at With Each Yearly Subscription to $14.75, $17.75, $23.75, $26.50, $29.75, $52.50 The Springfield News 5 0 0 lbs. ICE FREE we will give 50 Green Trading Stamps W IT H EACH REFRIGERATOR OVER $20.00 ICE will be delivered by Springfield Creamery m akers of Maid O’ Cream Producta Wright & Sons