THURSDAY. JUNK 5, 1930 TOW N AND V IC IN IT Y BAND COMPOSED OF COAST STAGE LINES SCHOOL CHILDREN CONSOLIDATED TO FORM MAY BE ORGANIZED NEW GREYHOUND LIKES Form ar Raaidant H . r . - O d o r e *'«» * » » • « Announcement waa made last IHtto. o f Portland, w . . « week end “ b° ” ' ch" ‘, r ’ n '» t* n" "»• week of the merger of sixteen of the . .. ___ acliool opena In the (nil If enough leading motor transportation com­ vlaltor In Springfield M r D itto (or h lld rrn car« to learn to play Inatru- panies on the Pacific Coast to form m arly lived here, but la now operat • a ’ urgay Visitor (• A. M:>lnn»y, ot menia and If th eir parenta w ill what ts to be known as the Pacific Ina a neighborhood grocery atnra In Mur« ola, u vialtoi In H p rlrg fleld finance them to the extent of one Greyhound Linns. "T he amazing Portland, i»h Stitunlay forenoon lesson per week. growth of the motor coach transpor­ Visitors at Shedd M r. and Mra. ; H. Lewis Baxter, enlhlualaatic band tation from a local to a nationwide W endling Man Here n oln, of Itlle y Hnodgraaa and M r and Mra. , leader, who la planning to »pend the travel Industry demanded a new W emlllng. wan a rik it or In Spring- W illiam Htearm er motored to Shedd “ • * » >*'» year» at at the University - system of unified management." stat­ f t Id during the weitlt •rrl Sunday, where they were dinner ' taking apeclal music work waa In ed T. It Wilson, president of the new Frcm Laaburg V. J. U tun t, of Ixua- guests at the horns of Mr. and Mra. Springfield thia week conaultlng with consolidation, in explaining the rea­ hurg. » m » u F i Ida? vlaitor In thia A. M Snodgraaa the principal» of the local school» and son for the union. rlty . ,, , „ »»curing the tiamea of those children W ilson la also quoted as aaylng , 7 * ' ".nd M ” **•'- “ « ' » « '» *>•» • » or- I that “ Improved unified m otor coach of »•oril.nd, returned to Springfield , a IllIa tlo n . A l . U lu r dale he w(1, Raolatar at K llta — II. Berger. ol i service, finer equipment, low er (area Mr Soul baa makH „ paril))na| ran va„ Redmond, »»« a guest at the K llta on Munday e v e n in g In many Inalancea, a »Ingle high been a,tending school In Portland ,.llllrtran-B par<.n„ . hotel during the paat weak standard of courtesy throughout the d L « J T '" n pl,”'" d ’I " ” ’ C° U,,' J' w llll« « to lei their children take lea- W a lta rv H Ia R aaidan t C a lla —• M ra en tire organization, are but a few of during the aummer. They h . v . a . U r„ be l > e (Revena. a t W a lterv llle , vlalted the benefit» motor coach patrons w ill home on Springfield H e ig h t.. and a Baod , . . rw ll o rg an ltttlo n with (rienda In bprhigllelil Munday. derive from the consolidation. Under Attend Cugana Baocalaureete Ser- : be «tarted. the name of Pacific Greyhound lines ream Marcela Mra. W II . Parla, vine— Dr. and Mr». Mortensen attend A sim ilar band at Cottage Orove v irtu a lly every com m unity now ser­ o f Marcóla, waa a Haturday shopper ed the baccalaureate services for the 1 *• tt'* ° planned. ved by motor coach lines w ill enjoy In thia city. University hlgi school at tha P re s -, T h# P,an “ outlined by M r Baxter more frequent service, better con­ lesson each nections. and In many Instance», a Cernea (rem Roaeburp- Mra. C. C. byterlan church In Kugene Sunday Provides for one paid M argaret. w"" k , ■n<* at > •••( two. and probably reduction In the cost of travel by Haynie, o( Roseburg. waa a vlaitor evening T h e ir daughter. la a member of the gradautlng class three free group letsona each week motorcoach." In Bprlagfleld on Saturday. If enough Intereat la aroused In the at the U niversity school. 7Jran»portatlon companies operat­ p ro je c t Thurston Man Calle— Charlea T a y ­ ing In Oregon which are Included In lor, of Thurston waa a Monday vlaitor PLEASANT HILL ANNUAL T h e first six weeks w ill he occu­ the merger are Pickw ick Stage Sys­ I d thia city. pied wltn a series of test lesasona to tem. C alifornia T ra n s it company PIONEER PICNIC TO determ ine the aptitude ot the child­ (Y e llo w a y ), Southern Pacific M o to r, From Vida— F A. W eed, of Vida, BE HELD ON JUNE 14th ren to play Instruments and read Transport company. Pacific Coast ’ waa a business caller In Springfield . . music. M otor Coach colhpany, Shasta T ra n , on Monday. The forty-eighth annual Pioneer ' T he tim e of the meetings and the alt company, Pacific W ages, In c , •a n d V is ite r Hare— ( ' I. Anderson, picnic w ill he held on the grounda of i place w ill he determ ined a fte r the and Oregon Stage«. of Bend, spent the paat week end with the W O. W at Pleasant HUI on canvass of the parenta has been T he consolidated lines w ill operate Saturday. June 14, 1>3D A ll form er made friends In thia city over 9.246 miles of route, have Sit- residents of Pleasant H ill and vicinity motor coaches In service and trans­ Vida Raaidant H e re - Mrs. M Curry who have moved to other parts of SPRINGFIELD BAKERY port approxim ately 400.000 passen of Vida, waa a ahopper In Springfield gera each month. m .‘ke?i’ m il* 0 ' T " HAS UNUSUAL VISITOR on Monday make In »a pirnh* an annual occasion ________ The total Investm ent w ill aggregate for getting together and v l.ltln g with 8 evar„ ¥ llltln < th „ Sprl„ . more than (10.000.000. Calls en Prlande— Mra Ira Nice, of th eir old tim e frie n d .. field bakery (>ne day ,#>( WM.k heard Thurston, spent Monday In Spring- The member» of the Young J .o p le a I an unusual nolae llke lhe ruatllng of field with friends. BOWLING ALLEY BEING and the Interm ediate Endeavor anM- p . p . r the hea(er an„ „ „ „ y , here „ „„„„ Traneaeta Bualneaa Frank M lnney. aH e. w ill h a v . charge of the picnic 4 rem arked th „ REPAIRED THIS WEEK of Vida, waa a bualneaa vlaitor In T h . day w ill be well filled with an ,n lh . , lo „ Mr dld no, ^ y W orkm en are busy thia week re­ entertaining program in t h . forenoon ’ much , t „ ntton to thelr a„ tem en, . Springfield on Monday. a n d *« haeebaJI game In the a fte r ' un„ | DOon. when he heard the nolae pairing the building which form erly From Thurston— Mrs. 8 W Rich housed the Mel B a rtle tt bowling him self. H e went to the stove to In- ardaon, of Thurston, was a visitor In There w ill be apeclal aland» on v e .tlg .te . and had hardly opened the Springfield on Monday n grounds which w ill Include S door when a common sw allow flew Vlalta N ephew M r . K. S. Bovard. lunch counter, candy stand, and Ice out. How It was able to get Into ths of Portland, aunt of K. C. Stew art, la cream ataad »to re la a m ystery to M r. Freae, un- Vialta Frlanda M a m ila , v -ih-ti on Friday. ( ’ H W illiam s, of friends In the city ■ pend lag a few days here at the home of M r. and M rs. Stuart. Fur-s eases Feed — F rank Em erick, of 'W altervllle. took home some feed for h ie stack when he waa In Spring field Monday afternoon. Salem People Here— M r. and Mre. NaAvoralck. of Salem, apent F riday at the home o f M r and M ra Henry T rla k a , o f thte city. Taooma People Here— Mr. and Mra. Buchan, of Tacoma. Washington wer» house gueata at (he home of M r, and Mrs. W. N. Ooaaler during the paat weekend. Mrs. Ooaaler la a niece of the couple. a. J C alifornia People Hare — M r. and M rs Charles Thompson and their son Dick. of W hitney. C alifornia, are spending a few days In Springfield at the home o f Mr. Thompson's parents, M r. and Mr». K K Thompson. lees It came dowa the stovepipe, 'which has two «Ihowa In It. I I took some tim e to get the bird to fin a lly desert the bakery for the wider Mias Agatha Reala, whose m arriage spaces outdoors to W illia m Xlnleher of Eugene, w ill ! - ■ - - - _________ ___ MISCELLANEOUS SHOWER H ILO FOR AGATHA BEATS allay and which was badly gulled by fire two weeks ago. A new roof-has , been built over the building and tne celling has been replaced. The bowl­ ing alleys thamaelves were badlv damaged by the w ater used in putting out the fire , and are being leveled off and made solid. N ew alleys w ill he built on top of the old ones, accord­ ing to B artlett. — ■ - REMOVAL SALE S e ll E v e r y t h in g M o v e N o t h in g WOOL DRESS GOODS Wool Rayon French Worsted Flannel«, 54-in. wide. >4.00 value ........................... ................. ........ ....... 10th and 11th June Demonstration W h e a tie s Whole Wheat Flakes DRESS GOODS Crepe back Satin, Mat Crepe, plain and figured Crepe De Chine. >3.00 values .......... ........... g j Ladies Pumps, Ties and Straps. Real snappy at S2.B 7 and Men’s Riding Pants. >4.50 v a lu e s ____ __ __ 9 8 S 3 .1 9 Men'B Athletic Union Suits. Regular >1.00 ........... 7Qc MEN’S SUIT3 Snappy Stuff ......................... S I6 75 35C Suits— Small Sizes. All Wool ............... ........ <4 gg Dress Hats. All shades and sizes g f gg Values to >25.00. B oys’ Porosknit Unions, sizes 26 to 34 Men’s Men’s Men’s Oxfords, Black and Tan. Goodyear Welt JC.PENNEYC© 942 W illamette S i , Eugene, Oregon •off . . . cool for fho acfiv« man • . . forth»worker Summer Underwear HATS ,1 group Hats ......... ........ 1 group Hats ............... •f»' Values to >4.98 DRESSE8 «K QC „ 5 3 .9 a 9 8 .9 5 8th Ave. Hat & DressShop 98 c * The buttoned shoulder lets ye« la or out of this garment ia a jiffy. Woven of seft, combed cotton to absorb body moisture, keeping the akin dry, cool Styled to afford fre* dom of movement Home Furnishings Reduced 15% to 50% Even at these Special Sale Prices You Are Welcome to Credit « I m i ß *** READY TO SERVE Very fine with Fresh Fruits E R A X 5 C A 5 H £ -C A R R y 23 All Silk 12 Mme. Pongee, 3*6 yards .... ..................... ......... 31 The Thnrty Housewife knows FINE TABLE STRAWBERRIES ,Are arriving dally. Thli 1« the height of the berry season, so get youra NOW. J J Indies' Full Fashion Silk Hose, 1.95 value R e tu rn s fro m N e w p o rt— M rs J M. W a lte r. Yea, sir — those are the I Arson and her children returned to very heat eggs we've had for a year th eir home here Monday a fter having D iner: Oh? W e ll bring me two you apent the week end at Newport. In have had only six months. company w ith M r. and Mra. T ru bert Henderson and hta fath er all ot H e must be feeling the heat Just Salem They returned to Salem by­ now. way of Hebo and Tillam ook before W here la he living? coming back to 8prlngfleld. He'» not. ■ 1 Vegetable Dinner (mixed Vegetable«), 2*6 M xe........... 19c Shrimp, good quality ..... ................................................... t lb. box of Fancy Hard Mixed Candy ......................... 25c - BREIER’S be solemnised on June 11. waa the , METHODISTS TO HEAR OF mtlmwf of ea/ knwzve ______ • aw a . _ a . . <1 group gueat honor at a a miscellaneous EXPERIENCE ELEMENTS shower given by Mlaa W ia ifrld Tyeos 1 group All sizes a t the home of her parenta. M r. ano Rev. C. J. Pike, pastor of the Mra. J. D. Beals, on Tuesday even­ M ethodist church, w ill use as his COATS ing. Game» and stunts followed by them e “T ru etw o rth y ," for his 8un- Clearance of all Coats. refreshments decupled the evening! day morning sermon topic, The 1 Kr o ‘>P ................... for those present, who were Mias choir w ill sing special numbers. numbers Agalha Baals. W illia m Zlnlcker. T he Bunday school w ill meet at Audrey Danner. M inn ie Barton, F ran ­ • :4& and the Epworth League at 7:00 ♦2 8th Ave. W est, Eugene, Ore. ce» Travis Km maxene T ravla, Iowa o'clock. T he evening service w ill be Don’t forget we give 8. a H . Qraen C arlton, Mra. D, B. M urphy. Clara held at 8:00 o'clock, at which time Stamps Jtonea, Janice Osborne, Pauline the pastor w ill talk on "Elem ents of Zlnlcker, Beaa Montgom ery, Eva I Experience. Sm ith. Ada Sm ith. Dora Pederson. W ilm a Scott. Maxine Bnodgraas. Catherine Hem enw ay, Jeasle Beale. Mr. and Mra. D. J. Beals, and the hosteaa. “ It Always Pays ta j r a d e at Gray’s ■ On Any Purchase You Make Powers Furniture Company 11th at Willamette - j.