I l PAOS FOUR THE SPRINOFIHU) NRWG THURSDAY. JUNK 6. 1930 ASK FAKE SOLICITORS FOR ENDORSEMENT notice op special disease*. T he value of “going (u Ina PREVENTING DISEASES Solicitors for so-called 'anti-chain store move- « ,, H 7 OW* election GOAL OF HEALTH WEEK fam ily doctor before he has to -come m e n f from far away cities are now Invading1 .pecial a in ’ lon"w ill’’ he* held o i^ J u n i lo you" Is also being stressed 8»rtng fleM . L a bo Coanty. Orwgoa. by Oregon, and some of them have been to Spring- 18. i930. in the Town of Sprlagfialil, Placards, uewspaper advertising, T H E W IL L A M E T T E P R E S * field. Moat of these fellows are pure fakes and wher’' al1 qualified voter* of aaitl motion pictures, radio addresses and Parents of Son- M r and Mrs R K may vote upon a pr«t«>aed H. B. M A X E Y . Editor. are trying to make money at the expense of the Town C h arier Amendment auhmlited to tne talks before organisations In various Pyno are the parents of a Imliy hoy. independent merchant instead of helping him. If voters by the Common Council to parts of the county are all being horn to them at Ihe Pacific C hrlallan itered aa second claaa mattar. February 3«. 1903, at the the independent merchants wish to organise and authorise a »pedal lax levy of utilised this week In the promotion hospital In Eugene on Monday morn poetoffice, Springfield. Oregon. carry on a campaign against the chain store »3000 00 for the M unicipal Airport of a county wide health campaign lug. June 2nd. 1530 election w ill be held at the City methods, that is their business, but they should Said M A IL S U B S C R IP T IO N R A T E H a ll at 2.14 Main »(reel aa the polling which Is being sponsored by the Imne 75c i ,owk these outsiders over carefully. If these soll- place (or a ll voter» In »aid Tow n, County M edical Society and the (fetale of M ontatore L. Ilesbrouck. year la Advanea____ 11-25 Tbraa Moa the R ' citors cannot secure endorsement from the local and the polls w ill be open at Right Southern Oregon IH alrlct Dental D eceased.____ M oathe---------------------- »100 Slagle Copy _ chamber of commerce, the Portland chamber or o'clock a. nt and dim e at Right Society. N O T IC E OF F IN A L S E T T L E M E N T o'clock p. ra of M id day. THURSDAY. JUNK 5, 1930 N o tlre la hereby given Ih s l L. G. the State Better Business bureau of Portland. It following 1» the proponed C har­ "Before Going on Your Vacation. Hultn has filed In the County Court I is altogether likely their scheme has no merit ter The Amendment In fa ll: Have a H ealth Audit by Your I'hyal of Ihe State of Oregon. In and for WHY WE SHOULD VOTE and should not be financed by the local merchant. CHARTER AM ENDM ENT clan and Dentist" Is the slogan which Lane County, hta flaa l report aa ad FOR THE AIRPORT LEVY • • • An Act lo amend the C h nrler of Is being used extensively la Ihe m ln ls lra lo r of the estate of M orti- We list here a few of the many reasons why the Town of Springfield by adding a more L. Haahrnuck. deceaeed; and Health Exam ination W eek, which has Our hope is that the new highway commission­ new Chapter thereto, auth orfling and Springfield should vote the $2,000 for airport im­ that ten o'clock In ihe forenoon ot empowering the Common Council of er. Mr. Lynch, is an ardent booster for the Mc- aa Its principal purpose the aw aken­ Saturday, the 5th day of July. 1930, provement June 16. the Town of Springfield, for the pur­ the courtroom thereof In Eugene, 1. Because* pilots from Seattle to Los Angeles kensie and Willamette highways as Judge Sawyer pose o f extending and surfacing run ing of the public to the value of pre­ at Oregon, has been hy the Court fixed have told the Springfield committee who visited bas been- These roads were on the original way» and enlarging. Improving and ventative measures In m aintaining and appointed aa the tim e and place them that surfaced runways were necessary be- highway program and the time has come now to developing the municipal airport of health, and the role of the physician for hearing objections lo »«hl report the town, to Include In It» general and denllat aa guardians against, as atui for the (Inal settlement of the fore they would consider landing on our field. Iiinisb them. Redmond. Mr. Lynch's home town, lax levy (or the tax year of 1930. well as curera of disease*. Attention estate of said deceased 2. Because the Springfield airport has been is on ,he McKenzie highway, and we see no rea- such »pedal levy as shall be required L. U H I ’ L IN . planned by the United States department of com -1son wh>' he should not be a good booster for it. In the Judgment of the Common ! la a b o being directed (o the fa d that Adm inistrator of the estale of Council, which »hall produce not lo periodic health examinations are one M o rtltn o re L. Ila s b ro u c k . deceased. merce and the money will be spent iu atvordance . • • • with these plans in order that the port will re- The ,next limitation of arms conference should exceed 12000 00 In said year, all In of the chief ineatia of warding off A K W H E E L E R excess of (he 8 per cent constitutional »l*x and checking Incipient Jn 5-13 I» 28 Jy 3 ceive a government *'A' class rating. be *n Chicago. lim itation upon thte Town's Tax 3. Because the direct air line goes over the 1 Levy. I T H E T O W N O F S P R IN O F IR L D Springfield airport, and is the logical place for DOBS O R D A IN AS F O L L O W S : stops to be made. P R IT R N A C T B D BY T H K E L E C ­ 4 . Because the improvement of the field will i T O R S OR T H B T O W N O F SPRING - attract more students to the flying school and F IE L D . O REG O N: more passenger business for planes stationed on Section I The Common Council 1» the field. hereby authorlxed and empowered to levy and collect for the tax year Every year more people are attending Hummer cinsstMi 5. Because the city has a responsibility in the 1930, taxes not to exceed $3000 00 and are thereby increasing their earning ca|»aclty. * safety of the lives of those flying that landing upon ail property, both reul and per-1 conditions be in the best possible conditions. sonal w ithin the lim it« of the Town A LETTER TO A YOUNG MAN Why not enroll at the Eugene Business College now and of Springfield, not exempt from tax a ­ This is the first consideration when the govern­ You ask me how you can get a better Job. begin your Laming, thus gaining a three months’ start on tion. for the purpose of extending ment rates any field. and surfacing runways and enlarging. those who wait until the regular school year begins? My answer is that you can’t 6. Because the Springfield airport when im­ Improving and developing the Spring All over the country are millions of young men field Municipal Airport proved is likely to be the only "A" class airport We employ the same teachers the year ’round, and we in this part of Oregon, due to natural conditions who, in a vague sort of way, want a better Job; Section 3. The proceeds of such give the same thorough Instruction during the months of surrounding other airports. Hills at the end of and here and there among them are the worth- levy, when collect«)' shall he placed June, July and August as at other times of the year. while few who want the better Job. '• “ separate fund to he known as I landing areas cut down effective runways by the , ,,,, , . ’ . the municipal airport fund, and kept ratios of 7 to 1, and - practically other . - eliminate -------------------- And the millions wonder why the few move on. separate and apart from other funds' Enrollment dates are— Monday, June 2, 9, 16 and 23. airports as now existing in this part of Oregon while they seem stationary year after year. , of the town. The money realised fo ri ^ L f ° Vernn‘e>nt.! ratlnKS “ the d«P&rtment of You must first of all. pick out the better job- J , ? T o w n A S K A B O U T IT . IT 'S A G OOD S C H O O L 7 Because,1the°vn»Hn»W S O m e 1 > a r tic u la r J ° b l h a t is b e t t e r t h a n y o u r s - T re a s u re r who » h alH Iep o sIt th e sam e ' yoause me voting of this money for Then train your guns on that and capture it. and keep it in the said municipal air- ground improvement means that building ini- You tell me that you are a bookkeeper and that p"rt ,un vv »1 • l l e f n / ’ ln r » a»aa n aa* n as aa m at «1 z v tila e ,, U SED C A R S MORRIS CHEVROLET Co. H N H Y D IN K Y B y T e r r y G ilk is o n A Battle Creel^ physician aaya, “Oan- stipatlon Is responsible for m o re ' m isery than any other cause.” But Im m ediate re lie f has been found. A tablet called Rexall O rder­ lies has been discovered. This tablet t attracts w ater from the system Into , the lazy, dry evacuating bowel called j the colon. T h e w ater loosens the dry J food waste and causes a gentle | thorough, natural movement without forming a habit or ever Increasing the dose. Stop suffering from constipation. Chew a R ex a ll O rderlle at night. Next j day bright. Get 24 for 26c today a t , F lan ery’s Rexall Drug Store. 924 Olive St., Eugene, Oregon Telephone 627 Before Going on Your Vacation H A V E A H E A L T H A U D IT by your Physician and Dentist If you an* in good physical condition you will enjoy thiH ( annual recreation period more fully. Besides, you may save much time and money and add many years to your life hy AVOIDING SICKNESS HEALTH EXAMINATION WEEK JUNE 2-7, 1930 Sponsored hy the JlM6UES/