TirURSPAY, JUNE 6, 1930 P A G E T T T R P *. .---- AH’S BLIB ted Ads c o r v e »« k t GIT RESULTS) N O T IC E or F IN A L SETTLEM ENT Notice 1» hereby » Ire n that the un derslgned, Harold J W elle, adm lnla I ra t or of the natal« of Hanford IMper. deceased, baa filed his final report and account aa such adm lnlalrator w ith the C lerk of the County Court of I .ana County, Oregon, and that Hatur day. f l a t day of June. 1930, at 10. on a ni In the County Court room of aald County at Eugene. Oregon, haa been aet liy the lio n C. I*. Bernard, Juda*' of aald Court, aa the tim e and place o f hnarlna objection« to the aarne, and for the final settlem ent of aald estate. H A R O M ) J W ELLS. Adm lnlalrator. W E L L S A W K I.IJ l, Attorney« M 32 29 J 6-12 IB N O T IC E — H E A R IN G F IN A L A C C O U N T In tba County Court of the Stete of Oregon, fo r Lane County. In the m atter of the eatate nf Mary Pike deceased In the m a tter of the eatate nf Mary Ptke. deceaaed, notice Is hereby given that the undersigned adm inistrator has filed hla final account In said m e tie r end that June 37,h. 1930, at 16:00 o'clock e. m at the Court room of said Court In the Ijin e County Court House, In Eugene, Oregon, has been designated aa the tim e and place - . . . . .. r . for hearing of objections to auch final account and the settlem ent thereof. H O M E R I ’lK E . Adm inistrator. F R E D K. S M IT H , Attorney for Ad m ln istrato r, Eugene, Oregon. M 29 J M 2 IB 3« u . L . a . f e m •X"AFB*» that forges the n a m . „ f yarn Z k e d he ‘ tell« '¿ ‘m la ” ? * * last " night “J ” he h« O ' ^ ’ ered that (he lock had K«x l^aferra *-------- I add laon, w i l t h y b a . k . r and f ? * * “ P * wh° W* ‘ lh ™®»h I been forced w ith an exclam ation ha Luke Maddlson hla slater _ _____ _ _ _ \ -P ‘ h . « - «book out the cow large check He la found deed w ith ■•■•’e verified th a t— though from the W A N T E D — Trade aviation course for FO R R E N T — House C a ll a t 1186 J tents. The one packet o f letteri) th a t a note In hla h andw riting c h a rg in g 1 description I ’ve had It couldn’t light Ford Runabout Ree le a In P^* ( he had been mad to keep were gone* Luke with h arin g ruined him M ar- . i n . u . u . u a F ifth «treat. mao, at Airport. garet marries Luke, a fte r he haa . N.ddlm »n, who fe .t il l And the little telephone aMp— th a t given her everything he own«. She abroad- 1 rreaum e? SUMMONS also had disappeared. F o r B A L K o r T R A DM— Springfield leaves him, tellin g blm th e ba« W a i there a note of sarcasm In hie lota W ill coaaldar Eugene or Mc- In tha County Court of the State of ruined him to revenge her brother H I« hand« were trem b ling 'sa'that K a m le R iver property Io exchange ,# r it!*, C?“ " ly o f L *"®- I-uke, bewildered. wanders about voice? She thought she detected it, he ronld hardly hold the paper» ha Nine Olbeon. P la in tiff, ve. Rule G ib London, la attacked by thnga, who and very wi«ely did not answer. I* O. Box »91. Springfield examined. T h e re waa no « „ / ‘’"Ail’*1 . u k ® him for * detective, recovers In "The man raid the clothe« were «peculate on the Iden tity of t l f t ’ s SUM M ONS to Rule Gibson, the above-named j hospital to find he la known aa In the C ircu it Court of the State of defendant: Sm ith. In this new character he be- given to blm . hut that of course la the who had forced that box. T h e lim n e r Oregon for the County of Lane. In the name of the State of Oregon, comes Involved w ith the Joe Connor usual yarn. 1 have rea.on to believe had been seen In the neighborhood! Benefit Having« A Ixian Association. you are hereby required to appear I» ® « . who mistake him tor an Ana- that they were stolen w h'le the owner PI Cole« had told him thiki, a n # ft had a corporation, P la in tiff, va I, arid answer the ro m p laint filed ‘ rallan crook named Sm ith, and la C lark Aydelott, and Mr« Clark ugalnat you In the above entitled I made an u nw illing accomplice In a waa In bed. Can you throw any ligh t been the Gnnner who had made tha upon t h e m f Aydelott, hla wife, defendants. search and found »he document«. Court and raune on or before the 3rd ! Jewel robbery He doe« not know To I, C la ik Aydelott and Mr«. L. Shu .hook her head. It was a ptti- Danty M orel! «aw deatf. grinning a t «aid date _ _ _ _ _ being _ _ _ _ ,h a l M argaret haa relented _ and _ _ re- _ C lark Aydelott. the above named more than four week« from the d a' ¡turned all the money he gave her to ' able confession, but she knew she hi— . 7 ” of the f i r . , pnhllcatlon of t h l. ...m -|W o bankers. to the d l.m .y of one I could not recognlxe an old suit of w T ,7 " ,B," _ " h* * r ’ " ‘ f “ '» - defendants: In the name of the State of Oregon* mon« herein entered of record and If Hanlon M orell, her dead brother's ■ _ ,„ ,h . , . When there r a m . a knock a, fhe door ________________ _____ n e ? c*o band U ** » * » he ______ concerning whom whom "o u G n unner 5 ? ,h ‘’" worn WOr" by 7 her her hu" huMband leaped up from his chair a s h iv e r You are hereby required to appear ) you fall an to appear and answer for ¡friend? 1 friend, ’ ron'r'ernlng and answ er the Jewel thief, th® aolt *uto which he had changed . Wreck complaint filed wan, thereof P la in tiff w ill apply to Haynes. an American of a man, not daring to against you In the shove entitled the Court for the re lie f In h r com 1 7 bf>m Maddlson once befriended, has | when he broke Into hla flat. open to the »laltor. Court and cause on nr before the ex plaint agalnHt you demanded, to -w lt: been m aking Inquiries Detective "W h a t do von make o f t h a t M r . plratlon of ^four weeks from the date For a Judgment and decree c? divorce B|rd ®! Scotland Yard, know also as j Maddlson?" H e calmed him self snfflctetly to go of fir« , publication of this summon«, ’ dissolving the bonds of m atrim ony ‘ he Spe’TOW, Is likewise Interested , to the door and demand who was which date ,,f expiration la fixed by , now and heretofore existing between ! ,n Morell. Maddlson goes to bta old ; 8he »hook her head helplessly there, and when he heard Connor's order o f the above entitled Court as , you and the p la in tiff on the grounds bachelor quarters, la taken for a bur-1 "It couldn’t be a suit your hushar.d June 2«,h. 1930, If you fall so to ap of desertion and for such other re- * la L escapes from the police and gave away, because tbe date it was voice he could have cried for J07. pear and answer, p la in tiff for want , lief aa to th. Court may seem meet j ‘ He« »« <«t In touch w ith D e te c tiv e 1 "W hat'a the m a tter wfth roqT". *ak- thereof w ill apply to the above en i «bd equitable. T his summons Is Bird The C onnor, gang learns of delivered Is w rltton on the tab, and , Connor. titled court for the re lie f prayed fo r I served upon you by publication I ‘ hl». ««ndbag and Imprison him In It must have been new a month ago.” ; In his com plaint, ,o-w lt: thereof In the Springfield News, a i • “ underground cell near the riv e r H e looked at her keenly, T v e bad a b it o f a «hock, and Pm For Judgment against the defend- newspaper of general circulation where he Is certain to be drowned ‘‘T h e re ’» a lot of m ystery about no, p articu larly well. Ton know they *"*? ,h ® a“ m n t »»•I-»« together pursuant to an order of the Judge o, "h e n the tide rise«. M eantim e M ar­ are a fte r those kttea?” Court — of the State __ of revisiting Lake's old rooms, thl» husband of yours. Mrs. Maddlson, T ,k ' n ‘ ®r»»‘ from and a fte r the 33rd the C ircuit . _ -------- — -------- n ,y ° r M ay' • * ,h ® ra‘ " of 10 P *r Orp« on f ° r the County of Ia n » duly finds a sheet of paper on which L ak e and I think you're In some kind of ! Connor him self was no, p a rtic u la r­ (F ill ear a n n u m ' f o e ___«a . _ has begun a le tte r to his friend and trouble. I'd like to help yon tf I could. ly happy looking. cent n per annum ; for the fu rth e r sum made and entered o • f —________a record on ,h . » •- . of 110 06, and for the fu rth e r sum 2nd day o f June. 1930, ordering that law yer saying that he is In desperate She was going ,0 apeak, but he held " I know. T h e y ’ve stopped a cheek of *100 06 attorney's fee«, and for I,a this summon« be puhll«ned once each trouble M argaret's Joy over the dis up his hand to stop her. I sent to the bank and h a lf the busies coats and dlaburaementa herein. T h a , week fo r four consecutive and suc-1 c°v e ry that Luke la alive and In Lon- Don't tell me anything n n tll I ’ve p la in tiffs aiortgsgp be decreed to b« ceaalve weeks In said Springfield I di” i ,g ’ »“ pered by the statem ent r the firs t l of H»t»^«l»e GorUin that the man con told you Just how much I know. H ere ' know who I, Is too— HikCsThe Jnrso a first mortgage lien against the real News and that the date of the Issue rented In the Jewel robbery, whom __ v ___ . t «now woo 11 is, too tn a rs the worst property therein described, tn-w lt: publication shall be w ith 1,, o f ! »he now knows was Luke, had been ' kn w your husband of It. You're In this D anty." !x>t Four (4 |. Block T h irty three (33) of June 6tht. 1930, and the date of "W e ’re both in I t " ' In Gross* Addition to Eugene. In the last publication shall be w ith the going around for two years w ith the als»PPC»red the day a fte r your mar- aren't we? fm woman whose accomplice he was. ' rlage. I know there was a burglary at County of Lane, State of Oregon: Issue o f July 3rd. 1930. N O T IC E O F F IN A L H E A R IN G getting out of London tonight.” Gunner Haynes drops Into Connor s his flat, and that when the police ar that said mortgage be foreclosed In F R A N K A D eP C E , Notice Is hereby given that W illia m (he manner proscribed by law. Connor laughed raconsly. place Jus, as Connor's men are fas- A tto rn ey for P la in tiff. Residence, rived they recognlxed the man who P. Ixtw er. adm inistrator nf the eetale tening Luke's fee, w ith chains t o ,, “ You've got a fat chance o f getting T hl« summons Is served upon you Springfield, Oregon, of le.w ls A W ln ju m . deceased, has by publication by order of the Hon­ large blocks of sal,. Intending to ***’’■ been concerned in a robbery that out o f London, unless you la k e a filed hla final account as such ad orable O. F. Sklpw orth, Judge o f the Jn 6-1319 20 Jy 3 throw him Into the riv e r, where the afternoon. I know that among the ra ttle r. How are you going*?’’ 1 m ln is tra to r and the county court nf above entitled Court, salt w ill dissolve, the chains drop o ff things stolen fro m his fla t was a which order la n e county has aet 10 00 a. m of was duly made and entered herein I , was on the tip of Danty's tongue A D M IN IS T R A T O R 'S SA LE OF and the body w ill be found w ithout : __,__ . . , any m arks of violence. Haynes defies hl" servant : to Invent a method of escape, b ut Just F riday, June 13, 1930, when at th REAL PRO PERTY on the 29th day of May, 1930. the Connor gang and takes Maddlson , «»e rw a rd s , and he told me there was ' 1 J r.Mim« of the court In the Court Date of firs , publication. May 29th. Notice la hereby given that by , now he needed the association'of Con­ House. Eugene, ttregon, «aid account 1930. virtue of an order of the County Into the yard, panstng when he sees a passport in one of the drawers of nor. Connor was not above using a w ill be taken up for exam ination and D a 'e of last publication, June | the desk. Now. If there were 20th. Court of Ijtn n County. Oregon, duly two men clim bing the fence. an' | gun at a pinch, and moreover, hated allowance. A ll persons Interested T he Gunner takes L uke to his room 1930 made and entered of record In the chance— and It aeems one of those t Gunner Haynes. therein may be heard at said tim e A. E W H E K L O C K , m atter of the eatate of John W arin g, and learns from him the reason why fantastic theories that w riters make j -.r in rolng by alr<>lant fw m Ev Attorney for P la in tiff deceaaed. the undersigned, adm inis­ M argaret hated him was because she W IL L IA M P. IX IW K R , blamed him for her brother's death. a lot of money fro m — th a t this man A dm inistrator. Address: <33 Corbett Building, Port­ tra to r of sa d estate, w ill, on and jrd . W e ’ve got to thank the G unner land, Oregon. a fte r the 14th cay of June, 1930, o tter T hey Haynes calls on M argaret and Is M r. Maddlson, the beat people io 8 D. A L L E N , attorney for eatate. for this. H e squealed.” M 39 J 6-13.19-2* 1 for sale and sell at private sale, the offers to help her and her husband. M 16-33-39 J 6-13 help him are the police. I know him “ He's never atopjted aqrfealing." - 1 1 follow ing described property, beloug- well enough to be sure that he wonlJ Maddlson 1» kldpapped from the I 1" « ,o “ *d ee'ate, ,o-w lt: A O M IN IA T R A T O R ’S SA LE said Connor w ithout heat. "W h e re do N O T IC E FOR P U B L IC A T IO N Gunner's rooms. M eantim e, Hayne'a not hold up T affan n ey a. If 1C« a ques­ { you land I p your fly in g machfneT" of the liMerlor, U n ite d ) Commencing at the Northw est Cor- __ ________ ______ Notice la hereby given that by v lr Dapartm ant „ get« Into D anty’s rooms and finds tion of impersonation— we ran be •ta ta a Land orriea, Roaaburg. Ore- n»ddlson had Register of the United StateR Ixind ’ ra ' ' Z , Cl?ak; ° <’,n ThP ,lcket COUW ' "Thpre s a a ‘ " - « c a te r , follow- N O T IC E O F F IN A L S E T T L E M E N T Term s of Sale: Cash upon the Roaeburg, Oregon. Any Notice la hereby given that V ic to r ’*, F” ed “ check. A ll he told me was h« sent to Luke as soon _ — confirm ation of the sale and delivery O ffice at as — he was ing us.” auch protests or objections must he o f the adm inistrator's deed to said _______ ___________ __ M. Fe tie r son. as adm inistrator of the that he Jumped Into the riv e r and got discovered. She w aited for the night filed _______ In this office w ithin th irty _ days , . i "W hy should It not? Do you w ant property. Rida may be made to the from the date of firs t publication of I estate of V elm a Q. Fetterson. de- away or was drowned— 1 don't know to come ,0 carry this plan into effect. . , he road ,0 yourself*" adm inistrator at Ixtw e ll, Oregon, or this notice, which firs t publication ' ceased, has filed his final account In whlch. T hat's the tru th . I knew T he night brought i t . problems f o r ' A few minutes later the H ttle cap by m all. III he May 29th. 1930. In the Spring- ««Id *n d the County Court of ,h, bout lt un,n Connor had F R A N K E B L A IR . A dm inistrator, D anty M orell. T hat afternoon, a fte r , had disappeared. . . . . . ■> «-v__________ 1 o n .. I n t i n l v Itr .o n n h u u f iv o r l M n n - h u h u h r l> n e County. Oregon, has fixed Mon- . A . . . . . . Address. Lowell, Oregon. field News, at Springfield, Oregon. day. the 16th day o f June. 1930, at found him 1 sw ear to you this is the M argaret Maddlson had left him . he I The preparations for the n ig h t'. H A M IL L A. C A N A D A Y . F R A N K A DePCE. Register. ten o'clock In the forenoon of said tr u th !” * hlCh h,m J ° “ rney were no, easily made. T h e Attorney for A dm inistrator day. a t the County Court House In "W h e re Is Connor?” she asked. this Z , t L hl" h° l<’ UP° n MaF i P " 0' had on,y Ju8t been « ® m u . l e a t . M 16-33 39 J 6-13 M 29 J 6-12 19-2« Eugene, Ixtne County. Oregon, as . .. h the tim e and place for the h earing; 1 don ‘ know H * wa” ,lere garet; a t any moment she m ight go ' ed with. He was on a holiday in the morning, and told me about Luke get- j to the police, and Jus, then he was of said fin a l account. Midlands. A ll persons having objections ,O| ting away T h a t Is all the Inform ation not anxlous , o rpnew acquaintan<,e “ It's a good Job we came or we said fin a l account are notified ,0 I _ have. ______ _ ______ I didn’t believe ___ him . a" d j w ith Scotland Yard. Things had gone present same In .w r itin g on or b e f o r e / .. . .... __ might have been In Queer street," sa'd tim e. | probably it e a lie he told me badly w ith him ; he owed a very large said Connor as they were d rivin g H e saw she was undecided and sum of money which had to be paid back. "W ha, tim e did you sav you’d Dated this 13th day of May. 1930. Phone 180 Plano Moving DR. W. N. DOW V IC T O R M F E T T E R S O N . eagerly sought ,0 turn her from her In the C ity on the follow ing day; and be here?" D e n tis t A d m in istrator of estate of Velm a G. Intention. H e had no doubt th a t she SPRINGFIELD TRAN9FER possibility of F irst N atio n al Bank Building Petterson, deceased. “About m idnight." W lL b lt ) B B R TR C H . Prop, meant w hat she said. police Intervention his position was D A N J O H N S T O N , atto rn ey for Phone 48 Rprtngtlbld, Oregon “W h at are you looking for?" asked •fflc e ^ RO D B N B O ITO H G A R A Q E She did no, know w hat to do. periloua. ad m ln ls tiato r. Ofllce hours, I A. M. to I P M. Connor ten minutes later. “T he little Corner F ifth and A Streets M 16-22 29 J 6-12 "Could you find Haynes for me?” Danton M orell was In some ways a car?" Evenings by Appointment - Long Distance H a u lin g a SpeeleRy ‘“Find Haynes?” he shouted. careful man. H o w ever extravagant he H e pushed his companion aside N O T IC E O F S H E R IF F ’ S SALE "You don’t Imagine I would com m ight be, he had reserved for him self and peered. Notice Is hereby given thirt by v ir­ muntcate w ith that fellow , do you? a fat ‘neat egg In cash which, tn Spite tue of an execution and order 0 , sale "T h e re ’s a m otor lo rry : has It got H e ’s a dangerous man, M argaret— " 0 , all tem ptation, he had never Issued out 0 , the Circuit Court of the anything on us?" he demanded. DR. N. W. EMERY "M rs. Maddlson,” she said coldly. State o f Oregon for Ixtne County, touched. He had collected the money Danty said nothing. No man could DENTIST M ay 9th, 1930, upon and pursuant to "H e's dangerous— you oughtn’t to that day from two or three accounts know the terro r that was in his a decree made hy aald Court Mav 8 th ., have any deallnga w ith him. •u tto n Bldg. Phene 20-J which he ran In an assumed name. heart. Behind him stalked the grim 1930, In a ault pending therein In 1 „ . . . to deny the N othing was needed now but ,0 fol Residence Phene 168-M which Rant E. Dunsmoor was plaint H ® d d not ■ , . shadow of vengeance and everv « a «. Iff and I. D. Collier and others were theft of the checks, k.w the line of re tre a t he had planned. ■ ond he expected to see the h aw klike Sprlngflsld. Oregon “ * •» « ■ « i . " " S defendants, which execution and or ‘You don’t know where M r. Maddl- Retldenee 128 C 8L 220 M ain St. der of aale waa ,0 me directed and gon ,s a t a|jr> outskirts of London, from which ex- from the darkness <3 J 83M commanded me to aell the real pro ,, . .. . . , perty h ere in a fte r deacrlhed to sntlafy He a<-cep,ed the corrected rqjatlon- hibltlon flights were given. Danty had D anty did not go near bis .fla t. He General Lew Practice certain llena and chnrgea In «aid de* »hip w ithout a m urm ur found it expedient to finance the telephoned to Pi f n i M nnH X creo r peel fled, I w ill on Saturday, the ‘ No. Mrs. Maddlson. I ’r e no idea, small company which owned the a ir - I in th » ™ k i 4 theJ m et F ull Auto Equipment I. M. PETERSON i . a „ day „ ............ .................... .... r „ „ „ o r. , t „ , „ „ „ lile p lr a e “ x ; » . " T Attorney-at-Lew Lady Assistant one o'clock p. m., at the southwest „ f a c t ^ h i t ' t ? ” W M fa c ," ' a,ed bv tbe i D a n ,y 's ’ <»« » « » K W - H is servitor £ door of the Countv Court-house In " ,Knt- B U S IN E S S D I R E C T O R Y -] Wilkir-Poole Chapel Funeral Directors s City Hall Building Hprlngfleld, Ore. FRANK A. DE PUE A T TO R N E Y A T LAW D. W . Roof JEWELER Ropelrlng a Specialty Springfield, Oregon Business M an : Do yon th in k you know enough to be useful In this o ffic e ! Boy: Know enough? Why 1 left my hwt place becauae the boas aald 1 too N O T A R Y P U B L IC Sutton Building Springfield Oregon EXPERT SERVICE P L U M B IN G H E A T IN G SHEET METAL DODD M. MILLER W 1 H F IF T H BT. Eugene, Lane County. Oregon, o ffer for sale and sell at public auction for rash, subject to redem ption ns pro vlded hy law . a ll of the right, title and Interpat nf the defendants In said suit and of all parties elnim tng by. through or under them o r any of them since the 8th day of May, 1930, In or to the follow ing described real property, to-w lt: T he east h alf 0 , lot six (8) and all o f lot five (6) In block seven I d W estm oreland, an addition to Eu­ gene. Lane Connty, Oregon, as the same Is platted and recorded in the office o f the County C lerk of Lane (Bounty, Oregon. Dated this 12th day of M ay. 1880. H L. B O W N , S h e riff o f Lane County, M 18-n-W J 8-11 Oregon. W hen she returned heme she found ! the Sparrow w aitin g for her on the doorstep. T he sight of a large k lt b a j f 1 4 I. { c Xz«.-v4 n,«-.vvPtn .,1 lwov«e aa J nt his feat surprised her, and when he carried It Into the house and Into | the little study on the ground floor. fact that the company had recently , rewarded liberally. T here was nothing acquired a a big acquired big monoplane monoplane which which waa to do now but to pass the few hnnva I capable of a long flig h t. Danty. who which intervened before he left I Van.I d ««IJ-J " 63 V gw3 A w U m UK* ( had decided upon Sw ltxerland for land forever. his firs t hop, gave orders for the stor­ CONCLUDED N E X T W E E K age of petrol and necessities fo r the Journey. He c e rta in ly did not antlcl- "But boy, you can’t Hr« on pate taking a companion w ith him , slender Income you mother but he was not the only panic-stricken from telling milk. Doesn’t man in London. father do anything!" D anty made a v e ry quick search “Yes, he pours ln the water." for papers which, le ft behind, m ight have aw kw ard consequence«, and hla she was to have a shock. She did not recognlxe the crumpled clothes he took from the bag. "These clothes were found In tho possession o f a riv e r th ie f, who was try in g to sell them thia morning. He didn't know th a t your husband’s name was stitched Into the p o c k e t” firs t attention was directed to the "My husband*! name7 Where did little box ln which he kept the n o it he get them!" dangerous of hla oorrespoadaaee. He "That's what 1 want to kMW. The brought this into the Judge: The two men were flgl with chain. Didn’t you try to e f No. th e n wag not • i