I PAGE TWO T H H SPR IN G FIELD NEWS HIGHWAY SIGN BOARDS HAVE BEEN CORRECTED ♦ » THURSDAY, JUNK 5, 1 »Jto and at Newport. Marriage Licensee Issued PLEASANT HULL TO HEAR Miss Mary Hanlon, of Pleasant During the past week marriage DR. A. B. HALL DELIVER « e e e e e e e e e e e e e e Mill and Mrs. I at Source, of F'ull licenses have been Issued by the Forty three students of the Pleasant Creek, expects to leave next week COMMENCEMENT TALK county clerk Io the following O ravi Distance marks on the new sign­ boards recently erected by the stale Hill high school motored to Newport for Seattle, where they will spend I'onliua, Blakely, and Itulty Thomp­ Dr Arnold Bennett llall. pre«ld»nl son, Eugene; laturnnce Sunkler and highway department at the Inter­ last week end ami made camp on the the summer. Principal Events of the Week sections of the Pacific and McKengte mole above Aaate Beach. The seniors Eunice Smith, bolli of Eugeue; Fred of Ihe University of Oregon, will de highways were painted out Monday were the guests of the Junlorr. They • e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e ■taker. Hprlngfleld. and Agnes Larsen. Lver Ihe eommeiiceinenl address for Assembled for Information morning by the highway officials at were chaperoned by Profeaaor *K. K. • THURSTON ♦ Eugene, James Huristi and Lois Ihe i'leasanl Hill high school at eg- Barrett, both of Mareóla; Jumes erclaes to l»> held In the high school the request of local people who ob­ Kilpatrick and wife and Mias Schults. » e e e e e e e e e e e e e e « of Our Readers. Perry Price, who has been work Fleming, Troutdale, and Frunces gymnasium on Thursday evening, jected to any signs Just across the Clifford Baxter. Ihirwln Baxter, Ly­ river saving that it was a mile to man Tinker, and Donald Kabler. all Ing for the Pacific Fruit company in Newhold, Eugene; William C oi and i -lune 13, at S Od «'clock William Nichols, founder of Milton, Springfield. The distance after alumni, were also guests of the junior Eugene tor some Bine, has been Margaret Anderson, holli of Marsh ' , lr Wrtlt#r Mevars. rharcsller of burled there recently. He wee Springfield will he left blank, ac­ class. A very Jolly time was report­ transferred Io Idaho by the company fieni; Katon Porter and Ktlna Hantia. i , h„ „l.lv»ralD, »IH de I t y ea n old. latst Wednesday was senior day al bolli of Collage tlrove. R.xlncy Jouli n ,,vi.r cording to I M. IVierson. who was ed by all Swimming In the Pacific |MI, , „laureale a Id re., I . Waterfront mill plant No. S of the successful in having the signs chaug and the natatorium. dancing, roller the high school, and Miss Phelps, the and Goldte Swearlugen, holh ! th. gruduntlng . lesa ot, SumLty et , Port Orford Cedar Products company ed. He called the highway department skating, and Joy riding over the assistant teacher, motored with the Eugene; Henry Snatter and Mary > |h|ì j llu„ s opened recently at Marahfleld with a and was informed that they would Roosevelt highway was enjoyed by students to Swimmers Delight tor the Layttg. holh of Cottage tlrove; Wll , ,, .. , , , ... . futura Hult will »Ive the valeille •mall crew. fretl I charen, Eugene, ami Ilorothv , . gladly paint out the distance after the young folks. They rooked thvlr day 'tory udii re»« and rumia Olmin »ili Married In North Bend la May. 187». the name Springfield, but they could meals and camped out under the Mrs John Price and Mr and Mrs. Wills. Springfield ; Charles Holding. give the saltitatloti Mr. and Mrs. W. R Simpson celehrat not paint any other distance after It. starlight, but a rain Saturday night Arch Shough drove to The Dalles Eugene, and Anna Stewart, Phoenix. Od their 17th wedding anniversary as the state department had decided drove them under shelter. last Thursday tor Miss Mildred Price, Arianna; Bussell Terrey und Helen The class of 1930 Is the largest yet there May t l. The high schools of la n e county who has taught there the past year Hendrlckaon, both of Eugene; Ed­ to be graduated at the high school not to mark fractions of a mile on mund Barry, Redding, and Erma I There are IS members III Ihe class At the final eeeston of the P. E. O. highway sigus in the future. The held their annual picnic at Riverside They returned home Friday. park last Friday. May SO There were agitation over the signs was started They are Harriet and Paul Brabham, Stale convention held la Klamath The P. T A held a social at the I.ongmlre. Culp ('reek la-alle and Urla Jacobs, Jossphloe Falls recently. Mrs. Grace Kent Ma at the last meeting of the Methodist no Back sports at they have had In hall laat Thursday evening The pro­ Old Crossing Replac'd "-*at years There was a base hall ceeds amounted to nearly «30 00. and Albert Mathews, Emma and Alvin gruder of Clatskanie was elected pree Men s brotherhood. A crew of Southern Pacific track ( H a u t i . Mildred and llusb Wallace, game between Elmira and Walker M eat Mrs. Harvey Hadley visited her girls. The young folks enjoyed rowing mlther. Mrs Ellen Needham, last maintenance workers tore out (be old I-aura Hult, Nellie Loronts, Heleu BERRY PROSPECTS FOR Polk county paid approximately 66 timbers from Hie street crossing at Carter. Francis Phibha. Earl Drnry, and swimming In the Willamette A gents for each vote cast at the pri­ OREGON ARE REPORTED basket dinner was held at the noon , Tuesday, and returned to her home Third and A streets and replaced Douglaa Kaoler, Dell S tu ll, and at Hadleyvllle on Wednesday. mary election. The total vote was hour. them with new ones on Monday. James Waring The late strawberry acreage for The high school »III hold com- «273 and the coat of the election was Oregon is about one fourth of the Children's day was remembered at , mencement exercises next Friday $130«. The »«0,000 armory to be built In total for the entire United States, the Pleasant Hill Christian church evening at the hall. There will be a Cottage Grove, voted by the last Ore­ according to the Agricultural Situa­ last Sunday by a program by the class of te0 graduating aa follows: gon legislature, will be erected on tion and Outlook, as Issued by the Sunday school In the morning and a Misses Hasel Russell. Ix>li Mathews, i Leone Edmlaton. Lena Hart. Wilma North Eighth street between Gibbs Oregon State Agricultural College. pageant In the evening. [ Scott. Irene Baxter, and Lloyd Oray, The total acreage of late strawberries gad W hltsshsr avenues. The baccalaureate services tor the has been estimated at 43,960, as com­ Georgs H. Brown. <7, known as the graduating class of the Pleasant Hill , Albert l*urnott, Francis Davis, Gerald potato king of Clackamas county, was pared with 46.320 In *939. The entire 1 high school will be held Sunday night . Hansou. Mrs. Ray Baugh motored to Junc­ fatally Injured when he was struck reduction In the acreage la an Oregon at the Pleasant HUI Christian church and Washington, which together ac­ tion City last Friday, where she by ths fender of a truck driven by Rev. Walter Meyers, of the Bible count for almost 40 per cent of the University, giving the address Wilson Wilde. Clackamas. The spent the rest of the week with her late crop, and for most of the can­ graduating exercises will be held at parents. Mr and Mrs. Janies Calvert No hope Is held oat for the rtbulld- ning and cold pack output. the high school gymnasium tonight . . Mr. Moore, of Cottage Grove, te< of the baalness sectloo of Bonansa, Tne total strawberry production at 8:00 o'clock. Dr Arnold Bennett visited his niece. Mrs. Bart Weaver recently destroyed by fire. Six main for the United States will be only I Hall, president of the University of last Wednesday. baildiags. Including the bank, sup­ about four-fifths of what It waa teat Oregon, will give the graduating Mr Slid Mrs Kay Baugh and fain posedly fireproof, were burned. year, according to the report, which address. lly. Mr. and Mrs. John Edmiston and A boulder dislodged from the hill­ goes on to say that recent reports son, James, attended the family re­ side by heavy rain demolished Oscar Indicate The Pleasant Hill athletic club that the Washington union at James Calvert's last Sunday Kelty’a nsw automobile when he crop of cultivated blackberries will j baseball team was defeated by the I Rev. Palmer, pastor of the Congre •truck the rok on the highway ts'o be very short and that this will ma South Benton team last Sunday by a ga Ilona I church In Eugene, preached B iles west of Clatskanie recently. score or 5 to 4 at the Benton Lane terlally improve the market outlook tbe baccalaureate sermon Sunday The Stoddard Lumber company of for Oregon wild Evergreen black­ auto camp. evening Io a large crowd. Baker has obtained a lease on the berries. Thirteen hundred tons of the Miss Cora John, having completed ' abandoned Baker Molding company berries wer frosen packed last year her school year, has returned to Weak Ends at Shedd—Miss Maxine giant on the west side of town and and 10.000 tons were canned. Pleasant Hill for the summer. Snodgress spent the week end at reopened it June 1 as a cut-up plant. Roy John, a resident of Pleasant The severe weather conditions of The Pendleton city council recently the paat year will probably be the Hill, graduates from the State Normal Shedd with her unrle and aunt, Mr gnaeed a milk ordinance for regulation cause of a very short loganberry crop school this year. Oerald Kabler. an and Mrs. A. M Snodgress. gad Inspection of dairies providing this season. The crop last year waa alumni of the Pleasant Hill high At Springfield Hotel—Mr and Mrs B ilk tor Pendleton. C. W. Daley, be», j normal, but Indications are school, also graduates from the Nor­ Kllnkenberg of Nyssa, Oregon. and Pendleton, will be employed as milk that the coming one will be even mal this year. Ed Burchfield, of Albany, were re­ ■ower, says the report. Donald Kabler. a student at Normal gistered at the Springfield hotel over The prospects for tbe red rasp- school, spent the week end at home the week end. While the fruit crop la the vlela- tty ef Corvallis does not leek as prom- berriea are that there will be a larger feiag as growers would Mbs. It Is la- crop thia season than last year, which dfaatte that there wUl be ■ waa slightly below aormaL The black • a avenge yield. Cherries m mapberry crop will be below normal bare been damaged. due to the bad winter. T H IS M A I T I J T L all white _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _______ • A serious sltuatloo la Douglaa coon enamel Hot point Range Is tba »y la la connection with fire blight W. KNICKERBOCKER WINS newest ereaUen ef modern lafestatloa of apple and pear orchards OLDEST CYCLIST PRIZE range designers — se new Is Voder present weather conditions the blight Is apt to make rapid headway this range that we have been The subscription to The Spring •atil hot weather comes. W e > liiio J iG ii-» c field News which was offered as a •W e te buy all ef the present 1 Traffic accidents on Oregon high­ prlxe for the oldest bicycle rider in factory output. We have been Electrification ways took a toll of 1« lives and re­ the Bicycle rield day at the fair A ppo a i m s App» fortunate la this purchase, eo sulted In the Injury of 37( others dur­ grounds last Sunday, was won by W W h » n£ we have priced this range se ing April. A total of 343« accidents Knickerbocker, of thia city. Another were reported during the month, four older rider came later, according to lew that you will be greatly Oj those killed being pedestrians. the judges, but the awards had al surprised to hear Us price. Further proof that an ocean long ready been made. YOU HA VK NEVER HAD $1 Allowed on Old Electric Irons ages ago rolled over central Oregon Eari Cady, of Eugene, won the first SUCH AN O P PO R TU N ITY TO was obtained recently when there was place in the ten mile elimination con­ BUY A FULL ' A U TO M A TIC discovered on hilltops near Mitchell, test staged for the Amateur Bicycle ELECTRIC RANGE. Only $1« •t an elevation of 3000 feet, numerous League of America. Open Sunday mornings 7 to 11 a-m. during Fishing Season marine shells, including a huge coiled down and |7.75 a m onth will NOTICE TO CREDITORS ammonite. put this range In your heme hereby 8fTen that the An airplane will be used to dust fully Installed. Order now as Court“ ho * been by ,be fon n ty clover with sulphur on the Henry Court of the State of Oregon for the Formerly Henderer’s Electric this special offer expires soon. 8trlxner ranch' near Redmond. Sul ecutr Ì of th“ "*’ dUly appolnt''d e»' Al Pohl Clarence Cooley phur dusting appears to be the onl; eentrix of the estate of Edith Caley Think of these modern Im - method of preventing mildew, which ixato«»64' m * P*1’"0"11 having claims provemente th a t are Included has been known to reduce crops by against said estate are hereby not) tied to present the same to me In this new creation. The H l. •0 per cent. F r X I ^ ' ed- St the 0,,lce Speed Calrod U nit, the fastest J. H. Billingslea, supervisor of the Frank A. DePue. the attorney for the cooking unit known— the new filsklyou national forest, has announc­ •»tate. In Springfield, Oregon, „„ or Hoi t Jeweled movement ed that the United States forest serv­ •»«fore six months from the date of this notice. tlm , lock— the new and Im ­ ice this summer will reconstruct the Dated this 3rd day of June, 1930 suspension bridge across Rogue river proved heat control th a t MAUDE E. CALEY. at Agnes. Work on ths structure will FRANK A. D.PUE. keeps the temperature where Look these Bargains over carefully.. All High Grad« « W e«'««. be started soon. The bridge, which Teu want N — an nnasually Merchandise at Very Substantial Savings Attorney for the estate. waa built several years ago at a cost well p r o p e r t ie d even—te a r ______ J« 6-12-19-2« Jy 3 il ef approximately 325,MO, was wrecked — ek ing unite—the rig h t d JE£?n * flood washed out one of the j $2.00 MEN'S for the greatest , SUM M O N« FOR PUBLICATION main pier*. AU In the Circuit Court ef the «tate ef 1 OREGON STATE NEWS OF GENERAUNTEREST UPPER W IL L A M E T T E ♦ The Greatest Range Story Ever Told Wetting/ioute Adjust-O-Matic Iron Latest and most con* venient Ironing Appliance ■ l i ä Springfield Electric Supply Special This Week T H fi M ARKET« Portland . Wheat— Big Bead Mueetem. 11.17; aoft whits, western white, »1.04; hard winter, northern awlag, western tod. I L t t Bay—Alfalfa, «2« per ton; valley timothy. »20. M 0X1; eastern Oregon timothy. »22.6003»; clever. »17; oat hay, »1»; oate and vetch, »1*017. Ba tterfat—11011c. Eggs—Ranch, 30 0 24c. Cattle— S teen , good, *11011.50. Hogs—Good to choice, »».75011.2*. Lambs—Good to chocle, »»0». Seattle Wheat—Soft white, western white, hard winter, westerh red and northers spring, »1.05; Big Bend blaeatem, 11.1«. Eggs—Ranch, 21@2»c. Bntterfat—34c. Cattle—Choice steers, »11011.80. Hoga—Prime light, «ll.4O011.tO. Lambs—Choice, «9010. Spokane Cattle—Steers, good, «10010.60. Hogg—Good to choice, »11. Lambe—Medium to good, »808.25, Oregon, fee the County of Lane. Frances A. Stone. Plaintiff, va Wll-1 Ham L. Stone, Defendant. To William L. Stone, defendant* , In the name of the » U te of Oregon you are hereby required to appear and answer the oomplalnt filed ( against you In the above entitled Court. and cause on or before tour weeks from the date of (he first pub­ lication o f this summons, and If you fall ao to appear and answer, tor w a n t, thereof the plaintiff will apply to t h p || Court for the relief demanded In «aid J complaint, to-wlt: For a decree ol .1 this Court decreeing that the bond» 1 of matrimony heretofore existing be­ tween the plaintiff and defendant be forever dissolved, and plaintiff di­ vorced from the defendant, and tor such other and further relief as to the Court may seem equitable. Thio summons is published once each week for four consecutive weeks In the Springfield News, a weekly newspaper of general circulation published In Lane County, Oregon by order of the Honorable C. P. Bar nard, Judge of the County Court of Lane County, Oregon, which order bears date the 4th day of June, 1930, and the date of the first publication of this summons Is June 6th, 1930. JAMES K KINO, Attorney tor Plaintiff; residence and post office address, Miner Build Ing, Eugene, Oregon. Jn 6-12-19-2« Jy 3 Straw Hats 25c and 30c Fast Color Prints idc $4.50 MEN S AND YOUNG MEN’S Dress Pants S 2 .M $3.00 MEN’S Sweater Coats —age offer m _ . r r t s tour ORJUT- OPPORTUNITY TO O R ! HOBT MODERN RLCC- TRIC RANOR AT A OÈRAT BAYDfO. Thia impalar RtaeA wfll h u t yed a lifetim e 10 DOWN S 1.98 Fulop’s Department Store 334 Main Street Motmtala >ta Slates Power Conpaay SPRINGFIELD «