The Springfield news. (Springfield, Lane County, Or.) 1916-2006, June 05, 1930, Image 1

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    Try the Home
Print Shop Fir»t
Mrs. F.B. Hamlin
Died On Saturday
Children and Judges are Aakeo G IV E N A T H i 8« T O D A Y
Death Cornea aa Surpriae to
Frienda; Business Houaea
to Meet at Seventh and Main
Rain Faila to Spoil Eleventh
Close for Funeral.
Streets at 4:00 o’clock.
Athletes Get Letters in Base­
Annual Roee Show; Parade '
ball Football and Basketball;
Called Off, will be Held Later
The annual Row* Show children’«
Typing Pina and Certificates
in Better Weather; Many Win H«"»'»". postmaster of thia city, died pgra(Jr wlllph waa to have been held
Presented; Members Honor
at her home Hsturdsy morning at on Tuesday evening. will he held lo-
Priiea With Exhibits.
I the age of (I years Mb» had been morrow. Friday afternoon, at 4:00
Society are Named.
Almost too entries of roses aud »Ulna for several weeks, but about o'clock The parade will form on
"T he People’e Paper”
No. 23
School Board To j
Elect A t Library]
No New Candidates Announce
Intention to Seek Offices;
Wood Bids Acted On.
Airport Week Proclaimed by
by Committee and a Number
The school election to be held on
Monday. June 1«. will take place at
of Improvement Features will
the city library between the hours of
be Taken Up by Volunteer
2:00 and 7:00 o'clock L. K. Page
Labor Before Election.
will he the election Judge, and Mrs
other flowers were made at the two weeks ago her health had Im Seventh street, between Malo and
An airport Improvement week,
All awards made by students at W H. Gantz and Mrs. Ouy Halsey
el.ven th annual Hprlngfleld
Hose proved and she was able to return A streets. The first group will be The “>• *>A«h school during the past will he the clerks The decision to starting next Monday, when a num­
show, sponsored by the members of <o her duties at the postofflce, where winners of the health certlflctes at year were made this morning at hold the election at another place ber of Jobs will be done, was pro
than the city hall where the special
the Woman's Civic (lull at the com •*>» was a clerk. Her condition be- the grade chools. They will be fol- annual senior class day exercises.
______ _____ __
lefty election Is to be held on the i clallned Tuesday night at the meeting
munlty hall on Tuesday
Although fam e worse again, and she passed lowed by the children with their
b e tiers for baseball were given to
the weather had not been favorable «way after almost a week of serious buggies and other decorated* vehlclea i Hersey Tomsetb. Ralph Cole. Jack *‘‘MP day wa" ca ch ed by the school i ot the airport committee. Thia w ork
to flower growers this spring, and Illness
Her many trleuda In thia Children with their pets will const I?
LJoyd Mattison. Freeman 1 b‘,ard ° n Monday evening after they j If expected to be largely volunteer.
Invitation from the and If the »2.000 tax levy carrlea at
the number of roses exhibited fell lie vicinity knew she waa III. but did not tuta the third section and the child Squires, John Lynch. Dorman Chase, b“d re‘^’*»ed •
i l >,e June 1« election, from
l< v that of Inst year, still the quality realise that I) whs as serious as It ren on decorated bicycles will follow Donald Bettla and Paul Robley. "ta.'and"'»! ,h e'L el’‘CUOn a , ’he
now on
or the individual blooms compared eventually proved to be
thin section
I They were presented by Cotter Oould. time and place. It wa« argued that In
city election
election th
m iid k
«.a i u
gee m
activity at
at th«
thi «’ W-
the city
the e nnll*.
polls w
ucB #c,l,r!ty
v.-,y favorsb y with .hose of previous
Mnrrt.d In IN I
The p sr .d . win m ov. from Seventh
... after wh,(||
William Baker, former coach, re- ,o
h*'ld open *“ day untl‘ •:«>
Work slated to be done at the field
J*4“ *
I Mrs. Hamlin was born at Looking to
The Children s parade. which wss (Ma.,. Douglas county. Oregon, on
on children will go to" Fgglmann a con I turBed ,o ,he h,«h Brh,,<’1
Present I “J"1 ,h‘ * ,he <“ «»Tent hours for the next week Includes cutting of the
grass over the whole port, building
stheduled to lake place at » 30. was J„|y u , , H4# Hhe wag , he daUBhh<I. rectlonary. where they will be given ' le,ter’' ln toothsll
Claire Thurman, eleJ l,on* m««ht be confusing.
positioned until u later date due to ,,f peter w and Hussn y- W lll'sms their treats.
~ Squires,
M new candidates - have filed peti- fielo corner markers and painting
Squires, "
the lalnfall Tuesday. Il will be held Hh<- lived at Looking Glasa until she
Hersey Tomsetb. Thayer McMurray. tlons for the offices to be filled a t 1 “nd placln* a *»rge number of barrel
O. Wilson, who has charge Jesse Sumner, Gerald Morrlaon, Gay- the election. Clayton Barber and ' C° n*" “round the •« “ndary of the
lat> r and the participants will receive waa married to F It Hamlin on
their treats which are to be pur­ December 27. 1881, when the couple of the parade, asks that all p erso n s'1(ird Morse" <*uen’t?n" ThTrmsn? H?r- William Q. Hughes are both seeking field. Also the building of a large
chased with funds secured through went to live at Wilbur, where Mr whom she has Invited to assist as Old Geiger. Italph Cole. Fred Buell. I ,he »Bme Posltlona. while F. B **“ * d,rect,on Indicator, which will
Flanery la the only candidate for '
"*h,ed ,Or n‘<Bt
the sale of booster tags and through Hamlin was the principal of the Judges meet at the corner of Seventh and Dalton Thurman.
th, luncheon served at noon
Gerald Morraon. Fred Buell. Oordon ' ‘••factor. The prospective candidates I Building of the new service station
I Umpqua academy. Here their first and Main atreets at 4 00 o'clock.
Wright. Freeman Squires. Gilbert wiu have “Util June 10 to file their j and han*ar ■< the airport will com-
The exhibits were divided Into son Virgil was bom on October 24.
three groups single specim ens of IXPI In 1895 they moved Io Roseburg
Ernstlng. Richard Prochnow.
and Petitions with the district clerk.
mence Just as sons as the title to e
any color; groups of three rosea of «here Mr. Hamlin became first sup-
John Lynch received their letters for 1 Wood bids
were secured at
th» plere of land on ,he highway la se-
one color; and baskets of either lame «rlntendent of th , public schools sn.t
I meeting and the board agreed
to rured P1ans Bre f°r » Bew alignment
Typing Awards Given
I purchase 100 cords of four-foot slab- ' ,ir ,he hanF»r« »“<• later to move
or wild flowers. They were Judged by later county achool aaperlntendent
W 8. Mlksche, aaso.-lated with the |„ , i0 9 , hpy mo¥«d ,() n ,rt| , n<|
Beginners certificates were award- wood from the Booth-Kelly Lumber 10,6 ° ld han*ari hack 10 ‘he new
t hese Gardens retail store In Ku from where they again returned Io
ed to the following students ,'n type- company for »3 50 and a n o th er-100 aliinm ent- The drainage tile on the
gem- Mrs (). It Gulllon. and Mrs Roseburg. where Mr. Ilsmlln
was Special Train Originating at writing after they had written an | cords from the Warren Lumber com fleld *“ Bow ln the d,tcheB B“d will
bo covered with gravel in tbe next
E B Park-.. both Eugene Rower principal of the Benson school
average of 40 words per minute for pany at »3.00.
Springfield, to Carry Valley
15 minutes with less than five errors: j The present warrant Indebtedness few days.
Lived In Military Camps
Soldier« to Camp.
W inner« Announced
The airport committee has decided
Angels Brattaln. la-la Squlreg, Evelyn , of (he district Is »12.325.84. Thia will
In 1»17 the family moved to the
Crises In the various divisions were
Lloyd. Maxine Swarta, Haxel Shelly, ' be paid off when th'«
« .« « « « to take up the field Improvement
l*realdlo. at Ban Francisco, and lived
won as fijl'w s: <Tho names after
Just about the time the sun cornea Nellie Bunkey, Geraldine Wilkinson.*
their one year while her husband was
In during the latter part of features as faat as possible now that
“ ’P",°"
! «uth B e«.s. ’ Dorothy Fisher. Mary ' this
the eghlbltvi s name Indicates name attending second officers' . Ista,’
a Class “A" rating may be secured.
of flower) Groups: pink, first. Mrs. ......... ................... ............... .
. ’ morning, a special train will pull
pull H
adl.v Adalfne
A d .lt « «
Perkins. Loudelle '
camp In l»lg they moved to c .m p o,„
Saturday night has been designated
with the entire I w illiam s.
Il () Carr. Betty; second. Mrs. D. O.
la>wls. Washington, where he be<-ame personell of the 163
as the time for special night flights
oav program
Fisher, pink radiance- th'rd, John
captain of Infsntry connected with
at the municipal airport. The cabin
Ketels, Jr. Ophelia, honorable uii-n u . d ,p ...
™ Cher,
IMrm.n O » «
monoplane. City of Eugene, has been
tlon. Mrs. D. O. Fisher. J C. Ains­
111 <
poard. The train will
rose the river , The advanced certificates awarded '
ramp adjutuui
DESPITE RAIN THREATS *n«»Pi*d with all lights as required
W orld ' ° KU* en'
PUI‘ “ P ' h e : b >- ,h *
O P cw rt.tng ' c o m p a n d
worth. while roses, first. Mrs. II. <).
It was at the close of the
by the department of commerce tor
Fisher. Karl Augustus Vlciorla; sec­ War In 1919 that' the fa..,l|y moveI to ^ T l ' l b m . X " ' v a ' l l e v Pr7 d 7 Ml
nt" averaging 70 words per
A large crowd of people from this night flying and it Is now possible
ond, Mrs D. O. Fisher. Frau Karl Springfield, where Mr H miii II ii wa«
n< more minute for fa tten minute« were won city and the surrounding territory to land the ship on any field with
Hamlin was
Puschkl; red roses, first. Mrs R O
principal of tbe Lincoln school un'II companies, finally going to Camp 1 by Verulce Hawke. Jute Pollard and lined the sidewalks on both aides of only Its own lights to sight the run-
Carr. General McArthur; aerond.
( latsop, where the Oregon guards , Angellne Severson.
-Maln street last Friday morning to ways. Regular day passenger rateg
1M2, when he waa appointed post­
men . will go lulo intensive training . Barbara Adams won a bronxe and4»«« the annual Decora Mon Day par will prevail Saturday night and It la
John Ketels. Jr. Edward Mauloy;
master for Springfield
Mrs Ilsmlln ,
third. Mrs I’aul Brattaln, Hoosier
f ,7 ° 7** * l* , “rn,n* ,o «heir re a silver pin. Others winning silver i •«••- • “<• to later ride to the Lanrel : exported that several local people
became a clerk shortly after.
Beauty; honorable mention. Mrs.
pective homes on June 25.
, pju, are , U xe| s h e „y Ne„ ,e Sankey j Grove cemetery where short exer will take advantage of the opportun-
Member of Local Organisations
Clark Wheaton, Hoosier Beauty; yel
I Porothy Fisher. Arialine Perkins. $laes w^re held In memory of those ! By of seeing the city from the air
Mrs llainlln was a member of the
low roses, flisl. Mis gu I rbompeon. Methodist church, the United Arti- n’*n whlrh will attend the camp 100 LaiudeJIe Williams. Dorman Chase. . *'ho had ..................warfare
fallen in
for their »t night.
Mrs Wayn.-ss Qu'nii; second. Mrs Mn# >n(J of (|)e AuM,nary
(|lp per rent this year Includes first lieu- j Vernlce Hawke. Kathryn Jack. Mlnu ' country. Rain, which had threatened
C h a rles lliich u n u n , t loth
of Gold; American Legion. Rhe Is survived by teBan* r *- Swarta. second lleuton- P*terBOB- i,nd Hrrsey Tomseth
*•• morning to spoil the annual Mem CHILDREN'S PROGRAM
th ir d . Mrs. B u ch a n a n . Mrs A Wad-
The gold pins, the highest awards orlai Day parade, hung off until the
her widower, F. U. Hamlin, two sons. an*
Oossler, staff sergeant
dell; houoruble m ention. Mrs. D. O.
... .
Virgil L. Hamlin, of Portland, and A,,r,‘d Townsend, sergeant* Orval given, were won this year by Vernlce ceremonies of the day were over, but j
U sher. Mra Wayne U""'"
s ,n *'" j John N Hamlin, who Is In Ihe em ' ■""•«••. William Cox. Orval Eaton. Hawke and Loudell Williams.
the clo>,ds finally opened wide and j
aptclmetia: first, MN. PSOI Brattaln, I „uggy
Buano, A)rM Argnntlne; charle" Scott; rorporals Nlel Olllon»,
school children, national guardsmen ’
Register for Fall Term
Lady Helllngtlon; second. Mra. Earl
Registration of students for classes and o,hers who were riding to town
The annual
Methodist Sunday
I two brothers, Jefferson Williams. Elmo L °n<. Stanley Miller and Free-
Thompson, Ijidy Helllngdon; third,
Lwoklng Glasa, and Charles Williams; n,an Squires; privates, first class, next fall was also completed this j from ,h e cemetery were drenched In school children's day program and
Mrs. N. W Emery, Mrs. Waddell;
exercises will be held ln the church
four sister*. Mr*. J, O. Newland, -*0*”1 Lynch and Don Palmer; prl- morning, and report cards were pre­ a few minutes by the falling rain.
honorable mention, Harry Whitney. I r “,..,” rg{ 7 ' Mra w
E McAtoe. Port- va,es Carrol Adams. Frank Lombard. sented.
The parade, headed by the Inde ’ udl,ori«’n on Sunday evening. Jun«
Madame llerrlott.
I land; Mra, Charles Fields. Roseburg; •■'*°5'd Mattison. Verrol McFarland,
Ronald Abrams. Ruth Bettis, and pendent Order of Oddfellows band
** waa declded »• ■ meeting Ot
Baby and Moaa roses; Mrs. Julius |
and Mrs * Jack McClung. Portland; ,toy Severaaon and Hersey Tomseth. Bernice Cline played piano solos ' fr°m Eugene, moved off promptly at ,he 9und»y school board on Monday
Fulop. first; aud Mrs. Pratt linlver-
and one granddaughter. Virginia * The official report of the federal during the morning program. Student 11:00 o'clock and included city offi- *’ en,n< The
will be furnlsh-
aon, second.
Hamlin, Portland.
hy ,h * ch’|dren of the primary
inspection which waa held last win­ body officers for the next year were clals. American Legion members, the i
Many Basket« Entered
Funeral Hwld on Tuaaday
drill team of the Neighbors of and *n,erm,'dlate departments and
ter, was received here last week. also installed.
F rat place for decorated baskets
Named for membership In the Woodcraft, the National Guard unit. wlH
arr»nged by a committee
w . . won by Mra. L. E Baaford. with T u ^ d .? " .« ? ,!« " ^ ’'“'”
° n The unit received a favorable rating
_ w_u_, . , A___ . _ . . ____
.. . i Tuesday afternoon at l oo o clock
Torch honor society were the follow­ and grade school children with their consisting of Mrs. L. K. Page. Mrs.
a basket of American Beauty climb­ t-nm
u t.ib . n , «
I 8 ever»l changes In the personnel
Ida Gants. Mrs. Cornell. Mrs. WI1U«
from the Walker Poole chapel In this of the
ing freshmen, who will each receive teachers.
ing roses. Mrs. Carr won second place I c| |y
C "j"
unit have been made during
and Mr«- B P- Mortensen
Paa'or of the tha paa, few weAk„ Corporal William
with a basket of wild flowers made
The picnic was postponed, accord­
Methodist church, officiated.
Beatrice Gillette, Elwina Meacham. America and The Star Spangled Ban-
up of wild hyacinth and wild holly­
Beulah Richardson, Leona Gates, ner waa led by Ernest McKinney. ing to H. L. Gillette, superintendent,
hock. Third place was won by Mra.
m .:» ;:;
, n
RM t
n " ‘
8,* n Melba Harris, and Leola Maxwell. Rev. Pike asked the invocation, and until a later date, probably in Sep­
Harry WTiltney with a basket of
The sophomores chosen and who Rev. Ralph Mulholland delivered a tember. when It can serve as a fall
Columbine and Iris. Honorable men­ s p r i X , ; * 1 the
X a ^ f 2 J ’. 7 d <’3 no'’
ll” * * * PrO,nO‘,d *° ' eOrP0ra1' and O”“ will also receive the bar plus are short address. The Korean male quar­ rally day Incentive, he stated. The
tion wan given a basket of Caroline
Eldon Ellison, Lela Squires, and Lee tet sang the Marching Song, a salute picnic Is usually held in Jnna, but
° re*P*C, , 7 T r. h“"
Tea out rose« by Mrs. O. H. Jarratt. tor Mra. Hamlin
Vail. Gold pins were awarded to was fired and taps sounded by a Boy the Brotherhood have scheduled a
rir«t c I m i .
Considerable Interest waa shown
picnic tor that month, and it was
Hix memhera of the American Le-
Hale Daniels and Faye Parsons, Scout.
Is the exhibition of portraits done by
decided not to have two picnics In tha
glon served aa pell bearers. They
members of the Junior class, and to
Mr W. A. Elkin* and a group of
same month.
Evelyn Buell, senior.
were M. B. Huntly, Jack Laraon. C. A|R TOUR OFFICIALS
paintings by memhera of hla class
The new books purchased hy th«
Membership In the honor society is
which have been meeting every week
OISCUSS landinc here granted by vote of the faculty and Is PROGRAM TO BE HELD
8unday school board have arrived
at the Brattaln school.
ON FRIDAY EVENING ’ and were inspected at the meeting.
-based upon scholarship activities In
M any Relatives Attend Funeral
A group of honked rugs waa also
I R. Lawson, chairman of the avia­
The Sunday school board wish to
the high school.
exhibited, as waa a specimen of tapis
tion committee of the Portland Rose
Thirty-eight seniors at the Spring- thank the members of the Sunday
try ownad hy Mrs. Fulop. which she ! u*rB.7 ir „ “J"1
M r a n d M r . i .» r . ™
accompanied hy Mr. Shield,
field high school have completed school and other cltixens who mads
had spent ten years In the msklng and Mra. Charles Fields; Mr nnd
their scholastic work! and will re­ tbe purchase pocslble.
She also had a sample partially Mrs J. O. Newland«. Charles W ^
’ ,,rtla,,d' '""d"d
ceive their diplomas from the school
completed showing how the work
Hams. Olalla. Mrs W. B McAtee ”
m" rn 'n'
Hnd " rP
la done.
.-rises for the h e .t Bower, c o n r f.t,
H -d s. .„ ^ « " t o X .r o r t 'h e ’ X
^ Z
I 1*" h,*ld tomorrow evening in the
CM c n u u c n c m n VI
of aw ard, of seeds, bulb, and o t h e r ! * , . *
pln„e ,
whlch „
Methodist church. They will hear as
Four former Springfield school | their commencement speaker Dr
Faville, dean of the school
garden necessities. They Imve not husband nnd daughter. Marjorie; all " i l ’ w '
teachers were guests Sunday at the John R. Mex. professor of political
m° n"’
administration at the
be< n given yet.
""" MrS
En’”ry ’ cience at the Unlyerslty.
• University of Oregon, will speak to
of Milwaukee; Mrs. Robert Woods , ')r
( Rebhan. president of the ah^ r o n
a niece, nnd her daughter. Elaine ,,f .
Ch“',m “n ° f ,h* aV,a’ and renewed many acqunlntances In ; Evelyn Buell will deliver Ihe the members of the Lions club at
’ L " ..
I " ’ hlKh i valpdlc'ory «dd^ " She has the d is -1 their noon lunch Friday on Commer­
Portland; nnd Gladys Marsh
•» d is e a sin g the
"to' P- possibilities of having the filers stop j’.<’h<’0.1. hnccalnurente exercises at ; Unction of being one of the youngest
cial Aviation. Dean Favllle Is per-
Mrs ChnHo.
. . . .
nt ,h '’ ,ocal P011 wh,,<' on ,h elr tour J ” "’ M<’ih"dl*< church that evening, i graduates from
high sonally Interested In aviation, having
ee are sn ed n ln s 'll.« 1J1 R l " ^ c- „ ig expectpd ttlH, mnrB th(|n (h|rty
Included ln the visitors were Miss school to
Sunday, June S, will mark the 1800'A tee
receive this honor.
taken an active part In organizing
,ek here.
11 ,ln' e of
Oregon owned ships will he Included
Hodge, Miss Pauline Miller. ! Nellie 1
anniversary of Pentecost, and Rev. j week
.« a u . c l ,
" right will be the saulta- aviation studies at the University
and Mrs. ( harles Crane, all of Snlem, tory speaker.
now h1maPl;_ te(l,.h!n(f a rn|lrge
In the tour.
Ralph Mulholland, pa»lor of the Bap­
and Miss Sylvia Veatch. of Cottage
Other numbers on the program In- In Commercial Aviation
tist (hnrch will use ns his s e r m o n ,* ,
Grove. Miss Hodge Is now assistant elude
' ' a march. Pomp and Clrcnm- J S. 8. George, state commander of
topic for (he 11:00 o'clock worship, ,
In a doctor's office at Salem, Miss stance, played by Myrna Bartholo- the American Legion, has been se-
The Cost of Pentecost. At the even
MRS. BROWN AS MEMBER Miller Is employed at the state library n.ew, the Invocation by Rev. C. J ' cured to address the local luncheon
Ing service he will speak on An Un-,
in the enpltol city, nnd Mrs. Crane, Pike; a vocal solo by Gerald Morrl-j group at their meeting the following
readable Word.
Regular Sunday i If ther« Is son.,.thing you would
The Initiation of Mrs. Emma R . ..................... ..........
who whs known here as Miss Fave son; violin duet hy Evelyn and Fred week, Friday, June 13. He will talk
«chool classes will meet at 9:46 as ' Vii ° i',Vr l,° n8 ,h* H"rP,'t Wfty "* Brown Into the Rebekah lodge was ' Spiiuldlntf
1« finishing
her school
gelling It done Is to do It yourself, the principal item of business for the year nt Snlem. after which she will Buell; the girls' sextet, consisting of , on American Legion work.
Vernlce Hawke. Ruth Bettis, Evelyn 1
Ihe boys at the city hall desiring to members of the lodge nt their regular
Injurea Eye In Fall—The four year have their headquarters redecorated weekly meeting held on Monday move to Newberg to mnke her home Buell, Jessie Beals, Nellie Wright,
Break« Hand In Fall
with her husband. Miss Veatch Is and Jule Pollnrd, singing Danny Boy;
old son of Mr. and Mrs. Jack Petit,
Marjorie Prochnow sustained a
remembered 'h , slogan, put on tholr evening. The degree staff was c m
teaching at Cottage Grove.
1 a vocal and Instrumental duet. Rosea broken hand on Tuesday when she
of Fall Creek, painfully Injured his
, ? '"i” 1
’»"rented on the manner In which
eye Monday, when ho tripped over a
of Picardy, By Bessie Stewart and fell on a slippery board while playing.
Today the city hall has a new coat they performed thetr duties. A social
stick while running along a path of kalsomlne on both the celling and haur with refreshments, under the
Ruth Bettis: piano duet. Vernlce
Tonsila Removed — Stanley Malo, Hawke and Jule Pollard; and a vocal
near hla home. He fell striking his the walls. Even the woodwork has direction of Mrs. Ellen Barker. Mrs
Son Born— Mr. and Mr«. W. H.
•y e against another stick, badly a partial m ating, hut some elbow Katie Brumette. and Jennie Barnard, son of Mr. and Mrs. A. B. Malo, of solo, I Love a Little Cottage, by Fred Hansen are the parent? of a baby
scratching his eyelid. The eye Itself grease mixed with a damp cloth la was enjoyed following the Initiation Ernie's Barbecue, had his tonsils re­ Buell.
«on, born to them at the PaotOo
was not Injured.'
moved at the office of a local phy­
D. J. Beals, chairman of th« school hospital In Bagene on Sunday,
rapidly removing the unwanted coat, ceremony.
sician yesterday.
hoard, la to pr««eaat the dip t« -...
! « • » »
„ 1 ,» ..
Guardsmen Camp
S tarts W ednesday
.T™™;.’: '■ “