T1IK SPR1N0K1B1.D NKYVS T l I URSPAV. MAY 29. 1 »130 DR. EMERY'S BROTHER JUNIORS AND SENIORS DIES MONDAY EVENING ENJOY BANQUET; SHOW bm thZ rof B,"rab*>r* ° f •*«»«* *nd .... , . . . y’ 1 ,n l' Junior classe» at the Springfield high S s . ln K C n ’ M 7 “ “ tha l)Uk- crest I n Rugen« Monday evening a, Um >>w # (vr ^ • 0 t o l lo ...« . protracted Illness th. Junt()r * w|>hh Mr Emery was born in Brandon. New thal f|aaa t#nd. r> ,o aradua„ Iia York, on January 3, 1358 He came group. A five course dinner was en­ to Oregon from South Dakota and joyed. after which a short program, baa been engaged in farming in thia consisting of addresses by John vicinity. He was a member of the Lynch and Frank Mersdorf, the presi­ Methodist church. dents of the two classes, were given. Surviving Mr Rmery ia hit wife. Principal W. K. Buell offered a toast Mrs. Ida Rmery; eight daughters. Boy Voyage, for the members of the Mrs. S. R. Renshaw, Eugene; Mrs graduating class. James R«tep. Ogden. Utah; Mrs. F Others on the program were Alfred F. Burchett, Spokane. Washington; Frese, Fred Buell. Violet Runte, Faye Mrs. R. J. Neave, Eugene; Mrs. Paul Parser,», Bessie Stewart, and Irene Bloomer. Kugene; Mrs Oeorge Wills. Manley. Eugene; Mrs Fred Bloomer, Eugene; - i A theatre party was held at the Mrs Harry West. Eugens; one son. McDonaW theatre ,mmed l.le ly foi- W. A. Emery. Portland, two brothers. ,ow,n|f , he ban , Newton W Emery. Springfield; P H ___________________ X LEABURC pioneer dies AFTER BRIEF ILLNESS twenty grandchildren. Funeral services were held yester­ J E Kennerly. 76. Leaburg pioneer. day from the Branstetter chapel in Eugene. Rev H .. — . . Thursday, following a brief Illness and Interment was made at Rest- He was born at Little Rock. Arkan­ Haven Memorial Park sas. on November. 1853. and came to ATTEMPT MADE SATURDAY Oregon in 1876, settling at Leaburg where he has lived ever since. Mr. TO LOOT KETELS STORE Kenntylv and his wife at one time A burglar who“ either could not oper“,ed “ ‘od«’“< house and find what he wanted or else was Bt Le,bUrg b‘*,Ore ,h ‘' adyen* frightened away before he had time ° f the au,omoblle •* a m"au* The “Rogue Song” at Fox McDonald Theatre FOUR-H SEWING CLUB HAS ACHIEVEMENT EXERCISES M rs. H a m lin V e ry III F. Il llr.mlln Is ci'lticully g n tv r ta ln at The production was filmed sntlre l.v In Technicolor and was directed by Lionel Barrymore. Ttbbelt's song numbers, ranging from operatic arias to simple love ballads, were written by Herbert Stotnart and Clifford Gray, with interpolations by Frans Lehar. Elsa Alsen. Wagnerian soprano, sings a special number ac­ companied by a woman's chorus. . A symphony orchestra accompan- lis the s< n*s whl* >» Include One ■e In the Georgian Hills, The Narrative, The Rouge Song, The Shame Cry. To Live, To Love. When 1 m Looking at You, Little White Dove, and The Bandit Chorus. Barrymore, who was launched to directorial fame In "Madame X.” and who today is one of the ace talkie directors of the Industry, believes tb s. in the Tibbett picture he ha. direc directed his biggest production to date Present for (he day were Thelma Llpes. Juanita Wilson. Pearl Wills, Edna Severson, Olga Hrynchuk. Ellen Cog. Mary Young. h H a l l . Lor­ raine Webb. Eaye Holverson, Lena Stafford. Mrs. W aller Llpes, Mildred Morgan. Margaret Jarrett, l*aullne Conley. Velma Peddlcord, E«»ell Adams. Lucille Davis, Ruth Stratton, June Geiger. Ix>rna Chase. Beatrice ( arson. Eaye Johnson. Lora Thur­ man, Mairlon Thompson. Marlon Thompson. Alice Neel. Mrs. Frans. Winifred Frans. Mrs. W W. Walker. Ruth Pollard. Mrs. A. J. Morgan Doris Worley. Miss Evelyn Walker Julia Pederson. Mrs. P. Holverson. Eileen Baker Lela Peterson. Kal„ i,rum. lt if k L . “ WE HOW IN RESPECTFUL SILENCE TO THE SPIRIT THAT ANIMATED THOSE .M A R T Y K S W H O HAVE FOUGHT OUR CAUSES AND PRESERVED OUR NATIONAL ENTITY. WE WILL CLOSE ALL DAY FRIDAY. MEMORIAL DAY. Phone W. A. TAYLOR Breier’s Sell Everything Move Nothing WOOL GOODS All wool Dre»B Goods, 54 In. wide. Value $3.50 lOc CREPE BACK SATIN Hat Crepe Back Satin, plain and figured Crept Dechlne. $3.00 values 5 J LINGERIE Bloomers, Combinations. Vests, Shorts. $1 values 13c $5.00 values. MEN'S CORDS Slightly damaged SILK PONGEE All Silk 12 Mine. I ’ongee, 3 1/. yards BOYS' HATS 1 lot SHOES for Satiirduy T h u r sd a y , M a y 2 9 I Admission 75c Only Act Now! Take Advan­ tage of This Offer Leonard Refrigerators a t a D e c id e d S a v in g in P r i c e T hrifty housewives will be delighted at the Savings and ths large assortment of different styles to choose from. Models to fit every wo­ man's purse,. Come early before the best values are sold. Priced at With Each Yearly Subscription to $14.75, $17.75, $23 7C, $26.50, $29.75, $52.50 The Springfield News 5 0 0 lbs. ICE FREE we will give 50 Green Trading Stamps 9g LADIES' HOSE > Ladles' pure Silk full fashioned Hose. Values $1.98 Barn Dance For Limited Time 73c KHAKI MIDDIES AND BLOUSES H o n o r d a t S how er 50 GREEN STAMPS fREE S I.29 1 LOT STRAW HATS Good Floor Plenty Room Have Excursion Members of ner Sunday school More than on nuodred anglers school class and of the ladies aid of made a trip from Portland to South the Baptist church gathered at the Junction on the Desechutes river home of Mrs. Ella Walker last night last Saturday and Sunday on a spe­ for a surprise shower. Mrs. Walker CLOVERLEAF DAIRY cial fishermen's excursion train, Is leaving soon to make her home at which has come to be an annual Oakridge, where she has two sons. Good Music Phone 9-WHITE FRONT GROCERY F ish e rm en Clerk: I'm taking a correspondence From Mohawk — Mrs. Anna San- | course to get more money, sir. gathe, of Mohawk, was a Saturday Boss: Ah. too hid* I'm taking one visitor in Springfield to reduce ex .ensc P a rty In M em oriam ui .. 7 ° * ' H° m* ~ Mra * h° a ,,”,,d,,d ,he K* to complete his burglarising forced , . ... _ _ h l. way l . , o the KeteLs d m , store , F° Unt“ n turned (o h '" h " "'a ,>Or,land' r*' Saturday sig h t The The Intruder intruder 1,1 187*' Sbe P“ aed aw>r ,bl'M’ 7#ara turned to her borne here Tuesday late Saturday night ago and their only son died in 1902 after visit,ng s few days with rela- apparently did aot care to make any “Roaming Ranch” at Rsx Surviving Mr. Kennerly la a nep­ Uves In that city. noise, as he had carefully taken out Charming Sally Ellers makes her hew. who lives In California, and the pane of glass out of the back Hoot several nephews and nieces In Ar­ ' second appearance opposite SUMMONS door and as carefully set It away In Gibson In Universal's exciting Wes kansas. * corner against a box so as not to In ths C irc u it C o u rt o f t ter of Mr. and Mrs. Hunsaker. early doing of one man here Saturday after­ An Interesting program of music plaintiff's mortgage be decreed to b« pioneers, and had lived nearly all noon when police chief Lum Ander­ a first mortgage lien against the real her life In thia part of the etate. son picked up a man who had al­ and readings was presented Monday property therein described, to-wlt: She is survived by one son. Ra­ ready had too much te drink, and who evening at the monthly meeting of Lot Four « ) . Block Thirty three (33) leigh C. Roney, postmaster at Goshen, was carrying a bottle In his pocket Ixiyal Legion of Loggers and Lum­ In Gross* Addition to Eugene, in the one granddaughter, Winnffred Roney, to stimulate him. The man, whose bermen. which was held at the W. County of Lane, State of Oregon; that said mortgage be foreclosed In of Goshen; and the following bro­ name was not taken, was locked up O. W. hall at 8.30. the manner proscribed by law R. E. Daniels, of Portland field thers and sisters; T. H. Hunsaker. of for a few hours while he sobered up. Thia summons la served upon you Xxjwell; E. R. Hunsaker. of San and not having funds, be wag put on secretary of the organization, spoke by publication by order of th e H o n ­ on wood promotion, and the Korean orable O. F. Sklpworth, Judge of the Francisco; Mrs. William Preston and a bus and sent out of town. above entitled Court, which order quartet, composed of Ernest Me- was duly made and entered herein Mrs. Hugh Hampton, both of Eugene; I Kinney. Paul Potter. Alfred Frese, on the 29th day of May. 1930. Mrs. C. M. Parker, of Cottage Grove; D iam ond L a ke Road N ow Open of first publication. May 29th. and Mrs. Nellie Miller, of Akron The road to Diamond lake Is now . and William Pollard, sang several Date 1930 Ohio. ! numbers. Florence May and Barbara open and clear of snow, according to Date of last publication, June 20th, The funeral services were held on the state game commission at Port­ 1 Barnell played a piano and xylophone 1930. Monday afternoon from the Bran land The lake will be opened to fish­ duet, and Eaye Parsons presented a A. E WHEEIXM’K. Attorney for (Hnlnttff. I stc..er chapel in Eugene, with the ermen on next Sunday, and a large reading. Mrs. W C. Rebhan and Mr. Rev. George Warner, of Goshen, offi­ number are expected to visit that D B Murphy sang a duet, and Mar Address: 622 Corbett Building, Port land, Oregon. garet Jarrett played a piano solo. ciating. Interment was made in the popular spot on that day. M 29 J 5-12 19 26 1 Pleasant Hill cemetery. event. Housa III Mr and Mrs Laurence Muffiti, Mr. at her home In this city Mr HamWa and Mrs Clayton Barbar. Donald About forty mothers and their Is remaining at her bedside most of Wilson. Harry Wright, Alton Tyson, of Eugene, anti Mr. and Mrs (). W daughters were present at the an the time. "The Rogue Song," heraldetl as one White, of Salem, were all house of the mo.« elaborate of all talking i dM> » * * » * •* for Born- Mr and Mrs. (1 t! Fandrem guests of Mr snd Mrs Clifford WII musical pictures on the 1130 calendar '* . .. T T 1"“ c,uba 1,1 lh* ■Springfield district which were held are (he parents of a baby daughter son sl their summer home on Horse of Metro-Mayer-ttuldwyn. now play at the club bui.dlngs at the laine born to them at the Pacific Christian Creek Iasi weeh end Fishing was the Ing at the Fox-McDonald, theatre, hospital on Wednesday. May 28, 1930 chief sport for the guests with Lawrence Ttbbett. Metropolitan county fair grounds on Saturday. Arnold Collier, county club leader, opera star as Its featured player and a supporting cast which Includes presented achievement pins to the who had earned them and a « Catherine Dale Owen, Wallace Me- members , " 'e m and Donald. Judith Voaselll, Kale Price. ‘ " *7* * “ ** Ul" Lionel Belmore, Jamea Bradbury Jr ’ “f,' rnoon » “ -P-nl examining Nance ONIel. Burr McIntosh. Flor L'* ¿ 7 ° “.’ pro)*c " whl‘ h ence ------ latke ------- and — the ______ Roach comedy I ’ ’ ' » " d which team of of l-aurel Ixturel and ” COUld want w"r" «•«hlbltlon. t»»m and Hardv Hardy M rs. W ITH EACH REFRIGERATOR OVER $20.00 ICE wlIL be delivered by Springfield Creamery, makers of Maid O’ Cream Products Wright & Sons 4gc 10c