ff 9 TU1HBHAV. MAY 2», 193» PROBLEMS ENCOUNTERED LOCAL ANGLERS CATCH REMODELING STORE AND salmon in mckenzie ' ALSO DOING BUSINESS TOWN AND VICINITY Visits Parents— M r. and M r*. «am M ontgom ery motored to Vida on Sun i day to v is it b l* p a rents. V is it a t B e llfo u n ta in - M r. and Mrs. A lfred P rose a n d -fa m ily visited a t the home of M r and Mrs George Rhode* at Bellfountain Sunday. Hulinon fishing suddenly became Spend* Sunday a t Portland — Mr. weak | Rcmudxlln« a busy store and dnlu< the popular sport here lust and M r*. Jack Wade were visito r* A t F a ll C re e k — M r and M r*. E B. Transacts Bus) nasa— Norm an M a­ business In l| at I be aania lim a la (ha when tha annual run or tbase flab Ill at Hom *— E. W, Able* I* confln ! In Portland on Sunday. Fraedrtck motored op the W illa m e tte d ifficu lt problem w hirl) haa barn started up the Mi Kenxle river. ‘ Hev ; son, of Camp Creak, waa a bualnesa ed to hiss home bare with lllneaa highw ay along the little F all Creek larlnt; (h r J. C. Penny atnra In Bit- erul local people could not resist tha visitor In Hprlngflald Monday. From MeKonzIo B r id g e - M C. H all, W a lta r v ille M an H e r * — W a lter on Sunday. Ban» fin tint |iuat two ni >nlha. T h * tem ptation and Invaded the stream ' of M rKenr.le Bridge, waa a visitor In W aiter-villa Man V is it» M Brown, Easton, of W a lterv llle , waa a S atu r­ «xpaatlllig Iiujliiuah of th« firm mail« on the week day«. Dr. W (' Itebban this city on Saturday. R eturn* to Bend Henry K o rf, of of W u ltervllle, was a visitor here on day visitor In Springfield II tier»* m y Io vuiate I ha second and J. (' Mi M urray made an escep- 1 Bend, came over to this city on Sun­ Saturday. V isit at Salem— M r*. Dee Inman and tlonully fine catch last Thursday floor o." oil o fflraa and leuuelel ibal Visit at Ranch— M r. and M rs John day to get his wife, who had been a aparo for store Us* W ith thia work afleinoon. bringing In one nalmon I Hara from Dexter— O . W M athews, P arker spent Sunday a t th eir ranch M r*. MacM anlm an motored to Salem visitor here and In Eugene during i last Saturday, where they spent toe necessary II was d»< 'Idod to oom- which weighed thirty pounds. Others I of Dexter, spent Saturday afternoon near Junction City. j the past week. I day visiting. t ln ’ nly rrm od nl the hull ling from the were equally successful One group transacting business In this city. | F ro m D e x te r — M r*. 0 . C. M ath ew *, one weighing Back fro m C o n ven tio n— F re d W at- basemen* lo I he lop of lha building of fisherm en landed On Business V isit M r*. U. G War- Purchases Feed— O. W Burnell, of of Dexter, spent Saturday shopping ker returned to Spvmgflelu from T in workman went Into lha bane thirty-th ree and one h alf pounds on fel and son. O rville, of W endllng, Portland where be had been airend­ m eat i.ii'l began Ih tm by putting In Friday afternoon. Several dozen an M arró la, bought feed for his etork In Springfield. were business visitors In thia city rlv a r Monday ' while In this city on Saturday. ing the annual meeting of th» a new rou< into floor and making a glara were on tha From W altarville— C. R. Sylvester, i on « » ’ urday. Independent order of Odd Fellow *. d ow nstair* store of Ilia front half I but no good catches were reported ' C «m p C re e k M an H er»— J. K P la tt of M a tte rrili« , was a business visitor of the baaemant, while a ll of lha W ind and high w ater due tu the snow and H . G. Dennis. of Cam o Creek, T o n ell* Removed— Betty Mersdorf. In S p rin g tb-bj on M o nd ay. M arried W om an Fears Gas m e k ln r which fell last week was large aloi k was carried up to the of W endllng, had her tonsil* removed were Monday visitors In tbia city. — Eats Only Baby Food Marcóla Resident H er»— M r*. E l­ at the office of a local physician on second floor Wli**n tho basement blamed for the poor fishing. "F o r 3 years I ate only buoy food Salam V is ito r» - M r. and Mrs. W mer Fegel*, of M arcóla, was a shop­ Saturday. Work waa completed the stocks ware everytbing else formed gaa Now’ again carried down and lha ahoa de­ CHRISTIAN CHURCH NIGHT H. Adrian drove to Salem on Sunday per In this city on Saturday. thanks to A dlerlka, I eat anything to visit relative*. m oted down lo the basement while Medford People Here— M r*. Ralph and enjoy life — Mrs. M Gnnn. PLEASING TO AUDIENCE H e r * from W a lta rv ille — H. M M il­ the aerond floor and the back half Just O N E apoonfnl A d lerlka re Dtppel. of Medford, was in Spring- W a n g lin g Paople H e r* — M r. and ler, of W a lterv llle , spent Saturday of the building waa remodeled Thia field th * la tte r part of the week to lleves a ll GAS so you can eat and An Intereating program of songs l-ee, of W endllng. spent Sunday with with friends In thia city. A ct* on B O T H upper work haa now been completed and and readings formed the e n te rta in ­ Join h er husband, who was attend­ sleep better. friends In this city. and lower bowel removing poisons (be ready-to-wear w ill be mover) to ment at the Christian church for the Fishes on M ohawk — H. 8chaffen- ing the dental meetings at Eugene. you never knew were there, and the aerond floor U.fore Saturday i hurch night party, which had been From W e n d lln g - John Downing, of berger spent Sunday fishing on the They were guests at the Clarence which coused yoar stomach trouble T he piece goods w ill be pul on the pluuned under th e direction o f M ra. W endllng. was a business visitor In ■Mohawk riv e r and rep ort* catching Chase home and the oarty went fish­ No m atter w bat you have tried for stomach and bowels. A dlerlka w ill balcony w ith the corael department . C U lf Abrums T he program was un­ this city on Monday. ing on Saturday. several cutthroat trout. surprise y o u !— Flauery's Drug Store O ffice* w ill alao be located here. der the direction of Miss W llm u Spend Sunday in A lbany— M r. and Born — To M r and Mrs. W a lte r T he men's clothing and the w o Hcolt and consisted of the following m en’s notions w ill bo found In lha number« In a Chinese Garden, piauu Mrs. W R. Dawson and son, Billy, Rauch, of W a lterv llle , a boy, at the back of the store and lo the base solo by sorls W ithers; excerpts from spent Sunday w ith friends at Albany. Pacific C hristian hospital In Eugene on Saturday (horning. M ay 24, 1830. nieni u ntil the front remodeling haa Huckleberry F in n; a reading by Mrs Visit M other — M rs John Purcell bean completed, a fte r which the Anderson; Sleepy Hollow T im e and and her children, of Corvallis. spent V ieitor* from C r o w - M r. and Mrs. 942 W illamette St., Eugene, Oregon shoes w ill he put under the balcony T he Old Rond, vocal aolos by W illia m Sunday here at the home of her W O. F r itts , of Crow, spent the week and the man’s clothing moved to the M cC lain; a group of negro readings m other. Mrs. O. M. Pettyjohn. end here at the home of hie parents, front of the store with notions and by Mr. M cC lain; a vocal duet by M r Mr and Mrs. W . E. F ritts . From F all C re e k - Mra. Harold some women's apparent. M cClain and Charles Gibson, with a Spend* Week End w ith Parent»— ’It la a great mlx-up now," says ' guitar accompaniment by M r Gibson; ' Barney and three children were visi­ Clara W agner, com mercial lln m e r Mi-tx-an, advertising manager S ilver Moon, vocal duet by W ilm a tors In Springfield from th e ir Fall Miss Creek home on F riday afternoon. teacher at the high school, spent the of the firm , "but we w ill have a 1 Scott and Iteun Scott. weekend at Corvallis w ith her par­ fine store when It la fin ally com- | J.C.PENNEYCO. Slip Smartly Into At pleted BRIDAL SHOWER GIVEN • FOR MISS ONETA SMITH t SPRINGFIELD GHILDREN GET LIFE SAVING AWARDS Seven Springfield school children were awarded their ju n io r life-saving certificates laat week at the conclu­ sion of the annua) Instruction period given a the University pool* for *11 Interested people In bane county j Those who received th eir a w a rd *; Mias Oneta Sm ith, who I* to be m arried lo Lee Cruxan, of Dexter, next month, waa the guest of honor at a bridal shower given ber by M rs w C McLagan, M r*. J. C T hayer, and M rs It L. Burnett at the home Dlsque Sm ith. Juanita W ilson. Dick of M r*. McLagan, her sister, on F ri­ W right. Jim m ie W est, George Sm ith, day evening of last week. T lie rooms T helm a b lp e s . Ixirraln e Webb. were beautifully decorated with pink Miss Ernestine T roem el and Jack and white ribbon streamers extend H e w itt, of the U n iversity faculty, log out to all parts of the room from had charge of the classes, which were an upturnnd um brella of crepe i«t|M-r. attended by HO men and 105 wumen. Pink snapdragons and columbines were need as floral decorations Karh PROHIBITION PICTURE person present received a small WILL BE SHOWN HERE rupld ns a favor. A ll of the gifts were placed In a basket and the , The motion picture. T he T ra n s ­ evening was spent In unwrapping the gressor. which deals w ith the liquor gifts, and with refreshments. problems of the past and with the Those present were Mrs W K prohibition problems of the present Barnell, Mrs N. I. Ile lte rb ra n d ; Mrs Meda Catching, Mra. Fred Hinson, i day. w ill he shown at the Methodist church next W'odut-sday evening. Mrs Guy Halsey, Mrs. Harvey Raton. June 1 at S no o'clock. R. R. Close, Mrs Loulae Cruxan, Mrs. Bessie superintendent of the Anti-Saloon Hm ith. Mrs Luwrence May. Mrs. II league of Oregon, w ill also bo here at D. Dthhlee, Mrs Ida Calkins. Mrs H lecture K Phillips, of Eugene M r* Charles | that tim e and w ill d eliver In connection w ith the showing of W illiam s, Goshen Mrs Stella T ilton, the film . Dexter, Mrs. Alva W righ t. Cheshire, j There w ill he no admission charge, Mrs. Cecilia Cruzan. Dexter, and Mrs but an o fferin g w ill lie taken for the Roy Moon, of Eugene. promotion o f prohibition work In Oregon. Children are welcome, but E n te H a ln fo r N e llie W rig h t th eir parents are requested to ac­ The Misses Jute Pollard and Aud company them and to sit with them. rey Sm ith entertained at n »dower at the Pollard home last night In W a lte r v llle M an H e re H G. ftun honor of Miss N ellie W rig h t, who Is ham. of W a lterv llle . wn- a visitor in to be m arried next month. Springfield Monday afternoon ........................... . ' h i ■ North Bend—W C. McLagan N e w Spring Dresses ents. left Monday fo r North Bend on a business trip. He la expecteu t return M inor Operation — Donald Sneed, to him horn« here the la tte r part or the small son of M r. and M rs A. R. the week. Sneed, underwent a m inor operation At T riangle Lake— Miss Alice lx»o- 1 at the office of a local physician on mls. assistant at the dental office of Friday of last week. Dr. W N. Dow, enjoyed a picnic Dirmissed from Hospital — Mrs. C. w ith friends at T ria n g le Lake on J. Pike, w ir* of Rev. C. J. Pike, the Sunday. pastor of the Methodist church, was Recovering— Glenn T yro n , of route dismissed from the Eugene hospital 2 was In Springfield on Monday for on Monday, follow ing an operation medical care. H e had been a patient which necessitated her spending two for several weeks at a Eugene hos­ wacks there. p ital and is now able to be about on crutches. He had an infection In Ills foot. V isit at Bend-— Nadine M eM u rm v left Springfield Sunday with her (fraud mother, MV» Simpson. for Bend, where she w ill »p nd some tim e visiting Mrs. Slmpao.i has been here for the past week \ siting ;:t the home of her daughter, Mrs. J C. M cM urray. Each It’s smart silk dresses like these that stretch your budget into admitting a ■nagger coat and chic little hat and even the accesso­ ries to go with them. Biithe spring shades and rollicking new prints . . . in ■!?.- for women, misses and ,t ...ors. Doctor V is it* M other— Dr. and Mrs. ; It. 8. Van Valxah and two daughters. M orjorte and Anne, of M edford, a r r ’ved here last F rid a y to spend the ' week en l at the home o f big mother, Mrs. A. B. Van Valxah. Dr. Van Val- aah attended the dental meetings In Eugene. Leaks in Dam— Dr. and Mrs. Eu­ gene K ester spent Sunday at thetr , V is it * e t C o ttag e G rove M r and summer h- me t>n the M cKenaie river Mrs. W. <’ . M i-L a w n and th-tlr son, near Dnerhorn. A small leak was d lf ! Russell, and M r and Mr- It I.. ft .- covered at the hasp o f the new dam nett and thetr son. B illy, spent which the doctor constructed on hi. i Sunday at Cottage Grove ss guests property for a fishpond and moat of at the home of M- nod Mrs. ), R the day waa spent In repairing thia, I Sm ith M r. Sm ith Is a brother of Mrs. Several a x inch trout are now mak ; McLagan. Ing th e ir home In the lake. Wiiiiam’s Self Service Store 77 EAST BROADWAY ■ W » : < - .ïU EUGENE OVER 12G0 PAIRS OF SHOES TO CHOOSE FROM Children s Shoes — - — Hundreds of patterns in children’s shoes to pick from at Williams Self-Service. Strap patterns, oxfords, ties and shoes in light and dark shades. They’re out where you can see them and try them on the kiddies without high-pres­ sure salesm anship aceompanin»ent. “M em orial D ay” And the Memorial Park 98c to $2.98 Women’s Novelty Shoet lyj AY THIRTIETH Friday of this week—Is a day dedi­ cated to me,uories. On that d»y it is our duty and our privilege to acknowledge the debt of gratitude we owe to our heroic dead to those noble men who offered their lives that our country might live. The sentim ent that inspires m ankind to perpetuate the memory of those who have gone before is a noble and up­ lifting one. It is in recognition of the im portance of that sentim ent that Rest-Haven Atemorial I’; rk wan created. Here- as in a shrine - for generations and generations to come__mem­ ories of loved ones will find ¡heir most perfect expression. As you motor .vbout the clt> or Into the country on Mem orial Day. It w ill repay you to visit Rest Haven M em orial P ark— out the Spencer Butte road, a little ove a mbe from the city lim its. FRIDAY and SATURDAY at the FOX-REX HOOT GIBSON in “ROARING RANCH" Zaven MEMORIAL PARK 536-7-8 Miner Building Telephone 830 Blondes, Suntans. Beach Kids. Black Kids galore in the enorm ous showing of novelty shoes a t Williams Self- Service Stores. All heights of heels. $2.98 to $4.98 Arch Support Shoes »i constructed arch shoes now available in the lighter sum m er shades $4.98 O ther arch patterns as low as $2.98.