PÀQ» F our THE SPRINGFIELD NEWS INTERNATIONAL misunderstandings IMhllahed B v e rr Thursday at THURSDAY, MAY 21). 1Ü30 KENSINGTON CLUB IS At Dorena —- Kenneth Toblaa 1» Spend Day on Slutlaw . American motion pictures go into every comer ENTERTAINED FRIDAY »pending the week end at Dore'iu of the world. It in IncrcMRingly difficult for pic­ with other Sunday »chool worker« A party of Rprlngfleld people «un- t h e W IL L A M E T T E PRESS Mr». H C, W hitney putertaln«Ml from Kugene. They are carrying ou p rltlu g M r sud Mr». N L. Pollard, ture producers to make films which will not give H k . m a x k y , Editor and hla mother, and M r and Mra. offense somewhere. National pride Is hurt when the member» of the Kenalnctoti club a Sunday school campaign there. I> II Hurpby and Ml»n Clara Jones, at a covered dl»h dinner at her home lU fW a« ,e « w d clan. mattar. February 34. 1WJ , t th, the people of any race or country are depicted In on Friday afternoon o f Inst week. RELIEF FROM CURSE motored Io the Hlualaw country on -------Xcn. Springfield. Oregon. characters which are offensive. The British The members decided to poelpone In Sunday and apq»t the day flahlng In OF CONSTIPATION the riv e r between Kain Ho« k and public protested against "Broken Blossoms." in d efinitely the picnic which had been MAM. SUBSCRIPTION RATE the tidew ater near M apleton y w r la Admaoe------- M 7j M 'ed districts where there are p up ili who ~ the -- preliminary TAiUHUiUUUU tae colon The w ater n - —— p the dry are legally qualified Io take them of Bend. Md survey of the Willamette river to provide a fVhlna of Bagdad" and "Wei Ch,na over the "Welcome The regular mem ber* present for tood waste and causes a gentle and for whom que»Iloa» bava bea« thorough, natural movement without this city w to ru Portland has l)an* er" I" which the villians were Chinese « navigable • , channel from — n u n a, naj the meeting w ere: M rs. J. C. Mc­ form ing a habit or aver tncreaelag naked I w ill »end quasi loo» for a ll «xtndltloned pupils to the proper dis­ been adopted by the Senate Sen»»- commerce ______ commit _______________ _ . , trict» or. for pupil» who were sot It seems to be true that the only people who M urray. Mrs W . C. W rig h t. Mrs W the doee. Stop Buffering from constipation. K R am ell. Mrs. L. E B u fo r d ; Mrs. accon,in« » telegram received by this can be for any reason to take them ea May In vicious or C. newsnaoer a«,. . 7. 7 ’ lIUS portrayed on the screen in E Kenyon; Mr». Law rence May. ’ * * • * • Kexall O rder lie at night. N e it 1«. I» the bill win paas and the^u“ ^ ^ of th^ rt’ * ' ro CharaC,e” Aniericana' » ‘he movies Mra. J. T. Moore. Mrs. W’ C. Kebhau. day bright. Oat 34 for 36c today at K J. M OORE. Flanery'a Hexnll Drug store. M 3»Co School Bnpt. goon. ne atudy made of the river . <"» to escape censure somewhere or other. But Mrs S. C. W rig h t, and Mlaa Edna _ )tr ,hat ca®e. what of the impression of America Swart». .trge navigation of the Willamette river, if , and the Americans which they convey to the PROMPT RETURN ASKED ound practicable, will substantially reduce the peop,e °I other countries? « S “ ™“ t X . ! R— Mly . Him . . . shown to F n u ,« to which FOR LIBRARY BOOKS Which should stimulate lumber and farm produce a marine in Nicaragua is made to say that he T h« warm w eather la already be­ movement to market Because of terminal rates and his comrades are there to protect the inter­ ginning to make Inroad» at the Every year more people are attending summer claiutee ftvm Portland. San Francisco and other sea pons and are thereby Increasing their earning capacity. Springfield lib ra ry , where the num ests of big business. Numerous protests against many other coast sections have a distinct advan­ this film were made to the authorities In Wash­ ber o f readera la falling o ff dally, Why not enroll at the Eugene Business College now and according to Mra. D. B. Saitsmaib tage over this in world markets. begin your training, thus gaining a three months' start on ington. who replied that they were powerless to librarian. T here are atilt a good those who wait until the regular school year begins? Many people would say off hand that river stop its presentation. Doubtless It will be shown number u n p eo p le who make uae of navigation is a step backward in rapid transpor- everywhere. Including Latin America, where the the facllltlva available, »he added We employ the same teachers the year 'round, and we T hirty-th ree new u»era were Hated have especially tender corns a and ..I - — - -----— wUlIU u. seemingly demanding nd , give the same thorough instruction during the months of demanding People just now nave June. July and August mr at other times of the year. haJ IUUlber hOP8’ iX>Utoes' look UP° upon n a,m° almost 8t anythlnK anything “ the >e United y T W W IA J States gW e - A I AprU. A — — a » a e «otnl - . • of e T«< — . - hook, were . gra might as well take a week or so I does does as as an an effort effort to to tread tread on on them them. taken out during the month A d u lt. Enrollment dates are— Monday, June 2, 9. 16 and 23. FeaC.h thCir de8tination- M they always No intelligent American believes that „ s tO°k °u' *30' *nd ch"dr,,n ,ook °u' W in terminal warehouses many weeks a n d anv t a w r l L i e 7 I believes that we have the other 1M . ASK ABOl'T IT. IT'S A OtMID SCHOOL even months before being sold but o u r • ». * ' *>S‘re8 ‘oward South America. People who have library bonk, are " a Rtiui e »k r ne,Fhbors down there do believe that we “ ked to co°P«n»te with th'e library j ° the river by army engineers will re- have» an^ anything, however trivial which tends board to the <*«tent of returning the m i the practicability of barge navigation and t0 foster that belief, is a stupid blunder if no- *he" h#r due MMny of ,he the cost, which is a good thing to know a t t h is ‘hing worse. ’ books which are uaed by the »chool A. E ROBERTS. ITestdent tfene. children are taken out for long perl !■* j M people everywhere were governed bv reason l>d* and 0,h#r* ” * deprived from ua Phone 666 Miner Building Eugene, Oregon J* ,and thought logically, thev would understand ‘hpm Th* llbrary '• “ d|y »*-<«' Hctto,, to e . L E t <^mg the public a duty to lambast the party or- , n,aj°rl‘-v of screen audiences. Including our new books or diipllcat coplea of those ganizations, even in this state where they are ° Wn'.do not reason- Thy are governed by their whlch are *orn created by the people by a vote at the primary I e“ ° tions and ^ ‘eis. and they believe that what ejection. They forget that the party is the founda- they see in the movies. If n ot'literily true. ?s at LI0NS CLUB 0F F 'CER ADDRESSES LOCAL MEN qon of our government and vital to its success least a true representation of the life and classes The cool drink season is hero and we have the of people which it portrays. And that is. after o . f T a t ., i>orti.n«i, d i.tr ic t see §how us a country where there are weak parties usual large assortment to select from served at our riu b tor thia and we will show you poor government and poll- au, the most serious charge against the motion retary of ,h’' new fountain. We not only offer a large variety but ttoal chaos where officers are irresponsible and picture. Its capacity for impairing the morals of trlct' wus ,h‘' m“ln ,,P,‘al,er at the we make 'em to order also. Tell us what you want the young is trivial compared with its canacitv .D°°n luncl,e"n “ •«’Un« of the dteually stand for nothing. tor t o , ^ be„e,5 about U(e peopl; ^ X V — and we'll fix It. are ««Worn more than half true and frequently ° f «hi. district tm« year During the many years service here our store Supporters of aviation should see that their totally false. ______________ has become more than a business— It's an Institu­ frjends understand the proposed development of H A N D L E nothlnz but the S p rin g • • • tion. rield Ice Cream and grad« a m ilk the Springfield airport before the election on the The report from the state Intangible tax show s, b u t,* r ««><1 b utterm ilk — p erla i , levy Springfield port port is is to to that mere E .lte Cafe. Springfield. M 29 there were 18,487 returns made and that h L ' June 7 16. ' The op....gneia tfhlted q T T 1 4 PUn Uid d° Wn lhe 12443 WCre frOm people havln« an income from £ r k do * tes 1*}partment of Commerce, and ail stocks, bonds, interests, and mortgages each less “ « 'b a re -h r Harvlr« D ifférant' done will lead to a government rating. The than $700. Only 13 people were f o u ij In t ie sta^ S u S S d ^ b v Carr^ ng ° n the work here can be with incomes from this source of $50.000 or over mittee ’ member of the airport com- VV'hile the big fellows paid over half of this In- ho«/ ' tangible tax the little fellows were two to one WE HAVE A COMPLETE STOCK • lj ' • • • , the most numerous. OF Lane county growth during the last ten years over fifty per cent, the census shows. This It cost Mr. Corbett nearly $1.00 a vote for his a-very substantial growth and one we should campaign in the nrimary election. Democracy fci; proud of when other section populations are comes high these days, and the privilege of being deteated seems very expensive in this case. 8 considered. Priced from $ 5 0 up •»«is « • • — — w WHY NOT BUY A GOOD, LOW PRICED USED 8pWt and national patriotism are thing that goes faster after it is broken is closely allied and the measure of one is a good CAR FOR THAT FISHING TRIP a dollar. i index of the other. B 8 p r in .fi k M, Lane Coanty, Or«