T H U R S D A Y . M A Y 2». 11)30 PAGE THREW BLUFf Ä ' t h . babbo M ' T * “ 4 WOrd ,he H « * ’ ° ' ‘« '• r t i o a to likin *. gM •«Bltby b u t . , * ‘ r« »” * « • » from libios ta . oort of p aw ly . £ copy, and fianca. '« jie f fectlod. anrf from fv-nm Ik-« feecb to fke ctlo n . sad that «gain. 1 b ^ ' R SAIJC— itln c h body n r . K la c b lars« chech He la found dead with Eirl Taaehara R um ination POR RENT--Houae. Call at U <( N. » , » c n tad yu jie revolution of feellag than *»d 4-foot Old Oroivth Stab Wood a note ta hie handwriting char si ns The regular bi-annual teachers ex her brother's death Fifth street. j ¿ Lube »lift baring ruined bits. Mar J Frank Tufty. ok Tah; M 1* court room commandos at 9 00 n. m 9k*. ~ — , J fives b*T «verythtSf ha owns. She than Gunner Haynes. His met bod re- on Wednesday, June | i , i»20. taxiing NOTICE to School Teachers— If yoa learea him, telling blm she f o r tbe first tlm« In her life has j presented the very economy of labor. T J ^ ^ ^ p n a s fU M four days. Rrhadules will ba auppllad b ^ i d ‘c o m ? J l?tr„',, . i ‘iwwr002 T * r ’ e ”4 “a " 'brothT? caret was In love, and la love _ He was aallafled that (onnor had car­ ®"aaWar ay Mo when requested from thia office h..™ u H ‘ B M * W * »ho i-uhe. bewildered, wanders about something which was neither a m e * . M *» Co. School Hupt ried away bis victim, but was wrong ? I.pro” rtr *■ • « * * • « « m e r “ ‘ , “ n‘ tohed P » t b r oo u t u tor London. by , thugs . p. O. Box 191. Bprlnsflald A T h ro w - Jake him Is for attacked . d etect!«, , X r . who ta whan he associated Danty M o reII1 K i MOORE, ° Ot * " Me“ ' bnt *»®«thfng whldk 1 “ 5* M r" * 1 M * • ’’ « W M 2»|b«’.p ltal to find he In known as with tbe abduction. John: I do bale bavins a half N O TIC « TO C R E D ITO R * ~ --- Smith. Ia this new character he be- He called upon Connor but was - " ha • 1 frl’‘nrt' concerning whom Gunner leave. To get Into Danty’s flat was a i In which he wag O KRTRUDE H U M P H R E Y , County \ t ‘¿ W 7 t ?5Ut r° ° m * »» American Jewel thief, struggling. Armlnlatratrlx N O TIC Ec-H eA R IN O very simple m atter- a key blank, w l hv ik Oregon, has been I »•>'”» Maddlson once befriended, b u PINAL ACCOUNT of aald <•?,„«" ‘ ._________ ____ ________ M U l b t M l ; J *"" making Inquiries Detective piece of lampblack. and a quarter j She did not hear from Ou: fl C o u r t JIM f b s . Ilf v a n . ...* . . . H d w /d z .F v ___ A , _______ In the County Court of the State of O of I M ln M nrlnl.',,< ? i. J ? *./’'* t,n,B « “d place ’ Plr<1 of Rent,and Yard, know also as of an hour spent In filing the soft 1,aynee. although she stayed un un. NOTICE TO CREDITORS Oregon, for Lens County. LL. -«me. 'the^Bpnrrow.. I . likewise Interested , m e ,.l-n ,o c „ re d h.m " ' «" »««rly two o’clock “ 3 nearly two o'clock next m o rn ln * ”*U I" ° r , M i l , ,Or ,h “ ,,n a i “ ‘ Umncnt of wBld!to Morell ' Maddlson' metal— procured him an entrance Notice la hereby slven that the un Iu p'lk" d #U* r ? the telephone switched Arfm,!?".’1 h" * du,y appolntMl Once Inside the flat he proceeded having he ‘ d , Z c X ............... ' r noil1*” ...........— r i “ ’ K M>ry ' " A R O M I J WEI.J.S. the " U l V ^ d Administrator of the eatate of lle.ale — ' —-«» at hla leisure. He was not at all an­ through to her bedside Nor did the N. Arnold, doroasod, and any and nil ’ "**• ®*<*<****d, notice la hereby Klv»*n xious at the thought of Daoty’s ro- next day bring news. She was out peraona havlug olalma agalust the *ha ‘•"«lerelgned adm U W , A welch A ^ r Ä - ' - f ^ d " V c J . ’ « ^ Ci . n ^ , 6 , ^ ü7f when, Danty called, and having a * final *rlT,‘« the Address ta P. O. Box 614 Kugeoa. M 2» J 6 12 1» 2« |fnL (7 dMtr1be<* property, belong she now knows was Lake, had been dous part of hie llfe had been cut in hla room. Oregon going around for two year, with the Mwwer. administrator 0, the estate deceased, by the County Court of _ “ 7 bouse la targe blocks of salL Intending to Danty had said the girl had disap­ throwqusrters of an hour my butlar *’1 Lewie A Wlnjum. deceased, has lon e County, Oregon. All persons i? " " " • *J'*nc* South on (he W’esi throw him Into the river, where the K 2 I . < i r 2 M aCi ,m ” rh ,,n ,,; ‘ h* nc* filed hla final account as such ad having claims against said estate are peared. and that he was as Ignorant t>- The Gunner takes Luke to hta room long as that proof was missing. Danty behave— why the dickens shouldn't U .M acre« of ian(| t ln allowance. All persona Interested B IR D IE L. IHH. and learns from him the roagon why Morell would come to no harm. County, Oregon yon be back In three-quarters of aa therein may be beard at aald time. Administratrix of the estate of J v 8i ,e^ ! n u k e ‘>,ac’ •• th« "fn c * of Margaret hated him was because she He made a quick but thorough ex­ hoar?” W IL L IA M P. IX)W RR. W. Ish. deceased. blamed him for her brother's death. e s ta te r ° P” ,/ ? r' Ko 8,1 M,nBr Building. Administrator. U L. RAT, Attorney for r eetate "Where are the remainder of ----- They Haynea calls on Margaret and amination ef the two rooms. There ft D. AI J.K N . attorney for estate. M l «1622 2 » 'lnU' * . " i . ^ " B T * r ' " ' ° f * * * ' rM h offers to help her and her husband. were letters to be scanned, pocket­ checks which you stole from —y M m i t t J 612 books to Investigate, drawers to be check book when you called the nthew Now go on with the atery. B. O. PO POTTER. N O T IC I FOR PUB LICA TIO N Adm lnlst«t«2' TTBR- A D M IN ISTR A TO R 'S BALR opened and searched, but In none of «•F T : she asked. Administrator of the estate of John Department ef the leterlee. United Waring deCÜL.1 Notice ta hereby given that by vlr State. Land Office. Roseburg. Ore- WBr,n«' «’ ceased there did Haynes find the slightest She saw his face go red. "But—'' she began tue and In pursuance or an order ol M 1622 2« J 611 Sen, May ,«th. I — “I don't know what you mean." h * the County Court of tbe State of 'T believe he's la Spain. If a man's cine to Lake Maddlson’s present hid- FOREST EXCHANGE Oregon for the County of lan e made In Spain he can't be In London, can • ln* P,ace- He did find the note sold loudly. " I steal checks? What Notice ta hereby given that on May NOTICR OF F IN A L S E T TL E M E N T and entered of r*c<>rd ,n said Oaurt he7 And If he's a gentleman at large J which Conner had scribbled, giving nonsense you're talking— ” IDlh. l«30. Fred J. Welle and W. K. of the 10th day of Mar. l»20. In the „N g U ce is hereby given that V'clor T o o came Into my houae and yea In Spain, taking long hikes through matter ot the estate of Prank M Well«, of Kerry, Oregon, filed appli­ l»’ '*«o r of the Ing. but no more. There only remain­ »ere fn my sitting room long enounfe Vsrnum. deceased, authorising and cation No. 01«(>«( under the act of eatate of Velma Bdm,“ G. Patterson, de­ the country, he can’t be burgUring licensing the undersigned, Frank K March 20, 1»23, (42 Stat. 465) to ceased. hoj filed his final account in Thffanney's or getting himself mixed ed the safe, which was not so much to extract ten checks. One of th Blair, aa administrator of aald eatate exchange tbe N E U 8ec. Jl. T. 16 8.. said esute and the County Court of a safe as a steel cupboard fastened »«s brought to the bank today to sell the following real estate be R. 2 W and 8E% NB% Sec. 17, T. Lana County, Oregon, haa fixed Mon­ up with Connor. and Now, Mrs. Maddlson. I'm going to with s spring lock—the type that ta : ont In Luke's name -------- 17 8 . It « W . W M.. Oregon, within day. the l«Lb day of June, l»30, at longing to said eatate, to-wlt: signed . All of kite three 13). four (4), five the Sluslaw National Forest, for the ton o clock in the fornnoon of aald ask you that Impertinent question fuond In most buslnesa offices. To “ Un. On my Instructions the ci (6). six (« ,. seven (7). and eight ( I ) . timber from approximately 10 acres Say. nt the County Court House In again: exactly why did your husband open this was a matter of five mln- was not honored. of block No. alx (<) of Ixiwell. I,ana In 8 H 8 H 8ec 2, 8 W )i Sec. », Wfc Eugene, Lana County, Oregon, os ates patient work. The color left his face. County. Oregon, upon the terms here­ W H Sec 16 B H , NE«A N W U Sec. the time and place for the hearing leave you? No. no. I don't mean that. There were four shelves and each “Not honored r he stammered, I know why he left you. But why did inafter specified, at private sale, the 17. E H Sec 20. T. 20 8.. R 4 E W M of said final accocet. was crowded with letters, bills and to hta embarassment he betrayed said administrator will from and after within the Cascade National Forest. All peronns having objections to you suddenly leave him fist? I don't The purpose of this notice Is to aald final account are notified to know that; I'll bet your husband curious souvenirs which Danty had ' shame of the guilt, Balurday, tbe 12th day of June. I ll « , collected— the cupboard was In such ' “I'm less Interested in the checB Rroceed to eel, aald real property al allow all persona claiming the lands Pre»«*« same In writing on or before doesn't know that. Only you know— W lre te sale In accordance with said selected, or having bona fide objec­ aald time. disorder as only a man without than i„ my husband,” she said outea. and Danty. I guess Danty wnows. order and In the manner prescribed tions to such application, an oppor Dated this 12th day of May. l»30 method could create. On the third ly. "Where is he?” tunlly to file their protests with the by law VICTOR M PETTER8O N. , She was silent; hut she realised at shelf he found a wooden box. the lock 1 He xtrove vainly to recover hta Terms of Hale: Cash upon the Register of the United States Land Administrator of esUte of Velma O .' that moment Just why she had not confirmation of the sale and delivery Office at Roseburg, Oregon. Any Pottoreon. deceased of which he forced. There were pa self possession and forced a smile, destroyed Rex's last note. She had of the administrator's deed to aald such protests or objections must be DAN JOHNSTON, attorney for kept It to show Luke some day. and pers here— bundles of letters tied up I "Really, my dear girl ” he k . » . » property. Rida may be made to the filed In this office within thirty days admlntatieior. with ehoelacea. bits of old string.' “You'll address me as Mrs m T administrator at Ixiwelt, Oregon, or from the data of first publication of demand from him the explanation- ___________M 16111« J 612 by mall. this notice, which first publication there was nothing romantic In Danty ' dlson. If you have to address she should have asked when It came FRANK E BLAIR, Administrator, Morell's disposition. ' an,-thing I want you to r e t u r o ^ o — III be May 2>th, 1930, In the Spring- NOTICE TO CREDITORS to her. It was her Justification— the Address, Lowell. Oregon field News, at Springfield, Oregon. The first bundle did not in te res t' checks; I wont you also to t e l l __ Notice Is hereby given that Ben only one she could have for her , F R A N K A. IX'HT’ K. H A M IL L A. CANADAY, him. At the sight of the writing o n exactly -------“ “ where Luke ta.’ Attorney for Administrator. Register trten Wassom. on the 30th day ot conduct. April. 1*20, was appointed adminis­ M 1622 2« J 611 M 2» J 5 12 19 2« That ta an extraordinary request . the second his face went gray. He As far os I know he’a staying wKB tra trix of the eatate of Mary I. E Hurlburt. deceased All persons hav­ for a stranger to make. Mr. Haynes, ' brought the box Into the dining-room a convicted thief named Haynes." tBn ing olalma against said estate are and I don't know whether to enlighten and oat down, read three of the let­ man answered roughly, and to hta hereby notified to present them duly you or not.” ters. glanced at the others, and very surprise she nodded. verified as by law required to said slowly and deliberately tied them up "I thought xo. too. I went down ta She stood for a moment silent, and administratrix at the taw office of Alta King In the Court House. Eu then, turning abruptly, walked' out again and put them back into the see him, but he had gone, and I t a gene. f* n e County. Oregon, within of the room. Haynee picked up hla : boa- Aa **e did so se caught sight of now only understanding that L n k * O f . J O S E P H IN E C. B R A U N D R . IN . N . D O W six months of the first publication of hat from the floor and arose, think- j a acraP ° f paper exactly the sloe of did not go of his own free will. Thea D e n tis t this notice. Date of first publication Ing the Interview was at end. But In ,ha* on »hlch Rex had written his DRUGLESS PHYSICIAN I thought he may have wandered ont Pirat National Bank Balldlng being May 1st. l«30 three minutes she was back again last message. He took It out—yes. It by himself In order to escape associa­ BEA TR IC E WASSOM. Phone 42 SprtngStld. Oregon 1 U Fifth Street was scrawled in the same hand­ tion iwth Mr. Haynes. But the check _________ Administratrix. with an envelope in her hand. OSIce houre, I A. M. to ( P. M. ALTA KINO. Attorney for estate I'm telling you something that no­ writing. But the message was unin­ ^ k **? ” 8 * J II M Margaret darling, I have lost. commanded mo to sell the real pro­ DR. N. W . EM ERY perty hereinafter described to satisfy me from one act of folly to another. C O N T IN U E D N E X T W EEK For months I have been gamb­ certain Hens and charges In said de­ God bless you. D E N TIS T ling. Today I took a desperate cree specified. I will on Saturday, the REX. Full Auto Equipment Marriage Licenses Issued step on the advise of Danty Sutton B ld 6 Phone SO-3 14th day of June, 1930. ot the hour o» He read It twice and looked up. I-ndy Aaslstant During the past week marrtagn Morell. The man Is a common one o'clock p. m , at the southwest Realdence Phene 1B6M "Is this your brother’s writing?” door of the County Court-house in licenses have been Issued by th * swindler. I was warned against She nodded. Eugene, Lane County, Oregon, offer SprlngHald, Oregon county clerk to the following: John him by Luke Maddlson. He has for sale and sell nt public auction for “Could you swear to It?" Tukow, Portland, and Anna Dutchek. led me to ruin— money Is his cash, subject to redemntlon ns pro­ F R A N K A. D E P U E *Yes, I'm sure It's his. I've had Springfield; Allan Ellis and Naomi vided hy law. all of the right, title, god. I beg of you not to trust A TTO R N EY AT LAW General Low 1 Vocìi ce and Interest of the defendants In said hundreds of penciled notes from him, Johnson, both of Marchfleld; Vernon him. He has led me from one mid 1 couldn't possibly he mistaken.” suit and of all parties clnlmlng by, NOTARY PUBLIC DeLduney, Eugene and Edytha Hallla, act of folley to another . . . I. M . P E T E R 8 O N through or under them or nny of ' Who found It?" Goshen; Ray Hoteling. Eugene, and them slneo ,ho 8th day of May, 1930. Arttorney-at-Law Sutton "Mr. Morell found It In Rex's room, Springfield That was It! Danty had found that Juanita Crabtree, Camp Creek; John In nr to the following described real t, () City Hall Building Building dear Rex had a servant, a very the first and last of those scraps Oregon property, to-wlt: Johnson, Salem, and Gertrude Jona- The oust half of lot six («) and nil trustworthy man, and he saw the made a complete message; he had sen, Portland; Ogden Moulton nnd Springfleld, Ore. of lot five (5) In block seven In note before Mr. Morell put It In hla put the second In hla pocket (It still May Graham, both of Engene; W il­ Westmoreland nn addition Io Eu- pocket” bore marks 11 being screwed up). E X P E R T S E R V IC E liam Green and Hulda Motley,’ both gene, Lane County, Oregon, ns th e j . ... • • • same Is platted and recorded In the 10 f,prv,int d ld n t read It, ol of Eugene. PLUMBING HEA TING ifflee of the County Clerk of Lane course?" suggested the Gunner. It came as something iu the nature S H E E T M ETAL County. Oregon. ■ "I don't think eo. He only saw the of a shock to Margaret Maddlson to J liT W K L E K Employee: Could you give m . . Asy Dalod this 12th tiny of Mny, 1930. note nnd M r Morell hide IL discover how completely changed 11. L. R'tW N, D O D D M . M IL L E R off from the office, air? Repairing a Speolalty The Gunner had an amaxing mem­ were her feelings toward the man Sheriff of Lane County, Phone 197 134 F IF T H ST. Bona: What do you want to dot Bprtqgfisld, Oregon M 162619 J 612 Oregon. ory. He could from that moment have »1th whom the had passed through *.* *“*“•*• ®° . B U S IN E S S D IR E C T O R Y Í Walker-Poole Ckapol Funeral. Directors , . ----- - ------------------ |, >T6 | Q M B. - D. W. Roof Employe«: Commit anletdo. * j