PAGE TWO CHERRY GROWERS ARE EVERYONE INVITED TO by an Oregon Stale Agricultural , ADVISED TO SPRAY NOW | . VISIT DAIRY TRAIN; logo specialist. Ivan Rh-aard. of Bellfountain. spent l i e week end at Ray Baugh s. Ovdlcatloo Program Planned Cherry fruit flies may begin to FREE LUNCH AT NOON THURSTON I« n I i v ♦ I ho nine car dairy demonstration Ralph Bonney, of Kugene. has spent come out within the next week or ten An all iatne county free dairy train Is scheduled to pull In a, g-gg past few days visiting with his days, and cherry growers should be and Corvallis Eugene will be (he ” *a'iv io spray for them as soon as lunch, a special dairy meeting triends In Thurston. --------- inapeclion of the nine «or dairy de ' flr*< of IS alopa, and a special de 'hey appear, according to county Miss Esther Mcl'herson. of Spring- monstration train which I. touring [dlcatlon program has been arranged Held. visltt-d relatives in Thurston agent O. S. Fletcher. Spraying sup­ plies should be purchase«! and spray western Oregon are (he three main Ooveruor A W Norblsd. Marshall last Thursday and Friday. •■»•elate Dana *-1 -------- editor of the Oregon lag equipment prepared so that the features of the big dairy day at r'nn'* There was a basket dinner held at Farmers of the I J»»«rnal. and Paul V. Marls, director spray may be applied as soon as the Eugene on June fhe church lust Sunday as a farewell , first flies appear. entire county are invited. I of extension service al Oregon Stale to Rev. Martain and his assistant. ■ serving of the free lunch will be College will take part In the dedlca The formula for the spray is as Miss Smith, who left for their summer follows: half pound arsenate of lead Kin al 12:30 at the Armory, with , ,lon Program vacation at their homes In California. two quarts cheap molasses. 10 gal hamburgers, cheese sandwiches, milk, Rev. Palmer, pastor of the congre­ Ions of water. ..n y good spraying out pickles, lev cream and cookie* on the LOCAL GIRLS TO APPEAR gational church in Eugene, will de fit that has been thoroughly rinsed menu. Plans are being worked out liver the baccalaureate sermon to and cleaned may be used, but the under the leadership of Miss tie r IN TWO RECITALS SOON ------ --- * “v “»eu. dui tne o. the high school class next Sunday "<’**le should be one that will make trude hkow- Skow. !-ane ij in . county home de- Miss June Berg and Miss Maxine •vening at the church a spray that will appear on the m<'ns,ratl°n ««-«'«. to handle the i Valuer will be presented In a Joint Rev. Harry Benton will fill the pul leaves as fine droplets. Further |n- in,n,en4e crow’1 v a recital at the McMorran and Wash« T o A n n o u n c e C o n te s t W in n e r pit here next Sunday morning at the formation is contained ln Oregon Ag burue auditorium In Eugene on Sat ihurch. j rlcultural college Station Circular Following the lunch there will be urday evening. May 31. at 7 30 by The Thuriton Ladies Aid society No. 35. copies of which may be ob­ • program at the Armory starting at «heir teacher. Reuben Ooffrelere mot with Mrs. Pherne Crowe in tained at the county agent s office. 1 SO with R Roy Booth, of the Eu- Miss Berg has been presented in Springfield Wednesday afternoon. The county agent states that gene chamber of commerce presld several recitals previously bv M r Mrs. Waiter Easton underwent a cherry buyers will not purchase tng. Winners of the dairy poster and OeofTrelere. major operation at the hospital In cherries from Infested orchards this essay contest sponsored by the Lane M iss Margaret Jarrett and Miss I Eugene Wednesday. year, and that the state board of County Dairymen's association and Mrs Felix Spark and Mrs. Arch horticulture will Insist upon the clea n -! the chamber of commerce will be an­ Barbara lUrnell will be presented In Shough and daughter. Patty, of Eu lag up of infested orchards. He re­ nounced and checks awarded There a complete memory recital The date h“‘ n.O‘ y*‘ b,'Hn , ”“‘d Bo,h of gene, attended the basket dinner at commends that ail cherry growers will also he sn address on d .lrvie d«lr> 'ng, r e c ita ls are open to i h l p u b lic the church last SuM sy. spray for the control of the flies in ! Mr. and Mrs. John Price drove to order that this pest may be controlled Harrisburg last Sunday afternoon. In Lane county. Mr. ad Mrs. Fred Russell motored I As soon as the first fruit flies ap­ to Silverton last Sunday and visited pear. growers will be notified through their son and family. Mr and Mrs the newspapers, by radio, and by Belmont Russell. cards. Mr Fletcher has prepared The Parent Teacher association are giving an entertainment at the cards that will be mailed to Lane Thurston hall next Friday evening county cherry growers when the first They will sell candy, ice cream and flies appear. cake. Mrs. Jack Hiller .of Corvallis, MANY PRIZES OFFERED visited at John Edm istons home on FOR BICYCLE DAY AT Monday, returning to her home the FAIR GROUNDS SUNDAY next day. O»e I’ 3 fX L ' " L : a« «he Lane County Bi- tycle Mold day at «he county fair f ’° U"d* °" Sunday afternoon, com- 'n* *' 2 y cfo ^ son Wrlghl, Mr und Mrs Walt,,, Brliige formed the diversion for tlossler, Mr anil Mrs. Clarion liar « group of friends of Mr and Mr» her. Mr and Mrs lau ren re Moffitt, Clifford Wilson, who were lavlted and Mr and Mr» Floyd Thompson. Io their home here Tuesday evening Hprlngfleld, and Mr and Mrs Hlan ITisea were won by Mrs. Ernesl chfleld, of Portland. who are vlalliag McKinney and larsm i Wright •I the Wilson home 'Tt.T'c— MtTk ° Ctock' ’ »• a»' “ * ' he D‘n'y M° ° re he prlles are varied, and have Mrs. Sarah Shaw, of Eugene Is 7 '“ companie8' «pending a few days w ith M r ’ Euse l of all Eugene women except fin *1“ I Mrs. Wilson. » « fly È X Never r o Befoi e ro re N i - $ ^ d Calred S v rfo t. Awtonwtic Timvr ond Clock Automatic Tempera­ tur« Control and^, Thermometer^ Such a RANGE and at Such a PRICE! We have been fortunate in belnr «Me to buy a Urge quantity of these new white enamel Automatic Hotpoint Ranges that have not yet been shown In any other store. We are therefore able to price thia Range at an AS- TOUNDINGLY LOW FIGURE, so low that probably never again will you be able to buy this Range at this «am«, price. This special offer will be in effect for six weeks only. Now is the opportun­ ity of a lifetime for every one of our ‘ customers to make a Urge saving In buy­ ing a m o d e r n Hotpoint Range. ONLY $10 DOWN AND $7.75 A MONTH WILL PUT THIS RANGE INTO YOUR HOME FULLY INSTALLED. The LOW PRICE will TOrely surprise you. Here are some of the most modem features of this new Hotpoint: Hl- Specd Cairod U n it-th e fastest electric DOW N cooking plate known; Full Automatic Heat Control gov­ erned by the beautiful Hot- polnt Jeweled m o v e m e n t clock; large, deep oven—the most popular size. NOW IS YOUR OPPOR­ TUNITY—do not let it pass. Act Now. This wonderful offer expires June 15. . »VU. SmofceloM Brat lor The C'Ub *" cotn' I Mountain States "YOUR PARTNERS Noanss ] I niituc Power Company W PROGRESS’* V >#v O r .,„ „