Tffl •' Try th« H o m t P rin t Shop F i r t t TWBNTY-BKVKNTH YEAK THE SPRINGFIELD NEWS IHEMOBli L M I 10 8E QUIETLY KEPT, S I’KINCKIE U ). U N E C O I’NTY, OREGON' "The People's Paper” A L IV I NEWSPAPER IN A LIVE TOWN T lìl ItSIfAY, MAY 29. i:<30' Bridge Approach Night Flight» Are Oiling Start» Soon Succès» A t Port No. 21 Till luLJ n Ul UlVlu CLUB Three Inch Oil and Rock Sur­ Inman School Now Offers Citl- face to be Put on Fille at zsna Chance to See City End of Bridge by State. Parade on Main Street and a From Air at Night Annual Exhibition to Include Short Program at Laurel Oiling of the approaehea to the new Three Classifications of Grove Cemetery to be Spring- teprlne occupied again this at the weat approach. landing at tha field. Effort« are be- the The professional exhibit. Squire». Charles Steele. Evelyn the airport election will be open afternoon making the wreaths which Lsrga pile* of crocked rock for uae ln< m* 1'’ lo “ ««■• more of theae Ch* Bd- fr° ” P' * ht ,he »»«' *'«bt are uaed In the rdtrmonles at the In oiling of the M. Kenile highway ,u*' “ aoon a" fu,MU toT *hl» purpoee three c la .s e .: t h e ! cemetery. Hoy Bcouta gathered tbe ea»t of Springfield are being accu ,r * a’ a"abl". »ccordlng to Mr. Inman, roses of . i ithree. ’ P*cl“ ena of ,er' Ke,th Currie. June Geiger. Melba In the evening. The school election oaes of a single color; the single Lowery. Donavon Montgomery, Dor- polta open from 1. oo materials for the women mutated near the Nelson poultry ®ana*,‘r ‘he municipal field o'clock until flower; and baskets of mixed flowers othv Nice. Leta Peterson, Mark 7:00 ln the evening. Boy Scouts to Handle Colors farm know The thi. highway Poor were nrlxh, and e.r,y Friday morning not morning department jus, £ did «Od on flights Frld.y night |r o s ^ ^ s ^ X : enthu.taatlc o v .rlen ter on.y on . e ^ c o ^ ’ ta ,“ay 1 ” K* ia n ’ Boy »routs will see that all flags In actual oiling of thia road would • nd they were LOCAL PEOPLE VIEW Henry Trlnka, Irving Davis, Mildred the city are flown at hair mast. They «tart, as they have contracted the 'b" »'-*« of ‘hl. city and Eugene I single ctaasIHcatlen. The baskets the occurrence. Dorothea Frese Maurine HIGH SCHOOL EXHIBIT will take the national colors to the work out to a Reedsport contractor. after d 2 ^ " ^ " f k ,rWn c°"'a'° « m * ! S .e w r t. Marion SMptay El.Tott cemetery In the parade and will re­ A large number of local people blcJm m<‘’U ’r,H •h” ",hPr ""’ ’ r- mixed or may I Chetwood. Norman O eX 'r m turn here In time tu raise the flags COBURG RESIDENT DIES .7 * ^ ^ *" ° f ° ne klnd Ot nower HBWk VerI" KP'ckerbocker’. Rober- visited the high school yesterday to of the city to full mast after the noon see thq annual Industrial Arts-Home minded .reenery, such as ferns and leaves ta Lawson and Julia Pededson AT HOME LAST SATURDAY public Staulftei rh hour. public slgnirtes rhelr Intention of fly. msy be used ln making the basket -m, ln<, and that making use of the new; displays, but the “»“ .«‘" h J i h . ^ ’ ^ ‘ ’’’h”'”* "tUdent’ Wbo,M‘ ”o Economics exhibit sponsored by the War veterrfna. national guardsmen, Amanda Jane Taylor. 71. a native ................ .. ............... . ..................... boy scouts, members of auxiliary service. The rates will not be ad- | thing but their leaves and the single gioupa. fraternal organlxatlona of Oregon, and a resident of Coburg vanced. regular daytime passenger flower on each stem. All buds shall conditioned and will have to take : training classes conducted by Glenn school children, city officials nn>l for the past 48 years, died at het rate, will be effective afUr dark , be removed before exhibiting Con- the examinations next week, or they j Martin home the.k- Saturday afternoon after private dtlsens will all assemble at took the geography examination. The work on the glider for the talnprg wl11 be furnished for the rose whoee papers have not yet been cor- ln manual ‘'’»‘ning eg. th« corner of Hlxth and Main streets a short Illness. She was horn In Oak­ hlbltlons the cedar chests were tha at 11:00 o'clock Friday morning, and land. Oregon, ln 1888. lu 1882 she was Springfield glider club was started exhibits, but Individual exhibitors reded. Macl He are asked to furnish their own most prominent, but a diminishing a parade will form there. It will move married to Clarence Taykr at 0,1 I Monday by Jom MacManiman. baskets. In their slxe was noted this year, down Main street to the new bridge Junction City, the couple going Im­ Is making the ribs for the wings at BALLOT TITLE FIXED Experts to be Judges the fad for small cheats being pro­ where It will disband and those who mediately to Coburg, where they the present time. The Judges for tbe show have not FOR AIRPORT ELECTION bably responsible. Lamps, stool», wish may taka cars and drive to the made their home since. been selected yet, but will be some »he ta survived by three sons; COUNCIL WOULD LIKE checkerboards and almost everything laurel drove cemetery, where a TO BE HELD JUNE 16 Clive Taylor. Weadllng; Harvey prominent florist from out of town. one coud wsnt were on exhibition. abort program will be held. TO KNOW IF PEOPLE Taylor. Ellensburg. Washington; and A luncheon will be served at noon Calling a special election June 18. Program Ready ln the girl»' section of the exhibi­ WANT CARNIVALS HERE In one of the smaller rooms of the . *ote money for the Improvement tion needlework constating of d^ Tha program will open with the < heater Taylor. Coburg; and one community hall, to secure funds with , of the Springfield airport, an ordlu- signs of various kinds tor table run­ entire audience leading the singing daughter. Ruby Hall Coburg; also a Whether carnivals should be ex­ wh ch to aid In buying treats for the : ance wa. passed by the city council of tbe first stanza of America. Rev. ■later. Mra. B J Monti. Portland. ner», centerpieces, etc, were pro­ She was a member of the Rebekah cluded from Springfield In the future c dren In the parade. The flowers at a special meeting Monday evening, minent. Dresses and aprons probably C. J. Pike will ask the Invocation, by charging an exhorbltant license w ill be arranged In the targe assent- The ordinance provides that a charter led everything else In numbers. Tea after which the Koreans, a male lodge, of the Neighbors of Wood­ fee as ta done In Eugene, was a <^ues- bly room and this will not be open ! amendment shall be submitted to the quartet composed of Ernest Mc­ craft, and of the Methodist church. was served during the afternoon for __ __ held OB t,on before the city eonncll Monday to visitors until 1:00 o'clock. (people providing for an airport fund the ladles. Kinney. Alfred Freee, William Pol The funeral services were ___ lard"and Paul" INRtor' w’lll'"."»» 'thii Tu’‘",Uy ,rom Methodist^ church *vt,nln» A» ordlnaace simitar to Ps-ade at 8:4« and the method by which the money Marching 1 , « C° bu''«- >'<»> R-v. Henry Meyers. Eu” n” ’ had been drawn by the re­ The highlight of the entire show, shall be expended. Marching Son* Song. GIRLS’ LEAGUE MEMBERS of ott,c,a“ n« C<’r<”>r tha ’ “ggestlon of the say members of the Civic Club, which Rev. Ralph R Mulholland p astori” The ballot title to be voted upon Is Co- ®“" r. The council seemed equally sponsors the annual show, will be as follows: HAVE TEA ON MONDAY • t the Springfield Baptist 'church. “ r” CW W*r# «»“'“»«‘'•O bX divided on the matter, and In the the children's parade, starting at ''Authorizing a special levy of not will deliver a short Memorial Dey burg Rebekah lodge. Interment Twenty-fire girls, members of tha absence of Councilman WcLagan. no 8:48. Most of the children In Spring to exceed »2,000 In the year 1930 for address, after which the audience will In the Coburg remotery. Girls' League at the Eugene high vote was taken. field will assemble at the corner of the purpose of extending and sur­ sing the first verse of The Star Councllmen said that ‘hey would Sixth and A streets and will march facing' runways, and enlarging, lm school, were guests here Monday of 8pangled Banner. This will be follow­ REBEKAHS ELECT NEW the Girls' League of the local high like to know the sentiment of the on both A and Main streets to the ed by (he ritualistic ceremonies of OFFICIALS ON MONDAY people as to whether any more out- community hall, where they will each proving and developing the Spring- school at- a Dutch tea served by field Municipal airport, all in excess the various organizations, after which Mlss Amy L ^ e was elected Noble ’ 1n‘ 'n the form of car- he given either an Ice cream cone or of the 6 per cent constitutional limit­ members of tbe league in the high the salute will be fired by a detach­ school between the hours of threa a dixie. ation upon the Town's tax levy.” ment of the Oregon National Guard Grand of the Rebekah lodge for the „ ” ° T ,eI" show" '’hould e're>- be and five o'clock. The tea was under This parade has established the last half of the present year at the “ i’i" ¿ 7 ln l° W n 'Vh,’e carnlral and a Hoy Scout will sound taps. the direction of the new officers of I M. Peterson will have general regular meeting of the lodge held on which has Just left brought up the reputation for Itself ln the past ol THREE EUGENE LADIES tne organization here, of which Faya charge of the day's activities. He Is Monday evening. Other officials are Issue, no specific complaints about being the most colorful event of the Parsons ig president ADDRESS CIVIC CLUB being assisted by members of each Mrs. Nellie Pyne. vice-grand; Mrs. It had been heard It was said that year. Each child Is dressed In soma A group of Dutch songs and recttlF costume representing a flower or ON TUESDAY EVENING of the organization. In the city. Mr. Genevieve Louk, recording secret­ this carnival was better regulated and some other 'decorative apparel. tlons was given by the Springfield a cleaner show than most carnivals. McKinney will have chnrge of the ary; and Alice Lorah, treasurer. The Mrs. C. O. Wilson will have charge Short addresses by three Eugene girls after which tea in steins and While the complaint against most music. position of flnnnclul secretary, which pretxels were served. ta held by Mrs. Clnrlne Putnam. Is carnivals 1s that they take money of the parade Mrs. M R. L.ce Is the club womep, Mrs. W. H. Maxham. Mrs. Porter and Mrs. C. A. Horton, for one year, so no election was made ° Ut ° f ‘° Wn' ,he l“ t ’eTeral bave IUn,'V'',on Girls from the University high RIVER CHANNEL SURVEY . . . ""‘ “"o w»s mane probably i».. . Mrs n - j ««__ and Mrs. D. Fisher . and Mrs. „ Paul . were sPe<-’l»I features of the meeting school who had been invited to at* lost _____ money, as .. their ex­ and at this time FAVORED BY SENATE Brattaln will assist Mrs. Carl Olson of the local Civic Club on Tuesday tend a similar tea on Tuesday after­ The Installation of the officials and penses were higher than receipts. Springfield Is usually played for a In the arranging of the flowers. Mrs. evening. Mrs. Maxham gave a report noon were unable to attend, so that the announcement of tho other offi­ The prospects tor the preliminary fill In date when a stand ls not got I. M. Peterson and Mrs. A. B. Van of the recent convention of the feder­ was called off. survey of the Willamette river and cers which are apolnted by the noble ten elsewhere. \ alsah are In charge of securing the ated garden clubs at Eugene, and grand and the vice-grand, will take Its tributaries with a view to pro flowers. Mrs. Horten told of the work which JASPER COUPLE MARRIED vldlng a navigable channel from place on the first Monday In July. was being done at the convention of LIONS MEETING TODAY A n nemher will be Initiated Into Portland (o Springfield were bright­ FOR SIXTY-FOUR YEARS the Federated clubs of Oregon, which GOSHEN MAN TO BUILD the Io- evonp of Rebekahs on next ened materially last Week when this ACCOUNT MEMORIAL DAY was held at Salem last week. Monde ‘ J. NEW GLENWOOD SCHOOL Mr. and Mrs. Fred Hinson enter­ paper received a tolegrnm from Sen­ A continued effort to remove all The Springfield Lions club Is hold­ tained at their home here Sunday ator Charles McNary, stating that A. O. Enright, of Goshen, was obnoxious advertising from the high­ afternoon In honor of Mr. and Mrs. ing the regular weekly luncheon the senate committee which had been MRS. JOSEPHINE CHASE IS ways agreed upon at Salem, accord­ awarded the contract for the erection considering the proposal, agreed to HONORED AT SHOWER meeting today Instead of tomorrow, of the new tour-room modern school ing to Mrs. Horton. The federated B. F. Sylvester, of Jasper, who cele­ their usual day. The change was adopt It. brated their sixty-fourth wedding In the Glenwood district last Thurs­ clubs are now working a proposal anniversary that day. Those present A movement has been . under ------- way Members of the Neighbors of „ made so as _ not to Interfere with the which they hope to have enacted as tor some time looking to the even- Woodcraft drill teBm gathered at tho M,‘morlal n"v Program, which Is be- day evening at a meeting of the a law which would require all adver­ fqf the occasion were Mr. and Mrs. board of directors. His bid was Josephine C h ... In* P1"’’’’^ for noon tomorrow, says Sylvester, and Mr. and Mrs. J. 8. tual dredging of the river channel to ' home of Mrs. Josephine Chase on , K v , tising to be set back 1000 feet from Hills, of Jasper; Mr. and Mrs. H. J. Springfield. It Is contended that this Tuesday evening to honor her with nn ° hn Ko,e1''' ln char*e of the pro­ 810.373. Three other contractors had the highway. bids In for the work, but were higher would put local producers of hops, hand kerchief shower. The evening Br"m The tags which are being sold to Erickson and daughter, Evelyn, than Mr. Enright. Work on the lumber and other non-perishable was spent with conversation and re- ”1'he Misses Bessie Stewart and finance the Rose Show were given and Mr. and Mrs. Leonard Maxwell, of Eugene, and Mr. and Mrs. Hinson. crops on a competing basis with the freshments. Present were Miss Melba lrnne Manley have b^en secured to building was started Tuesday morn­ out at the meeting. ing. farmers and manufacturers who now Mellon, Mrs. Stellu Lewis, Mrs. Nellie SBVeral numbers on their banjos Tea was enjoyed by the women Voters In the Glenwood district ship their produces out of the coun­ Holtorbrand. Mrs. Ray Stevens, Mrs. Rnd ’"'““•ollns at the luncheon. Teachers Entertained following the discussion. recently voted for the construction 1 try by water routes. Principal and Mrs. W. E. Buell en­ Mary Ernest. Mrs. Stella Eaton, and Questions pertaining to the Lions tlon of the building, which Is to be I tertained the faculty of the high The measure referred to by Sena­ Mrs. Maggie McLagan. club International frolic, which Is to financed by negotiable wnrrants of EXAMINATIONS TO END school at a dinner at their home on tor McNary would provide funds —--------------- j he held at Jantxen Beach. Portland. tha district. SCHOOL WORK TODAY E street last Thursday evening. ■dth which to mnke a survey of the MAN ARRESTED HERE July 18, will be discussed at the rlvût to determine tho feasibility of Covers were laid for twelve Includ­ FOR BEER POSSESSION mee,,ng- The final examinations tor the ing Mrs. Buell. REV. MULHOLLAND GIVES the undertaking, and the amount of school year are being given at the nsage which would be made of tho MEMORIAL TALK SUNDAY Lincoln and Brattaln schools today. George R. novd, of this city. Is In PARENTS ARE INVITED waterway. Teaching Work Ends—Miss Maurine the county Jail at Eugene where he Memorial Day Is a legal holiday and Lombard returned to SprlngflaM FOR AN _____ ALL DAY PICNIC "America Faces the Future" was was ledgeri yesterday morning when a large picnic Is planned for Monday. this week to spend the summer with To Fish at Slltcoos Lake the topic of the Memorial Day ser­ d,,PU'y "hPr'ff" Pork will be the scene ot On Tuesday the students will gather her mother, Mrs. Ella Lombard. Sha Mr. and Mrs. Lee Inman and daugh­ and charged with possession of seven the annual seventh and eighth grade mon which Rev. Ralph Mulholland, at the school Just after noon recess has been teaching at the North Bend ter, Marjorie, and Mr. and Mrs. Esrl of the Baptist church delivered Bun W tl I h r "nd, J « " 0"« of un-: picnic on Monday of next week. The to receive their report cards high school during the summer. Drew and family, of Eugene, left bottled beer. He also had a quantity students will leave Springfield at day to the American Legion members State eight grade examinations early this morning for Slltcoos lake, h L C"„Pe, T " ?“PPlng n,n<’h,ne' He ( ahout 10:0« and will return at 8:00. of the city at a special service. A wore given last week, and another Visit Smith River Country — Me. where they will spond the week end l«rge number of members of the will be given on June 6 and 8 tor and Mrs. J. A. Nelson motored dowB h e a rtn * Vr"a " pfel,mlnary A" many of tho parents as can get at the Drew cottage. The party ex­ ^ d « r ,h legion gathered at the community m.47’ "* was being h.,d away are urged to accompany their those who failed to pas. tha first to the Smith river country la pect to be back hare lata Bunday, ball at 10:4S and marched In a body S T ii t “ '"formation children on the outing, says Laurence to tbs Baptist church to hoar tha teats. The results of the earlier »g. western Oregon on Sunday, according to Mr. Inman. by the dlstrtdl attorneys office. {Moffitt, principal. aminations have not t reeefved roads are ln bad shape la that sermon. yet ot the state, reporta Mr. Neleotu X