TO REPEAT “SECOND CHILDHOOD" FOR AMERICAN LEGION ANNOUNCE ENGAGEMENT ON FRIDAY ■ -'" 'n s .n O C L K tlL Y The engagement of M iss Onets SECRET FOR TWO WEEKS "Seeoad Childhood." the play which Smith to Lee Cruaaa was announced — -------- was given by the senior class at the here Friday evening at a purtv at Krn**< McKinney stole a march on high school on May 15, wi|| pre. the home of Mrs. R L. Burnett.' sis hl’ ,r,pnda *« ’»Is city wh..„ he was acnted again on Tuesday evening, 'ter or M is, sm ith The rooms were »,,‘,,* , | y married on Mfv » Maj 17, at the high school under the attractively decorated with roses and Mab** Kull*»a Hague, ence laughing from the time the cur­ garet Halsey. Myrtle Harvey, and Mr McKinney has been Instructor tain goes UP until it is brought down Dorothy Girard of music, physics, are! Spanish at the for the final time. TELEGRAPH LINEMEN past y~ year. The wedding will be an event In ' local h. high school for ' the hp pa"‘ r The lending roles are portrayed by June. 11 n<* ha8 beeeu re-elected to the poet- INSPECT W IRES HERE Bernice Burkhalter, as the beautiful Assisting Mrs. Burnett as Joint ' , ‘° ni for • « ”“ »«* He majored In daughter of the old professor; Ralph hostesses were Mrs. Bessie Smith h " " ' 7 ' he ’ nlTera,,y- frnn> whlrh F our experts from the San Fran Hughes as the hero who Is in love and Mrs. W f Me! agan gr"dua,pd » y**r «Co He I. . Cisco offtce of the W .s J . r „" with the daughter; and Frank Mers- --------------- member of the Alpha lu sllo n rratem clegrsph company have dorf. the old aristocrat friend of the ing the past Week Inspecting th. ROYAL NEICHRDDQ u n i bome ia at Lakeview. professor. AL NEIGHBORS HOLD The couple win move to Springfield lines ,,f their company between Fu Other members o f the cast are MEETING LAST FRIDAY w" h!” a couple of week«, and win ««•ne and L»bano*i The men are Evelyn Buell. Ruth B ettis. Clifford (he U u ~ ’ make their home between Third and making . s Unrwjr Members of the Springfield Royal fourth on I) street. Darr, who plays the role o f the pro system Of line, which their company '‘i*‘,hor’ c*ub held their regular! Fraternity brothers of McKinney fessor. Nellie Sankey, Ralph Cole. owns and Improvement, an t repairs Elma Lansbury. Bthelyn Stark, and Friday afternoon at the w h,n finding out of the marrtare Will he made where needed following home of Mns. Emnm Ser|ven„r lg78 dressed htm (n a pa)r of |o( d Richard Prochnow the completion of the survey The The high school orchestra will play eenth avenue east. Bageue. The an>! paraded him about the carnnu, men workl- g „ere are D R Brad­ several numbers uhder the direction aftermxm was spent sewing and ••» « ’ ducking him in the mlllrace ‘ ford. I. M ason, F L. Smith, and A ____________ ______ ‘ * j of Ernest McKinney before the play, guessing contests. A. Anderson They I -f. the middle and curtain acts prepared under the Those present for the affair were LEGION AUXILIARY H A C he week for the northern part of C || V C D -res HAS direction of Nellie Wright will in­ Mrs. Georgia Nettleton. Flora Steer- Ibe state. mer. Alice Peterson. Marv Miller S,LVER TEA WEDNESDAY clude a bass solo. That Lonely Road, by Paul Freae; an Instrumental due» Emma Olson. Ina Cline. Hattie Bettis Mr. a n „ -------- *" ' a 'Mh ent«rtalned A- T. BREWER ATTENDS by Bessie Stewart and Irene Manley, Mrs. McKlnxey. Ina Scrivener Fu' d .” nice Denney. Miss Ruth Betti,! Ma ¿ , , 7 ’ ° f A“ Pr,can 1 entitled In the Oood Old Summer FUNERAL IN PORTLAND a s i lv e 7 t e ' h° me ye“ erday •» i Time; and a highland fling by Thel­ dors Scrivener and the hostesses. A. T. Brewer, local hotel man The next meeting will be held on The women ’ Pent the ma Baker and Btfna Haverfleld. June 11. at the home of Mrl X g “ ' ¿ S ™ 0? ™ " " K P° W” " *» bp ’ °m "e lt ,o Gra' '" Ini All of the app'lcatlon blanks have O H Jarrett. Mrs E E Mav Ï ' 7 ? " " I “5’ crpa™ been mailed and it is necessary that » Flattery( Mrs. w f " “; and - k e wIH also be served. EASY! QUICK! GLYCERIN ,lrH each motor vehicle which is required F B Flattery, Mrs. W. . C n MrS Car‘ ° lson-’ Mra MIX FOR CONSTIPATION to be licensed be equipped with a set E ig h th G rade E x a m in a tio n O. Wilson. Mrs. Clifford Wilson of the metal plates by July 1. The The regular S'ate eighth grade s,.ni,?Ple. glycerln- buckthorn h e ', H a rry S te w a rt. Mrs. Jo h n Hen applications ar- to he mailed to th Mrs. . _ ........ . sunn nen-1 ani, Dal?on wiH be held on Thursday saline, etc. as mixed In Adlerfkr .. rer. . rs. W. N. Dow. and Mrs. W distriru /d ’ h' Junf' * and 8‘ 193°- I" Keyes constipation in TW • secretary of state at SHem, or p re ­ M. Dong, all of Springfield, and Mrs. ■ » L . - l , Y herP tb«re a'" I " 1 sented to the county sheriff, who wilt are le g a li? ’ q k w Z l "to U ke (¿em Mos* medicines act onlv on the l„ bowel, but Adlerlkn a c , on P . ’ mail them for the individual, giving D. E. Crites, of Eugene asked 1 wH*" <’,ona ''»ve been nnl^n “n<1 h0Wp|- h m a teniix.1 try w .cjshield permit rnneof j ' nd ’»■«»Uons for all poisons you never thought w re .n conditioned pupil, fo the proper dis- to be used only until the other n|nto„ your system. Just ONE spoonful r- n iete, W a lte r v llle R esid en t H e re — C R lleves GAS. sour stomach and sick ' arrive. A fee of 25 cents is charged ’ v!vM ler. 0, Waltervllle. was a bus!-’ tricts or, for cnpll, r-*-, headache. Let Adlerlkn give ,,„m «c" H 15 7 rea8°" ,0 ‘ake ,h' m on May ! for this service. The plates w ni ,,e ness visitor in Springfield Saturday and bowels a REAL cleaning ana 1 black with an orange color for the afternoon. E. J. MOORE. £ eugho8: o r r d ron numerals and letters. Co. School Supt Hal Hogs. secretary of state, urges that 'he public do not forget to send in their receipts of registration when anplying for a new license. This slip o f paper ia required by law to be carried in the driver’s compartment at all times, except when the receipt Is being mailed to the state office for correction or for new plates. The motorist should also be particular to note that the. receipt corresponds with the numbers of the license Plates Any error shoo'd be called to the attention of tht state department at one». Recent laws In both California and anada make ft mandatory that the receipt be exhibited to show owner- ehlp or the vehicle before it can be registered or nsed ,n thft twn The receipt is not Just a slip of paper to be Ignored, says Hoss that It has a vital purpose, namelv the Identification of automobile for which It is iR81,f.d and very valuable to the owner In ; case of theft. Leonard Refrigerators LEGION MEMBERS WILL '. ATTEND CHURCH IN BODY ‘ All patriotic organizations fn , hf> c.ty have been invited to nfon-i a special pre-Memorlal service at the Baptist chnrch 8'ind-.y, Mav 25. R ev Ralph Mulholland will deliver a spe­ cial address to the veterans of our wars and their associated organiza­ tion members. He will a i,0 deliver the address at the Laurel Grove cem e­ tery on Decoration Day follow ng the parade. Members of the American Legion are requested to meet at the community hall at io:46 Ronday morning and march In a body to the church. Those who cannot get there at that time are asked to go direct to the church. at a Decided Saving in Price assortment of °diffXn7 st^es^o #t thM Savin«8 and the large man's purse. Come e a r ^ e X T est^ u o^ ^ X Priced at $14.75, $17.75, $23.75, $26.50, $29.75, $52.50 500 lbs. ICE FREE WITH EACH REFRIGERATOR OVER $20 00 ,C E b e d o“/ E & 8 S S % S S * * - — Wright & Sons Greatest Range Story Ever Told The THIS RBAUTIFCL all white enamel Hutpolnt Range is the newest creation of modern range designers — so new |g this range that we have been able to buy all of the present factory output. We have been fortunate In this purchase, so we have priced thia range so low that you will be greatly surprised to hear Its price, v o U HAVE NEVER HAD SUCH AN OPPORTUNITY TO BUV A FULL AUTOMATIC ELECTRIC RANGE. Only $10 down and $7.75 a month will put this range in your home fully Installed. Order now as this special offer expires soon. Think of these modern im­ provements that are included In this new creation. The Hl- Speed Calrod Unit, the fastest co.iH"™ unit k n o w n -th e new H’ ” :t Jeweled movement ick—the new and im- Provvu heat control that keeps the temperature where you want it — an unusually well proportioned oven—four cooking units—the right she A*Ii.Zhe freatest efficiency. All these and many other fea­ tures make this Hotpoint the greatest range offer In our history. IT IS YOUR GREAT­ EST OPPORTUNITY TO GET THE MOST MODERN elec »V.« Csnbsl and îhsrmamsisy Thl" P°Pu,ar fixed model will last you a lifetime. $ 10 dow n Mountain Stales ■rew fawtmkm P o t o Company v