f THURSDAY. MAY 22, l»30 ’HfR fiPRINOFlKLD NEWS [ T b t "Young General” TOWN AND VICINITY f P A C K F IV E UPPER CAMP CREEK SCHOOL TO HAVE GALA CARNIVAL SATURDAY POWER CANAL CLAIMS ! ployeea of tbs Orem lumber LIFE OF SMALL BOY worked until 10 00 o’clock to «»III re cover the victim of the fast water Richard Han»huh. 12. aoa of Mr which flows In a deep channel, mak­ Waltarvllla Ra«ld»nt Her* ___ From Fall Creak W M. Taylor, of Saturday night. May 24, la going and Mr». Chrl». Hanshuh. of Walter- ing It almost Impossible to crawl out *«*» Klevt.ii», ,,r W altervllla, wa» a Full Creek, vlalted friand» in thia to be a big night at the Upper Camp *llle *°*t h,a ,,,e by drowning Mon- 1 if one falls Into IL Hut unity »hopper |n 0,1« c|ly city on Monday. Creek when the ih . program ».-»> •._ 'lay evening In the power plant canal I The boy leave» besides his parents, Creek school. school,, when F»ngca M«n Hare Clarence Eh. sponsored by the Parent Teacher near that place. No one saw the ac- I three brothers and five sisters. M«reola R.eident Haro— Mr«. Lewis of I'sagr», v!»lt«d with hla frlenda Hall, of Marrola. »pent Saturday happen, but »ome »mall com- Funeral services were held from association is presented to the public I cldent b,pp*n- hl thll illy tin Hu'ur.luy for thetr approval or disapproval The i**" ° f hl* "aw hlm •**<*■« on « tne Branatetter chapel In Engene on vlaltlng In thl» city. entire evening will be lD the nature fl"h,n« at 6®® o'clock. When Wednesday afternoon at 2 00 o'clock. M»b«l R ci,d«n t H«r» W || I ’arl». Vlalta Son J. It Scott, of Creawall of a carnival, which ha» been given i , J*‘d "Ot return tOT *“PP«r that Rev Fred Kornschu.t. of Eugene, Of Mabel. »pin t K u d lid y looking vlrli«d with hla »on, while In Spring the appellatdn Good Feeler« Carol- " “ ,ear,'h wa" started and the officiated and Interment was made a ’ lo r bti«lne»s riu 'tc rn in thl» city o n H n ttjr < fu y . val, the Good Feeler« Oolden Rule! f ndln* of hl" ,Uhln« Pole caught on In the Mulkey cemetery. Day or the I»ay We Peel the Willow." “ *nM *“ ,h e aw,,t current Cave the Donna M i» Hara Elm Hiddla, of From Marcela— Mr». Walter Hogg», A program by the achool children fr a ‘ ' lu* of *»*■ fa««- Donna, i iih 1 In to »e« a local phy of Marrola, wa» a Saturday vlaltor O u t o f T o w n Q uest»— O r and Mrs. alrlan on Saturday. will be a feature of the evening, and were made to drag the W. C. Rebhan had aa their guests In thl» city. . a »upper will form a great d;—1 ot C,n‘ f° r lhe b° dy but were unauc here Sunday Mr and Mrs W C. Tem­ From Fall Creak Mr» W H l-arl Tranaacta Bualneaa — Mr». B. O. amusement for those who are able I cesarul, so workmen began letting pleton. of Brownsville, Mr. and M r». iner, of Fall Crack, waa a Friday Pauls» Iranaaited bualneaa while In the water out of ■aria, who la actiaa i to understand what they order from I h . . — ” ~ the ~ canal until It ' e E. . c C. . Miller Miller, of Corvaltta. and Mr. and vlaltor In Hprlngflald. Hprlnglfeld Saturday. * t if a « . the peculiar menu. w« The b° dy Walter Smith and daughter. I The program wblcn has been ar- 1 oulld Dfear the ftahpole. Em Leone, of Santa Clara, From Hood Rlvar — George Van Qlven Treatment»- -J. H. Putnam, ranged Is as follows: ~ ' Arnnin, of Hood «Ivor, waa ln Spring of Wallerville, waa a patient at the Selection ............. ................. Orchestra field to conault with a local physician. local phyilrlan'a office on Saturday. MANY GETS RIBBONS AT Recitation, So Was I. Leonard Ruth. Croawall Man Hara Louie Wallace Vlalta Son-in-law—Mr and Mr». J. Song. Mammy'» Little Coal Black MAY HEALTH PROGRAM of Croawall. *t>ent part of Monday N. Notion »pent Sunday vlaltlng , Rose Josephine and Charlotte Lan vtaltlng friend» In thia city. nlng. with their daughter and eon In law, i Almost three hundred people at­ tended at the community hall last Plano Solo. Bob Lee Duncan. From Waltorvllla — Mr» Walter who live on the Lorane highway. 942 Willamette 8t., Eugene. Oregon Friday afternoon ’o witness the an­ Recitation. Uncle Alec'a Bad Folks. Ranrh. of Wallerville. waa a vlaltor Vlalta at Corvaill, _ Mia» Maxine Marietta Ruth. In Springfield on Monday. «nodgraaa »pent the week end at nual May Day Health program, and f>'ng. You Naughty Wicked Rid. to see 38 grade school children of Fwrchaaaa Food -Ira Mathew», of Corvallis a» the gueat of Mlaa Marie thl» city reielved their blue ribbon» Howard Phelps, Mary Rlrk, Nora Dexter, purchaaed feed for bla »lock Jenaen. She returned to her home tor perfect health. La« Bln«. here Sunday evening. while In thl» city Saturday. Vocal Solo. Mias Ruth. The recipients of the ribbon» were Bobbi® Shaftoe. Betty Lee Stuart. Catch»» Fine Fish— Mayor W. p ‘ Sidney Ward. Nancy I»avl». Ethel From M areola- Mr». Ida Sander«, Raymond Phelps. Felda Choate. of Marrola. waa a Monday vlaltor In Tyaon .aught IS flab on the McKee- Fulop. Flora B.rtsch, George Horton. ale north of Springfield Sunday. The I-oul. Smith. Billy Dow. Beryl Ro- Reuben and Rachael. Marietta Ruth Springfield and Allen Nichols. lurgeat weighed one pound, although borts, Dale HorVon, C Eugene ’ ............. -W -------— s M K 'V II t * r Fulop, ilio p Huntresses. Ruth From Waltorvllla- -Charlo» Carter, it looked a» if ft would weigh nearly *«•'>!« liera», h. Bobby Davis, Lor Drill — Indian of Wallerville, purchaaed feed »up- two. »ays the angler Weeks. Jo Lanning, Helen Nichols, ralne Squires. John Avltt, Richard pile» in thia city on Monday. ta llle Ray. Juanita Kirk, Valentine; Richardson, Robert Ku-hardson, BCly Hay and Bery Weeks. Burnett, Jennie Jackson. Fern Cor­ On Vacation — Ornee Mitchell I» DAIRY ESSAY CONTEST Quartette Mr. Ruth. Mr. Phelps. Mrs nell. Frances Cornell. Floyd Cornell. taking her vacation from the tele WINNERS ANNOUNCED Teddy Wright, Barbara Barnoll, Lois Ruth and Mrs. Rlrk. phone office now. Wilson. Margaret Meek. Rntcoe Cole. Vocal Solo. Rocked In the Cradle of ■ the Deep. Mr. Page. Winner» In division two of the Scott Wright. Jean Louk. Colleen Cottage Qrove Min Here F E rhe tailored simplicity of thia Tulur. of Cottage Grove, waa a poster,and essay campaign to In Cornell. LaVerne McPherson. Doris Selections .... .. .................... Orchestra. garment makes it a very popular creaae the use of dairy products Higgins, thlrley Seavey. lads May Monday vlaltor In Springfield. 304 ■ it is fashioned of Ana through school education were an Rodenbough. Bob Rodenbough, Dr.le Spenb Sunday at Alvadore — Mr. quality and long enough so that it nnunred Monday by Miss Oerlrude , Robertson. Bobby Foster and Rr^e stayi in place no matter how active and Mr» Paul Hchlewe motored to Skow. home demonstration agent Ogden. you arc. It has self «traps, comes Alvadore on Sunday to visit friends. Vernon England, Walker aehool; Jack The entire program was given by in colors to match - Back from California — Mr». Pearl Klensrhe. I-one Pine achool; and the children under the direction of bloomer*. Sue* Jb to 42, Melba Palmer, Sant« Clara high Slnnar has returned from Callforola, their teachers Mrs. L. R. Page had achool, are the winners. where she «pent her vacation. charge of the program arrangements. Wlunera of prlies In grades 1 to 6 Ethel Fulop played the part of the , &p«nda Week End at Salem—Frank for posters are: queen, a d Sidney Ward was the Ixmbard spent the week end at the 1st, Vernon England. Walker achool. king for the dey. T-aVerne McPherson Willamette University at Salem, Creswell, route 1; 2nd. Mlnnte Earl. took the purl of the herald. where he formerly attended school. Walker achool; 3rd. Giadya Walker, Songs and dances with a Maypole Walker school; 4th. Dorothy Boehv From Rainbow- Mrs. George Wil­ ringer. Banta Clara; 5th, Albert dance and an address by Miss Ronkel liam«. and her aoa. Joe. were visitors Barre. Wendllng. dlatrlct 1(2; (th. Ed-‘ were the principal features of the at the homes of friends here while In • mund Lower, district 2. Creswell; ' program. Springfield on Friday of last week. 7th. Robert Sears, Walker; 3th. Al­ Visit Coast Points— Mr and Mr». bert Higgins, Llnslaw; 8th, Orace JUNIOR-SENIOR BANQUET W K Burnell and daughter. Barbara Hohman. district 181. TO BE HELD TOMORROW •pent Sunday vlaltlng coast points In Winners In grade» 7. 8 snd 9 for wealern I-ane county. essays on health reasons for the use Tennessee, Associate Judge of the Members of the Junior and Senior of dairy products: 1st. Jack Rlen Supreme Court of the United State», At Summer Home— Dr. and Mr». ache. Ixine lin e school; 2nd. Gertrude classes at the high school will hold who died within a few hour» of the Eugene Renter «pent Sunday at their Plaep, Ada school; late Chief Justice Taft. 3rd. Wanda their annual formal banquet tomor­ summer home on the McKenile. near Miles. Ada; 4th, Frank Gray. Crea row evening at lhe Lee Duke cafe In Dearborn. well; 5th. Beatrice Burt, Mapleton; Eugene. They will enjoy a five-course 6lh, Ruthle Reber. Creswell; 7th. dinner, during which the numbers of JUNIOR LEAGUE BASEBALL Send Resident Her»--Mrs. Henry the program will be Interspersed. Korf, of Bend, la spending several Olgn Sacre, Wendllng; 8th. Laura TEAM ORGANIZED HERE The program will consist of a wel­ day« here and In Eugene vlaltlng Higgins. Llnslaw; 9th. Elmer Olson. come by John Lynch, as president Creswell. Mend« and relatives. Her mother A Junior American Legion baseball Winners In the senior high school of the Junior class, and a response team wa» organised here on Sunday lives In Eugene. division essays on the uses of dairy from Frank Mersdorf. the senior class by William Cox. who will have charge B orn Mr and Mrs. O. H. W lltie products let, Melba Palmer. Santa president. Alfred Frese will sing a of the team. The team will play are the parents of a baby daughter ( lara; 2nd. Jeannie Spencer, Cres­ solo. Out of the Deep, and Violet several practice games on Saturdays born to them at the Pacific Christian well; 3rd. Ina Moes. Creswell; 4th, Runte will play an Hawaiian violin says Mr. Cox, and later they will honplal In Eugene on Tucaday. May Margaret Gwyther. Creswell; 6th. solo. Out On the Deep, and Violet meet all other Legion teams in the We have only the best. Try us once and you will try us SO. 1230. Mabel C. Simpson, Creswell; (th, W. E. Buell will offer a toast. Bon county to determine the champion-; gain. Service is our watchword—economy our standard Voyage, to the graduating class. The ship. Vlalt at Oakridge — Mias Myrtle Alleyne Spencer. Creswell. Prlaee In the senior high school other numbers on the program will In Harvey and her grandmlther. Mrs K The entire state has been divided down V Walker, returned to Springfield on ! division ranged from 210 110 d° Wn to '° |1 ; he a reading by Faye Parsons, and a into dlstrir'a and each county in the banjo duest by Bessie Stewart and Monday from Oakridge, where t h e y ' - he J F hl down to 81. nament Is to be held and the winners 4th and Main Sts. Spend Week end at Portland—The HIGH SCHOOL GIRLS PRATT HOLVERSON of the districts play in a tournament K. C. STUART Mime» Anna Gorrle. Margaret Oor- Kensington Club Postponed Phone 63 which la to be held at Baker at the PLANNING TWO TEAS rle. Cora Ol«on. mnuei Mabel ( h**-"- H- C. Whitney will entertain ------ Olaon. ---- Millie I...UU, time of the atate convention. Olson and Jennlne Withers, motored ,h'' ««Blber» of the Kensington club The Girls League of the high Boys who turn, d ou* for the first to ----- Portland early Saturday morning wl,h « covered dish luncheon at her school will entertain with two teas ---- ------------- ' practice were Dale Thomas. Bruce and spent the week end there visiting home tomorrow afternoon. The meet next week for the members of the Squires, LaMa- Brnttaln, Hugh Mat- friends. Ing wag scheduled for last Friday, leagues In Eugene. On Monday they hany. Donald Hawke, Dick Wright. hut was postponed. Tho afternoon have Invited the girls of the Eugene Earl Peterson, Louis Tuhy, Bob Return from Burna—Mr. and Mrs will he spent with sewing and games high school to bp their guests and Mtthany, Mark Smith and Tom C E. Kenyon returned Sunday even­ on Tuesday they will entertain the Uchytil. ing from Burns, where they had University high girls. «pent tho week end visiting friends Then there was the Scotchman who The Dutch motif of blue and white Husband: I can t make out which and relatives. The road hetweun , bought a car because the clutch was Men s Genuine English Broadcloth will be carried out ln the decoration Is the top and which 1» the bottom ' Bend and Burns Is very rough, states thrown In. and program, as well as In the re­ of these socks. Mr. Kenyon. freshments. Small blue and white T e ach er» E x a m in a tio n M lfe; Idiot- The big hole Is the top paper windmills were mailed this Te«chea School—Miss Doris Girard The regular hl nnuual teachers ev week Io the girls Inviting them to top ant the collection of small holes All Colors Is teaching at the Lincoln school this amination will be held In the County attend the functions here. Refresh­ Is the foot. week during tho absence of hor sis­ onUW T '" - .con" n»‘n» «nK at 9 :00 a. m ments will consist of ten and pret­ ter. Dorothy, who Is attending tho on Wednesday. June 11. 1930. lasting zels. A program of Dutch songs and four days. Schedules will be supplied Friend; How many men work in Rebekah lodgo convention as a dele­ when requested from this office readings will be given. The newly your office, Mr. Fracture? gate from the local orgnnlantlon. She R. J. MOORE, elected offiuera of the Girls League Mr Fracture: Oh. about will be here to resume her teaching School SUpt. wl11 hllve charge of the programs. $1.50 Mountain Striped them! work tomorrow morning. J C. PENNEY CO. Bodice Top Rayon Vest 79c Our Meats are Tempting and Tasteful INDEPENDENT MEAT CO. Special This Week SHIRTS 98c Attends Convention—Mrs. W. H. Pollard left Springfield on Sunday for Klnmath Falla, u^iere she spent the first part of the week attending thos tnte convention of the order of P. E. O. as a delegate from the Eu­ gene chapter, of which she Is a member. Questa at Springfield Hotel—W. B. Handcock, of Seattle; J, F. Shannon, of Alhambra, California; Elvln Keen­ an, of Joseph, Oregon; R. U Miller, of San Francisco; Frank Klsor, of Los Angeles; Chuck Anderson, ot Tucaon, Arliona; Jim Dailey, David Pennington, and Doc Pac Ker, all of Palmer, California, were registered at the Springfield hotel during the week end. IMPORTANT NOTICE... KAFOURY’S .nnounnel t.n .l„ „ of th . 98c th.„ w. r . . . . gr, „ t, d r . - n . . r k M , , u p p , . m . n t. d BIB OVERALLS g iv , |tnd|ord ind now th> Koc|