T H E S PR IN G FIELD N EW S VS HERE DEMOCRATIC $40 IN PRIZES FOR Public M arket bultdlag. elth ar by ' W K H A N O I J t nothing but the Sprlny- CANDIDATES COME FROM BEST DAIRY ESSAYS catling or w ritin g to Mias Show Grid foe Cream and g ra d , A m ilk SpringfteM , Lana County, Oregon, by _.ii?d,Wan? P l}alk'y- native son of Lane county th e r e . cream butter anil b u tte r m ilk —* there. cream. _____ ______ T H E W IL L A M E T T E PRESS pnitv at i h . 8v lldani bt‘a r r ,for the iH«nn.cratU- A county wide essay cooteet open Kach Individual ahall be lim ited to E lite Cafe. Springfield. M 29 ___ _______ H. E. M A X E Y . Editor. was*a f o o t i ^ i hie“ LMr e,7 ‘ 'I“ ' If the “t a b a r d to nil a d u lt, has been announced by one eaeay and no person having en Rut J n LU, probab,y would reach h is the com m ittee for the lii.-resaed con­ tered In any other contest dealing Entered a* second class m atter, February 34, 1903. a t the goal goal. But when the defense is oratory ami t h e sumption of D airy Ih-oducta, under with values of dairy product, la e l­ _____________ puetofflee, Springfield. Oregon. opponent knows all the trick plays of the gam.. the Lane County Dairym en's nssocla igible to compete. — i politics, then it will be a tough battle But de- tlon. The eeeay ehall Interp ret the M A IL S U B S C R IP T IO N R A T E O n , year In Advance — »1.78 Three Months m ocrats have been elected governor of this i value» of d airy p roduct,; the con- RELIEF FROM CURSE M o n th s -.------------------------- »10« S in tle C(Jpy T I o ? h .,Uany kh befor»« even if there are four ¡teetant may develop the »ubject from w k republicans to one democrat to convince economic or health standpoint or OF CONSTIPATION VVho Is there to say that Junction City can t pro-1 . from both health and economic T H U R S D A Y . M A Y 33. 1930 A Rattle Creek physician aays, ••Con­ duee a governor? The grass Is greener in the ' ' standpoints. more LIVE WIRE CANDIDATE , ' 1. ai.u'l‘t,e valley than down where the “bald- T hree prize» are offered as fol stipation Is responsible for misery than any other cause." j Iowa: first. 815; second, 910. and face calves roam in Union county. Hut Im m ediate re lie f bae been the successful Republican third, »6 T he eseay »hall be Judged found. A tablet called Itezall O rder­ “ the priu,arie8 by »bout the same upon validity of »ubject m atter, In­ lies has been discovered. This tablet num ber ot vote« as was his plurality in Portland thiTv® 8t' hlKl1 «raduate who is beginning to dication of grasp of subject m atter, attracts w ater from the system Into kn<>™ 8t7 in5 hiS home clty where he was best ' b‘n.k about ¿»king up some sort of work should the Issy. dry evacuating bowel called o rig in ality, composition and title. known, which is a credit to him and a surprise the colon The w ater looeeaa the dry I f you cannot read •U h» u ‘ i Barton in this column this week on T he maximum length of the eaaay , food waste and causes a gentle to his opponents. p W hat Makes a Good Job.” w ith com fort and I thorough, natural movement without i , to be 1600 words, and ahall be In Joseph is a keen, energetic, able and efficient • e e pleasure have an eye the office of G ertrude L. 8kow, forming a habit or ever Inrreaelng (he doee. f rid®n00. w hiJhte* v ^ es^'t<ï ,S o r r PUlatiOn ’ Y hat th.o uKhta are In th at young fellow’s head At your service 16 hours a day. Published Every Thursday at ± “1®* , DR E C MEADE l^RRl S Highest Quality Bowels Always Regular ® Following is the census figures of the various h a fe<’elves his instructions from the gray- ru ral communities. » « tous headed veteran? 8 7 1930 1920 How can ne fail to look forward and see In Alvadore _ 319 174 the older man a picture of himself twenty years Blue River 7j rrom now. * 133 Camp Creek 814 Cloverdale _ tl& k u years p a lo r - p a id J ° b * It h “ o 204 183 ' ' » f u 2 t u t 18 t Tw enty from now he win be Just Coburg ____ _____ on wnere he Is tndAv—nniv «,i4k 263 270 tW hee tohhe 18 O,der- Coyote ____ «47 338 the Job som ew hat less secure. His experience D o r e n e ................................. 260 will count for nothing, because it Is experience Glenwood _____________ 567 354 th at any other m an can gain In a couple of days. Irving ------------------- 254 ! 309 He may, from time to time, force an increase L ath am .................. ..... 863 600 Why? ,a y BUt thC increases wiU not be large. Lone Pine ____________________ 260 345 , Lost Valley _______ __________ 480 ' 658 Because he learned the job in two days. And McKenzie 100 45 in any other two days the company can find M a b e l ................................. 180 390 P?en\ of men who will learn just as fast and take M ohaw k ................ ............................ 352 the job away from him. 307 Oakridge _________ __ __ __ 851 Recently I m et in a hotel restaurant a friend Richardson .......... „ . --------------------------- -------- ------------- #52 354 of mine who had just come back from England S & g in a w ................................................ — 528 420 a fte r taking special work in surgery under some S ilk Creek ................................................ — 425 387 or the greatest men in the world. Btuslaw _ __ ________________ — 373 242 He is thirty-one years old; it is fourteen years Spencer ..........._ .............. ......... 766 356 since he entered college. Thurston .... 290' 326 For ten of those fourteen years he has been in W allace __ 436 238 medical schools, hospitals, and in foreign coun- W endling 675 t n es studying. — 824 Wes: fir 5*9 .... v Fourteen years of hard, uninterrupted study. Willakenz^e 741 391 »ears made difficult by the necessity of self- W illa m e tte 493 4io support; and filled sometimes with questionings _ . as he sees his college class m ates moving for- Dearborn, Michigan, the dryest town in the * ai;d to the,r Peaces as well paid physicians and United States, has voted wet 'in the Literary he lingering still in school. Digest Ford does not u have Yet with what result? - - poll. . - Henry --— a » c a anvone n \ one working for him whose breath smell of liquor, He has acquired a specialized training such as and he runs Dearborn. We can see no relief for only a few other men in New York possess. this town even if the country did go moist, so He will begin life with an income of several what the peoples psychology is in voting to re­ thousands; he will pay back his educational debts peal the eighteenth amendm ent is hard to in a couple of years; in ten years his income will explain be tens of thousands. l i f n Uri eer! yeTra ° f hi8 life in the m astery of The m rom noto spen er w hs p F G G IM A N N ’S "W here Ik e S e rv ie , t . Deferent ™ A Q ARCX WE HAVE A COMPLETE STOCK OF S 1 .0 0 O N E P IN T Regularity of the bow­ el» is eesentlal for good health. Agarex make» them »o by mechanical lubrication. Contains m in­ eral oil and yet has no oily taste Is not fatte n ­ ing o r Irrita n t. Tw o kinds — w ith and w ithout phe­ nolphthalein. Sold only at Rexall Stores. Flanery’s USED CARS Priced from $ 5 0 up WHY NOT BUY A GOOD, LOW PRICED USED CAR FOR THAT FISHING TRIP MORRIS CHEVROLET Co. D RUB STO R E Phene 16 924 Olive St., Eugens, Oregon /TW5SST Telephone 627 j , , „„ [, , < cessary for the people to express their choice. it seems to us that some people showers just to brag about them. take . J . h e ^ °b t b a t t h e K (x is 8 e lt for two hours’ train ing is worth Just w hat it costs. cold iv v°,n ly l hat 106 *8 worth much wh,ch bas tied to work PriCC tag ° f con8tant> unceasing study and P IN K Y D IN K Y By T e rry G ilk ison a t Summer Excursion Fares ! TIMV c ' mom w r'v» «or Add days in California to any trip East to G et jW O M B Z T he fare is only a fraction m ore than an o rd in ary ticket to your destination and back. y w tell M H A Tlff J O g P lN G T Z V y /w H » M I YO U to e> A O N home th e ID E A O F Y O U O N A S K IN G T H A T 'C A U S E - its A p p l e — Vinduj. D i„L J I N G LE S ' w w , , | s»« st> u »s,M sm .tM, MW,T, IN F R O N T O F N O R T H , ----- TOO is Think of a trip to the East that includes California, the Spanish-American Southwest, a bit of Old Mexico, the romantic Old South and quaint New Or­ leans. Then to your destination and home thru the Canadian Rockies or on northern United States lines. San Francisco, Los Angeles, the Southwest, San Antonio, New O r­ leans, then by boat to New York or continue thru the Old South by rail to W ashington, Ph iladelph ia, New York ot mid-west destinations. That is one of Southern Pacific’s Circle Trips. You double the en­ joyment of any trip East when you use Southern Pacific's Four Great Routes and go one way, return an­ other. You circle as much of the United States as you like at low sum m er fares. O V E R LA N D C IR C LE San Francisco, Los Angeles, San Diego, Hollywood, thru the pictur­ esque Southwest, LI Paso (O ld Mex­ ico nearby), to Kansas City.St. Liuis, Chicago and other mid-west points. O N TH E cepf THE WEST YOU CATCH TO TH E R I6 W T OS V O u IV TSE EAC| I N P A C K O F - yo u - t h e r s ' c a f a t c m . . ANP No matter what your eastern destination it can be included in one of Southern Pacific's Circle Trips. A few itineraries arc suggested here. You may reverse this order if you wish. Summer excursion fares East are in effect on and after May 22 You have until October )1 to complete your journey. Note these examples, and map. Then let the Southern Pacific agent give you further details He will he glad to show you how to make you travel dollars ¿0 farther., San Francisco. Lake Tahoe, acroM Sail Lake City. For a amali addi- Donal fare you may return thru Yellowstone or continue to Denver. Southern Pacific CARL OLSON, Agent