T H U R S D A Y , MAY* 32. 1930 N®W8 Synopsis Wlth the boathook he drew the "Tell me why your wife hated l i 'l ''x ‘-u,l rr‘- forges the name of ILuke Mnddlson, wealthy banker and little skiff against the steps and came —you rather glo**«d over that rhls slater Margaret a fiance, to a to land. It took five minutes before of yosr yarn." large check. He It found dead with , Luke ___ ______ H A L *- -1« Inch body Fir, lt-lnch NOTICE to School Teacher«—I f yon could ______ follow - him. His knees Luka wa* silent for a long time. CA LL FOR W ARRANTS “Btl « foot Old Growth slab Wood L uke‘*wiih h i ,h* n i * r , “ BE charging gare under him, and be wanted all wleh a nice place to room and ¡J*1* an*l Maple Telephone Apr Luke with haring ruined him. Mar "I don't think It’s very difficult M board come to Hotel Elite w * aleo the support that hts companion could • M J Frank Tuhy. m 2» garet marries Luke, after he understand." he M id. “She thought I hare two house« on F street for given her everything he owns. She give him. w m reeapouslble for the d M th of her * rS.n ,L '” *• • furnished house.— leaves him. telling him she has "Bit on the steps," commanded the A. T. Brewer. y 2( brother. He shot hlasMlf." nilned him to revenge her brother coaaldnr Kugoa* or Mo < mo J m ’" * M4, d ,“ ’d ’""‘’’■'’ary Luke, bewildered, wanders about Gnnner, and Lube obeyed. "Now try "Bat why did she understand t t a t f JJO b U Hirer property Io mehaarw NO TIC « OF F IN A L S E T T L E M E N T 22. 1B30 Intere»! cease, after May London, la attacked by thugs, who to stand " Allowing t h « Danty MoroU to a v s » r . ° •*>» 1»I, Bprlagflald For five minutes Lake M t crouched take him for a detective, recovers In Io the County Cotwt of the State ef N O T IC t T O C R t D I.S R B hospital to find he la known ns up,.his fnee In his hands. «„J then ptoMlble gentleman, she would O regon, for the County of Lwte. ly take hls bare word." H * NOTICE o f FIN A L S E T T L E M E N T Smith. I n this new character he be­ the Gunner's voice aroused him. •a the M atter of the Estate of Annie for a moment, then asked suddenly: comes Involved with the Joe Connor Knot. D em eed v ,*” Humphrey, bare been appointed "There are too many people pass­ fang, who misiake him for an A ds * "When that boy shot hlnteelf did h r liu 'iS b ^ v ’ ^ IS’ 2 5 ? to of Koaa Notice 1« hereby given that C. E tralian crook named Smith, and Is ing over the bridge to please me. We leave any message behind?” KenyotL executor of the eetate of made an unwilling accomplice ln a had better go up before It’a light." a k . »••’ "»« claim« Annie Knox, deceaaed, ha« filed hie Luke shook kls head. Jrwel robbery. H« does not know Affuinat n il rstate should present the rinal account ta the matter of aald He assisted the half-conscious man with the’r i . '. e / L . T * * . »'•"'•nl.trator that lnal Margaret *» r« s re t ban has relented and re- I heard of none—nor w m anything J W e to me at the office of 8. I) estate In the County Court for Lane to rise to bis feet. of i • • ” *?** ■*• ,he money be gave her to mentioned nt the inqaest" to »Hen. Attorney, Eugene. duly rerl County, Oregon. and that Munday Lana Countv n J th* Con,,t>' Neither spoke as they climbed the day 21»i »'«' « steep flight until they emerged flush date, May 1, l»30 of ten o'clock n. m In the County County h “Morell wns in the room and m adr i i T,lrt room of "«Id , fTl®nd' concerning whom Gunner G ERTRUD E HU M PH R EY, with the footpath. The people who Court House in Eugene. Lane County. M l by the S ™ • ’ - " ’-‘5'” ' haa hcen | Haynes, an American jewel ■ • —«. •!«« neen | ”' < - T.. «..uctitnii j c w c i uiiei, ,hh*fs were hurr’’ln* across the bridge took the discovery,” baa — been fixed ma at tu« the lim« time ''••«•U lanani« Oregon, " -------- — ..acM . Armlatotratrix of ««id a J Barn*P*. Judge "horn Maddlaon once befriended, has The Gunner nodded. M lg - lB M M P|ar° th« «•’ hearing of i obier - « y • iim r o «»un, u n th è t time ir 1 > n ■ ♦ to /» th« tL s____ • Bird of Scotland Yard, know also as his companion by the arm. the Gun­ NOTICE TO CREDITORS final aettlvment of aafd eatate Any an^ for thè final aetthm ent of Maddlson's manner changed. Of the Sparrow, Is likewise Interested meni of nald ner led him down toward Tooley Notice Ia hereby given that the un and all objeetlona to aald acooant ¡•’»tate. course, you weren’t marrlea then, bat In Morell. Maddlson goes to bis old and thè final aettlem« nt of nald e». * BA R O LI; J W KLL8 street. When he saw a slowly moving A d m l^ T ’ .hM .b* r " duly »PPOlO'nd bachelor quarters, is taken for a bur­ that to a fact, isn’t it? If that to a Administrator of the estate of Resale late must be filed with the Clerk of glar, escapes from the police and cab he balled the drlvor and bundled W F i i » Ad'nlnl"Hator. fact, it means that Danty carried N Arnold, deceased, and any and all •aid Court un or before the date ot W ELLS A H hLLS, Attorneys. tries to get In touch with Detective Luke inside. pernona having claims against the •aid bearing. The date of the flret some evidence to the young lady that M 22 2» J 6-12 1» Bird. The Connors gang learns of “My friend’s a bit under the w m - •aid estate are hereby required to publication Is April 24th. 1230 was quite sufficient to make her play this, sandbag and Imprison him in C. E KENYON. lTeseot said claims, duly verified as an underground cell near the river ther," lie explained to the cabman this trick— " A D M IN IS TR A TO R ’S SALE OF Executor of the Eetate of Annie T>y law required, at No. 717 Wiliam with a smile. "Drive me to Lenncx where he la certain to be drowned REAL PROPERTY "I'm not blaming her—’’ M id Luke. etta Street, Eugene, Oregon. In Lane Knox, deceased. when the tide rises. Meantime M ar­ street ClerkenwelL” A 24 M 1 1-16 23 < <>unty, within six month« from th e ' He m w a flicker of amusement ts Notice la hereby given that bv garet. revisiting Lukes old rooms, There was a large block of model date of thia notice. virtue of an order of the County finds a sheet of paper on which Lake the man’s eyes. H O ? 1” 1 “ d n r ,t publlah* d * * * L < msdl.t of . Lane County. Oregon, d u lj has begun a letter to hie friend and bandings In Lennox street, and for NOTICE YO CREDIYORS "Ton are?" yssn tha Gunner had had his sscret Notice I« hereby given that Btrdle made and entered of record In the lawyer saying that he la In desperate "W ell, not exactly," drawled the JMle of last publication. May SB, trouble. Margaret's Joy over the dis­ d’ e r ^ J ' ‘th’ ’ “ * ? ° f J° hD W ,r ln «' headquarters In a fairly large flat on J >10, L. Ish has been appointed adminis­ Gunner. “I've given op blaming g eo covery that Lake la alive and in Lon­ h% un<,erBl«n«d. ad min Is- the ground floor. It w m * place to tratrix of the eetate of J. W Ish H. E SI a A T T K R T . ' ‘ « l o r of said estate, will, on and don Is tempered by the statement pie, there's no profit In It.” which he seldom came, and of whose Administrator of the estate of deceased, by the County Court of for’ sa‘le’ a‘nil‘1 Î Î 7 of Detective Gorton that the man con­ Jun*' ” 30' ofier He flicked off the ash of hto cigar­ Ocunty, Oregon. All persons Baasle N. ______ Arnold, _________ deceased. existence the police were Ignorant n . and a#1* at Private aale tha cerned In the Jewel robbery, whom Address la P. O. Box 614 Eugene ' bBTlB< claim , against M id estate are • following ette carefully Into h i* soucer. described property, belong­ •ke new knows was Luke, had been I t w m his pied-a-terre, jealously ’ (required to proeent them, with the ing to sala estati), to-wlt: Oregon. 'You can't make a sadden reappear­ ' going around for two years with the preserved for emergencies. He had M l-t-lA lX -M ?roP*r vouchers, within elx months woman whose accomplice he was. ance; yon can’t dven get to Rond* ” ' fr»B* H>e flf»t day of May, 1»S6. to the Commencing at the Northwest Cm, Ounner Haynes drops Into Connor's slept there two nights before, and and be sure you’ll get away with It, NOTICE OF F IN A L HEARINO “ M administratrix at the law office her of Donation Land Claim N o ‘ il the woman who came In daily made »• I ’ownshlp™*, South place just as Connor’s men are fas­ Notice Is hereby given that W illiam I r' Ray ,n **■"•» Building. tening Lake’s feat with chains to the bed. Upon thia bed he laid Lake You’ve got yourself mixed up with I ’ Lower, administrator of the estate Ku Meridian; large blocks of salt Intending to B IR D IE U .1 8 H , of Lew i, A WlnjuM. deceased, has running thence Bontk on the West throw him Into the river, where the Maddlson. Morell." Administratrix of the eetate of J East " n M**1 kCll“ l,,, « Cha,n" Ä "They must have given you a pretty filed his final account as such ad •alt will dissolve, the chains drop off He rose and paced op and dowa mlntstrator and the county court of W Ish, deceased. aald - L " r.h? " ” l° Ea"‘ “ " * o i and the body will be found wtthoat large dose.” he M id. “TO make you the small room, his eyes narrowed, lA »e county has set 10 00 a m of L. L RAY, Attorney for estate. ••Id claim; thence North 12.34 chains any marks of violence. Haynes defies some coffee." M 1 * 1 6 22 2» to coroer of m M cl.im ; thence North Frtdsy. June IS. 1S30. when at the hls brow corrugated with htonght. the Connor gang and takes Maddlson Luke shuddered. rooms of ths court In the Court nt " 70 cluUBa ‘ o corner Into the yard, pausing when he sees "It's Connor that's worrying me. B "Coffee— ugh!" House. Eugene. Oregon, said account f said claim ; thence West 12 3* two men climbing the fence. NOTICE TO CREDITORS he's held for trial, that problem to will be taken up for examination and "Gave It you In that, did they! tain“ « ‘°t2 Pl~ * Ot ‘’’’«'"»•"E. Now go on with the story. Notice ia hereby given that L. L. settled. If he isn’t and suppose yo * allowance. All persons Interested Ray has been appointed administrator C o « « ;. Ö ro g o 'n ^ ’ ° f ' " d- That’s pr pably why you’re not dead." therein may be heard at said time. come back from Ronda, he’ll be/ able of the eetate of Arthur Hartman, de­ He pulled down the blinds before Returning as quickly as he came to W IL L IA M P LOW ER, to trace your movements. Have yotg ceaaed. by the County Court of Isuie 'he lit the gas; then. goL.g Into the Administrator. County, Oregon. All persona haring p p," c® at the ofH « ‘ of the place where he left Luke, he got your passport?” B. I» ALLEN, attorney for estate. MlnB, « « “ <•'««. lifted him and went cautiously and 'little kitchen, he made coffee. rlatma against said eatate are re­ Fuaene Or"- ° He saw Luke thrust hls hand inside" M 16 22 2» J M S rm" ° f - 1*' r“ h gingerly down the slope toward the The Gunner had kept house In quired to present them, with the pro­ U bund. his shirt, and a look of dismay per voucher,, within six months places as wide apart as Blarrltx Is ADM IN ISTRA TO R'S SALE water. There would be a boat there. to hls face. 0 po tter . Notice I , hereby glren that by r lr from the 24th day of April, l»30, to w AH i S , . f S E X i ”” Presently his keen eyes discerned the from Munich, and knew how to brew the said administrator at his law of­ 'T v e lost It somewhere.” tue end In pursuance of an order ot that delicious beverage. When he dim shape of It as It moved uneasily the County Court of the State of fice In the Miner Building, Eugene. Gunner Haynes’ teeth clicked 1M> M 16-22-2» J 6-12 on the rising tide. came back Luke was sitting on the Oregon for the County of Intne made Oregon. patiently. L L. RAT. side of the bed, his head in hls hands and entered of record In said Court He had considered the possibility 'If you lost It at Keel's W harf Administrator of U e eatata of A c