PAGE TW O OREGON STATE NEWS OF GENERAI INTEREST THE SPRINGFIELD NEWS ' Fishing operations in the lower Co- lunibla river continue to show sniull results while upriver conditions are good, according to returns to Aotorid cunnerj men. The intangibles tax law enacted at the 1929 legislature, with a fixed rate of 5 per cent, has returned to the state up to this time a total of »9O7.0S5 78. according to a report prepared by the state tax commission According to C. W. Kimball of New York city, president of the Kimball Fruit company, who is visiting the company's plant at Central Point, the promises for the fruit Industry iu Rogue River valley were never better than this year. 1 '■ T H l’ItSPAY, MAY 22, 1930 w I • * • « * * * * * * « » * * , , LANE BICYCLE RIDERS Purchases Supplies Mrs J |, Register at Elite Mi and Mis ♦ UPPER W ILLA M ETTE ♦ Itohert Rullina, of Long Reach, Call Fount Ian. of la*ahnrg. purchased PLAN RACES. STUNTS. AT » ♦ « ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ « ♦ ♦ ♦ o e o e e fonila. Jean Marfin, of Portland. supplies while Iu Ibis city un huttur The Pleasuni HUI public school FAIRGROUNDS JUNE 1 ; Jack Mluddurd, Il M. McDaniels, ilAy. will hold its closing plculc Thursday — » this ww*. . i ui-, were iiem Sunday, June I, will be a gala day of week. Slate va exams held Principal Events of the Week Wednesday and Thursday of Iasi tor •<*ne county bicycle riders when Assembled for Information week Mr. W P Sheridan, as prln gather at the Lane county fair dpal. and Mrs Jease Phelpa as the ««>»'«<<« In Eugene for the first hl- of Our Readers. teacher of the primary grades, have cyclepolo and field day to he attemp* been elected again for next year *’** *n ***** county. The population at the state peniten­ The Pleasant Hill l\lgh school Tb» *••> wl11 b« chuck full of races tiary at Salem has reached a new high commencement will he held Friday. *v”nta, which will make It very Bark, with XX) prisoners on the regis­ Juue IS. , Interesting for both the riders and ter. • The Pleasant Hill athletic club ,h* "P«ctators. says Dlnty Moore, of baseball team defeated the team *b” ‘' •°« r® Cycle and Toy store, The first fire of the year In Crater from Blodgett last Sunday on the A *ce cream cone will be given national forest was started recently Pleasant Hill grounds by a score of ,0 child who vntera the parade by lightning striking a tree In the Ap­ . . . . . . . . _ tn-frils'h ..Ffii.t. II.. ___. k_ -a-... 13 to 2. A large crowd turned out to which officially opens the day’s ac­ plegate district near Copper. The annual Gilliam county fair will Witness the game. tivities al ------------ 2 00 o'clock. The parade .......— — -— . . . . ewmaw Organised labor of Eugene will spon­ be held in Condon September 11, 12 The Hill wlU **' *r«u**d «he • race » track, lev Pleasant I Itil- ^ u lll g s l l l high l l l f l l l school B I 11 ( M l I base llt ln l* • ww n , t and a ia n sor a Fourth of July celebration in Eu­ and 13. or two weeks earlier in the . _ _ .... Oris.,. ... I I | k..__. _ ~ -1 X_ a ball team defeated the team from the •>r*1*>* will be offered for various gene, and preliminary steps will be month than In previous years, in hopes Eugene high school Monday afternoon A ««Id watch will he given taken at once, it Is announced. of having better weather and also be by a score of 2 to 1. The Pleasant ,or ,b” bMl ‘•«'«rated bicycle In the Just a week after other fain In the The cherry crop in Lane county «rill Hill team defeated the Elmira team b*r»de Amtfher prize will be given neighboring counties. be better than it was Indicated two last week. Baseball schedule has for ,h* humorous and comical or three weeks ago, according to C. Historical markers are to be placed been badly cut up on account of the n,“ k‘,u P K. Stewart, county fruit Inspector. on several landmarks in Lane county rain | Yhe Hlellg theatre has offered to Owing to lack of funds the city coun­ by the local chapter of the Daughters The women's club of Pleasant Hill •*’ * ^r*e theatre tickets to the cil of Roseburg has deterred the wid­ of the American Revolution in May will meet at the home of Mrs. Andy Br,< 100 *■•**•*•■• *ho enter the field ening of the main streets. The esti­ and June. One of the markers will be Olson for an all day meeting on June on ®unday afternoon. Other prises placed on tl,e homesite of Eugene A At the last meeting held at the w*** b** <•»•» to the oldest and to the mate for Improving 1* blocks was ap- Skinner, founder of Eugene. yrozlmately |10,0C0. home of Mrs. E. Y. Swift, the ladles X°un«®*t riders. Purchase of 1' acres and large con­ decided to meet once a month dur- Plenty of races are also being Rocking of the road leading from the Oregon coast hlghsray north of Flor­ crete buildings from the Cooe Bay tng the summer Instead of once each Planned to make the day Interesting Lumber company by the Port Orford two weeks. The races will Include a one-half ence to the ocean beaches between the Cedar Products company opens a new month of the Siuslaw river and Heceta The Pleasant HUI high school will m,,e ra‘ « for children 12 years and Industry at Marshfield which will be hold an Ice cream aoclal and pro- under; one-half mile free for all on bead has been started. used to save waste from the manufac­ gram at the gymnasium Friday of »t«ck bicycles; one-eighth inlle for The town council of Lakeview has ture of white cedar lumber. 'this week. «Iris only; and a one-half inlle race authorised the Immediate paving of Lamb shipping is beginning in sev­ Mr. and Mrs. E. E. Kilpatrick. Mr. ,or b*’S(* A slow race, a relay race, 10 blocks in the business section. Rob­ ert Gould, city engineer of Bend, has eral parts of Douglas county. Oue and Mrs. Will Sharp, Mr. P. N. Laird “nd * plunk race will furnish enter- truckload hue been shipped out of and daughter, Loree, motored to talnmeni for the afternoon. been engaged to supervise the work. Yoncalla and another from Myrtle Bend over the week end on a fishing The first elimination race forTFio K. A. Young, 55, driller for an oil Cf eek. Shipments are earlier this sea­ trip. Miss Irma Laird returned with Amateur Bicycle League of America Company in Coos county, was killed son owing to the low market, which them. will be held during the afternoon When an automobile went over a grade shows little prospect of improvement. Roy Russell and son re cutting This race Is open only to those who Bear Remote on the Coos Bay-Rose­ Wheat field« of Jefferson county piling on the ranch of K. P. Lattln. want to compete in all of the races burg highway. It is believed Young have been greatly benefited by heavy Several dogs have heeu poisoned to determine the county champion tell asleep. rains of the past week, according to in the Edenvale district lately, ship. Plans and specifications for the information from Madras, where .31 | Chicken stealing has been going on The races are being sponsored by Hendricks bridge-Doyle hill section of of an inch of precipitation was meas­ in several places where dogs have the Hendershott Gun store, the llelllg the McKenzie highway covering nine ured. Spring wheat is in excellent ! been poisoned. Petty thieving I. be theatre, and the Moore Cycle and miles have been received by the Lane condition and good crops are expected. coming quite a common occurrence. Toy store, and all bicycle riders in I county court from the state highway A fierce electric storm passed over The Hult mill at Lowell has been the county are invited to take part In department central Oregon recently and left three closed The Gulstina mill at Dexter the stunts and races. The annual picnic at Pleasant HUI. towns, Prineville, i'.edmond and Mad­ has been closed. The men working ___ ___________ _ Which has been held since pioneer ras, without power and light service at Pengra have had a 15 per cent MANY FORMER TEXANS days, will be held this year June It. I for many hours. The bolt which put cut in their wages with the possible It has been announced. The Christian MEET H ER £ LAST WEEK the power line out of commission chance of a shut down ahead of Endeavor society of that place will | ' struck a pole in Crooked river gorge. them. have charge. Maurice (Jim) Dllly while hauling' A larKe number «• former Texas Arthur CaMes, garage man of near The last of the salvage from the « terta ln ed at a Seaside, was confronted with a full- lumber from the Enterprise district re,W""'" Admiral Benson, which was wrecked • '""h '” nn,‘r “ ,he bom- *'» grown cougar in his garden a few days ran Into a swarm of bees on the Ol- Sear the mouth of the Columbia, has 'i‘,ora B ,rt»ch on •^»«••X ago. Not relishing the prospects of .son Hill. The experience was quite been brought to Astoria. It includes rest- becoming a meal, Cables shouted for novel and exciting, according to Mr. *“* Mr"' J H Wood' • Winches, anchors, chains, port lights denl of the lx « « Star state, donated help. A cousin appeared with a gun Oilly. And other heavy equipment. Several residents of Pleasant Hill * lari’' n'‘ 9tar on ,he l° b •** colored fled. dead Sunday at a ball game in which Friday night. Icing. Members of the club who were | The Mountain States Power company be was playing. He had been batting, ______ _______________ present were Mr and Mrs. M J Me has commenced Installing the 29 new When the umpire called him "out.“ Klin. Mr. and Mrs. Roy Edmlston. ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ornamental street lamps authorized by As he turned to leave the plate be Mrs Lizzie Gray. Mr. and Mrs. D. the city council of Albany and will • TH U R STO N ♦ A. Moody. Mr. and Mrs Evans, Mr. pitched forward on bis face. have the work done within a few ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ Rev. ant and I A 2-year-old horse fell into a 50-foot Arnold Hays, of Seattle, who made and Mrs. Jesse » Soverns, " W " . Hev. weeks. When this series of lamps is well on the Martin ranch on the Lex­ installed Albany will hare 81 orna­ a trip to Bend, stopped over last Mrs D E Baker' Grandma Green ington market i^fad near Heppner. He Thursday night with his uncle. A W Mrs Pearl Lyons. Mr. and Mrs mental posts. Cowart. Mrs. Edna Yarnall, Mrs. was standing on the top of the well Automobile registration time, and. Weaver, on his return to Seattle. Morgatf, and daughter. drinking from a watering trough when Mrs. Hennlgan visited Mrs. Bert Clarence incidentally, time for payment of the Frances, Mr. and Mrs. Paul Caul- the timbers gave way under him. Weaver last Friday. annual license fee, is again approach­ The unusual sight of a rainbow at The Ladies Aid will meet with thorn. Mrs. llva McClain, Mr and ing. Reminders of this fact were be­ Bight was seen by a number of Glen­ ing sent out to approximately 300,000 Mrs. Richard Hart on Thursday after­ Mrs. Edward Conyers, Mrs. J. R. dale people recently at 10:15 when a Oregon motor vehicle owners by Sec­ noon and work for Mrs. Joe H irt. Woods and sons. Glen and A. R complete rainbow arched the north­ retary of State Hal E. Hoss In the Several members met with Mrs. Ell' u Wood. Mr. and Mrs B. H. Parker, western sky with a silvery full moon Needham on Friday evening a:;d Mrs. Jewell Oelger. Mrs. Ernest form of application blanks. Black. Edna June Yarnall. Nathalie in the opposite side of the heavens. helped shell filberts. Through the efforts of A. C. Allen, Edmlston, Theda Rhodes. Iona Mrs. Ira Nice's brooder burned on A total of 11,842 loans, representing resident state horticultural commis- Rhodes, Hazel Russell, I^one Ed­ an aggregate ot »28,328,525, were au­ siones, George I. Reeves, senior ety­ Sunday night, burning »0 thorough­ thorized under the state veterans re­ mologist of the department of agri­ bred chickens of Ihe Keeney stock. monston, and Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Bertsch. lief act up to March 1 of this year, ac­ culture, arrived in Talent in Rogue There will be a basket dinner Plans were also discussed at the cording to a r^oort from Frank Moore, river valley to begin operations on the given at the church next Sunday as meeting for the third annual picnic secretary of the state bonus commie a farewell to Rev. Martaln and his control of the alfalfa weevil In Jack to be held some time In June. •ion. son, Josephine and Klamath counties. assistant. Miss Smith, as that will be ■ their last Sunday. They plan to leave Mr. and Mrs. R. Alexander, promin­ Oiling operations on the Sherman Four-H Buildings Good for their homes In California next ent Pendleton residents, were felici- highway from Demoss springs to Monday. ted by friends there and by telegraph Lane county has a set of Four H Grass valley, designed to provide a Mr. and Mrs. Bud McPherson and club buildings which surpass any In and radio from distant points, the oc non skid surface, has started, the state casion being their 50th wedding anni­ highway office at The Dalles has an family, of Springfield, visited at John any other county in the eleven west versary and the 80th birthday of Mr. ern states In which Miss Madge nounced. A similar surfacing will be Edmiston's last Sunday. Alexander. Mrs. Ira Gray and Mr. jtnd Mrs. Russe directs club work, she stated applied on the Columbia highway from A flaming meteor, said to have been the Multnomah county line to The Koy Edmlston attended the reception last week after inspecting the build­ the Texas ladies gave their husbands ings at the county fair grounds, the size of an airplane, was reported Dalles. at Mrs. Ernest Bertsch's home in which belong to the club workers. to have fallen near Conway, Or. T Thomas Lilleho of Reedsport start­ F. Mills, Pendleton angler, reported ed the work of changing the Roose­ Springfield last Friday evening. Mr. and Mrs. John Endicott and seeing the white-hot rock plainly. He velt ferry routing across Coos bay and Mrs. Joe Ifart and daughter motored said it fell somewhere in the Blue is Installing new slips on the south to Bend last Sunday. mountains. and north sides. The routing will move the north slip a quarter of a mile THE MARKETS Doctor's Nurse Leaves westward and the crossing will be i«: • Portland Mrs. Carroll O. Groshong concluded shortened several hundred feet, giv­ Wheat—Big Bend bluestem, >116%; her work as office nurse for Dr. W. ing ferry crossings 20 minutes instead •oft white, western white, >1.03%; C. Rebhan on Friday. Mrs. Groshong of 30 as heretofore. hard winter, northern spring, western and her husband will leave next red, >1.01%. Jean Jones. 15, daughter of Frank week for Vale, Oregon, where they Jones and granddaughter of Benjamin will visit with her parents. They will Hay—Alfalfa, »20 per ton; valley F. Jones, "father of the Roosevelt return to Lane county in September, timothy, »20..SOtl 21; eastern Oregon highway,” has been elected to repre and will make their home at Florence, timothy, »23.50024; clover, »17; oat sent Newport at the opening of the where Mr. Groshong will be principal j hay, »17; oats and vetch, »17.50018. Salmon River hfghway from Grand of thi high school. Miss Clara Jones Butterfat—31035c. Rohde to Otis, where the new highway Is taking the position In Dr. Rebhan s Eggs—Ranch, 21©24c. wIR connect with the Roosevelt high office. Cattle—Steers, good, »11.25011.85. way. The opening date has been sei Hogg—Good to choice, »9.50011. on July 19, at which time cities of Lambs—Good to choice, »8.60010. Eastern Star Has Dinner Oregon will participate in a pageant. Seattle A 6:30 dinner was enjoyed by the Wheat—Soft white, western white, Within the next ten years the Wil i members of the Eastern Star on hard winter, western red and northern lamette valley will produce more than , Tuesday evening, preceding the re- spring, »1.04; Big Bend bluestem 200,000 acres of flax annually, accord | gular business meeting. Only one »1.15. lng to the prediction made at Salen | more meeting of thte group will he E ggs—Ranch, 25 029c. by E. O. Robinson, president of th i held this summer, states Mrs. W Butterfat—88c. Pacific Coast Linen mills as Vancou Wright, worthy matron. Cattle—Choice steers, »11011.60. ver, Wash. Hogs—Prime light, »1O.8O01L The senate claims committee ha Roads Gone Over Lambs—Choice, »9010. reported favorably on a hill to reim The city atreet department has S polians burse Clatsop county for »100,000 that been taking advantage of the recent Cattle—Steers, good, »10.26011. wax spent by the county several yearn rains which have softened the gravel Hogs—Good to choice, »10.36010.60 ago to a site for tbe na«sl streets, and they have been blading Lambs—Medium to good, »9.50010 bsge at Tongue Point, which never several of them down to fill up the was completed. chuck holes. Mill street was gone over Its entire length on Tuesday. Bill Thomas, Arthur Scott, and E Vialta from Marcola Mra, Idt Beams, all of Giants P ush , and Wll : liani Burke, of San Francisco, were Saunders, of Marcola. »poni Mnnday in [ registered at the Elite hotel the first afternoon Iransactlng business part of the week Ihls city It All Comes Back to You T h e farm er’s incom e goes back directly in­ to the com m unity In tlollum and cents, the dairy Induatry In the largest in the nation, ex­ ceeding both the «tee, industry and the auto­ mobile ’ Induatry. The value of manufactured productR based ■”’i milk as a raw m aUJ25.00 values lAidies' Pajamas .............. Men's Dress Shirts. t»8e values Men's Athletic Big Yank Dep’t. STORES iN T H E W E S T 50 GBEEN STAMPS FREE For Limited Time Only Act Now! Take Advan­ tage of This Offer With Each Yearly Subscription to The Springfield News we will give 50 Green Trading Stamps