T ry the Hom e P rin t Shop F ira t TWKNTY-HKVKNT1I YEAR THE SPRINGFIELD NEWS SPRINGFIELD. LANE COUNTY, OREGON- TOBACCO ADS HIT B Ï BROTHERHOOD THURSDAY. MAY 22 "The People's Papar** A L IV I NEW SPAPER IN A L IV E T O W N l»an Pre-School Clinic C ity Cough Drops W ill Be M ay 2 5 M arketed in China F leu/ to Bermuda Local Health Unit Will Spon­ Eggimann Products are Ship­ sor Clinic for Children Who ped to Foreign Markets in Start School in Fall. Orient by Jobber. Picture« of Beautiful Wumen Smoker» on Billboard« in City are Protested; Other Civic Problems Discussed-' Busi­ ness Men Make Soeeches. 20 NIGHT FLriNG FROM AIRPORT TO 8E TRIED ---- - Cabin Monoplane is Equipped With 25 Lights and Light on Airport Hangar Will Make I Flying After Dark Possible; I Students Solo. The Hprlngfleld uni, of the Lane The Kggtmann cough drops, which (.'ounty Health association will spon­ have been *o popular In Springfield sor an all day pre-school clinic here for year*, will soon be used In China on May 28 for the purpose of giving to cure the colda of the resident* of children who will be entering school The Men's Brotherhood of the the Orient. Charles F Egglmann. for the first time next fail an op­ Sprlngfled Methodist church do«* the msn who manufactures the cough If Springfield cltlxene should hap­ portunity to be examined now and not approve of ih« largo picture* ex- drops, received a letter here last - pen to gase skywards on Friday or discover any deficiencies which can hliiltlng l>**nu111uI xlrl« and women week from the Henry Hall Candy Saturday nights and see a cluster of be remedied before the child starts «tanking cigarettes which «re being company. Portland Jobbers, stating » lights moving about rapidly, they , school. Dr. Gregson, the Lane county polled about town on the Foster anil Mrs. Hsrhert Hoover, Jr., who* that they had shipped large orders of need not fear that their eyesight U by girl was born oa April U a health doctor, with the assistance of Ihe cough drops to Yokohama and io Klelser billboards, und they are de .failing them or that any great change Mrs. William Kodenbough anti Mr*. m Angelaa lerinlni-d to do something about It Shanghai. Another shipment went ! Is taking place in the heavens, for it It Thatcher, will conduct the clinic. Member* of the organisation who at oo f to. a dealer a, Manilla, In the 1 will In all probability be Jim Mao- Captain Lewis A. Yancey, who made Plan* for the clinic were formulated tended the final meeting of the group C O U N T Y C H A M B ER ASKS Philippine Inlands. the fir», succetiful flight Irorn Long muniman chief pilot at the Inman at Ihe meeting of the group at the on Monday evening appointed a coni T h > -------•- cough ------- drops ■ have been mar- . liland to Bermuda, landing on the ROAD W O RK BE DONE School of Flying, who will be doing .community hall on Monday evening. keted water near h it goal and finishing the m lllee to meet with the city council I In all parts of the United a little bit of night flying with the flight the next day. The meeting was to have been held ONE S E C TIO N A T T IM E at their next meeting and a*k that Btate* for several years, but had cabin monoplane all ablaze with at Ihe home of Mrs. ('. D. Wilson, »otne action be taken to prevent the never been sold outside of this coun- 1 electric lights. A resolution passed by the latne but wa* changed at the last minute. conlnuatlon of the practice. Or. W H. try before the past week. Clarence Cooley and A1 Pohl ye»- < ounty Chamber of Commerce nt the Those who care to have their Pollard dated that he was given t o , Mr Bggimann started m akin- the terda Installed a set of modern air­ regular monthly meet ng held at Vldu children examined at the free clinic underatand by the advertising firm 1 plane lights on the large ship and last Thursday evening asks the state are naked to call Mr*. Wilson, the cough drop* In 1918, shortly aft* - he that they would not po*t any more of I will install lights on the two-place highway cotnmla*lon to construct president of the local group, a, 36-J. opened the buslnes* which he now the pit lure* In the town after the : operate« in Springfield. The first trainer ship Immediately, stated Mr. only one section of the McKontie or Mr*. Hodenbough at M8-J. first or the year, hut that they have year* the drops were not packed In Norblad and Hall Run Close in ,nman- plghway at the lim e at those placet, Miss Beth Konkel. secretary of apparently forgotten about It. Pro- where It 1« to be torn up and re­ the 1-ane County Health association, boxes, but were sold In bulk. It was City Precincts; Wheeler and plang had bcen made to fly the In 1920 that the decision was reached i fesaor Wood. Her. C, J. I’lke and Will ¡ship Friday night, bat It had been routed or rebuilt. The practice of had charge of the meeting, and short Potter Contest Unsettled. Maybe were appointed member* ol i found Impossible to secure the neces­ tearing up many lung atretche* of talk* were made by Mis* Mary to box the drops and seek to expand the committee. the sales Prior to this time they sary power batteries to supply tha Ihe highway and having I, Ig an la- Campbell, of Portland, and Miss That . , the Springfield voters were Road S ig n * W ro n g were no, sold outside of . current. Some Improvised power ser­ completed stage for several months Gavin, latne county health nurse here, bu, sine« then the sales "mve no' "ol,dly ibehind an> ' * ,he It wan also agreed that a eon-mltt«e during the summer when the traffic The following women attended the grown to a volume of approxim ately! O b ernat"r,al « * • « » » * . at the prl- vice may be made and tried ont on be appointed to confer with the high­ Friday until the regulation airplane over the highway la the heaviest, meeting: Mra. Wlllltm Ftaher, Mr*, «0.000 five cent cartons a year The , was demonstrated by way official* regarding the matter of batteries can be secured. work* an undue hardship on the Pratt Holveraon, Mias Konkel, Mrs. average carton hod. 18 drops which T *D ° f the correcting the signs which they have The large ship Is equipped with 22 motorist, and also decreases travel C. O. Wilson. Mrs. M. Rice, Mrs. Carl WO„M svsalr« ____ _ . ’ . <** P^ClllCt!. TOtcd lflSt Friday, recently erected at the triangle at would make the total production of small six watt lights on the front of on the arentc highway*. ‘ Olson, Mrs. A. B. Van Valxah, Mrs. Charles Hall led Al Norblad by oniy the west approach of the new bridge H fly people attended the Vida , William Kodenbough. and Mrs. R. nearly 1.000.000 cough drops each seven votes In the entire city, the the wings and on the strut«, and two year. The sign* now placed there aay* that larger wing tip lights and a tall meeting, which was entertained by Thatcher. It I* one mile to Springfield, when In If one doubts the truthfulness of two candidates polling the same ligh t Ihe McKensle River Development - The next meeting of the local unit number of votes In the second pre- reality It la Jus, acroa* the bridge, Mr. Eggtmann's statements, he has A special floodlight hast been association, which has been formed ' *HI be held on the third Monday In ciaet. James E. Bennett did no, which does not begin to be a mile but to go Into the store and see the mounted on the top of the hangar for Ihe purpose of bringing more June. poll a single vote In the entire city, long. boxes on hand, or to walk past the | and throws light out onto the ground people Into the playground regions and John A. Jeffrey mnstered only The practice of plastering all win­ of the McKenzie river country. store during the colder months and I for landing purposes. It has been one supporter. Corbet, drew 21 votes, dow* In varant building* and the see the empoyees busy packing the while Joseph was ¿hie to gather In U ed several tim es already in ex- The development of state parka outer walls of many bu*ine** house* drops Into the boxes every afternoon. 38 votes His votes reached almost per,mentaI a‘ the P0« - .. . . . , " lo n< ,h » p r ln ld p a l h ig h w a y s was the with unsightly slgna and advertising ) topic which W It Gllder Materials Here a parity with those of Norblad and Glider Sawyer, state wa* also hit at the meeting, which highway commissioner from ROSE SH O W D A TE IS The materials for the glider which H.-nd, j Hall in the fourth preclnM. was a purely local Improvement one. j tpoke upon. He told of the M O VE D T O JUN E 3rd plan* E. O. Potter easily led his oppon- the local glider club is to build were «5. C. Griffin suggested that the local ; which Ihe slate commission has for Both Boy» and Girls Teams Win j ent H. C. Wheeler in the race for delivered yesterday and construction merchants follow the example set by this work and suggested thn, certain The date for the pose show has stale senator on the first count of work on It will begin at once. It will Contest on Local Diamond; the Eugene business men of placing I properties hi- turned over to the com been postponed until the last day of the ballots, hue several errors In tab- be constructed by members of the Weather Hits Schedule. advertising display« In each of the ■ulaaion to bu made Into parse. He ! the present school year. The cold utotloa have been discovered and the ' • cho° 1 and membera «>• show window* of the vacant build- suggested that the park* may be Springfield high school emerged wvsRIer ha* prevented the roseB resnJts are still donbtfnl as to whom *lider club who care to M8‘8t- in««. Will Take Ships to Portland made memorlul* for friend* or reia victorious two times yesterday In from opening sufficiently for the actually has been elected. #nd ! The Giree ships at the local field, A irport Development Told hesehall games with the Pleasant "bow 10 be held on Saturday, as was fives of the donors. Charles Emery, Earl Hlll Previous to the discussion short ' Hill teams on the local field. The Planned. Members of the club gather- Emmett Howard carried the city. ° f wb,cb bave been built by the talk* were made hj local hua.ness girls teams played a preliminary * • at ’be community hall Immediately W ith large majorities for the lower ,nman rlyinK scho01- w111 be taken A udrey M c F arland nt- n Dr. W. (' Re,-ban irn-ed the game which the Springfield girl* aft<,r thl' meeting of the Health Cnit house berths. Emery. however, los- tO PortIand on Jun« N A M E D B ES T SE N IO R d- velopmvni of riving and pointed took with a score o f 16 to 12. The .... Monday evening and decided to Ing enough vote, in other parts ot days of the ro6e show, according to out how diffidili II wa* for the ) A T H. S. B R EA K FA ST boys did the unexpected when they postpone the date until June 3- Mr. Inman. He has received a special j the county to fail of election. pioneers In thl* mean* of transporta­ took their game with a score of 6 The show will open with a parade , o. E. Crowe had substantial rnajor- invitation to bring his ships to the tion to determine what course of de- ; Audrey McFarland ha* been elected to 3. The Pleasant Hlll team de­ . ^ v 1* 00’ Chl,dr*‘n- «■“«nenclng a, I,|e s In all precincts for the county Portland port and demonstrate them. velopinen, ,o follow so a* Io he sure «* the best all-around girl student feated the locals at Pleasant Hlll In • < he parade will wend Its way ocmmiFaioner Job. C. W. Allen came The ships are now being cleaned and of the senior class at the high and not make mlMlnke* which would i the cabin monoplane Is being re­ the firs, game of the season, and only down A street to Fourth, and then |n second in the race have to be remedied later at a great 1 school this year. The announcement last week defeated a team composed down to Main, and on Main to the Grace Schlska had little difficulty painted. in preparation for the event. expense. Hi. also told his hearers of ! of her selection waa made this morn- I or moat of the Eugene high school community hall. Each child in the Tw o More Students Solo In besting her opponent for the re­ the »uggestioas made tor the develop- '?* V” ' ’ n,lir KlrlM breakfast, pluver*. Eugene high echoo, had al- parade will be dressed in some cos- Two more students made their solo tention of her post as county trea­ n.cn, of the local field hy Mr. Mac , , " ' hp Glrl" D ‘«K»ie tendered the ' „ .a(ly defeated th<1 8 prlngfl»UI team (limo representing a flower or some ! flight this week at the locaj field. surer. MU. M £ , Kra ‘ «“ ' " k ‘ I ,,n’* ■>•'» «»«< <’» ' '» K««ene. other costume which will lend the ken«l>‘, the airport specialist from ! They are Billy Bodley and George Precinct committeemen elected are den. r u n."? Lloyd Mattison made a home run carnival atmosphere. Washington, D. C. M. B. Huntly, first precinct; H. E. Glenn. Bodley made two perfect land­ G. C. Griffin spoke on the necessity d. nt of Ihe Girls la-ague during the for hlll , pam by kllO(,k| Tags will be sold by the women of Maxey, second precinct; C. BI Ken­ ings. He has taken nine hours and the hall of being careful In handling milk and past year and had charge of the j orer aero*, the road which bounds the Civic club to local people for ten yon. third; and C. E Wheaton, fourth. fifteen minutes of Instruction since ‘ school. : the playing field. nt tl,e the ' high other dairy products. He atatad that girls rest room at cents each to raise funds with which Republican vote In- this elty for the January. He will have to take a I She has been active In the food sales If milk passed direct from tho cow ; total of fifteen hours before he I» Tl.« baseball schedule for this sea- ,o P»Thase a treat for each child In contested offices was as follows: to the consumer that no precautions , and In other activities of the girls son has been badly disorganised this j ,he Parade. eligible for a private passenger Precinct group. would be needed, but that under pre | spring due to the weather. Several The aho'» *hla year is to Include 1 2 3 4 license. "Whenever there wus anything Io games have had to be postponed and a1' Flowers which are In season at the Governor sen, conditions all modem creameries Hall __ 13 23 31 20 maintain a pasleurlilng machine to be done she wus always there ready other» played at the last minute. ,lm e of ,h e "how. They will be ex- Norblad 12 23 22 23 HIGH SCHOOL EXH IB IT In help" wns Ihe comment made this leavlng the local townspeople very b*b't®d on tables and will be arrang- protect thelr customers. Joseph .... S S 2 18 SET FOR NEXT WEEK Trees and tree surgery was dis­ morning by Mrs W. R. Baker, ad­ uncertatn as to Jus, when the games ed ,n •>•«*«,» by the exhibitors. The Corbett ... 3 2 9 7 visor of the girls. cussed by the Davidson brothers o f : roses will be shown In bottles. are to be played here. Students in the manual training Senator •M Andrey's name will he Inscribed Wea, Springfield, and Ihe Rev. Pike and home economics departments of The starting lineups for yester­ Potter ___ 14 25 29 54 spoke briefly on the relationship ol i ° n ' he lar’ ** ,<,T,n* ruP • ' ' b»’ days games were: the Springfield high school will have DELEG ATES A T PO RTLAND Wheeler 17 23 33 25 the church ,o the community. Charles lllgb which was - resented by an exhibition of articles made by FOR LODGE C O N V E N T IO N S Representatives Springfield Paddock spoke of the work which Is th*' W o n , e n «>"'» The name of Freeman Hill 17 27 35 33 them on Wednesday afternoon and bring done nt modern greenhouans. Ibe n,o"t °»<",a ndlng girl In the sen-1 Boys—John Lynch, p; Delegates from the Springfield Howard ....................... 22 29 38 47 evening. The products of the manual Squires, c; Jack Hulett, 1; Llöyd Harry M Stewart and Charles Law lor class each year Is Inscribed on Mattison, 2; Hersey Tomseth, Rebekah and I. O. O. F. lodges are In Emery ........ ................... 20 30 31 31 training department will be exhibited ss; ______ > t rence were taken In as new members Iho cup. Gordon Wright, 3; Dorman Chase, • Po^t,“n,, ,h i" week »«ending the ' McCornack .......... ......... IB 18 23 21 i by Glenn Martin, instructor. In the Sixty four girls attended break o f the brotherhood. I manual training room, and Mrs. I. M. If; Don Bettis, cf; Ralph Cole, rf. !1,ate ‘,° nvcn«on of the two orgnnlza . County Commissioner fast al Ihe high school this morning Annual Picnic Planned I Peterson, home economics Instructor, Girls—Tomseth, p; Rodgers, c: ,lon"- which are being held a, the [ Crowe ............ 17 24 31 28 The matter of the open picnic at 7:30. The girls of the senior class Sankey, 1; Buell, 2; Squires, ss; I L ° ° P- r * ‘rlB "««".burs The exhibition hours will be from Girard. Mrs. Carrie Jarre,, and Mrs. ’ Schlska 19 32 40 34 Pleasant HUI matter of time nnd place for Ihe pic­ of the Girls League and of the stu- 3 to 5 In the afternoon and from 7 Lily Kizer. Mrs. Katie Brumette and Patterson 15 19 21 Boys— D. 9tutx, p; Peebles, c; P. 27 to 9 in the evening. Tea will be nic was left In the hands of the loca­ dent body nt large. Mrs. Ellen Barker left Sunday for At each place was a black and Wheeler. 1; 8. Btutx, 2; Mauney, as; tion committee. Other committees served by the students during the l’or,land and are also attending the Dolph. 3; Akers, If; N. Wheeler, cf; REV. MULHOLLAND TO BE afternoon. are sports, arrangement, food, pro white owl place card on which wan j Hills, rf. convention sessions. MEMORIAL DAY SPEAKER printed the menu, which conslsteo Both of the exhibitions are open to gram and transportation. Elmer Pvne left early Tuesday Girls—-Mauney, p; Jacobs, Mc­ of waffles, bacon nnd coffee. Each the general public. morning to represent the local Odd­ Laughlin, Brabham, Tucker, Mat- Rev. Ralph Mulholland of tb« Bap­ girl In tfle senior clans received a fellows group at the convention. tist church will be the speaker at LOCAL B A P T IS T S A T T E N D small parchment scroll on which wns , hows, Wiley, Pederson, Daley. Oswald Olson was the other delegate the Memorial Day exercises at the UNDERCLASS GIRLS TO BE - P O R T L A N D C O N V E N T IO N Inscribed Ihe well wishes of the elected to go, but was unable to at­ Laurel Grove cemetery on May 30. BACCALAUREATE SINGERS Olrls League. MRS. D. C. OGILVIE NEW tend. n The I. O. O. F. band, of Eugeue, will Rev. nnd Mrs. Ralph Mulhollund, Mrs. Baker, the Girls League ad­ PRESIDENT OF P. T. . Vhlker, Past Grand Master , be here again to lei A girls' sextet, composed of sopho­ Mrs. Roy Carlton, nnd Mrs. I). C. visor, wns presented with a beauti­ cad the parade to of tho Grand Lodge of Oregon, Is the cemetery, more and freshmen girls will pro­ Ogilvie are expected to return to ful rhinestone bracelet by the girls Mrs. D. C. Ggllvle was elected also in Portland taking part In the All of the wreaths for the different vide the special music for the high Springfield today front Portland, In appreciation of her work with president of the Parent Teachers' convention activities. organizations will be prepared by the school baccalaureate services to be where they have been attending the them. association nt Ihe meeting o f the auxiliary groups in the old library held at the Methodist church on annual convention of tho Rnptlst members on Tuesday. She will hold s s a b w M AR Y SC R O LL, 15, D IE S ' building across from the city hall. Sunday evening, June 1. The mem­ church In Oregon during the week. M O T H E R ’S CLUB M E M B E R S the office for the next school year. group will be l^ola A T M AR C O LA ON F R ID A Y ¡Mrs A B Van Valzah has charge bers of the The group went to Portland Monday E N T E R T A IN E D M O N D A Y Other officers chosen on Tuesday Gates, Junta May, Doris Chase, of this work and requests that all The convention, which Is being held are Laurence Moffitt, vice-president; Mary R, -broil, IB, daughter of Mr. the women gather there on Wednes­ Blanche Bates, Emma Trlnka and In the While Temple church, begun Members nf the Mothers' club Mrs. Lee Putnsni, seereiary; and nnd Mrs. J. B. Schroll, of Marcola, day and Thursday to make the Lela Squires. They w ill sing the on Tuesday and ends on Friday, hut were entertained hy Mrs. Larson to Pralt Holveraon, treasurer. , died at her home Friday following wreaths. songs "Trees" and "Teach Me to the local people could not remain for Wright at her home Monday evening a protracted Illness. She Is survived Pray." Ernest McKinney will direct A1I of the school children, the vet­ the entire sessions. They discussed the subject "Drifting Quarterly Meeting Tonight hy three brothers, James, Leary, and erans of several wars will be In the them. Homes" during the evening. They Dr. M. A. Marcy, district superin­ | Jesse, and five sisters, Mlllicent, Lois, line of march to the cemetery whore The reguar choir of the Methodist Father Dies took up the discussion of parental tendent of the Methodlet church for | Biilth, Sma, and Nellie. church will sit In the choir loft and the program will be held. Mrs. W. J. Scott left Mondny for obligations to their children. Present the southern district of Oregon, will The funeral arrangements were The program will consist of music lead the singing for the audience. Billings, Montana, on receipt of a were Mrs. W. C Rehhan. Mrs. C. It. be here this evening to conduct the handled hy the Veatch funeral home under the direction of Ernest Mc­ telegram that her father, John Cop- Phetteplace, Mrs. W. N. Gossler, quarterly meeting of the Methodist who took the remains to Forest Kinney, the address by Rev. Mulhol­ plnger, had died. Mr. Copplnger has Mrs. Clifford Wilson, Mrs. Clarence church. He will hear reports from the Grove, where they were Interred on land. the placing of the wreaths, and visited Mrs. Scott In Springfield and Chaso, Mrs. W. N. Dow, and Mrs. various departments and will dis­ Sunday followling a aervlco at 3:00 the firing nf the salute hy the Nat­ has acquaintances here. Lasalle, of Eugene. cuss future plans with the officers. o'clock. ional Guard. t Springfield Voters Split on Governor B aseball Tossers Beat Pleasant Hi\\ I