STATE NEWS ERALINTEREST I ♦ a ♦ a TH UR ST0N members are * G U ES TS H E R E T U E S D A Y GUARD H O L D S P R A C T IC E ; E L I M IL L E R LE A V E S U N IT mail clerks score high C H IL D G A SH E S SCALP M r . Howall. of San Fraaeisco. ha« j IN PO ST O FFIC E T E S T S W H IL E P L A Y IN G IN YA R D T w s n ty o n a employee« of , h„ arrived for an extended visit with N ln , m em ber, of the lo tti o| her daughter. Mrs. Jatnea H ill j M ountain S ta te . Power company and W a lte r Gossler mede a perfect 'he N a tio n .. Guard are practicing rrtRcipai tvents of the Week Dorothy, the three and one hall The w ith M ra ra m* n,be banquet a abort b» tautag Matbvr » h ila w orkla# la tka w it “ i ? 1* Mantenant •he proper train routing pockets close the wound, which was draaaed i Program waa given eom a|«tng „ „ W h ite r Ooaaler, have been p ra rtlc la a without errore Ira N Ic , made a «core ° f ,>r,b K‘ nu’ ,x*" ‘ **■ aaw a h club« have beaa ergaa little g irl was Injured, aa she was president. Ben Ruaaall; v ic e-p re a ld e n t'fn d T ,toW * n« ‘ »‘« 1 work >«•« 1» bane m a n ty . T w e are corking 0,1 a “ d W lv .t e . y > „ M B IC Y C L E RACE DATES was alone In the yard at the tim e of James Bdm l.ton a e c ^ U r V ^ w It ! ? ’•" « » •rln , o f . , d |B o U ea of I , «»»ha. tw e aawtag etab«, poahry Ix ta b a rd . Henry Tom eeth. Don Pal­ the accWsnt ¡I ¡ , O eu.T .d, however, A N N O U N C E D IN EU G EN E C h rla tl,; sargeam 7 ? . ^ •h d oae flower C h rlatle; sergeant at arms. Oacai m er and lJoyd M attleon lhat aha stumbled on an old rrnte cio< dance, a c co Hi p an in i by Clem ent; athletic manager for boys, Miss T he official dates for tha American and fell over II. striking her head Mra of undetermined origin deatroy- on n harmonica. *h ly discharged from Bicycle la e g u e <>g Am erica were an­ Hbe had apparently got up and walk od the Silver Star motion picture the­ Carl P latt, and for glrla. Miss Haxel Simmons. The following members were pre He I . „ . v . n , to . . . « m e a p o .1 ,,0 . ater at Fraew atsr and damaged the nounced at the Moore Cycle and Toy ed a few feet before fallin g to the T here w ill he a ______ recital given at’ , " en,: A,hany. Glenna Russell. H ilda ea railroad exprea. m .a .e n g e r out of •to re tn Eugene yeslerdsrv The deal ground where she was round, aa there Aagermaa brothers' bakery. the Thurston church by " Eugene ' ,*??*' , 1 7 “ Graham« M oldrad W hit- A ltu ra .. California. H e had served • r elim ination races are to be held waa no Indication of anything having The 7Mh anniversary of the fouad- Bible university students next F riday lX ‘ro ,h T M *T *T. Belella Dorgan. one enllsm ent period and had re- on July 11. io an(1 jy T h „ «'ruck her where she was found hut (n* “f *he Central Praabytartan church evening. Glenna McDaniels. Verna Simon enlisted laat January. Of these ra c e , w ill b . enlerod In the ■ome strands o f hair on t h . old of Kageae was observed recently at W illia m W eaver, of Portland, mot- „ , V° 2 * " ,k 7 ' R ichard., •la te finals on A u ru al 3 and 10. and crate Indicated that she had struck special services at tba church. «red here Saturday for an extended „ M ‘ r,y « rc h a u . xnd M RS. J. A. B A IN B R ID G E Ihe national championship races will her head against It. Ralph Dunn, about 50, was burned stay with hla brother. A. W W eaver « 1 7 T bm l,n aon ; C o rv a lll,. Roth She la recovering nicely and »lit IS H O N O R E D A T D IN N E R he entersMl on September < snd 7 at to death in a fire which destroyed the The eighth grade students a r e ' c H #n ry' ^ » c e s M cC arthy; Ub Kenosha. Wisconsin, by the winners not suffer any III effects P arker residence on Bear creek, taking the state examinations this L T , t ? " ' * 8 W “ n* r : <'<*»n«e Grove. | Mr. and Mrs Prank Bainbridge In each state. abont M « l i r a southeast of Prineville week. , Mab*'1 Wkon and W ilb u r Spray; and e n te rta in e d with a surprise dinner T a s a . Club te Meal T he Eugene bicycle store la or­ Miss Haxel Edmiaton. who under- 8|>rt,’< fleW ' w K Barnell and the for his mother. Mrs A. J Halnbrld«.- Census returns show that Jackson­ ganising several bicycle po|n team- Member« of the Texas club m ill ville, form er county seat of Jackson went a m ajor operation at the Pacific I * ° oataaaaa- • I her home In this city on Sunday. and are anxious to have teams or county, is not a dead town. Since ! 9 ; j Christian hospital a few days ago e i v ~~ In honor of M o th e r'. Day. Friends w n lte d In other parts of the county ««•her at Ihe home of Mrs Flora Ito population has increased from 469 has recovered enough to be moved S , X P E R S O N S IN JU R E D «nd relatives Included M r and Mrs •o that regular gam e, can be worked llerlsch al S48 D street on Friday to 7to evening for « covered dish supper from the h o a p it.i W H E N CAR LE A V E S B D i n W e tw l. Mr. and Mrs. M H ,<«,7 out. T he ladies w ill provide the entertain . Tha formation of the Forest Grove Ws Dick H a rt enjoyed a visit ---------- hrWge. M r. and M r . W M L yo n . «Bion high school district, including IS districts. will be submitted to vot from her mother from H a rris b u rg .' S ix persons w ere sh aken up and M r .m l Mra Frank Bainbridge, all the past week end. Mrs. W lltlam some Injured late Saturday night of Springfield, and ----------- -- -------- ----------- when th e ir automobile Went o ff the Zlolkoskl. of Yarhata. M eteor Visible Here men! for Gu.|r husband« and any form er Texas resident Is Invited to attend T he nam ing meteor which was re­ ported to have been seen at Puadle D R Y M IL K W E A K E N S ’ 7 d" • ' ,he *•»<* o f «he Doyle ton on Tuesday night was also visible Faints Blacksmith Shop D E S P IT E L O W P B IC F t S ? K °n M<' K ’,n ri- highway near C LA R E N C E C LA R K H U R T F ire broke out is the Jefferson ware­ here, according to I>r N w Emery u t a r i l t LOW P R IC E S Leaburg. and rolled dow„ « to fool I The front, back and south walla of house, and it was burned to the ground W H E N T H R O W N O FF B IK E Who says that he « .w the meteor or «he Sensony blacksmith shop were Dry m ilk m a rk e t, continue weak x T ‘ h’ d“ Ch ° ' B r,e 0 - together with a large quantity of grain, • dislodged part of It f . | | T h „ given a coat of dark slate color p aint chopped foad. a car of salt and other and unsettled, states the March 1 re- Iniured *7 7 » .' * * * ' h* m° St Clarence Clark, son’ of M r and Mra ing mass moved across .he sky very last week The other wall w ill be products in storage. A. C Clark, was badly bruise«] snd •lo w ly and waa a beautiful blue painted toon, says M r Benaeny. shaken up but not seriously Injured Albany a postal receipts for the first fo lo r. he stated. of 1930 were » IS .lg J .« . „ V. «. D e M . t n . n l « B rte, J ° here last Thursday whan he fell to-lnek Feet c«4er fm m his bicycle l„ the path of an f i t . . S I higher than those for the cor spite of every e ffo rt to reduce ware O la trle t S u p e rln tr .d e n t Preaches »ein«. responding quarter of 1929. according house supplies by price concessions, shaken up. and Mlsd Eva Rothery antomoblle. Clarence and B illy B u r R«» M. A. Marcey, district super- another occupant of the car. waa nett were riding th e ir bikes down the to R. N. Torbet. postmaa’ er. stocks are abnorm ally heavy. New badly shaken up and bruised. These street and ran them together, raua Intendent of the Method st churches Harold Dobyna of the United States small drying units are In operation, three were taken to the Pacific Ing Clarence to be throw n o ff against for «hl. d istrict, delivered the t e r - 1 Biological survey and Jim Carsner thus tending to an increase of out­ «non at the local M eth m ll.t church C hrlctlan hospital for medical a lte a th r automobile. , llon _ ooyota hunter, killed 1(3 «dmt , nd put during the coming season. U «t Sunday evening «Ion. Mra. S ale, o f both skim and whole m ilk I d rD e r w hile "T d 7 7 c . George 7 ' ” R othery. the pup coyotes during April in the Butter HrlvuS r ,__ « . have Increased during several months ’ 1 ' her Son' * nd N , a * creek and W illow creek regions. at a special election to be held Jane 1C. 29c KdiOUfj5 Arthur T. Yeaton. who has been a P " 8lde" t * S«'«™ for «1 years, cele- | and much low er than for the same T he party were from M ilto n-Free­ Stocks -S. of whole and brated his 9«th birthday May l By • year ago. e, »UU the old residents be ia remembered as skim m ilk were 145 and 215 per cent w ater in U m a tilla county, and were one of the best horsemen of his day. higher respectively, on M arch 1 than coming over the M cKensle pass Mias Helen Pearce has the honor of a year ago — Ice Cream T rade Journal. the first woman graduate of W illam ette university to receive the Ph. D. degree ia English, n wae con­ ferred by the University of California. W O M A N IN J U R E S A N K L E LIO N S CLUB T O H A V E W O R K IN G IN H E R G A R D EN S T U N T A T C O N V E N T IO N The Springfield Lions clnb w ill The city council of Heppner recent­ ly decided to number the bouses and , enter a stunt in the state convention which Is to be held at Bend on June “ * • the streets. Meters are to be 6- It waa decided at the regular noon ,he CUy V M T ' whlch S00“ luncheon last Friday. H. E. Maxey w ill be piped from the artesian well. The Eugene playgrounds maintained J C. M cM u rray and W . C. McLaga'n by the clly during the summer month, will open June 23. It has been an­ nounced. A new playground ha. been added, making a total of five in dif- ferent parts of the city. Transfer to the Eugene Lumber ooinpany of vast ti.aber tra c t, in the onper Ca!!poct3 r ;»cr district, hereto­ fore owned by the Dollar P o rtla n d -em b e r company, i , made in a deed X the L L iu county r :c o rd c r. Work on the new downtown orna- m - U I street-lighting system for Pen d-eton w ill start s « , according tQ word received by Mayor L. J. McAfee from the contractors at Seattle. Part to be ready tor use Howard Sherrill in a « « • >< Mrs- Charles Sherrill, of the OakgroZ. X * 7 <,,S' riCt Dear HOOd R i’ er' di' d °od River, died b ? w , ^ ,n\ rUD ° Ver by * W d riv«” by W alter Regnell. The boy. playing S ' b ‘ 7 * d, 0Vrr * loogc »boe lace and fell In front of the car. Mrs. M innie Thompson, of Thu rs­ ton. received a painful In ju ry on Monday morning at her home when •h e ran a two Inch splinter Into her ankle. She was working ln her gar­ den and happened to step on an old board which turned up and struck were appointed a com m ittee to a r ­ h«r. she stated. She was taken to a local physician's office to have range the s tu n t the , Or. W. N. Dow and Dr. C. H. splin ter removed. Phetteplace were appointed a com m ltte e to Investigate the erection of LOCAL H E A L T H W O R K E R S a large statue of Paul Bunyan and W IL L M E E T ON M O N D A Y his mythical Babe, at the junction of the highways at the west approach Members of the Springfield unit of to the new bridge. the Lane county health association Judge E. O. Potter, of Eugene, ad w ill be entertained at the home o f) dreaaed the Lions club on World M rs. C. O. W ilson on Monday a fte r­ Fellowship. noon. M ay 1». „ | Children Call on Mother's Day Mr and Mrs. S. C. W rig h t kepi (h Konkel. Lane conty executive of the association w ill have chxrge I „ the, me* tln * and "W present open house on Sunday. M other's Day s i ' **ra prnJecta tor the local mem- for their children and th eir families . * Ork ° " ',U rln * ,hn »um m er I Those who called with th e ir fam ilies ¡ T X i * " ' T * “ ° f them wl11 ««“ » I« of were M r and ¿Irs. Lanm n W right 7 7 ' f° r ' pr* -" ch°®« health j M r. and Mrs Mrs W W C. C. W W rig rig h h t t M M r r and and U0 C and for r , ,hfi annual drive drive M r' and " P 3nd to *le annual W righ t. M r and menib€ril> w)n -------- -- ------------ ---------------- Bids for the construction of approx- ma ely 55 ml,es of road and . Dam« building for caretakers' quarter, at T?. ^ , ° D *he ° ,d Trad will be considered at a meeting 7 k L ’ t* ,e h 'rtW a y to be held m Portland soon. TH E M A R K E T # P o rtla n d -*» " b e a t —Rig Bend bluestem. #11#- •oft white and hard winter, western red. 11 H a y -A lfa lfa . , Men’s Dress Straw H a ts $1.48 ' weatern white. 11 «1- northern apring « „ j oo »20 per , 0B. Ta|, »20 W 2 1 ; eastern Oregon h x T i n ,2 V * * ,4 ; clover' ,1 7 '' 0 ,t m . ’ 17' " “d Vetch’ ’ U 5 « ® U i Btatierfat—32@3«c. Ksgs— Ranch. 21@2