I ~ r PLANT MANY ARTICHOKES DURING PAST WEEK N early the entire membership of i the Iluptlat ( h u rih gathered nt the 1 church parlors last night for a aur- 1 Hprlngfleld fa n n e r* are w ell re- prlae ahower for .Myrtle Harvey and presented In the group which recent Jerry Adame, whore wedding date U received a pool shipment of a rtl haa In-on set for June 10 A aortal 1 choke plants, which were Obtained by ev< nibg with guinea and atunta the county agent from W ataonvllle, which Im lu d id a mock wedding, waa C alifornia, and which w ere received enjoyed hy the large num ber of and distributed laat week. friends o f the couple who galhured Raising of globe artichokes, con­ for the event tte fn a h m iils, con. sidered a delicacy In m etropolitan elating of Ice bream and cake, were restaurants, ta being watched with served riurlnk the evening Many Internal herd. It . ta, thought that an g fta were presented to the couple. o ff season supply of these can be The gathering had been secretly produced here to put on the m arket planned by the pastor, Hey. M u l­ when the C alifornia growers are holland, and a faw members of the Idle, thinks M r. Pletcher. congregation. It was announced from T he farm ers who received the the pulpit laat Sunday as a general shipment of artichokes are: K. 8 social evening at which every mem Thompson, W a lte rv llle ; George A ber must be present. ( Dorris, Hprlngfleld, C. E Christy, Vlalta from M aroola— Bert Oates, of M arróla, waa a Saturday visitor in thia city. • V isit Saturday— M r. and Mra. I A Vance, of ljeaburg. spent Saturday visiting with friends in Springfield. . »hope In C ity— Mra. J. L. Fountain spent Saturday afternoon In' Spring- field «hopping. * * TreneaPta Business— M. R. Sw ear­ ingen. of W a lte rv llle , waa a business visitor In Springfield on Saturday. Creswell Man V isito — V T. School- In, of Creswell, waa a business visitor In this city on F riday of laat week. ■ WANT BARRELS FOR MARKERS AT AIRPORT TOWN AND VICINITY - » From Lea b u rg - B Slavins, of Lea burg, was a Monday visitor In Spring field A D M IN IS T R A T O R ' R E A L PROF ■ Notice An appeal for 54» gallon barrels for ''.,r,u e o í m arkers for the boundary of t h e l L - Y J ° L Springfield airp ort was made today ^ ^ t b oy l^ee Inm an, manager at the field The barrels conform w ith, the size Cr-sewell Man H ere— J..B. KUIott. of and shape of tbe standard m arkers « Cresw ell, called on frlenda In this “ at “m í X r V T ’ — tnat m ight be donated It w ill save city on Monday morning. the expense and work of m aking' the markers Tk» Springfield H otel— O F Gregg, of markers. The barrels would be paint- Meek, Oklahoma, was registered at ed yellow and be placed around tbe the Springfield hotel F riday of last boundary of tbe fleto . . , week. Anyone having a barrel or so that Does to Ban Francisco — Kenneth they would donate Is requested to DeLassus loft Springfield Monday phone M r. Inm an at the airp ort or noon for San Francisco on a business leave word at tbe News office trip. W a lterv llle Resident H e re — C. R. LOCAL WOMEN SPONSOR Sylvester, of W a lterv llle , transacted BACKWARD PARTY TODAY Tonsils Taken Out — Miss letona f r o w Stage; R. B. Oldham, ru ra l business In this city on Monday af­ route 2, Eugene; Chase Gardens; Fiix had her tonsils removed at the BROTHERHOOD TO HEAR A backwards party has been de­ ternoon. 8. E Kish, ru ra l route 2. Eugene; office of a local physician on F riday cided upon for tbe m eeting of the LOCAL PROBLEMS TALKED W. L. Baker, Canary; J. » Rauch, '■* laat week. V isits Falla— M r. and M rs O. H. N eedlecraft club, which Is to be held L. E Talks by local bualnsssmen on ru ra l route 2. S pringfield, Consulta Doctor—Steve Prlvaskl, T u rn er and a group of friends motor- at tbe home of Mrs. W. C. W rig h t, th e ir community projects w ill be a Stafford, Goshen; M E. W eller, rural of W estfir, was In Springfield , on on ' ed to the falls on the upper Sluslaw w ith M rs W rig h t and Mrs. Sidney V. L Z e h n e r.I 8atu rd ay CHO. ult local rlT er on Sunday, where they enjoyed W ard entertaining, fa ilu re of the Monday evening m eet­ ro u t. U S p rin gfield, J this afternoon. w ith a in day's ontlng. ing of the Men's Brotherhood of the ru ra l ro u t. 2. Springfield; W I. Pat phy„ c,an Each lady attending w ill be expect rick, ru ra l route 1, Springfield; Paul ' Methodist church The m atter of the M other Visits Here — M rs Llxxle ed to wear some part of her clothing annual picnic w ill also be discussed, **eyera, route 2. H prlngfleld; and W endling People Here — Mr. and W a lk e r of Hood R iver, spent the backwards. Appropriate games and a and this Ibis w w ill ill be be tbs the final final m e e tln r of Mrs. Fred Crabtree, of Camp 2, W end­ and meeting of J ,m M O «»»*"«. route 2, Eugene. program are also being planned by ling. spent the week end In Spring- week end here a t the home o f her the present season. A dinner w ill he the hostesses for the afternoon. eon and daughter-in-law, M r. and Mrs. field. served In tbe church parlors at 141 MANY STARS SEEN IN W. F. W alker. She returned to her PARAMOUNT PARADE Treea and T re e Surgery w ill be ______ Cottage Qrovs Resident Here— home Sunday. Call for Wood Bide foe School DIs- discussed by the two Davidson .. .. Mrs. George Conklin, of Cottage* trio t No. 1». More than 26 of H o lly w o o d . best O r„ v# WM # hu|)|noM v„ |to r (n | Vlalta M other— Charles F. Scott o brothers, of West Springfield D r W went io Portland laat F riday to spend K * " , * “ ,! ° 7 «lt to roast points In W estern the relationship of the plant to the men! revels ever ■ Groshong, nurse at Dr. Rebhan's ___________ of- for ‘ he d ifferent school buildings in Lane county. community. Charles l*addork w ill dis­ Hollywood. flee, entertained the alum nae mem 8 P ^ n« i‘ ®ld “ follows: 200 cords of Stars who have enamoured the „ . , cuss greenhouses and th e ir produrts. public imagination engage In joyous Y " ' ? 8 l , t * ' ^ M r" J«««Phlne John, X , z 1 ' r r ................ • i r » 1.- and Rev Pike w ill give a short talk riv a lry of acting, alngtog. dancing. < » “ * “ arde" * ’ apenl la ,t T h u r" hrlRtlan hospital at hei* home in high school. F ire (5) cords a t the on the Relationship of the Church to comedy and love making In this fes d“ y *n Hprln« f l,ld “ » « “ «“ « Ü » Eugene on Thursday of last week I hl8h »chocl gymnasium, Hx-venty (70) the Com m unity Everyone Is welcome home of her sister, M rs. il. I*. Mor- cords at the Lincoln school. F orty tlval of the stars. Featured players to attend the meeting. Address Senior Class — A rth u r (< 0 * cords at the B rattain school A ll tensen. who have draw n crowds to see them Draper, reprerentlng the Oregon In- 110 *** Mr « ^ » o o d , four feet long when they appeared alone are here Banks Close for Election— Friday, MRS. JEMIMA MILLER j ' Joined together In one big melange ..lection day. III be a holiday for a . _____ a _ . asww DIES EARLY MONDAY of sprightly happiness "Param ount employees of the two local banks The spoke to the members of the senior specified. Paym ent to be made a fte r class at the high school on Tuesday July 1, 1230. on Parade" la an Intim ate medley of banks w ill not open that day, ac- morning. T he board reserves the rig ht to Mrs. Jemima M lllq r, «4. a resident m lrih and music, the new type screen cording to officials. reject any and all bids. A ll bids to at Springfield since 1212, passed frolic originated by Paramount. M otor to Shtdd— Riley Snodgrass. be tn by M ay 2«. 1930. away Monday morning at the home • • • N u r“ HI— Mrs. C lara F tiw re r was M axine Snodgrass. and W illia m W M G H t’ OHES. of her street | x fascinating and Intriguing Elinor unahl® ,o »“ <*nd to her duties at the 8 te a rm e r motored to Shedd Sunday D is tric t Clerk, .... son. Ransom. 1511 High ■irv-m. Springfield, Oregon « ’ " ’ J?.1. “ * Pr” l° n , "d ll,n M " Qlyn story and a cast of unusual ex ott,c® of Eu«®n® K * " ® ‘ “ >• firs t ' afternoon to .pend . few hours at the Mrs. waa born at Berwick, reliance make "Such Men are Dan of ,he w’’* k due to ''Ineas M rs Faw- home of M r. and Mrs. A. M. Snod Mrs M ille r was O ntario, on September 1«, 124S. She gerous," Fox Movietone all talking ver's place waa taken by Mrs. -nn grass. was m arried to R. H. M ille r In New drama, a trium phant success as a Collina. Yo rk and In 1172 they moved to screen entertainm ent. Spends W eek End at Home — Mra. W arner Baxter who ram e Into nro ” * ‘ Ur" T * “ y “ * " * ’ R " e,r 8no I an order Lan? £ ü un'. T e ^ o f ' j ^ W ^ deceawsd. the underntgned. adm nls- , r * tor of » u d estate, will, on and 1n 22. bi TtVWnshlp 1«, 8 •ur’i of range 2 West WJUamette M e r id ln ; ru n n in g th ence Sonth on th e W est line of said claim IS chains, them r East 17.M chains to the Emu line of said claim ; thence North 12 34 chains to corner of said claim , thence North 40 degrees West g i t chains to corner of said claim ; thence West 12.3« chains to the place of beginning, con­ taining 32 2« acres .o f land, tn Lane County, Oregon Sale w ill take place at the office of E O. Potter. No. 521 M iner Building. Eugene. Oregon Term s of sale, cash in hand. E. O. P O T T E R , A d m in istrator of the estate of John W aring, deceased. M 15-2?29 J 5-12 FOX W EB T COAST T H E A T R E S fox M c D onald NOW P L A Y IN G i M rs O Ranks, Oxnard. C a lifo rn ia , Mrs. E ffie Dunwiddie, Olendale. C a li­ fornia; Mrs. Anna M Jackson. Los Angeles; Miss L illia n M illar. Si I*aul, M innesota; Miss Imogene M il­ let;. BakersftrSd, O tllfo rn la ; and Ransom M iller, Eugene T h e funeral service waa held yes­ terday afternoon from the W a lk e r Poole funeral home with Rev. J. T Moore, retired Methodist m inister of this city, o fficiating Interm ent was made at the Laurel Grove cemetery. NEWPORT PEOPLE ARE CUESTS AT DINNER SUN. tr a y , the leading male role a'nd re v e a l. . new and d .llv h .r .1 n . v t . , to veals a new and d ellv h lfu l B axter In a most d ifficu lt characterization. The leading fem inine role la enacted by Catherln Dale Gwen. "Such Men are Dangerous" which opens Sunday at the Fox McDonald, embraces everything to recommend It — suspense, th rills , and dram atic situations that make the heart beat fas I. . . . A Kentucky mountain court, where the men of the h ill, lake the law Into th eir own h an d, and where jus tlce seldom falls Is one of the highly aagy U l lU C lllfllliy X h e “ J^k“ l i X L ' T h o I T i J>Ck 8 n ‘«i «ra " ' ’ *“ > '« | proving, I W eek End at Oregon C ity — M r Mrs. W . R. Dawson motored to C ' ly 0,1 8Un’a° Beatrice G illette played piano The firs t of the gooseberry crop donB<1 there by th ,evei( who h>() solo and the orchestra at the Metho­ for this season w ill he received the dist Sunday school played several la tte r part of the week at the Eugene stolen it. numbers last Sunday during (he Sun- F ru it Growers association, according On Vacation— C liffo rd Fields, nep­ j)ay school hour In honor of Mother's to officials at that plant. The can hew of Mrs. F. B. H am lin , and who Is Day. Eldred Glaapy played violin nery Is nnw busy w ith rhubard, which employed at the F irs t National Bank i solo. w ill last a few weeks longer. In Eugene, began his two weeks va- j j cation on Monday. He w ill spend moat of the tim e Moved to Our New Location 134 FIFTH STREET. Phone 197 VVfestinghouse Electrification Appliances ELECTRICAL APPLIANCES Apparatila W ir in g FISHING SUPPLIES Mr. and Roseburg. Mrs. Fields, Springfield Electric Supply Al Pohl Fornferly Ilendorer’R Electric Clarence Cooley 57 »8 $ 5 .9 8 ° 1 Group at « — 111 M y" ' meledreme o4 i____ Z WARNER BAXTfR C A T H fR Ik f D u r OWtN TAgeAM WZA •MY Ärwnye- ÿ/sme g ib /«W HATS 5 1 .9 8 and up Clearance of all Coats 8th Ave. Hat & Dress Shop «2 8th Ave. W est, Eugene, Ore. Don’t forget we give S. A H. Green Stamps FOX REX F R ID A Y SATURDAY KEN MAYNARD in •MOUNTAIN JUSTICE” Are BARGAIN Days At Breier’s Removal Sale at To V is it at Burna— M r. and Mrs. C. E Kenyon w ill take advantage of the vacation on Frlduy and w ill leave here early that morning for Burns, where they w ill visit for two days before returning Io Hprlngfleld. M r. Kenyon is a form er resident of the H arney com ity city and la w ell ac­ quainted there. Black and Cordovan only 10c V isit M cKenzie Region — M r. and Mrs. E. G. Jarvis and th eir daughter, Hetty June, and hla fath er and mo­ ther, M r. and Mrs. John Jarvis, a ll ol i If they are not worth it don’t blame us. Per pair gc Ladies’ Fine Dress Pumps Men’s SILK SOX Values to $5.00 Values to 65c MEN’S SUITS In new anti up to date models. Eor complete clean up 38c Portland, spent the week end here j w ith Dr. and Mrs. Eugene Kester. The entire group motored up the M cKenzie on Hnturday afternoon to «pend th e w e e k end at the Kester sum mer home. I En tertain Portland Gueata — Mr. | and Mra. F rank DePue had aa th eir ! week end guests M r. and Mra. W . C. Foaher and daughter, Mnrnn, at son, W ilm o t, Jr., and Mra. Frank De- I ’ue, Jr. F ra n k DePue jr. Joined the group here Sunday morning and they all motored to F a ll Creek, where they apent the day fiahlnit and alao en­ joyed an outdoor dinner on the creek bunk. j Open Sunday mornings 7 to 11 a.m. during Fishing Season 25 NEW DRESSES Values to $15.00 SUCH MEN Æ ARE'” ’ DANGEROUS'' Friday and Saturday w ith his parents. | Charles Dress Sale... ,lePheW• Wh° “ » ' She retnrned to Shedd on Monday evening. Form er Residents Here— M r. and Mrs. J. I. Davis, Portland, form er re- aldents of this city, arrived here last Thursday anfl are spending some ‘ *m« visiting w ith th e ir old friends here. MICKEY MOUSE PARADE and Club Meeting SATURDAY -eeeeeeee Preview Thursday COME! LADIES PURE SILK HOSE CHILDRENS WOOL HOSE In small sizes only. All wool and good quality $ 4 .9 8 Men’s DRESS HATS o n ly ..... $ 1 .9 8 MEN’S WORK SHIRTS BRAND NEW SILK DRESSES MEN’S SUITS Values to $25.00. New Short pants suits We Regular $7.95 values. must move them. Going on sale at only snappy stuff. But It’s Each $ 4 .8 5 going at .. $ 1 6 .9 5 98c I $ 2 .6 7 PLAY SUITS those play suits t. Big savings to 49c BOYS KNICKERS CHILDREN’S 3 4 C All sizes 10c COTTON HOSE 10c D E P T . S TO R ES A good quality Cham- bray. Reg. 65c. value. S a le BOYS’ SUITS Collegiate CORDS Boss of the Road $4 values IN T H 1 W B « T $ 2 .4 9