THURSDAY. MAY IS, 1Ü30 A drunken passenger tried to take the con- BARNES CIRCUS rnM iiun trols from a pilot in New York the other dav OAKNt^ ' « C U 5 COMING while the plane was 3.000 feet in the clouds. T 0 EUGENE, MAY 21 Hooae sure gives confidence to some fellows. If ~ .. _ „ * it had been Oregon moonshine he would have' * J ° Barn"* Clr, u» '• com been convinced he could fly without a plane "** h’u*'*'1*' M"y 11 • ■t«re4 ss aacoad class mattar, FVbruary N . IM S, at tk« poatofflca. Springfield. Oregon. M A IL SUBSCRIPTION « A T I I year la Advapi»------- 51.75 Thraa Months Moat»»-----------------SI M Staat. Coax ..75c -.5 « # * Advertising > |« n l i representing Ai. * O- Barnes Cirewa have posted pictor- Old age pension acts will be asked front the lal b,lta *" lhl* ’',cln,,)r sanounctng legislatures of Oregou and Washington by the ,h* con’l,'lt of ’•>>• P«p»i«r «how Lx>yal Isrgions of Loggers and Lumbermen. If the | will be found In our mills do not run better than they have lately ia T»e m»n»g« these pensions will have to start earl}’ In life. I**® » ,h* «-troaam announce ih . • T H U R S D A Y , M A Y 15, ISSO • . ; followlgg new features: T w o gorgeous apecUolee of Orlen- NBJCT OOVBRNOK IS UP TO YOU A hundred automobiles In 30 minutes passed magnificence entitled "Persia," Ninth aud Alain streets on Sunday evening. Joy ai"J Th* '“w « “1 of i*«kiQ." in The election of a Republican candidate for shows no falling off despite rumors of *ww“*lmnti-iz on. ihoueand Governor tomorrow will see Governor NorbUd h riding a r d tim e s . neonle *ri people take n part. Harry Corbett and Charles Hal) strong favorites Minn Mnbal S tark, outstanding • • a over the fluid. In Springfield the battle will be anim al t r a in « of th e world, wlU "Thugs kill bartender" says an Illinois head­ •end ferocious Junglebred Usara between Norblad and Hall. Both men have catu- *W * here and both lutve strong follow- line. That is what we call butting into the pro­ through th rllllu g routines Ip the hibition agents' business. steal arena. e e e Eithar of the three men would make good 8ensatlonnl aerial and acrobatic governors. Governor Norblad. being in office and Gliding ia like coasting on a sled. Lota of fun I troupe« have been Imported from conducting it aparent satisfactorily, is believed going down, but hard work carrying back to the ISurope, and the tiretonaa In th e ir to have the edge But an election, like a horse top of the hill. ; h lg h w lre net w ill be a revelation to race, is never won until it is over. patron« of the AI. U. Barnes Circus, Senator Ed Hailey and George Wilbur, of Hood "Cherle" and her living nnxlels— River, will fight it out for the Democratic nomi­ th irty youthful gtrla front H o lly ­ nation. Bailey will carry his county by a large wood— prevent graceful aud a rtis tic majority, and has a very good chance of the reproductions In white m arble of nomination. world-famous masterpieces. Ml»» Babe Letnurneau. * queen of The campaign has been carried on with little gymnasts, w ill th rill w ith her aerial excitement, but that does not mean that there specialty from the dlasy height« o f I should be few votes. Everyone should vote the white top. whether theyy have strong preference for cer­ A special congre»» of clown» have tain candidates or not been gathered from the four corner« WHEN’S THE TEME TO MARRY? ■-BRÜC Earl Hill, of Cushman, is a Republican candi- 1 once dld nl-v verY best best to prevent a mar- date for the legislature. Western Lane has n o t' riage- 11 was immediately after the war. The been represented in the legislature in the last 27 , y °un8 man came out of the army without a job. years. Mr. Hill is a successful merchant and a He owed me some money, which was incidental, good roads booster. Among the three to be 1 w«uld gladly have loaned him more to get a chosen one can make no mistake by voting for start in business, but when he asked for a loan Mr. Hill. I to finance his marriage. I refused. of the earth. These are lu»t a few of the many new and Improved fealurea with the AI. 0 . Barnes Circus for 11130. Tw o performances are given dally at 3 .0 0 and 8:00 p. m. The doors a re ' open one hour early for the Inapec tlon of the blggeat travelin g goo on earth and the signal wonders of the menagerie. s- so P o rtla n d .r H .r e — Ueorge I'arklus, looking a lia r Uusinasi In this viuialty. of Portland. spent the week end II» returned (o hin hom« W'minnsday. H er C an d y C h o ic e When you wish to choose candle» that will be certain to please, we know that you will find exactly what you want bars. Packed In attractive boxes, our choice candies are always a moat walooma gift. E ^ J MANX'S "« i-JIV WE HAVE A COMPLETE STOCK OF USED C A R S Priced from $50 up WHY NOT BUY A GOOD, LOW PRICED USED CAR FOR THAT FISHING TRIP MORRIS CHEVROLET Co. Oliv» St., Eugene, Oregon Telephone 627 Sl* n ti n? Uild‘ng a tran,way ! "You’re craxy to get married now." 1 said. the T h X SfaSre Mn.n’r /Tr roadS tO make "There &re enough difficulties in keeping a mar- ccssil.l.^7,, Mount Jefferson more ac- riage happy without adding worries about better o f f flim h in o - ° ' e rs ; the state would b e , money. You have not yet demonstrated that RELIEF FROM CURSE otf. Climbing mountains m « a » vi tram some-j you can make a success of - -« one - -----o — caaai ovuiC - —- - —-------- — — — '-«-w life, yet you OF CONSTIPATION bow is not in keeping with the western rnoun- propose blithely to undertake the responsibility tain eer frig conceptions. of two. Wait awhile till you have more Judg­ A Battle Cre«» physician says. ‘Ooo- • • • ment and some savings. Then vou can start •tip a tlo n I* responsible for more misery then any other causa." California should be induced to open an auto­ righ t" But Imm ediate roller ha* ‘--» n REPUBLICAN CANDIDATE FOR mobile license bureau in Oregon. It is an incon­ found. A tablet called Rexall Order- Thus I spoke out of my aged, wisdom; and he venience for so many of our people to have to looked at me pityingly, and borrowed the mo­ 11«« has been discovered. This ' « N et J attract« w atar from the system Into go to California for a license. It takes out some ney elsewhere, and was married at once- the lasy, dry evacuating bowel called of the profit also between the three dollar variety Recently I visited his home. He has three the colon. The w ater loosens the dry i IN THE STATE LEGISLATURE “ d our own- The next legislature should remedy children. He owns his house. He has a respon­ food waste and causes a gentle thorough, natural movement without sible position and money In the bank. All In all. form log a habit o r ever Increasing • • • Mr. Hill is a successful business man. It is as happy a family as one would want to the dose. " j He is a man who has made a success Affairs of state and politics waited a few know. Stop suffering from constipation of his own business and Is qualified to Chew a Rexall O rderlte at night. Next minutes while Governor Norblad marveled at the I have also visited in the home of a successful represent our county in the legislature. cream line on some of the Springfield Creamery’s man of fifty. He did not rush Into matrimony. day b rig h t Get 34 for 25c today at milk in a local meat market window. A good Ear from it. He accumulated money, and, care­ Flanpry'a Rexall Drug Store. product always commands attention in Spring- fully on his guard, he looked over the whole W E H A N D L E nothing hut the Spring THE SIUSLAW COUNTRY IS ENTITLED field as elsewhere, and from the highest as well feminine sex for many years. field Ice Cream and grade A m ilk TO A REPRESENTATIVE as the lowliest. cream, butter and h u lie rm ilk ,— Thus insured with wealth and wisdom, he pro­ E lite Cafe, Springfield. M 39 • « • And we feel that you will make no mistake in casting your ceeded at the age of forty-seven to pick himself Christian Cagle, famous army football player, a foolish and empty-headed little girl. Already seemed to have a queen up his sleeve that the the marriage shows signs of strain; It surely can­ w’ar department did not know about. Refused a not la st discharge from the army to coach football he . articles are written about the neces played this pretty card and won His marriage • Earnest Ba.rne8t «nicies neces- Signed two years ago fooled even the intelligence de- *°r mak,nK marriage difficult ’ oung people HILL FOR REPRESENTATIVE CLUB partment of the army should be compelled to wait, they say, until they . . . have funds and experience. ( I ‘* ld A(1 V ertlaam u ni i A man left his wife and eleven children in New BWmB ® ^ Uu d argument’ and *ei Buch Hampshire to .lope with a young woman pastor ^f*01*0118 *'°" d ha^ prevented the marriage of We would say that this is a case Of perversion Th° u au Lincoln and the birth of Abraham. They instead of conveision. would have kept penniless Hawthorne from con- • • • trading one of the finest marriages of literary history. They would nrobably have postponed, Those who claim the world owes them a bring not prevented, most of the happiest unions should present an itemized bill of personal ser that have taken place since the beginning of the vices rendered. world. a • » So having been a watcher of weddings for Watching some dancers we would say that many years, I find myself less impressed with there lots of unskilled laborers in this country. the judgment of maturity and more confident of the impulses of youth. » let ec ' F°r what is mature judgment, anyway, but the / ?*nd‘da*e8 * l11 know tomorrow just total of our disappointments and worries our W P L D ’S lARG ESrÖ ’i k how much the people think of them. burned fingers and our fears’ worneB- our j EARLH1LL REPRESENTATIVE Vote for EARL HILL at the Primary EUGENE, OREGON MAY 21st HLG.EtfU9NES ANO BEST TRAINED * WLD ANIMAL SHOW. PINKY DINKY By Terry Gilkisoii TWOUL0 MAKE A ÿueFERJNti eeR-yoM ú s i h A mo l a u o m a w a y p o l i care «* H» fow.O wr MH OT m T IÍT • M AMtrvMia o«arn»r cm ai »V *