r THURSDAY, MAY 15, 1930 PAGE THRBT GUNMAN’S BLUFF at',r “r“ *" W ’ J"L , T R A I , i ■“ *•« of Harvard N O T IC E to Hrhool Tearhere— I f you < la a c ln on Plano I ’hons 2430W I wish a nice piare to room and board rom e to H otel E lite W , alio have two houses on F street for FOR RAI.» -It Inch body F ir, It-la r h and «-foot Old Growth Slab Wood. re n t; one la a furnished hom e.— T iirew er. * ” d Maple. Telephone 8pr. IB M . FYarjM Tuhy. m jp N O T IC t TO C R ID lT O R s ' ^ ’ N o tlo . to hereby given the* the an d e n lja a d wae on the tth day ol , 1pr” ’ 1» to appointed edm lnletrator of the aetata of H a rry H M anville, 4». reeled , by the County Court of l,a o * County, Oregon A ll perenne havlna rjalm e against the e ita te of la id H arry fl M anville should file the •am», duly verified, w ith the under • Mined at ItO B e it Broadway. Eugene. Oregon, within six month» from thl» date, A p ril 17th. 1930 HANS BKRTELSON. N O T IC I OF F IN A L S E T T L E M E N T In the County Court of the B u te ef Oregon, fa r the County e f Lane “ ‘^ • r lba Kala‘ a of Anni» KDnx, De re *« «4 N o tlre le hereby given that C. E. Kanyota executor of the aetate of Annie Knox, deceased. haa filed hla final account l„ ihe m atter of aald •a la te in (he County Court for laute ’ " “ íí ? ; Oregon, and that Monday, the !0th dsy of May. 10.10, at the hour of ten o clock a. m In the County I |t ourt House In Eugene, Lana County You do,,'t ~u* m< ACCOUNT a r accessory before, after, or to the Notice l i hereby given that th» un u v u . n . i i i fact o f murder. I t 'i not my craft, a«rslgn*d executor n t th * la it w ill (Continued from 1> • ■<1 testament of W F Mourer. de- Connor. Remove that la ternati ng »2- ceased, haa filed hla account for the I ,b a t a « le**« was genuine, lor for ahe paratua ” nnal settlement of said estate In the | Anew her brother's w riting I Connor .m ii.H tti. t C m a ty (.ourt for I-an a County Ore uh, -i , * 'Minor smiled. H la hand dropped gon. and that Saturday, the 17th d ay, , , , viewing a new world, or gulte n atu ra lly out of eight below tha . . . a . . t the .. _ ° r *« ._ . 1030. Court room of view ing It from a new angle; and loval of the tabla. •aid Coort, In the County C onn somehow »he waa able to cope with " I f you pull a gun on me." aald tho House, In la n e County, Oregon, at problem» which the day before would Gunner, not a muscle o f hla lean body tan o'clock In the forenoon, has been O f th a t new g ift moving. 1 shall shoot you through hy said Court fixed as the tim e and have terrified her place for hearing objections thereto, ■ha was anconerloue— eke rould only the stomach. It 'll take you five days sod tor final settlem ent o f aald eatatu feel the effect. to g|f _ i f » B Tery p ain fu l death F L O Y D L. M O U R E R . ___ • • • by a ll accounts. I shall thoa go F O « S A L E OB T R A D M -S g rla g fla M Executor of the last w ill aad taeta- Oudlag the hour» which Luba Mod- and explain to the police w hy I shot, w t» T H II conaldar Kugeae or Me- i ■>•«’ < of W. F. M ourer. daaoaaaad. dlaon had spent la M i prison house. yon, and thara'II be no flow ers irons *" •«•> *■ «• L RAY, attorney fo r eatata. “ O1 lP1- * » * “ < « • » < ______ A 17-14 M 1-214 It waa curious th a t be should th in k eo Scotland Yard.” Ohd. w bat la e poaeo •fth rtB g? I little on serious topics. H a was face One of Connor's assistants moved B N O T IC E T O C R E D IT O R « __ ___ ___ atep toward him. to face with death In Its most hideout Anythiag from a beu o f chocolaté» Notice la hereby gives that the an-1 A»P«ct— U was Impossible to mistake to a for coot. "Look here. G unner— • he began, aerslgncd has been appointed execu i Connor's .ntentlon— and vet for the m ildly enough. T R A IN 8 C H E 8 U L E Haynes' flat shot out so s w iftly m •p rln g fU ld «topo County Court for Lane County. State | tbe re r ,est triv ia litie s . I f he thought that the man could not counter th a NORTH of Oregon. All persona having claims ot M argaret at all It waa onto In a Ne 14 a t 1 44 A. M » o * to detraía r 5 " n » ^ .r ,M . 7 U te a r’” >*reb7 ’»o. tiled detached and Impersonal way and to blow. He went down w ith a crash. The Gunner stood motionless, watch­ poaeeogere from K lam ath Falla aad vouchers to the T Tderalgned s t^ th T * " ax«’Iana’ l,” > te r her presence ing. beyond office of Donald Young. 840 W ilia m w,,h ,he X J- ^ d , !d«>e.n, T he Gunner looked up at the cel2 ette Street, Eugene, Oregon, In la in - Knox, deceased estate »f V e lm * ° Ing. l i g h t e n that chain . b, t - „ o t A 24 M 18-16 22 c**M proper voucher», w tihln s li months "■''1 final account are notified to I L 1;» » f” *™ « *• « ra t day of May. 1030. ,o t h . . P r« » n t . .m e In w riting o„ or b e f ™ levied upon all the right, title and In­ He recognised the sleeping m a * terest of the said defendants, Ralph Into the room at hla leisure. Connor aald a d m in is tra trix at the h w office 1 se id Ilm e N O T IC E O F F IN A L H E A R IN G Brown and Mrs. Ralph Brown, his saw him and showed his teeth like Instantly. of L. L. Ray, In the M iner Building. Dated thlg is th day o f M ay. 1030 Notion Is hereby given thst W illia m w ife. In and to the follow ing deserth nn sngry dog. "L a k e something or other, eh? V IC T O R M P E T T E R S O N , I* Ixrwar. adm inistrator of the estate Eugene, Oregon. ed real property, to-w lt: B IR D IE L. 1RH. “ Hullo, G unner! W h at the hell are W here did you pick him up?" As ha A d m ln lstrator o f estate of Velm a O of l^isrls A W lnjum , deceased, has A d m in istratrix of the eatate o f J. Petterson, deceaaed An undivided one-fourth ( % ) In ­ you doing around here?" filed his final account as such ad spoke he beckoned one of the men. W, lab. deceased. terest In and to: D A N JO H N S O N , attorney for m lnlstrator and the county court Gunner Haynes looked from Con­ "T a k e that chain off." U L. RA Y , A ttorney fo r eatate. Beginning In Section 9 Tp. 11 8 R. adm lnlatrator lain» oounty has set 10 00 a. m of M 1 8 122220 T he man glanced uneasily a t hla F riday, June 13. 1030. when at th M 1212 29 J 2i» I s Weat- »« ■ P®,n « <1 7» chains north nor to the unconscious man on the “■“ and 38.8« chains East of the South­ floor. rooms of the coort In the Court chief, but Connor nodded. west corner of the H. W T a y lo r anu House, Eugene, Oregon, said account "Ingenious but not original." he N O T IC E TO C R E D IT O R S N O T IC E TO C R E D IT O R S 'T h e trouble w ith you. Gunner, to w ife D. L. c . No 48 N o tlf. No. 779. w ill be taken up for exam ination and Notice Is hereby given th a t Bea which said point la In the middle ot drawled, his thin lips curling in con­ th a t you interfere w ith other peo­ Notice la hereby given that L. L. allowance All persons Interested Ray baa been appointed adm inistrator * C?. W a a ,o m ' <” « ‘ he 20th day ol the present channel of the Coitat For!. tempt. "You're dropping him in the ple’s g raft. I f you w ant to know therein may be heard at said tim e of the estate of A rth u r H artm an , de­ April, 1930, was appointed admlnia- R iver, run thence East 9.25 chains riv e r, of course, and the w ater w ill W IL L IA M P IX IW E R . who be Is, he did th a t Job today in ceased. by the County Court of Ixine «™«rix of the estate of M ary I. E thence North 13.90 chains, thence dissolve the salt, the chains w ill fa ll Bond street." Adm inistrator County, Oregon. AU persona having H u rlb urt, deceased. All person» hav W est 17.5 chains to the center of the ft D A L L E N , attorney for »state claim» against aald estate are re­ ing claims against said estate are present channel o f the Coast Fork off, and the verdict w ill be Death H e related Sm ith's biography; Gun­ M 15-32-30 quired J 213 to present them, w ith the pro­ hereby notified to present them duly R iver, thence up the center of the from Misadventure. W hat a pity." ner Haynes knew that he was speak­ per voucher«, w ithin six months verified as by law required to said present channel of said riv e r to the “W hat's the pity, Gunner?" asked ing the tru th . H e was puxsled, hot A D M IN IS T R A T O R 'S SA LE adm in is tra trix at the taw offlee of place of beginning, a ll In Lane Connty Notice la hereby given that by vlr from the 24th day o f A pril. 1930, to Connor. not greatly. H e had lived tod long os Alta King In the Court House. Eu the aald adm inistrator at hla taw of S M I______ _____ ____ ___ _ _________ _______ _ _ w. State of Oregon. tue and In pursuance of an order ol «ce In the M iner Building, Eugene. ’ « •» •- Lane County. Oregon, within "T h a t I happened to butt In," said the seamy side of life to be surprised Notice Is hereby given, th a t L the the County Court of the State of Oregou. I six months of the firs t publication of undersigned S h e ri« as aforesaid w ill Haynes. "W ho’s the victim ?" Oregon for the County of Lane made at anything. Men had tlved doubto L. L. R A T , . «bis notice. Date of flrs t publication sen the above described real property and entered of record In »aid Court "There's no victim ," aald Connor llrea before, but thia waa the kind o t A dm inistrator of the estate of Ar- ' being May 1st. 1130 to the highest bidder for cash at loudly. "This poor fellow Is 111 and do“ ble life which Hanyes thought ba- of the 10th day of Mav, 1930. In the B E A T R IC E W AB S O M . public auction at the Southwest front m atter of the eatate of Frank M th u r H artm as. decease«, ' longed to the realm of Im ag in ative A 14 M 1 2 1 2 2 2 . A d m in is tra trix door o f the County Court house ln we re takin g him to the hospital." Vernum, deceased, suthorlxlng and A L T A K IN G , A tto rn ey fo r estate Eugene. Lane County. State of O re­ T he Gunner nodded novelists. A banker who amuse« llren alag the undersigned. F rank K M 1 -2 1 2 2 2 2 9 gon. on the 20th day of M ay, 1930. at B lair, as adm inistrator of aald eatate " I thought you might be pickling ‘ h,n,aelf ,n 8maah and grab raids wag N O T IC E T O C R E D IT O R S ten o'clock a. m of that day to satisfy to sell the following real eatate be­ SUM M ONS him ." he M id . "No marks of violence w ,ld ,Y ffctlonal— but possible, longing to said eatale, tn-w lt: Notice Is hereby given that the un­ to the C ircu it Court of tho State ol the said execution together w ith In on the body, nothing to show that he T here m ight be. he thoughL a w » terest and costs thereon. All of tote three (3 ), four (41, five dersigned has been duly appointed Orogon In and fo r tho County of Dated and « ra t published April didn't drown, as people drown, by man ,n «■•* background. W h ere w g (6 ). six (4 ). seven (7 ). and eight (8 ). executor of the estate of Sara Hold Lano. 17th, 1930; dated and last published accident. I'm sorry to spoil your men «»»ched life, the inexplicabto of block No. six (8) of Low ell, Lane redge. deceased, and any and all B U IT FOR D IV O R C E Mby 16th. 1930. County. Oregon, upon the term s here­ persons having claims against the amusement, but you'll have to let i berame almost daylight clear. George O rv ille C o x P la in t!« , vs. H. L. B O W N . inafter specified, at private sale, tho said estate are hereby required to "W h a t are you going to do w ttk Cora Cox, DefandanL S h e riff of Lane County. S tate of hlm to ." aald adm inistrator w ill from and a fter present said «•lelms. duly verified as ; T o Cora Cox. Defendant, Oregon. ^ *b y .” asked Connor. him ?" asked Connor, as the maw Saturday, the 12th day of Juna, 1930. hy taw required, a t 85« W illa m e tte 1 A 17-24 M 1-216 l>ou are hereby required to appear proreed to te ll said yeal property at street. Eugene, ln Itane County, O re­ Because.'' said the Gunner dellber- atooped and w ,«b scarcely an e ffo rt answer the com plaint filed private sale In accordance with said gon. w ithin t lx months from the date and lifted “ * ..O R T H - » • against you In the above entitled suit SUMMONS order and In the manner prescribed of thia notice. within tour weeks from the date of In the C irc u it Court ef the State ot by law. Dated and firs t p u b lls ^ ^ i A p ril grade exa’mlnatlons^wTll " b e 'g lv e ^ to T h ‘‘ Gunncr dld not “ « » e r tha the firs t publication of this summons Term s of Sale: Cash upon the 14. 1930. Oregon, In and fo r Lane County. confirm ation of the sale and delivery Dnte of laet publication. May 22, In the Springfield News, which first Ira C. Oatea and N ellie Gatee. hus districts where there are pupils who 0u'>a«,on- Instead, he propounded one date Is A p ril 17, 1930; and you are o f the adm inistrator's deed to aald 1030 hand and wife. P lain tiffs, against nave complied with the legal re- a t bis own. hereby notified that If you fall so to property Bids may be made Io Ihe F R E D L. B EA R D . George E. Campbell. M avm e Camp­ h M re.ppe|"ed t o ^ h Z ’X d o n 6, on W e " h ““ * ¿ 7 ° “ ‘T ’ ' U’ h P,a<* r appear and answer said com plaint adm inistrator at Lowell, Oregon, or Executor of the eatate of Sara bell. his w ife; W illia m H. H trko x. w ithin said period of tim e your default by mall. llold red ge, deceased 14 and 16 h® aSked a“ d S“ W * ’ ° ° k Of ala™ o r hts unknown heirs at taw, If needay and Thursday. May and the p la in tiff w ill F R A N K E. B L A IR . Adm inistrator. Address; 86« W illa m e tte street. ! w " ' h * deceased; ---------- Hlckox. the wife 1930. Applications for questions conle in«° tbe ,ace of «he other, make application to the Court for the Address, Ixiw oll. Oregon Eugene. Oregon. or widow of W illia m H . H lckox; should be sent to "Slush?” said Connor quickly. "N g F R A N K A DePUE. It. E. S lattery, Attorney for Exe­ re lie f prayed w ith in said complaint, nnd a ll other persons and parties to-w lt; E. J. M O O R E, — why should we? I don't deal la Attorney for A dm inistrator. cutor. unknown, claim ing any rig ht, title , M 8 15 _________ Co School Supt. that kind of stu ff " T hat the m arriage contract now M 1223 29 J B 11 M estate, lien or Intereat in Jhe real existing between you snd ;he plain­ estate described In the com plaint N O T IC E TO C R E D IT O R S ~N ° for|red F'rench banknotes?" t iff be forever dissolved. Honorable In this suit, defendants. Notice Is herebj „-ven that I, Ger- G unner shook his head In a n t2 C. P. Barnard. Connty Judge of I-ane To Oeorge E. Cam pbell. M ay me H un«Phrey. have been appointed c«P“ ««on of the answer. ¡County, Oregon, made, dated and en Campbell, hla w ife; W illia m H. H lc k ­ I tered an order on A p ril 10. 1930. ox. or hlg unknown heirs at law. If he Ot “ 1* ,M ta te of Roa" d° You mean?" d ir e c tin g thia summons to be pub­ Is deceased; ---------- Hlckox. the w if i Oregon. A » ^ w o n s ’ {Taring* r i l l ’s * ”m " e " P ,he saturn,n'* fa re - lished In the Springfield News once or widow of W illia m H. H lckox; and ' You asked me whV • came here, each week for a period o f four succes a ll o ther persons and parties unknown against his estate should present the Dr. JOSEPHINE C. BRAUN DR. W. N. DOW ■ 's ire weeks; and that you appear and claim ing any rig ht, title , estate, lien same to me at the office o f 8. D and I ’m tellin g you. T hey're raid in g D s n t ¡ st answer the said com plaint w ithin or lntereet ln the land In the com­ Oe w lth to ’ r i Z ’ eFUS.une' ¿ uIy Terl’ >our p l,c e ‘ «»’ ight. I only got fg O R U G LESS F H Y S 'C IA N First National S aak Building .four wonks from the date of the first plaint In thia suit and hereinafter date, M ay 1, 1 9 3 0 7 ’ m kDOW “ hout It an hour ago. I thought Phoae 43 Hprtnglfbld. Oregon | publication of thia summons. described, defendants; IBS F ifth Street G E R T R U D E H U M P H R E Y . , d com<‘ a,ong a “ d te ll you. I don’t H. E SLATTER Y, In the name of the State of Oregon: Office hours, 0 A. M. to I P. M. Attorney for the p la ln tl« . and my Yon are hereby required to appear A rm ln ts tra trix . hnow why. but that's my nature— Phon« 1 02W S P R IN G F IE L D Evening« by Appelntm eat residence and post office address Is and answer the com plaint of p lain tiffs M 1-8-12Î2-29 helping poor crooks!" Eugene, Oregon. filed against yon In the above entitled H e saw the three men glance a t A 17-24 M 1-8-1R Court and salt w ithin four weeks from N O T IC E OF S H E R IF F ’S SA L E one another, and the alarm In Con- Notice is hereby given that by v lr-, the firs t publication of this summons Raa. Phoae 100 Plane Moving — S U M M O N S FOR P U B L IC A T IO N In T he Springfield News, to w it: On tue of an execution and order of sale i n<,r s tace wa* PatPnt “W e had a parcel over from Parto or before the 16th day of M ay, 1930; Issued out of the C ircuit Court of the BPPINQFIEtD TRANSFER In the C irc u it Court o f the State ot and If you fall to so appear and an M f te o?K ^Loe0“ for Lane Coiun«> I «he other day," he WILLIS BÍRT8CH, Pro», uneasily. Oregon fo r the County of Lane " H a rrv vet It ewer, for w ant thereof, p lain tiffs w ill M ay 9th, 1930. upon and pursuant to •fficuc RODBNBOUOH OARAGE Leslie M. Baty, p la in tiff, va. Bennie take Judgment and decree against a decree made by said Court May 8th , , , y? * ‘ ‘ P' 411 M ain Street Mae Baty, defendant. H e looked •« «hr huddled figure o f you as prayed for In th e ir com plaint, 1930, In a suit pending therein In Len< Diatene« H aulin g a Specialty To Bennie Mae Bnty, defendant to w it: which Rant E. Dunsmoor was plaint- Luke. above nam rtt: big m istake T hat th e ir titles to the land therein defe“ndanI taD wh?’ he r and ° therB wprp s "Y ou're m aking a You are hereby required to appear (described' to w i t : .... .............. 221 M ain St. Raaldenea 125 c S t i s v s r i s e ' s ' - s ; r ”m « Beginning nt a and answ er the com plaint filed po)n, j S 2fi 2-3' ¡Inks North 01J Ilk against you In the above entitled of the middle SE. corner of the Rob- commanded me to sell the real pro blm * e’ in ,° ,he hands of the police. DR. N. W. EMERY Court and cause on or before four Prt R. Cam pbell and W ife don. tend perty hereinafter described to satisfy and he’ll put up a squeal th a t'll m ake (4) woekg from the date of the first | (.| N o. 69. In Tp. 17 S. Rg. 3 W est of certain liens and charges in said de­ D E N T IS T you d e a f!” publication of this summons, nnd If W . M.. nnd running W est 426 feet. cree specified, I w ill on Saturday, the F illi Auto E q u ip m e n t SuttoR Bldg. Phone S2J Stooping, the G unner put his a rm you fall so to appear and answer South 309 feet. E ast 426 feet, and 14th day o f June. 1930, at the hour o ' Lady Assistant Reeldenoe Phene 1S2M aald com plaint, for w ant thereof the thence north to the place e f beginning; one o'clock p. m., a t the southwest about Luke Maddlsnn and lifted him p ln ln tlff w ill apply to tho Court for be forever quieted as against a ll ot door of the County Court house In bodily. H e turned and strode through the re lie f demanded In said com you: th a t you be forever barred and Eugene, Lane County, Oregon, offer Springfield, Oregon plaint, to-w lt: fo r a decree dissolving estopped from claim ing any right, for salp and sell at public auction for the door, down the carrow passage, H e had the bonds of m atrim ony now existing title , estate or Interest therein ad­ cash, subject to redemption as pro and Into the untidy yard. FRANK A. DE PUE between the p ln ln tlff nnd defendant verse to th e ir title ; and for such vldod by law, all of the right, title, already located Connor's van, and ha A T T O R N E Y A T L A W Uenernl Law Practice and divorcing the p la in tiff from the other re lie f as shall be by the Court and Interest of the defendants In said was on the point o f hoisting his bur­ defendant, and such other and fu r­ deemed Just and equitable In the suit and of all parties claim ing by, N O T A R Y P U B L IC den Into the in te rio r when he heard I. M. PETERSON th e r re lie f as to the Court may seem premises. through or under them or any of a stealthy scraping against wood. I t A tto r tiay-at-Law equitable. Sutton This summons Is served by publi­ them since the 8th day of M ay, 1930 Springfield This summons Is published once cation thereof once each week for In or to the follow ing described real was the sound that a man C ity H a ll Bnlldlng Building Oregon each week for four successive weeks four rnccesslve weeks in T h e Spring property, to-wlt: when he Is clim bing— somebody In Tho Springfield News by order ol field News, a newspaper printed and Springfield, Ora. T he east h alf o f lot six (8) and all getting over the gate. »he Honorable G. F. Sklpw orth, Judge published at Springfield, Oregon, by o f lot five (6) ln block seven In He sat Luke on the ground, prop­ of aald Court, which order bears date order of Hon. Q. F. Sklpw orth. Judge W estm oreland. an addition to Eu­ EXPERT SERVICE the 16th day of A pril, 1930, nnd the of said Court, made on the 16th day gene, Lane County, Oregon, as the ped him against a w all, and w ent date of the Orst publication of this of A pril. 1 9 3 \ and the « ra t publica­ same Is platted and recorded In the noiselessly tow ard the entrance o l P L U M B IN G H E A T IN G summons Is A p ril 17»h. 1930. tion thereof waa msde on tbe 17th office of the County C lerk of Lane the yard. Stooping to gat a skyline, SHEET M ETAL O. B. P O T T E R , day of A p ril, 1930. County, Oregon. he ta w the head and shoulders o f t v * Attorney fo r p la in tiff, residence and A. E. W H E E L E R , Dated this 12th day of May, 1080. post office address, Eugene, Lane men above the gate. I t was enough; DODD M. MILLER RspaMag a Specialty Residing In Engene, Oregon, Attor­ H. L. B O W N . County, Oregon. ney for P ta '-’tffx Phono 107 124 F IF T H » T . Sheriff of Lane Connty. he need — no mora. A 17 24 M 1-216 A 17 -24 M 1-211 M 122222 J 211 Oregon TO B I CONTINUED . " k ; m B U S IN E S S ID I R E C T O R Y Walkir-PMh Ckspii Funeral Directors D. W . R o o f JBWaLBR F <•