pack two JRINGFIELD NEWS THURSDAY, MAY IB. 1930 MICKY MOUSE CLUB TO PARADE IN EUGENE „ . , . Synopsis Wonderful . ,,w uLa/,*rr* forSe« the Dime of wealthy hanker and Mia, sister Margaret s (lance, to a torn check. He Is found dead with L b . „ ¿ t a** ,handwrl“ n< charging L«ke with haring ruined him. Mar­ garet ---UV after he haa _ . marries Luke, aves h MmeTe,r5?H ln< ?.* Sb,i fUined h L to X “er ’ h L tieV Luke, bewildered, wanders about Xxunlon, is attacked by thugs, who K ; „ b",o""n : d dT ' u ' s x £ fellow. l)«nty! He can talk the hind leg off a donkey. They say he's the cleverest confidence man In Kurope Perhaps he's made enough money to retire." Owntqn MqceUJ nuw How had ..........-Vkv.i, IIMU she sue cot know blmT s b * lr,ed “> «race buck frt*’od“ »P Of course, I, w s, her bro,hel^ » t> o had Introduced him ^ ex s° many queer people. She r ; TWO BRIDGE SITES FOR WILLAMETTE PROPOSED Two proposed sites for the bridge to .. cross (he upper Wllamett« river ““ h’ Willamette highway above on the J J * * " *"* «’r”babl* «* the ‘ «» 'h e state high way commlaalon at Portland on M S«. according to an aonoun,-emeut made public last week. Surveys for two pr< pose«} sites have been prepared by members of the engineering department. One provides for a crossing three miles above Oakridge, and the second site Is fust below the city SPRINGFIELD PEOPLE trouble wlilrh is now bothering ATTEND CHURCH DINNER India. The high school quartet sang Headed by the Eugene high school , A large group of Sprlngrid.l people band aud th» Washington drum and Attended (he dinner and meeting ol bugle corp«, the Micky Mouse c|„b, the Brotherhood of the Methodist several hundred strong, goes on par­ church In Eugene on Frlduy evening ade thia Saturday morning *t lo oy '•i last week. Dr Wpulherttee. re o'clock, with Tenth and Olive a« the i turned-mlaalonury. was the principal starting point, It was announce.I by Sleeker, dearrlbtag Ghandl and the the grand chief Micky Mouse from his managerial office In the Fox Mc­ Donald theatre. For several weeks the Micky Mouse dub kiddles have been nt work on their costumes, many hav- lag attended the regular Saturday morning meetings altlred as Mickey and Minnie Mice, pirates, clowns, cats, and every Imaginable kind of being Prise* have been given at every meeting for the ten beat cos. tumes. and now. with the grand par ade a reality, a long Hat of prises 111 be given Merchants In every line of business are boosters of the Mickey Mouse club, advise* the grand chief, and many of the*e mer bants are giving valuable merchan dl»e pllaea for the best costume In the parade. several numbers. Those who attended (he mealing were Mr an.l Mrs Frank llartholo mew. Mr, and Mra. Robert Drurv. Mr and Mrs William Maybe. Mr, A II Van Valsali. Mr. and Mrs. L. K I’age. Dr and MV*. W. Il Pollar,I. and Dr N W Emery. • ■ ■ new w character he £ „ , b* ,leTwl h,ni "»P"cltly. be- Smlih In this ___ ____ comes Involved with the~ioe Connor Ileved him when he told her that ,---- . fan g, who mistake him for an Aus­ Luke had hounded her brother to his tralian crook named Smith, and Is death, believed him when he had Blade an unwilling accomplice In a Jewel robbery. He does not know produced that pitiable note written that Margaret has relented and re­ on two small sheets of notepaper-- turned all the money he gave her to bis banke-s. to the dismay of one O o.ttoaaá au Paga a Danton More», her dead brother’s friend. MOTHER S DAY OCCASION concerning whom Gunner CHERRY GROWERS1 MEET Haynes, an American Jewel thief, FOR FAMILY DINNER whom M add Ison once befriended, has TO BE HELD SATURDAY been making inquiries. Detective ------------------ ------------- i u , Bird of Scotland Yard, know also as . ---------- M others Day last Sunday meant Micky Mouse club members are the Sparrow. Is likewise Interested A meeting of all cherry growers , more than Just another Mother's Day to Morell. Maddlson goes to his old !u Lane county has been called by O. tof Mrs. KaUe Brunette of this e ltv making banners to carry In the line of march, and a colorful event la «• .* * « * a b- 8 L etcher. Lane county agricultural . when nasrl, of her children glur. escapes from the police and promised those lining the sidewalks tries to get in touch with Detective agvnt. to be h»ld at the Eugene Prised her by gathering at her home between 10 and II Saturday morning Bird. The Connors gang learns of chamber of commerce on Saturday. ; bringing with them a complete this, sandbag anu imprison him In at 1:30 o'clock, for the purpose of «tinner, which was enjoyed by the The club officers, wearing their of­ an underground cell near the river acquainting cherry growers with a »other, the children, and the grand ficial Micky Mouse badges, will ride where he Ig certain to be drowned In state In the latest niod«-l automo­ when the tide rises. Meantime Mar­ spray which Is now being prepared children. < KM P71 E R \ Io u place of tender anil biles. provided by dealer* for the I garet, revisiting Luke's old rooms, ~ ~ ,,r r ™ ,r ' “ " occasion, and younger children will sacred memories. Next to the home It- finds a sheet of paper on which Luke dinner were .Mr. and Mra. A. O. al«o be In car*. If they ao de*lre. self. It is the epot where pur deepest hns begun a letter to his friend and S. ' K' R. Jonea' Jones, new new field field entomologist entomologist Thompson Thompson and and son. son. Darrell, of of Santa Santa lawyer saying that he Is In desperate sentim ents are hallowed and enuhrined. To The kiddies will gather on the the Ore<°n Opened State Agricultural , — j __i.__ . col- V'lara; Mr. »> and . . Mrs. . ' trouble. Margaret's Margaret s Joy over the dis­ dis- tbe C. Walsh and vacant lot back of the Y. M C. A. choose thin plate with careful forethought, covery that Luke la alive and In Lon » a .. I » a . 1. -I.— . . . » — lege, will attend the meeting and ! daughter. Opal, of Lowell; Mr and and to provide for ltn perpetual pialntenance don Is tempered by the statement explain to the fruit men how they Mrs. H. W Eaton and aon. Orval. an.l building at U th and Olive, before is a nut tin t 1 and noble human need. 10 o'clock Saturday morning, and of Detective Gorton that the man con­ can apply the spray and when It daughter. Edith, of Springfield • and cerned In the Jewel robbery, whom under the direction of the grand It Is in response to this need that Reet- applied — to be effective in sav Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Carter, jf chief Micky Mouse. Russell F Brown. I she now knows was Luke, had been can be --------- going around for two years with the *n< present crop, laven Memorial Park I k being developed In ' Swisshome. and the senior master of ceremonies. woman whose accomplice he was. ' T hi. , Is . the »«— This first of a series of slml-1 — ark ho admirably located, and ho a rtis­ Sharkey Moore, assisted by William Now go on with the story. tically planned will he found the Ideal ex- lar meetings to be held In Willamette Gsraqe Get* New Sign HavaPnd and Jerry Hoyt, chief valley within the next few weeks, pressioon of m an's wish to surround the last Mickey Mouse traffic officers, the She was stunned, bewildered: she by Mr. Jones. A large "Garage " sign was hung ,,K bis forbears and his family kiddles will be formed Into parade could only shake he» head in feeble over the sidewalk In front of the with tranquility and beauty and security. formation and atarted on their way protest. Parker garage on west Muln street POISON BARLEY DEMAND last Friday and Saturday. “It couldn't have been the same The line of march will follow east Rest-Haven is a Community Enterprise. IS HEAVY THIS SEASON man." she said at last. on 10th avenue, from Olive, north on It is Your Privilege to Participate. Q u a rte rly M e e tin g S cheduled Willamette and on down Broadway. 1 “Do you know him—the fellow who There has been a heavy demand east on Broadway to Oak. north to j was here?" The detective looked at this year for poison barley, accord­ Dr- M. A. Marcey will preside at her keenly. ing to O. S. Fletcher. Lane county the quarterly meeting of the Metho­ 8th avenue, weat to W illamette, and "No, no. I only thought it would agricultural agent, who la diatribut- dist church on next Thursday even­ south to the Fbx McDonald theatre an extraordinary coinci- Ing the poison He now has 66 rodent ing. in the church parlors. Reports where their regular Saturday morn­ ing Mickey Mouse club meeting will control supervisors at work In all of the various departments and or- start at 11:16. Many Springfield ' i-ve got an Idea Mr. Gorton knows parta of ,he county, and these men I «““ ixalions ‘“ «ions ror for the quarter, which Is Mickey Mice are expected to march 536-7-8 Miner Building Telephone «30 him I heard him telling the sergeant are n°tlfylng the farmers who have tbe *M « one In the church year, will In the parade and attend the c lu b .| he might be th e fello w whn that be be the fellow who was Infected land to begin poisoning at i b® read and acted upon meeting. not comply with m a t a a w a il II Bin HU once. Those ------- - who ~ « do u u u i WJUipiJ knifed the night that man named Lewing was killed. If that’s the case. ,he notJce *nd those who own land he's only been out of hospital a few and an<* do not '--------- farm It “ or “------ have not sub­ let IL will have to pay the costa ofI days" She offered the officer some money having the work done on their lands, which he refused with great firmness . recent warm rains will greatly J O1 and escorted her to her taxi. She was “ ¿he plantinK of alfalfa this year, j The Store Where You Serve Yourself and Save reminded by the fare, when she got rot th nks ,he countv agent. The weeds 77 EAST BROADWAY EUGENE to her home, that she had been away have started to grow and It will soon be possible to kill them and still have for two hours. She was not shocked; it was too enough moisture in the ground to tremendous a discovery to produce start the alfalfa seed before the dry emotional phenomena of the com- summer weather sets In. “Lest We Forget” A ^ memorial park William's Self Service Store OVER toonplace kind. She accepted Luke Maddlson. banker, burglar, hold-up C. W ALLEN SECRETARY man. companion of questionable OF LANE JERSEY GROUP ladies, with the calmness of a scien­ tist who had happened upon a new C. W. Allen, of Vida, was elected and interesting — ------------- - discovery. | secretary of the I-ane county Jersej Here was an immense happening. Cattle club at a meeting held In tne To display anger or humiliation would ' E ^ e n e chamber of commerce rooms be absurd. One had no regard for a on Saturday afternoon. The other sense of decency when fleeing from officers are H. L. Plank, of Cottage in earthquake and its tumbling walls. I Orove- President; C. A. Barker, ol She went to bed; and such is the BIachly, vice-president; and William serenity of a resolute mind that she I Wel|a. of Cottage Grove, chairman of slept dreamlessly. In the morning I tbe executive committee. while she was sitting at breakfast j Alvln Dougary, national field re- ; came Ihspectoi Gorton; she listened Pre»entative of the Jersey breeders'! calmly to his confession of failure. association, attended the meeting "The fellow ran like a hare. He and spoke on the work of the assocla- ! must have been a trained athlete. I'm ,lon and «he general problems of * pretty sure now that he is the fellow dalrylng It was also decided to send - . . - , In ---------- . . in . . South a delegation to the Linn-Benton Jer- who was v knifed a fight London. Lewing was killed. sey show to be held at Albany on May 28. "Who is Lewing," she asked. Gorton shurgged bis broad shoul­ ders. SCHOOL MEN TO SETTLE "Nobody In particular, although he DEERHORN BOUNDARY gave his name to a gang. The real leader of that crowd Is a gentleman Monday, May 19. has been set as named Danty Morell—though he has the time for the county school not taken any very active . . . ” boundary board to decide upon the She had put down her cup. He saw matter of adding some land In the how white her face was. i Deerhorn district to the Deerhorn “Danty Morell? You don't Mr m n „ mean school district for the purpose of en- í ^ t X ? ore,, who 1,veg ,n H a ,r ; a x dA*:trict ......... — th«'- tax levy. About twenty residents .?pI‘unnBm,lle<1 s , • ha” Petlt,on,"l 'he boundary board Perhaps 1 oughtn t to have said for the change, and several of ih that, but I thought Mr. Bird had told people who own the land desired to you You know Mr. Bird? I hope he Incorporated !„ the school district "I k°now him ' haVe prote,ted’ W i n s that their I know him very well, she said; .property Is In unorganized territory WaS Bte“dy 3Dd ”he WaH i “ h *1 th8t n,OKt of “ la beln« '‘»-I for’ "R ut vm i i ! homes, and would not be But you may rely on my dlscre- aided by the school district tlon, Inspector—I feel almost like a Scotland Yard officer myself.” TOOK SODA FOR STOM­ She had her hands folded In her ACH FOR 20 YEARS lap so that he could not see how they were trembling. For 20 years I took soda for indl-1 “He may, of course, have turned of °Artin ’ t0’nacb Ka«- One bottle over a new leaf,” said Gorton, uneas­ ” -i ily conscious that he had said the stnAm ? H kT OAS and «OUf I wrong thing. “Some of these fellows BOTWh ” TEN m 'f'te« .! Acts on do. I know there's been no complaint BOTH upper and lower bowel, re­ against him at the Yard for a very moving poisons you never knew ere there. Don t fool with medicine which | long time. Morell isn't his name, of P? RT of th0 bowo1"' b«t | ------ . .„»««u wua, K wagf But but th0 the . . . »u.criaa give stomach and and bowels course—I forgot what It was, . R,Vb gtomach bowels I Sparrow—I mean Mr. Bird, knows “ c,ean,u« and see how good you feel— Flanery’s Drug Store. 1 0 ,0 0 0 P A IR S O F S H O E S IN STOCK The Largest Stock of Footwear in Lane Co. Size, • » » 2CH,1-0REN'S e tA V oxfords Size, 5>4 ®H2ILDREN S BAREFOOT SANDALS Tan and Black MEN’S DRESS OXFORDS M. S. BARKER Pure Silk " S “ EN S FULL-F*SHtONEO HOSE Republican Candidate for Value. ,o 76cBOVS' ATHl-ET|C UN'ON SUITS » 1 » n i no MEN’S moleskin He Regular $.¿75 values County Commissioner pants Vote for Barker MEN'S FANCY WORK SHIRTS lnteiSiertb?nCa»b8C A® WH" and a n,an who •« ill« resit (I In the advancem ent of tlita countv ’J’trkcr more than any other man wag the In­ stigator who Induced the Southern Pacific .R ailw ay Company to mm,, , he r J n ^ a d f?om Eugene to Marshfield. Harker has been and a d e G t T ? r drm ” nrk'>r WI,H "l’P<>‘nted a delegate from Oregon to the International good roads (’ongress that met nt Buffalo N ii,”i, th'’Jan-A m erican Exposition. Harker l o T fn the woollen mills In Eng,me' Regular 98c v a lu e ........................... TT o BOYS’ GENUINE “KED” U. S. Tennis Shoes n 1 »nn W 0M EN'S PURE SILK HOSE Regular $.09 value .................... i i - , , v v « . i BH . w S 8 ' Br ° / ERALL^ _ .ii^ ^ ll. u u l,, H0NEV i‘" dALM° N ‘> CREAM „ “POLYSHINE’ SHOE POLISH Regular 10c size. Each smHing. some of the taxpeyers' nioney^ “DURA BELLE” HAIR NFT Regular 15c value. Each 5c ANNOUNCEMENT EXTRAORDINARY Mickey Mouse” Programs F R Y v °,RR from the McDonaM in e a tre EVERY .SATURDAY from 11:15 to 12 noon. TheTt%W^ . VOTE FOR BARKER H arker will work Io keep th,. McKenzie T ass o p e n , Ihus doubling the vain,« ,,f ,i,iH hcauflful highway. Harker will work for th ! hen,riir’'i'r .fi' r,nn" H Dou*,ar Elr lumber lo build bcaHtlfiH designed and painted bridges mak- ir b lw li” 1)',Khwa>8 beautiful. S ,n C H 7. C?Bt nn,y Bbout one-half much M { L o ld ,K ly ,)r,,|K,.„ w ||, as |agJ>»'h Besure to tune in on our program at that time. SERVE YOURSELF AND SAVE K VOTE FOR BARKER AND BE PLEASED