Try tha Horna P r in t Shop F trat TW ÏN TY-B K VR N TH YEAR. I S. W U M EXERCISES H THE SPRINGFIELD NEWS “Tbs People's Pspor" A LIVC NCWBPAPCR IN A LIVB TOW N SPRINGFIELD, I j ANB COUNTY. OREGON- Many Chichs Sent Noon Day Blaze From Nelson Farm Threatens Town SPECIAL EtECTION «»JIH B W ff LEW California Poultrymen Buy Bartlett Bowling Alley and Soft Many Chick • From Local Drink Parlor Wrecked by Complete Program for Com­ Leghorn Ranch. Fire Monday Neo*. , People to Paas on >2,000 Spe­ mencement on June 6 Given I The larrvsso la the number of cial Tax on June 10 For ThJn Morning by Principal A fire, which for a while threaten­ Buell; Dr. M e i to be Sneaker* I pou, In July. In the front part of the balldlng when be paid up before the vacation la ef- INTOXICATED WOMAN Preeinet No. 3 1 Jesale Best., Nellie W right. Jule Lessee are Light he saya he thought that he heard a fecllve. At Lincoln School; Chairman, H at­ SLAPS NIGHT OFFICER Pollard. Very few losses have been sustain- T ackle H« looked about but did tie Drury; Judge. Lillian Black; ., Au ordinance authorising a con- Clas. Addree. Dr John Mes. ed daring shipment of the chick. not WHILE ARRESTING HER First Clerk, Jamoe Young; Second anythlng wrong, so went tract for the lighting of the 8 Vocal and Instrumental Duet. Koees f r” ro ,be local Southern Pacific depot bai-lt to hla reading, and was again field bridge was passed The Hghts Fred Hinson. Springfield's night Clerk, Alice Thompson; Third Clerk. peculiar are to coat lid a month ? of Pie. rdy. Beetle Stewart and Mr N®lao“ explained that he could , »’ "riled to hear another Mrs. B. E. May. policeman, had to call on reserves Ruth Rattle tell by the condition of the weather aound- While Investigating the sec- fj] B month thereafter Preeinet No. 4 Friday night to assist him In captur­ Just how much air to give each ship- ond ’ *•»« h« happened to glance to- Valedictory. Evelyn Buell. At Brat tain School; Chairman, C. ing an Intoxicated woman driver, Plano Duet, W inter Frolic. Vernlce ] Hng carton.The cartons each have a wards the celling, he stated, and saw c u c o n n u c i c u t c o e e i » - Wheaton; Judge. Frank Gordon; ( l»r* and 11 ofteq. happens that the conducting a small business with the and will continue to "do their stuff " and she had nothing but slaps and w * l kef. of Multnomah County. Ralph der the direction of Mlaa Clara Wag j Purchaser la aMe to raise more chicks salvaged atock In the Kepner build­ each Sunday that the weather per­ ▼He oaths for him. E- Williams, of Multnomah county. t» A faculty advisor of tjie Junior j ’ ban he actually pays for ing. mits. according to officials of the or­ claaa. (le v e r paper ship« cut out of 'rh *' to st chicks were hatched on Several young fellows standing For United Statea Senator In Con- ganisation. heavy bLck paper will form the J February 4 TE? first shipment waa nearby. and seeing the officers «ress.—Charles L. McNary, of Mar- None of the members of the glider place cards made on February 27. club had flown In a glider until two plight, were asked to help him. In Ion county. weeks ago. when they each took th* meandme ,he woman drove away The program will be aa follows: For Representatives In Congress. New Style Pens Used turns leaving the earth in the bird-1 * . clrc,ed ,he biock 8h® »as finally First District.— W. C. Hawley, of Welcome. John Lynch, president of None of (he first hatch were taken at the eaat approach of the Marlon county. the Junior ciase. shipped. They are being raised under ,llke machines. They were a bit back- aew bridge. Response. Frank Meradorf, For Governor.— J. e . Beanett. of preal- a new experiment which la being tried Plant« to bo Awarded for Ex- ’ brooder houses shortly after they had lively set as the date for the annual , | de of , he he)|fllU bnt b , , g held as they ‘ High School Song. All. hatched and when they were less Rose and Flower .how, which I . be- dBy one member For Justice of the Supreme Court. worked up were not under the Influence of ,h_ t . * ? men', ..C,T'C * n<)Ukh »<» try liquor. The senior class colors are Nile than two weeks old they were allowed , Position No. 5.— James U. Campbell, It from the green and pink Their rlaas flowers to run on a wire netting floor which club. The floral exhibition will be top of the large hill. Harold Steener- 1 of Clackamas county. George S. Shep­ are pink roae buds and orchid sweet sets about six Inches above the floor, held in the new community hall, with son, of Eugene, made two flights JUDGE R. W. SAWYER herd, of Multnomah county. peas. They hare aa their motto, The The feet of the chickens are smooth Mrs. Carl Olson In charge of the en­ from the top on Sunday and made For Justice of the Supreme Court. TO TALK STATE PARKS Horlaon W iden, aa We Climb. straight and have a beautiful color.’ tire show She will be assisted by good landings. Position No. Harry H. Belt, of Frank 8 Meradorf la the president which haa not been atalned with mud Mrs. D. Fisher and Mrs. Paul Brat- AT CO. CHAMBER MEET Marlon county. of the rlaas. Claire Thurman la the and water. Nearly all of the baby tain, who will have charge of the ar-1 Fbr Superintendent of Public In­ MRS. EMMA C. OLSON IS vie, president, and R u th ’ Bettis Is chick diseases have been eliminated rangement of the flowers; Mrs I. M Judge Robert W. Sawyer, of Bend, struction.—C. A. Howard, of Coos Peterson and Mrs A B Van Valxah. TO V ISIT SON S GRAVE member of the state highway com­ county. •ecretary-treasurer. In thia manner and the actual losses mission, will be the principal speak­ The faculty members are Principal are very light. Another advantage of who will look after the securing of For Commissioner of the Bureau ot Mrs. Emma C. Olson, one of Lane er at the monthly sooting of the W E. Buell. Mrs. W l.llam Baker. Miss the wire floor Is that the floor is al- the flowers; and Mrs. C. O. Wilson, of Labor.— C. H. Gram, of Manou children will handle the ______ s'! coun,y'» G °w Star mothers, received Lane County Chamber of Commerce, county, Anna Vogel. Mlsa Clara Wagner. ways clean and they can be le ft' to I who . ber passport Tuesday from the county which will be held at Vida tonight, j For Senator. Third Senatorial Dia- Ernest McKinney. Glenn L. Martin. run outside In all kinds of weather. parade. Each child that participates in the cl®rk. and will leave some time In The McKenzie river development tr k L Lane county. E. O. Potter, H. Mrs 1. M Peterson. Mlsa Luclle Trapnesta Htna show Is asked to wear a cistume re- JuD® f° r New York, from where she club, recently formed for the purpose ' C. Wheeler. Holman. Mlaa May Hewea. and Cot­ Mr. Nelson does not believe In the presenting a flower or some other ' wl11 "al1 f° r France to visit the grave ter Oould. of advertising the scenic and recrea For Senator. Fourth Senatorial ability of a person to Judge the hens costume that Is not grotesque. They | of her aon' E d » 1“ H. Olson, who was tlonal facilities of this territory, will District, Lane and Linn counties.— The members of the Board of Ed­ which ara laying and those which will parade down A street and part of kl,,ed ,n France while serving with act as host« for the meeting, which Joel C. Booth, Linn county. ucation are D. J. Beals, chairman; are not. He has one hen on his ranch Main street and will be given a tre a t; ,b ® machine gun company of the will Include representatives from W . H. Pollard. C. A. Swarta, and For Representative. Third Repre­ which Is almost five years old and after the parade. l«2nd infantry. each of the chambers of commerce sentative District, Lane county.— W illiam O. Hughes, clerk. stands . around asl, ->p m o,t of toe 1 a luncheon wul be served at the Mrs. Olson will go to Europe at the and many farm grope in the county. Charles M. Emery. Earl H. H ill. Em­ : time. Anyone would naturally think I Bhow as a means of securing funds invitation of the United States gov- The development of the state and mett Howard. J. H. Kennedy. Elwla SLIPPING BELT CAUSES | that this hen shou’d be disposed o f , ! wtth hlch to defray the expenses. ernmentl whlcdi pays all expenses national park Idea along our high­ A. McCornack. FIRE SCARE AT MARKET 1 he stated, but proceeded to show that Mrs. M. R. Rice Is chairman of the - connected with the taking of all Gold ways. and especially the McKenxIe County. Star mothers to vlalt the graves of highway country, w ill be the principal For County Commissioner.—C. W. their sons who fell In the World War. discussion taken up at the meeting. In-m U . A„ „ ,h ., In "e! Allen, of Vk.a. M. S. Barker, of Eu­ kinds of She will be accompanied on the trip ant Ment market early Monday morn* ranch are trapnented during their gene O. E. Crowe, of Eugene. Ing led pasaers by to believe that a first year and again after the third flowers will be exhibited. The colum by Mrs. Dorn Collins, of Eugene, CHRISTIAN CHURCH HAS For County Treasurer.— P. T. Pnt- bine and other flowers are so beau­ another Gold Star mother. fire was raging In the plant, and sent . year. Grace Schiska, of Eugene. MOTHERS DAY PROGRAM ter,on Odin Olson, son of Mrs. Olson, Ir. a call for the fire department. | The Nelsons sre also raising a tiful this spring that the women de­ Prselnct. cided to Include all flowers In the whose home te at Bridal Veil, spent When Jess Smitson arrived on the variety of rabbits. Mother's Day was observed In all y'or Precinct Committeeman.— No. We have often show. They will all be exhibited In i tbe week end here, scene It was only (:3 0 and the build- f thought we would soon get enough departments of the Springfield Chris- M ®* H »n‘ lY- No. 3. H. E. Maxey, Ing wns locked, so he forced the rsftblt atock on hand so that we baskets, except the roses, which will tian church last Sunday with special ' No’ 1 c - E - Kenyon. No. 4. Clark be placed In bottles. FUNERAL HELD MONDAY door and found that grease or some (could advertise them the same as we programs and music. A Sunday Wheaton. Prises this year will consist of oil had fallen on the belt, causing 14 do our chickens,'* said Mr. Nelson, school program was held at 10:45. at FOR MRS. E. STEPHENS to slip on the pulley of the Ice mac- hut ao far we are unnblo to keep our potted plants. They have b an deem­ which Mrs. Roland Mcshler and Mrs. Democrat bine. The friction soon began burn- , hutches full. People seeing the ed more suitable prises » an cash Mrs. Myrtle Stephens, Motor route Herbert Moon sang a duet. Mother Stats and Dlstrlot awards. Ing the belt, causing clouds of smoke, hutches stop and buy a few. and tell 1, died al the Pacific Christian hos­ of Pearl. Other numbers on the prrv For Member of the Democratic A ruined belt and pulley waa the others about them and thus advertise pital In Eugene last Friday, after a gram were a planologue. A Song of National Committee. — W alter M. STATE MEN SEND PLANS only damage done. for us brief Illness. She leaves her husband, Mother, by Irene Anderson; a duet. FOR DOYLE HILL WORK Elvln Stephens, and a bsby daughter Mother of Mine, an original song Pierce, of Union county. Oswald West, of Multnomah county. less than a week old. Other surviving written by Dan Beals and sung by H U LETT NEW PRESIDENT AIRS. C. O. WILSON REGENT For U. S. Senator In Congress.— Plans and specifications for the relatives are her parents, Mr. and himself and his daughter, Agatha; OF H. S. STUDENT BODY OF D. A. R. ORGANIZATION Hendricks and Doyle Hill sections of Mrs. Newton Lindley, Natron; two and a song. Mother. My Dear, by a Blto.i Watkins, of Multnomah county. For Representative In Congress. the McKenzie highway have been re­ brothers, Albert and W illiam. Spring- male chorus. Rev. Pruitt preached Jack Hulett was chosen president Mrs. C. O. Wilson was elected ceived by the county court from the First District.— William A. Delsell, of field; and four sisters, Mrs. Ethel on the theme Mother Love, at the of the high school studentahody at regent of the Oregon Lewis and Marlon county. the Springfield high schord annual Clark chapter. Daughters of the state highway engineering depart­ Driscoll, of Eugene; Mrs. Frank morning service, and Paul Jones and For Governor— Edward F. Bailey, ment. The contract calls for highway Funk. Florence; Mrs. Clara McHenry Evelyn Harris led the Christian En election, which was held at the American Revolution, at a meeting In work on a stretch of a little more of Vaughn; and Mrs. Roy Borden, deavor program on the subject. De­ of Lane county. A. C. Hough, of school Inst Thursday. The other of­ Eugene on Friday afternoon at the Josephine county. Ed. S. Piper, n< than nine miles, and will probably be of Cottage H ill, Florida. veloping OoodWtll Through tbe Home. ficers of the student body for the home of Mrs. R. T. Burnett. The Multnomah county. George R. W il­ school year of 1930-31 are: Paul Rob- ,'organisation Is composed largely of lei at the meeting of the state high The funeral services were held on In the evening tbe choir gave a spe­ bur. of Hood River county. ley. vice-president; Nellie Stewart, Eugene women, a few Springfield way commission In Portand on May Monday afternoon at 3:00 o'clock cial Mother’s Day concert of many For Justice of the Supreme Court. 22. The specifications call for the secretary; and Lela Squires, trea­ ladles belonging The other officers from the Walker-Poole rhapel. Rev. well known mother songs. Position No. 5.—Oliver P. Coshow, of completion of this work by Oetober surer. Earl 9. Childers, of the Christian were all from Eugene Douglas eounty. 31st. Safety Lanst Painted The outgoing officers are Freeman church of Eugene, officiated, and In­ A short program was held follow­ For Senator, Fourth Senatorial State highway gravel trucks are Squires, president; Ralph Hughes, ing the business meeting and the terment was made In the Mount Ver- Safety lanes for pedestrians were District. L. L. Ray, of Lane county. busy now hauling crushed gravel vice-president; Bernice Burkhalter, election. non cemetery. painted on the pavement at the In­ County from the crusher at Thurston to a secretary, and Faye Parsons, trea- People to attend tersections on Main street between For County Commissioner.— Rosa lot near the Nelson poultry farm, Mrsr. One of the largest groups of people Third and 8lxth streets the first Ksnslngton Club to Meet Huston, of Eugene. H. A. Rust, of where It will be stored until It is used Mrs. H. W. Whitney will entertain In the oiling of the highway this snm to attend a local funeral was present part of the week by street depart­ Blachly. W eatflr Résidant Hara— Mr«. L. K. the members of the Kensington club Monday afternoon for the services, ment workers. They are a deep or­ mer. The Kernan construction com- Pasvar, of W estfir, was a Monday at a one o’clock dish luncheon at her nanv and thirty auto* ange color and the walking public -h it . ¿ an