THE SPRINGFIELD NEWS TWENTY-SEVENTH YEAR. SPRINGFIELD, LANE COUNTY. OREGON THURSDAY. MAY X, 1930 No. 18 g J tL f" Mother’s Day Suggestions ‘Lest You Forget’ A BOX OF OUR DELICIOUS CANDY A selection from our Krugrmit Toilet Article«. Perfume« Office Form« Try the Drug Htore Elr«t. letter Head« Expert Crankcase Service Ketels’ Drug Store Statement« FREE Battery Service Expert Charging prlcaa. A convinca Money Battary and tria l Repairing, Ranting w ilt at by Re- loweet Im m ediately you that you w ill alwaya Spring Goats Huslncn« Card« and Sava w ork dona Th« only th in e we charge you to r I« the oil and great« wa uaa. Expert Crankoaaa Service w hile you w a it — FREEI Run your oar around any tlm r $14.50 Hand Hill« Envelope« COATS NOW Blotter« $11.44 Ticket« Menus, etc Golden Rule In Springfield. W m . Rodetibough G arage Cor 5th and A Sts. Phone 95 A N D S E R V IC E S T A T IO N Willamette Press R u le r s o f L o w P r ic e s 10th and Willamette Phons 44 S P R IN G F IE L D W om en’s and Misses’ EUGENE New Schaefer’s Building ORECK a « A tn o VAH WA-> fctlVr «S A X 1 V » ALL UtAMV O W V H .U ----1 HV * O T C H I U , t ' “